Black Santa Teaser Chaps 1 & 2

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  • Words: 11,794
  • Pages: 44
Black Santa A Christmas Story

Written by A. G. Fielder

PublishAmerica Baltimore

© 2009 by A. G. Fielder. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal. First printing

All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

PublishAmerica has allowed this work to remain exactly as the author intended, verbatim, without editorial input.

ISBN: 978-1-60749-295-5 PUBLISHED BY PUBLISHAMERICA, LLLP Baltimore Printed in the United States of America

Black Santa A Christmas Story


I thank God, always for to him I give the praise and the glory. To Elijah – my wonderful son – I love you, always! To family (Ma, Tiff, Chan, Chancie, Kam, Grandma, PopPop, James, etc.) and friends (you know who you are), thank you. To the readers – thanks for your support.

1 Burbank, California Warner/Elektra/Atlantic Lot Headquarters of No Doubt Records It was just another manic Monday morning in Burbank as Calvin Wilkins, Vice President of Artists and Repertoire (A&R) at No Doubt Records glances out of the window of his fifth floor office. Wilkins had been responsible for pumping out some of the label’s hottest hip hop acts including a Grammy award winning duet between the label’s very own R&B chanteuse Kanika and the New York by way of LA born rapper 2Dime. He had spent most of his career stepping on the toes of anybody in his way to the top of the charts. Calvin was the man who had a grip of one hit wonders in one hand and a few ghetto superstars turned Grammy nominees in the other. There was a lot riding on his latest endeavor—to put it lightly his career was on the line. Everything that Calvin promised the label would be a sure thing had ended up a complete failure. His latest idea was to have a reality show following the life and times



of a few of his newly signed hopefuls. As always, Calvin talked a good game—promising a success that paralleled that of American Idol, however, his colleagues at No Doubt Records were skeptical to say the least. While he was busy pitching his gritty, street version of American Idol to anyone who would meet with him, his colleagues were busy interviewing other track masters in the business who were ready, willing and able to step into his shoes and jack him for his seat as the VP of A&R at No Doubt Records. It had been two long years since Calvin had brought hit maker Kanika to the table and time was running out for him. If he did not find someone or something soon, he would definitely be out of a job. Calvin was treading on thin ice and he knew it. Fumbling around with his pen at his desk he began to think of what could be if he didn’t find an artist. He needed a hit—a triple, threat—a sure thing that would keep him afloat. But the problem was no one came to mind. Each time Calvin would hit the strip to check out a new act he found it to be a complete waste of time. To him, Los Angeles had become a toxic wasteland of talentless wannabees, which proved to be an even greater liability. Since there were no immediate possibilities for him to report on, he figured that he had nothing to lose by checking in with his assistant Michelle—after all she kept her ear to the streets and seemed to be in love with the Los Angeles night time club scene. “Michelle!” buzzed Calvin from his office phone. “Yes, Calvin?” she answered. “Come into my office, we need to go over some stuff,” he said abruptly. Within mere seconds a 5’7" bronze-skinned, curly haired, athletic, twenty-something bounced into his office holding a pen and small notebook.



“You buzzed me Calvin” she sassed darting her hunter green eyes at him over her trendy, black framed, glasses. “Uhm-hmm, have a seat,” began Calvin nonchalantly looking at his yellow steno pad. Opening her spiral notebook to a clean sheet of paper, Michelle clicked her ballpoint pen and began to write. “What’s the status on the club scene? Who did you check out last night?” Calvin asked anxiously while shifting around a few papers on his desk looking fervidly for his to do list. “Club scene…” mumbled Michelle hesitantly looking up from her notebook. “Oh—oh you mean the Knitting Factory?” she answered finally, glancing at Calvin uneasily while still writing a few notes. Calvin nodded impatiently. If she didn’t have something for him—that is, anything at all—then he’d be both screwed and embarrassed during his afternoon conference call with the President of the company and the other Vice Presidents in the New York, Atlanta and Miami offices. “Yeah, I checked out Smoke—that rapper from Houston and apparently he’s not on the solo kick anymore,” she mentioned. “Dammit!” Calvin said breathing heavily—near startling Michelle. “Well, what’s he doing then? Anybody in his crew we can work with?” barked Calvin. “I don’t know. He just announced this at the club last night,” answered Michelle. “Is that it? I mean is that all you have for me?” he asked curtly. “Yeah, pretty much,” added Michelle nonchalantly. Staring at her in the chair directly across from him sitting there as if nothing really mattered, Calvin could not believe that he actually kept Michelle as his assistant. From his point of view,



Michelle just did not have what it takes to be a good personal assistant. She wasn’t thorough enough for his liking. All she really had going for her were her good looks and her seductive body but right now that wasn’t enough to keep him out of losing his job. “I don’t have time for this crap Michelle,” blurted Calvin angrily. “What do you think this is, huh? I don’t pay you to piss around!” he continued getting angrier by the minute. “But Calvin I…” she added hesitantly. “Ain’t no Calvin I’s! That just ain’t cool,” he continued yelling. “Calvin, just let me explain.” she pleaded. “Nah…nah. Hell nah! When I tell you to go out there and find me an artist, I damn well mean it. Here it is Monday morning and still you got nothing Michelle. Not a damn thing! You had three days—count ’em shorty! One—two—three days!” he yelled so loud that the other assistants outside of his office immediately stopped what they were doing, and listened. Distraught and angry over how Calvin was speaking to her, Michelle sat quietly looking at her notebook. One of these days somebody was going to teach him a lesson, because he just didn’t know how to treat people. The day would soon come when the shoe would be on the other foot, and she couldn’t wait. Putting her pen down, and glancing up slowly she didn’t know where to begin. She sighed deeply before responding to him. “I’m sorry Calvin,” she said somberly. “You didn’t make it seem like there was such a dire need for somebody,” Michelle continued. “There you go—tryin’ to be cute! Ain’t working’ though! Fact is you didn’t do your job! I remember not so long ago how you begged me for a chance—remember that? Remember what you did—I mean—said? Because I do,” Calvin said condescendingly with a laugh as he let his eyes drift from her face to her chest.



Michelle could not understand his attitude this morning. She was well adjusted to his arrogance, but today he put extras on it. She couldn’t afford to lose her job and she knew that if Calvin was embarrassed in any way at his meeting this afternoon he would fire her for sure. Glancing over at him in disgust, she could see his distress. Something else was up with him and it had little to do with her. If Michelle was going to avoid having Calvin yell at her for the duration of the day, she had to do a little damage control. “Calvin,” she began gently. “The best I can do is go back down to the Knitting Factory tonight and see if I can get Smoke to come up here in the morning,” she offered apologetically. “I don’t need him tomorrow Michelle! I need him or somebody else today!” Calvin said sharply. “I could get on it right now—you know—make a few phone calls and see what his schedule looks like today,” she added. “You do that,” continued Calvin in agitation. As Michelle closed her notebook and began to walk out of the office, she was cut short by yet another demand by Calvin. “Oh and Michelle,” he began as she stopped in her tracks and whirled around. “I’m gonna need to talk to him by 10:00. Got it?” he sneered. “10:00?” she asked in disbelief. “That’s only an hour away Calvin!” she said defensively. Calvin, still seated, tapped the tip of his pen on his desk while shooting her a sharp, cold look. “Your point?” “I don’t know if…” Michelle cut herself off noticing the look in his eyes. Swallowing her pride, she managed to oblige his request. Just another day of making the impossible—possible. “Yes, Calvin” she whispered—her eyes misty with anger.



“That’s what I thought. What are you standing there for? Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!” he said, his voice rose in aggravation. Closing the door gently behind her and shaking her head, Michelle mumbled to her coworker Mignon. “He is such a jerk!” “I don’t know how you deal with him, girl,” replied Mignon. “I don’t know either. He wants me to track down some lowbudget, no name rapper within the hour just to spare his evil ass a little humiliation,” Michelle said over the wall of her cubicle to Mignon. “Oh no! I forgot to tell him that his girlfriend called,” she groaned. “Don’t you mean ex-wife? Oh I bet he’ll just love that!” added Mignon as she continued typing on her computer. “No. His ex-girlfriend, you know—the white one.” replied Michelle. “The white one!” gasped Mignon. “Yeah girl! She’s taking him to court.” “What! Girl, stop playing! The ex-girlfriend or the ex-wife?” asked Mignon eagerly looking up at Michelle. “The ex-girlfriend. I thought I told you. She’s taking Calvin down for back child support or something. From what she said homeboy is five years overdue,” added Michelle. “Shut—up! Stop playing’! So you mean to tell me that he got an 8 year old with the ex-wife and a 5 year old with the exgirlfriend?” asked Mignon perplexed. “Yeah—he gets around.” “Girl, you know that’s a hot mess! But it serves his cheap tail right!” said Mignon laughing as Michelle began making phone calls. The two continued to laugh at the thought of Calvin



squirming his way out of going to court. They knew that he considered himself a real Don Juan DiMarco with the ladies and yet finally somebody was about to show him what’s up. Michelle was still heated about how he carried on earlier, so she decided to wait a little while before telling him about his little court matter. By then he’d be hell bent on finding a way to get out of dealing with the ex while at the same time trying to find a way to save face at his meeting. Just like clockwork, Calvin buzzed Michelle at ten o’clock on the dot. Hesitantly, she answered his call. “Status?” he said arrogantly. “Tracked him down,” began Michelle. “And?” “And he—Smoke, said he can be here by noon if that works for you,” she added condescendingly. “Fine. Let me know when he gets here.” replied Calvin. Hanging up the phone, Michelle rolled her eyes in disdain. She hated having to work for Calvin as his assistant. He had a bad attitude and was getting on her last nerve. Change was in the wind and she was going to have to get another gig. Calvin caught Michelle off guard when he stormed out of his office and stopped short at her desk. “I’m stepping out so hold all my calls until I get back,” he said startling her a bit. “I should be back before your little friend arrives. If not, have him wait,” he added. “Oh and make sure you set up two lunch meetings. One with Desiree at Bad Boy and one with Maleeka at Epic,” he continued noticing that Michelle hadn’t written anything down. Sensing his attitude Michelle grabbed her pen and flipped through her notebook as Calvin continued talking, her green eyes slowly drifted up to meet his. “Also, I need you to send a dozen roses—red and yellow—to



Myeisha over at Duvernay and also send two boxes of Godiva to Lindsay at Bragman. The card to Myeisha should say let’s make it happen again, and the card to Lindsay should say, can’t wait until tonight.” Still flipping through her notebook, Michelle appeared to be ignoring Calvin. Finally coming to a clean sheet of paper, she slowly began to jot down a few notes. Agitated at her apparent lack of interest, Calvin started to lose his cool. This was something that Michelle had grown accustomed to. It was just a normal day at No Doubt Records for her. Calvin was always in some sort of foul mood and while she tried not to take it personal she couldn’t help but to wonder why he was so rude to her. She dismissed it as the nature of the beast in the world of entertainment. He was just like many, worse than some, and slightly better than a few. He had that syndrome that so many men who are young, attractive, and rich suffer from—where they make a heap of money and act all high on the hog. That sense of entitlement that is taken to a dark place by the have-nots who quickly come into having. Turning them into rich jerks better know by their codename: asshole. Calvin was just that, and Michelle was quickly growing weary of his mean-spirited ways. She worked hard, twice as hard as he did just to get into this business and wasn’t about to have a rich jerk take it all away from her. One thing that kept Michelle humble was the notion that money made quick, leaves quick and she watched how fast Calvin had made his money. Sure he had the looks and sometimes the charm. Standing at 6’3, with a chiseled hard body, and cocoa brown skin—he was hot, but he had a real stank attitude. One of these days Calvin was going to pay for how he treated people. Starring blankly at her notebook, Michelle’s moves were almost mechanical in nature. She began thinking about what she would order for lunch.



“Michelle,” said Calvin interrupting her thoughts. “I hope you got all of this, because I ain’t trying to say it again.” added Calvin crassly still posted up at Michelle’s desk watching as she took notes. “Oh—I got it,” Michelle darted back sarcastically without looking up. “Alright then run it back to me, since you got it,” he added facetiously. Silence swept through the A&R department as the other assistants watched the interaction between Calvin and Michelle. Noticing the stares, Michelle took a deep breath and after shaking her head in disbelief, she looked into his eyes and began to run it back to him. “Two lunch meetings, one with Desiree at Bad Boy and one with Maleeka at Epic. I’m assuming you want them at your usual spot at The Ivy on Robertson, but you didn’t specify. Then I am to send a dozen roses—red and yellow—to Myeisha at Duvernay with the card saying let’s make it happen again and two boxes of Godiva to…” Before she could finish, Calvin cut her off abruptly. He didn’t want the entire office knowing his business with the roses and chocolates, but it was too late for that. “Right,” he interrupted callously as Michelle was still speaking. “Well I’m on the cell if something should come up. Back in a few!” he said as he walked to the elevator. “Calvin!” yelled Michelle as he stopped in his tracks and pivoted slowly in her direction. “I almost forgot to tell you—your ex called and wants you to call her back, she said something about taking you to court for child support,” Michelle said loud enough for everyone to hear. To save face Calvin decided to play it off coolly. “That will be all Michelle. Thank you.”



Calvin resumed his stride and made his way into the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Mignon started laughing, then stood up and gave Michelle the “go on girl” look as the other assistants all gathered around Michelle’s desk to hear more about the flowers and candy she had to send. Meanwhile on the elevator ride down to the lobby, Calvin called up his ex-girlfriend and latest baby-mamma Carrie to see what the deal was about this newfound court situation. If it was one thing that he hated it was baby mamma drama. The last thing he needed was for Carrie to get out of line. He hadn’t paid her a dime of child support and did not intend to because in his mind she didn’t deserve it and he shared the same ignorant mentality that many immature men have—that child support is just a cop out for a woman to get back at the guy for the breakup. Besides, how could he truly be sure that the little kid was his anyways? Never once did he realize that not paying child support was a form of punishment to his kid. He didn’t care because to him, chicks were disposable and if they got pregnant it was their fault and not his. It was like people always say— mama’s baby, papa’s maybe. Calvin began to think less and less of Carrie when she decided to keep the baby. All that stuff he said about being there for her was just game to keep Carrie at bay and him in the driver’s seat of the relationship. Truth be told that he didn’t even consider Carrie to be the wife type. She gave it up too soon, and so in the whimsical mind of Calvin Wilkins she was just his little, white jump off that could get him access to the finer things in life that are often restricted to black men. Too bad she didn’t see it that way. Carrie thought that she and Calvin had a connection. She didn’t see color when she saw him. Instead, she saw the perfect man. She loved his chocolate coated, Brazil nut complexion. She was mesmerized by his intelligence, confidence, and success. The intensity of his



almond shaped, mahogany brown eyes was enough to make her melt in his gaze. Carrie couldn’t get enough of Calvin, and she never realized that there were any race based dynamics that played a role in their relationship. Sure, her black girlfriends told her that Calvin was only with her because she’d bow down to him in a way that no sista would ever do, but she didn’t see it that way. To cater to a man is quite different than bowing down to him in submission. And Carrie took pride in catering to Calvin’s every desire. Sexually, Carrie felt that she’d met her polar equal in him. He was everything she’d dreamed of in a lover. His body was robust and chiseled like a black Adonis and he towered over her making her feel safe in a way that no other man could. When Carrie was with Calvin, there was no other. She honestly thought that they were headed to the altar—and when he did a 360 on her with his rancid attitude, she was completely crushed and blown away. As time passed, Carrie gave birth to Calvin’s second child, a daughter. He’d already had a child with his exwife, but Carrie thought that a new baby would change things for them. Little did she know, change was definitely in the wind, but not for the better. Calvin’s history became his future, and he bounced on Carrie just as he did on his ex-wife. Somehow she managed to find the strength to be a single mom, but still wanted to stay amicable with Calvin for their daughter’s sake. Calvin, on the other hand, wanted no part of Carrie or his daughter. Now here it was a full five years later, and Calvin thought Carrie was pulling the old okee-doke by taking him to court. His options were few and far between. He could either duck and dodge old’ girl, or he could man up to the plate, bust a move and give her a call. Surprisingly, he chose the latter. The phone rang a good five times when he called Carrie. Same number, same voicemail greeting, same old Carrie. Not getting through, he had no other



choice but to leave her a message. Maybe after hearing it, she’d fall for the game and withdraw the court papers. “Carrie,” he began snidely dragging out her name while still in the elevator. “What’s good baby? I hear you tryin’ to take your man to court. It ain’t that serious boo! Besides I don’t even know if that baby’s mine. You know how you do and I know how ya did a brotha. It was real foul how it went down and I should’ve got that paternity test early on, but it’s all good baby. Calvin Wilkins don’t hold no grudges. Like Pac said, I ain’t mad atcha. So reach out and touch a brotha when you got a moment. One!” Calvin slammed his phone shut. If it was one thing that he didn’t need right now, it was his ex-girlfriend trying to hit him up for child support. He had enough on his plate with work and he had no time for this. Calvin thought back to how much money he’d tricked on her when they were together. From what he remembered, it was a grip! Counting shoes, meals, and rent it was quite a few thousand and the snatch wasn’t even that good! What more did she want? Carrie had to understand that she wasn’t Calvin’s wife! Plain and simple, she never was and never would be his wife. His ex-wife, Juanita, threatened to do the same thing by taking him to court as well. But Calvin had to shut her down, and if Carrie wasn’t careful he’d do the same to her. Calvin recalled that his divorce from Juanita had gotten so messy that it nearly blemished his career in the music industry and he had worked too hard for that to happen. So when the ex— Juanita that is—started with the calls, nasty messages, and homemade public service announcements talking about “stand up and be a man” or “I know you better handle your responsibility,” he had to shut her down. So Calvin greased a few palms and had his artist 2Dime get a few of the homies pay Juanita a visit and shake things up a bit. After that, she never tripped on



him again. So he didn’t even think twice about doing the same thing to Carrie. If there was a lesson to be taught, then he’d teach her a lesson she’d never forget. Laughing it off as the elevator doors opened, Calvin headed out of the building towards the parking structure. On his way there, Raquel, the Manager of National Publicity at Jeter Harris PR Firm, who Calvin had a one-nighter with two weeks prior—crossed his path. Of course, there was much to be said. With sunglasses on, Calvin tried hard to pretend not to see her. He had a new jump off now and Raquel was of no use to him. Before he could walk past her, she grabbed his arm tightly. “Oh, so you gonna act like you ain’t see me huh, Calvin?” questioned Raquel in that I’ma put my foot up your tail way. “Always a pleasure Raquel, how are you today?” answered Calvin trying to play it off. Shaking her head in irritation, Raquel removed her hand from his arm and carefully placed it on her hip. “Why you gotta fake me Calvin? I’m not some cheap trick that you can hit off when you want to. I thought we had a connection. I thought you were different,” she replied beginning to raise her voice. “Look,” began Calvin snidely. “Oh I get it! Yeah, you just went out with me so you could get your little singer Kanika on my client list. Now that she is Urban Magazine’s cover girl of the month, this is the thanks I get!” she continued. “It’s just business baby! You how we do!” added Calvin smiling arrogantly as he began to walk off. “What?” yelled Raquel. Calvin stopped, took off his sunglasses, and turned around briefly to give Raquel the once over. He didn’t know what he saw in her—perhaps, it was just the opportunity to get a little extra



exposure for Kanika. Raquel, had nice legs, and nice lips, but that was about it. She wasn’t a certified banger like his latest chick Rocio. He sized her up again, and then put back on his sunglasses and smiled that condescending sneer that a man has when he’s done with you and the game is over. “We went out, had some fun. I broke you off and now it’s done! Feel me, baby girl? It would have never worked out. So I’ma bounce, got a lot of things to do and I’ll holla at you later.” said Calvin as he turned away from Raquel who was now shouting at him. “Son-of-a-bitch!” “How dare you!” she barked. “I hope you rot in hell! One day—one sweet day somebody’s gonna get you! You hear me! They’re gonna get you!” continued Raquel as Calvin disappeared into the parking structure. Angry and hurt Raquel stomped back to her office building as Calvin laughed all the way to his red convertible and sped off with his left hand waving at her in the wind. “Bastard! Wasn’t man enough for me anyways,” she mumbled, among other things, as she watched him drive away. *** Speeding down the 134 freeway in his candy apple, red, Corvette Calvin could hardly wait to see his latest conquest Rocio del Dios. In his mind, Rocio was a perfect ten. She was a saucy Dominican by way of New York born, twenty-four year old whose caramelized, sun-kissed, brown skin, angelic face and Beyonce-esque body set his man zone on fire. Rocio was a slow burner that made him harder than a roll of quarters. At 5’4" tall she had it going on in the looks department, and on top of that she was an independent woman with a good job over at Disney



Animation. Calvin could hardly believe his luck with this one because he had big plans for getting an animated series for his artist 2Dime and after wining and dining Rocio he was sure that she’d make it happen. She wasn’t expecting him for lunch, but that didn’t matter. Calvin thought that a surprise lunch would make Rocio smile and maybe, just maybe he could get a little lunchtime nook and cranny. It was all good because he’d planned to do whatever it took to get what he wanted out of her on the business and the pleasure tip. Charming women into doing his bidding was definitely his thing. After all, Calvin thought he had it going on. He was tall, athletic and attractive. He had money up the yin-yang, VIP status and on a scale of 1-10 he gave himself a 20. Calvin never really chased after women, they always chased after him and he liked it that way. The only time Calvin ever pursued a woman was if she was a certified banger and had something that could bolster his career. That’s why Rocio was perfect. It never occurred to him, while he was chasing her down that his exes, Carrie and Juanita, were in cahoots—busy scheming, plotting, and planning a way to bring him down! Prior to calling Calvin at his office, Carrie (the ex-girlfriend) had a series of meetings with his estranged, ex-wife Juanita. Carrie’s persuasive and non-abrasive manner had convinced Juanita to start a lawsuit for back child support against Calvin. Initially, Juanita was hesitant because back in the day, Calvin had a hired hand rough her up in front of their son. So she chalked the entire experience up as a loss and moved on with her life. Carrie on the other hand was dead set on getting her due from Calvin. She had walked away from her career as a small time actress because Calvin led her to believe that marriage was in the cards. Carrie never banked on being Calvin’s all access pass in Hollywood, and she was beyond pissed.



Livid, Carrie was determined to take Calvin for everything thing he had including the clothes off of his back. He was going to pay! She’d had a child for him, given up a promising career for him, and gave him all of the privileges that come with having a hot, nicely stacked, green-eyed, blonde bombshell on his arm and just because Juanita was too afraid to take him down, didn’t mean that Carrie would fall back and do the same. It was Calvin who fell for the game, thinking that Carrie was a weak, ivory, milk and cookies kind of girl. He actually thought that he could get over on her because she was white. “Very funny, Calvin! Very funny indeed,” she thought to herself. Carrie was a natural born strategist who would take action— absolute action whenever necessary. She had the gold digging game down to a science and Calvin was her prey. One moment of weakness with him had her jaded and sprung, but it was all good. Ever since the day Carrie realized that she wasn’t the only woman in Calvin’s life, she began plotting his demise. Her strategy was slow, callous and deadly. Like a copperhead snake, Carrie sat waiting patiently for the right moment to strike. So with her phone call to Calvin earlier that day she had laid the bait, now all she had to do was snap the trap. With Juanita in the wings and on her side with the court case, Carrie would steer Calvin’s attention away from what was really going on and walk out of this whole scheme a very wealthy woman. This was the perfect plan because both her daughter and Juanita’s son would be set for life, and she could finally get back on track with her acting career. Carrie couldn’t wait to take Calvin down and spend all of his money on her new, Malibu Ken looking boyfriend. Meanwhile back on the highway, Calvin was fast approaching the exit for Buena Vista Way. Slowing down at the traffic light, he glanced at his reflection in the rearview mirror, and nodded in



approval at what he saw. He was really feeling himself today, and he liked the way his goatee lined his upper lip and chin. Not to mention, Calvin was positive that Rocio would enjoy his visit. He had big plans in mind, and Rocio was just the ticket to bringing them to fruition. Pulling up to the gate of Disney Studios, he told the guard that Rocio del Dios in Animation was expecting him. One quick call up to Animation, and the guard came out with two passes—one to be taped to the front window of his car and the other for him to carry with him. Instinctively, the guard instructed him on where to park, and Calvin sped off without so much as thanking the man as he headed up into the visitors parking structure on the studio lot. He had a certain swagger to his walk that spelled confidence with a capital “C” when he headed over to the animation building, but to his chagrin Rocio met up with him at the halfway point. “Rocio…what’s good baby?” said Calvin, licking his lips as he pulled her close. Half hugging him back she silently, she looked gave him a stone cold way stare. “If I knew you were gonna meet me outside I would’ve brought you some roses or something,” he added hoping his wordplay would soften her gaze. Apparently Rocio was not as happy to see Calvin as he had anticipated, but nonetheless she tossed him that carefree, flawless smile of hers. For some reason, her smile alone made his heart sing. Calvin couldn’t deny it, there was something about Rocio that he really liked—it was much deeper than her looks. For a brief moment, he got all caught up gazing into her light brown eyes. He was in a trance, dreamily thinking of things that he never thought of before. He knew he could wife her in a minute and saw no problem of waking up next to that pretty smile of hers every single day. There was a gentle sincerity behind her smile that was



as reassuring as it was irresistible. Should it all come to pass, with Rocio next to him, Calvin thought his life would be complete. Smiling in spite of himself, he almost didn’t hear her question. “I’m sorry boo, I didn’t hear what you said. Got a brotha all caught up—lookin’ pretty, smellin’ nice” said Calvin with the grin of the Cheshire cat pasted on his face. “What are you doing here?” she asked looking around to see if anyone was watching. It seemed that Rocio wasn’t at all what she appeared to be. She was hiding something or someone, but Calvin was too smitten to catch on. Casually lowering her sunglasses over her eyes, she continued to look frantically around Calvin making sure that no one she knew was passing by and praying the entire time that he wouldn’t notice. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Calvin pulled Rocio closer to him, making her even more uneasy about their interaction. She played it off by quickly pulling away and forcing a chuckle. “Uhmm, you smell so good,” he whispered in her ear before she pulled away. Rocio stood firm, her shoulder grazing chestnut hair, was blowing in the wind as she continued to force a fake smile. “Calvin,” she whined trying to mask the disdain in her voice. “You should have called first baby,” she continued. “But I wanted to surprise you beautiful,” he replied licking his lips while searching fervidly for her eyes through her dark sunglasses. “I thought I could steal you away from work, maybe grab a quick bite to eat or a coffee then I’d bring you back,” he added flirtatiously. Rocio sighed heavily. She could tell that Calvin was attracted to her, as she was to him, but there was just something about him that she didn’t trust. Not to mention that she’d already been



dating a guy on the lot who could possibly move her career on the fast track to success and she didn’t want to mess that up. However thinking about the possibilities with Calvin was intriguing as well. He was definitely her type. The height, the eyes, the lips, the goatee—whoa! Yeah he was just right. And if he was willing to be as financially generous as her guy on the lot then she wouldn’t have a problem focusing her attention in his direction. But until that time, Calvin had to take a backseat, because getting to the top of the game in to her career was priority numero uno. “I don’t like surprises at work Calvin,” she said softly as she tossed one of her curly tresses out of her face. “Ok,” stammered Calvin apprehensively. “I guess a brotha should’ve called first,” he added. The look he gave caught her off guard. The intensity of the gaze coming through those almond shaped eyes nearly knocked her off of her feet. He really was an attractive man. He had the deep set, dark brown eyes, flanked by thick jet black eyelashes, chiseled bone structure and keen facial features on the most beautiful chestnut skin she’d ever seen. Calvin nearly took her breath away. She liked the way his suit hugged his body and the arch in his back when he held her close. She loved how he towered over her perfectly even when she wore four inch stilettos. She fantasized about how it would feel to have his smooth, plush, pillow-talk lips ravish hers in a kiss. Feelings of passion ignited inside of her as she watched his lips in anticipation of each word that he had to say. Glancing left slightly to compose herself, Rocio noticed two women sizing Calvin up from head to toe and back to head again. Looking at them out of the corner of her eye and then back at him made her decide to take him upon his offer. After all, she couldn’t have any other woman cramping her style with a potential sugar daddy. “Well,” she began.



“You’re in luck Calvin,” she added. “Oh really?” he asked playfully. “Lunch is out! But I can grab a quick latte with you at the coffee stand,” she said matter-of-factly. “Nah baby let me take you to Starbucks or something,” he pleaded. “Can’t do it today Cal—I only got twenty minutes to give,” replied Rocio. “Ok, I’ll work with that—but you owe me aight!” said Calvin. “Uhm-hmm, okay,” answered Rocio playfully nudging him towards the coffee stand. Calvin savored every minute of their tit-for-tat conversation. He realized that Rocio was as smart as she was sexy which could be a liability. But that didn’t matter because at the end of the day she was still a woman, and he welcomed the challenge of conquering her making her bow down and do everything he wanted. Like he told Raquel—it was just business—nothing more, nothing less.


2 Back at the office, Michelle sat anxiously awaiting Calvin’s arrival. She had left several messages on his cell phone letting him know that Smoke and his entourage were getting restless in the office waiting for him. They had been there since noon, and it was already quarter to one. Hungry, angry, and tired Michelle made several excuses for Calvin’s delay. The other assistants had already bailed on her and went to lunch as she sat babysitting HTown’s latest country thug rapper Smoke. If it was one thing that Michelle absolutely hated, it was pacifying wannabe thug rappers. Just as she was calling to leave Calvin yet another message, he stepped out of the elevator beaming and actually thanked her for her hard work while urging her to take an extended lunch break. Michelle quickly grabbed her cell phone and purse out of the lower right drawer of her desk and a beeline for the elevator. Calvin didn’t have to tell her twice to go to lunch. Quietly she disappeared as the elevator doors closed. Calvin greeted his guests with palms extended for a handshake and ushered them into his office. “Smoke…right?” he asked sarcastically. “Yeah!” answered the 6’0" tall, lean young man. 25


“Sorry to keep you waiting,” said Calvin matter-of-factly. “Why don’t you have a seat,” he added as he sat down behind his desk. Smoke walked into the office with a streetwise limp, and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of Calvin’s desk. He motioned for his friend to stay outside. “Thank you Mr. Wilkins for setting up this meeting,” began the rapper while looking at all of the platinum records encased on the walls of the office. He noticed several Grammy Awards on a curio above a plasma television and BOSE cd/dvd system. To Smoke, this was money at its finest, and he couldn’t wait until he got a chunk of it. Looking at Smoke, Calvin saw nothing but dollar signs. He had the right look, and had that raw talent that was fresh. Once cleaned-up image wise, he’d be the perfect hip-hop product— which was just good enough to present at this afternoon’s meeting. “Smoke, I’m glad you made it over here on such short notice,” replied Calvin finally. Still checking him out, Calvin noticed that Smoke was all of 19 years old maybe 20 at the most with all of the ambition in the world. He was as eager and ambitious as he was ignorant and naïve. So hungry for success by any means possible was Smoke that Calvin could smell the sheer desperation five miles away. Those qualities alone made him an easy mark for Calvin. “So…what’s your story?” Calvin asked the boy, his brown eyes piercing through Smoke for an answer. “I was born in Houston and my family moved around a lot,” he answered. “Ok,” said Calvin who now turned his attention to a nearby memo. “What else? Why do you want this? What makes you so



different than what’s out there right now?” pressed Calvin firmly still reading the memo. “Well,” began Smoke hesitantly. Calvin looked up as the boy swallowed hard and took a deep breath. He loved being in control and running things. “I don’t know where to begin,” replied Smoke slowly losing his confidence. Returning his gaze back to the paperwork on his desk, Calvin shook his head at Smoke. “You can always begin with your name,” he said sarcastically. “Oh yeah,” answered Smoke. “My real name is Ryan Walker, and ever since my pops bounced I wanted to rap. My music is therapeutic.” Seemed like the word therapeutic was a new word for Smoke— his intonation alone, was a dead giveaway. Calvin sat and searched Smoke’s personality for a weak point to exploit. As the young man rambled on and on, it didn’t take long for Calvin to find it. “Hold up! Did you say divorce?” he probed only after hearing the boy mention it. “Yeah,” replied Smoke somberly. “So your dad so your dad just up and left huh? Any brothers or sisters?” asked Calvin. “Twelve,” he answered flatly. “Wow. I didn’t know that there were still sistas out there who would push out a litter like that,” added Calvin with a sneaky laugh. Joining in on the laughter, Smoke cleared his throat and continued. “Yeah, I’m feelin’ you on that one ‘cuz I ain’t found one yet. My moms is white,” he added still laughing. For a moment, there was a sudden hush in the room until finally Calvin said something.



“That figures.” Smoke couldn’t help but to wonder what Calvin meant by that last comment. He didn’t want to think too much about it, so he quickly dismissed it as Calvin trying to keep the conversation going. As the meeting progressed, Calvin felt like he was on top of the world. After making a few false promises to the rap hopeful, Calvin shook Smoke’s hand and called for Michelle— who had by then returned from lunch—to come and show Smoke the way out. With a daunting smile, Calvin punched into his teleconference meeting and boasted of how he’d just signed an artist. Just when he thought the sun was shining on him, he overheard an argument outside of his office. He couldn’t make out what the fuss was all about, but he did hear Michelle’s voice distinctly. “I’m sorry ma’am, but you can’t go in there,” said Michelle sternly. “To hell with him and you,” yelled the woman. In a quick move, Calvin placed his conference call on mute. He recognized that voice all too well. It was Juanita, his ex-wife, standing outside of his office making a scene by yelling at his assistant. Where did she come from and what did she want? Things were getting a little crazy. First Carrie calls, now Juanita shows up. If memory served him right, Calvin recalled scaring Juanita out of his life a few years ago, and now she resurfaced on today of all days, just when he thought things were going good. He didn’t need the drama and he hoped Michelle could contain the situation so he wouldn’t have to see Juanita at all. “I’ve waited three years for this and I’m going to see that Calvin gets what I got for him personally.” shouted Juanita as she pushed past Michelle bolting into his office. “But Miss, I can’t let you do that,” said Michelle calmly before being shoved aside by the woman.



Juanita Reivers-Wilkins was a shapely, 5’9", leggy, chocolate skinned woman. She looked like an international import from Ethiopia with her smooth skin, delicate doll-like features and kohl black hair. She was a third generation American whose family was from Jamaica, Trinidad and Ethiopia. They had initially settled in New York and then moved to Washington, DC where she was born. Juanita left DC to attend graduate school in Los Angeles when she met Calvin by chance while bartending at a party that he was promoting. Things just sort of evolved from there. Her marriage to him was disastrous from the start and yet she stayed with him because she was afraid of not having a man in her life and being alone. Now standing in his office she was personally serving him a court subpoena for several years of back child support. It didn’t matter that she should have had a third party serve him—she just wanted to see him squirm. Juanita had learned firsthand about his net worth from his ex-girlfriend Carrie who’d despite the odds, she had become fast friends with. Carrie encouraged Juanita to get back at Calvin for all of the lies, stress, and hardship that he’d caused in her life. Initially, Juanita did not trust Carrie, but after a sincere apology Juanita became less skeptical than she had been before. Carrie seemed to want what was fair and best for Juanita, and she felt that she, Juanita and their kids had all got the short end of the stick from Calvin. For that reason alone, Calvin would have to pay dearly. With that in mind, Juanita shoved Calvin’s assistant Michelle, out of her way, flung open the door, and sashayed into his office. As she entered Calvin made his best attempt to mask his disdain and shock at seeing her. Smiling with a combination of bliss and disgust in her eyes, Juanita approached Calvin slowly. Glancing over at him, the statuesque beauty tossed the manila envelope that she was carrying on to his desk. Shooting a sharp yet curious



look at Juanita, Calvin apprehensively picked up the envelope. He opened it slowly, pulled out a document, and quickly read through it. “What’s this?” he asked sighing in quiet anger as he still listened in on his conference call. Juanita chucked as she flung her curly tresses out of her face and began to walk out. Before Calvin could object, she interrupted whatever he thought she would say. “See you in court Calvin!” she said curtly as she waived her hand and strut her stuff out of his office. Stunned, Michelle stood rigid as she watched Juanita saunter past her to the elevator. She couldn’t believe that Calvin’s ex-wife had just pushed her into the wall. She couldn’t fathom what was going on between him, the ex-girlfriend, and the ex-wife that would make her come up to the office and get all physical. Michelle was beginning to think that this job was more trouble than it was worth. She didn’t get paid enough to deal with this kind of drama. Shaking it off, Michelle walked over to her desk and prepared to sit down as Calvin buzzed her profusely on her phone. The door to his office stood wide open just as Juanita had left it. Thankfully the other assistants were not around to witness the exchange that was about to take place. “Michelle, get in here now!” yelled Calvin over the intercom. Agitated, uneasy and on edge Michelle pushed her chair out from beneath her desk, stood up and walked stoically into Calvin’s office. If Calvin thought that he was going bully her and pull rank, he certainly had another thought coming. Noticing Michelle now in his office, Calvin motioned for her to close the door and take a seat—of which she did. “What’s your problem today?” he asked blatantly. “What do you mean?” Michelle replied.



“I mean, what is your problem Michelle? Don’t you understand English?” he continued coldly. “Hold up Calvin!” Michelle began—she was about to set it off. “Who do you think you’re talking to?” she asked raising her voice. “You have your pathetic personal life all over this office. Your girlfriend calls, then you go out for a damn booty call, just to come back so your crazy ex-wife can serve you a subpoena and push me up against the wall like I’m some sort of ragdoll. Now you’re trying to act like all of this is my fault. I’m your assistant not your jump-off, ex-wife or ex-girlfriend. Cleaning up your messy relationships is not in my job description. So don’t you dare ask me what my problem is, when you know damn well that my problem is you Calvin!” shouted Michelle not realizing how loud she’d gotten. Tapping his fingers on his desk with the conference call still on mute, Calvin was shocked at how Michelle had just carried on. He knew that women could be emotional but not towards him—like that—in the office. Her little display was completely unprofessional. It made him look bad and he couldn’t tolerate looking bad or being humiliated by anyone. This had to end. Where did she get off yelling at him anyways? We’ll he told her awhile ago that she was replaceable and in a rash move he was about to show her that he wasn’t playing. Calvin Wilkins meant business, and Michelle was just about to find out where she stood in his world. Tidying up his desk, he allowed several uncomfortable moments of silence to pass before he spoke. “Are you finished?” he asked casually. Unaffected by the current look on his face, Michelle pulled her hair up into a ponytail before answering. Cleaning the film off of her glasses with her shirt, she looked up at Calvin as she put her glasses back on her face.



“Yes Calvin, I am,” she said firmly. Calvin inhaled slightly before responding. He took a good look at Michelle—staring deeply into her hypnotic, green eyes. “Good,” he replied. “Because you’re fired.” he added. Without another word or a second look, Calvin pivoted his chair 90 degrees to the left and began typing something on his computer. That statement hit Michelle like a ton of bricks. How could he fire her? She began talking without thinking. “You evil, maniacal, jerk!” she blurted. “Who do you think you are? I worked my butt off up here for you,” she continued—her voice trembling in anger. Laughing callously at her reaction, Calvin raised his hand and shooed her away. “Collect your things, Michelle before I have security escort you out,” he replied without even looking her way. “Oh it’s like that?” she said enraged. “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have your little, crisp and cozy VP title up here at No Doubt Records. You’re a meanspirited, cold-hearted, snake and everybody hates you,” she continued as tears welled up in her eyes. “Awh,” began Calvin facetiously. “Michelle, you don’t have to cry. Really baby,” he added still laughing. Standing livid and motionless in his office, Michelle had no idea that her yelling had caused most of the A&R Executives to step out of their offices listening intently and curiously at the exchange between her and Calvin. “One day Calvin, the shoe is going to be on the other foot and you’ll be begging me for help,” she continued wiping her tears away.



Calvin laughed heartily at the thought of him ever asking Michelle for anything. She was a nobody in the music business. Still laughing at her he slapped the top of his desk and looked up at her. “You can always use me as a reference baby,” he added sarcastically mocking her tone. With tears of rage still flowing down her face, Michelle looked directly into his eyes before leaving. “Screw you!” she yelled in an ice cold tone as she walked out of Calvin’s office visibly shaken. “Uh-huh! You already did that to get this job remember?” he quipped still laughing. Slamming his door shut, Michelle walked out to the arms of one of the senior A&R executives, Tony Randoff who hugged her and walked with her into his office. Tears flowed as she explained to him the situation, and through telling him she found encouragement as well as a new job opportunity. Tony was a happily married man and had no romantic interest in Michelle. Tony’s interest was in getting Calvin out of No Doubt Records for good and taking over his position as the VP of A&R. So consoling Michelle was a power move for him. He’d make a few phone calls to his friends over at Virgin and get her a job on the junior executive level of A&R. For that she’d be forever indebted to him and do whatever she could to repay him. Tony would cash in on the favor by getting her to give him Calvin’s client list and all of the dirt she could dig up on him. It would be easy to use this as leverage in getting the president of No Doubt Records to give Calvin the boot. He’d even go as far as to call the ex-wife if he had to. The music business is so crudball and cut throat that you had to be willing to ride or die just to survive. Tony knew that Calvin’s time was almost up and thought



nothing of speeding things up. It was truly a win-win situation for everyone except for Calvin of course. Meanwhile, Calvin was emailing his lawyer about the subpoena while simultaneously calling a floral shop to send flowers over to Rocio. In his world getting rid of Michelle was the best possible thing he could have ever done. He had no idea of the future repercussions that he would face from his actions, nor did he care. He had his sleepy brown eyes set on a prize named Rocio. Nothing was going to stop him, so he thought. He was in it to win it, no matter what. *** Nearly two and a half months had passed since Calvin had fired Michelle. He’d heard through the grapevine that she snagged a gig at Virgin Records, but her exact job title he wasn’t sure of. He had quickly become overloaded without an assistant around. Everything sort of just piled up and often took a backseat to more important things. But it didn’t matter because if it got too hectic, he would toss extra work on the remaining A&R assistants. His main concern was getting Smoke onto the urban radio playlists and of course getting a little closer to Rocio. Things were going slow in that department, but he managed to stay on top of it. By focusing all of his attention on Smoke and Rocio Calvin completely forgot about what was slowly brewing in the undertow. Juanita and Carrie sat on the edge of their seats trying to figure out what dumb move Calvin would make next. It had been 65 days since Juanita had paid him a visit to drop off the subpoena, and he had not responded to it. He had been served twice before Juanita’s visit, but he chose to ignore it, which was a very foolish thing to do, since it had been 65 days with no response. Carrie had



took it upon herself to remind the lawyers of this fact, who then in turn called the county sheriff’s office so that the sheriff himself could go down to Calvin’s job and pick him up for evasion. When Carrie told Juanita that Calvin was getting arrested today, the first thing that she did was laugh uncontrollably, and then she gave Carrie daps on a job well done. “Oooo, Carrie!” said Juanita on the phone. “Looks like we’re about to be two rich bitches, girl!” she continued happily. “I say—Juanita,” replied Carrie. “I do believe you’re absolutely right!” she added through laughter. Meanwhile at the No Doubt Records A&R offices, Calvin sat at his desk instant messaging three of his jump-offs. It was getting close to the lunch time hour and he wanted something filling to eat. Since he didn’t have an assistant of his own, he decided to buzz Tony Randoff’s assistant Mignon, to place an order for him. “Mignon,” shouted Calvin through the intercom. Ripe with attitude, she ignored the call and walked over to Tony’s office. “Tony,” she whispered from the doorway of his office. He looked up and smiled sheepishly. “Yes, doll?” he asked sweetly. “Calvin won’t stop buzzing me. How long is this gonna go on because I got work I’m trying to finish up for you?” she added in a huff. Tony looked at Mignon briefly before sighing heavily. “Did he say what he wanted?” “No!” she sassed leaning against the door frame. “Well,” began Tony indecisively. “Help him out for the rest of the day, and I’ll have a talk with him later.”



“But Tony, why doesn’t he get an assistant of his own? Why do I have to pick up the slack?” she whined. “I know doll, it’s not fair but he’s the VP and it’s only for the rest of the day. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” he added reassuringly. Angry that she had to once again cater to Calvin, Mignon did what she was told to do and headed to Calvin’s office. She hated him with a passion. His arrogance alone really got under her skin. As she walked into his office, she did not receive the warm welcome that she was accustomed to from the other executives. It was attitude city from Calvin. “You buzzed?” she said from the doorway. “Yeah, like ten minutes ago,” he began snidely. “What took you so long Mignon?” “I had to ask Tony something—after all I am his assistant,” she replied sarcastically. “Let’s get something straight here—when I buzz, you damn well better hop to it. Tony can wait. He ain’t a VP or the HNIC on this ship. Got it?” Calvin blurted in his usual degrading way. “Yes Calvin,” said Mignon softly. “You see what happened to your girl right? I’d hate for the same to happen to you,” he added. Starring at Calvin in utter disgust, Mignon’s face flushed crimson at his last remark. She couldn’t wait until something bad happened to him—as a matter of fact she prayed for it to happen. But for now she had no other choice but to oblige him. “Calvin,” she began calmly after taking a deep breath. “What did you need?” she asked. He noticed how his words made her simmer down and put her in check. Calvin loved to make sassy-mouthed women bow down to him. It was a real turn on not to mention that Mignon was looking pretty good to him today. Unlike Michelle, Mignon liked



to make sure that she kept her body tight and wore clothes that completely complimented her physique. “How about some lunch, for starters” said Calvin. Mignon took a good hard look at him. She could not believe that he called her in there just to take his lunch order. Tony would never subject her to that. But Calvin had made it known loud and clear that he was not Tony. “What would you like and where would like for me to order it from?” asked Mignon. Looking her up and down while licking his lips, Calvin established eye contact with her. Uncomfortable at the way he eyeballed her, Mignon focused on the pocket notebook that she held in her left hand, trying her best to ignore the way he was sizing her up. “Hmm,” he began starring closely at her thighs. “I want something thick and juicy,” he continued allowing his eyes to travel up her lower torso taking in her curves. Mignon’s heart began to beat faster as her face flushed once again. She wasn’t entirely sure how she should handle Calvin’s conduct. What she did know was that it made her extremely uneasy. She pulled her sweater down gently trying to cover her curves. This only made him stare at her more. Noticing her discomfort, Calvin reveled in how he was making her squirm. It seemed as if Mignon had met her match. Snickering under his breath, he shot a lust-filled look of anticipation her way before continuing. Licking his lips again, he barely noticed Tony briefly watching the interaction from over Mignon’s shoulder. “I think I’ll have a turkey burger, on wheat with Swiss cheese, no pickles, no mayo, add ketchup, onions and honey Dijon mustard. Pick it up from Hamburger Hamlet!” Calvin said finally. Mignon scribbled fast in her notebook, taking note of the way Calvin was staring at her breasts out of the corner of her eye. She



now regretted wearing her grey, fitted, v-neck, cardigan sweater to work. “Anything else?” she asked as she pulled up the neckline of her sweater to cover her breasts more. Snickering at the gesture, Calvin answered her question. “I think that’ll do it,” he said with eyes still fixed on her bosom. Looking away from her notebook, Mignon nodded and began to walk back to her desk shaking her head in embarrassment. She could not believe the way that Calvin stared her—it was completely inappropriate. As she called in his lunch order, she decided that she would no longer assist him no matter what Tony said. “Mignon!” yelled Calvin from his office. This time she wasn’t getting up, not after what he’d just put her through. Instead she buzzed him on the intercom. “Yes Calvin?” she answered flatly. “Did you already place the order?” he asked. What did this fool want now? Mignon couldn’t help but to think that he was up to no good. No worries though because as soon as Calvin called for her, Tony walked out of his office over to her desk reassuring her that he’d take care of Calvin himself. Walking casually to his office, Tony knocked softly on the door that was already open. Noticing Calvin grinning from ear to ear with his index finger on the intercom button of his speakerphone, Tony was surprised when he motioned for him to enter. “Calvin?” began Tony sternly. “Mignon already placed your order man,” he continued in a no nonsense stance. “Oh really?” asked Calvin crassly. “Yeah man, so if you need anything else why don’t you use one of the other assistants.” Tony’s eyes turned stone cold at Calvin. He wasn’t playing



around. Before Calvin could say anything else Tony interrupted him. “I got her working on several things and she has her hands full so I’m gonna have a couple of the interns come up here and help you out,” he said lightly. Tony sort of threw Calvin off guard with the way he came at him. Calvin wasn’t accustomed to anyone cramping his style, especially not a subordinate executive like Tony. He didn’t like the way Tony was trying to run it. But, nonetheless he played it off and played it real cool for now. “Is that right?” asked Calvin facetiously with a raised eyebrow. Calvin didn’t like Tony at all and often looked for a reason to shut him down. He felt that Tony had no respect for authority. “Yeah, that’s right.” said Tony defiantly. The two glared at each other for a moment before Calvin broke the silence. Snickering snidely and scratching his right temple he finally began to speak. “Alright, then brotha. I forgot to ask Mignon if she wanted a little something to eat,” replied Calvin condescendingly. Before Tony realized what he was doing, he walked closer to Calvin’s desk. Nah yo! She ain’t hungry. I just ordered her something,” added Tony still glaring at Calvin. “I feel ya man—just didn’t want to be rude you know?” interjected Calvin. “Of course, not at all,” began Tony half laughing, half shaking his head. “You know Calvin, Mignon ain’t Michelle. She’s completely different,” he concluded. With an evil sneer Calvin looked at Tony. “Well you’d know more about that more than me bruh,” he said laughing.



Words could not describe the anger that was welling up in Tony. Calvin was insinuating that Tony was just as low and crudball as he was himself. Glancing with eyes a squint, Tony swallowed his pride and snickered back at Calvin. “Indeed Calvin, I do,” he began. “That’s what I’m saying,” said Calvin still laughing. “I know that she’s a good girl who won’t carry on like others,” replied Tony matter-of-factly. Nodding his head, Calvin shot a piercing look at Tony. “Aren’t they all though?” he said under his breath. Breaking the stare, Tony pat his hand against the desk and turned to exit the office. “I’ll send those two interns your way,” he said as he walked out. “You do that!” Calvin replied as he grabbed the remote to his TV/DVD player and turning the system on. The exchange between the two left a bitter taste in Tony’s mouth. On his way back to his office, a man in a sheriff’s uniform stopped him. “Excuse me, sir? Where can I find a Calvin Wilkins?” asked the sheriff looking between his notes on a steno pad and Tony. “Down the hall, first office on the left,” answered Tony with a smile. “Thank you,” said the sheriff. Tony didn’t know what was going on, and opted to hold off on going back to his office until he found out. Time seemed to stand still as the sheriff entered Calvin’s office. Everyone on the A&R side of No Doubt Records stopped what they were doing to watch and listen to the commotion. “Calvin Wilkins?” asked the sheriff distinctly from the doorway of Calvin’s office.



“Yes?” he replied looking up from his computer at the desk. “Come with me please sir,” demanded the sheriff. Angry and embarrassed, Calvin jumped on the defense. “I ain’t going nowhere without my lawyer,” blurted Calvin in response to the sheriff. Shaking his head, the sheriff looked Calvin up and down before making a move. “Ok wise guy, we can do this the easy way or the hard way— the choice is yours,” said the sheriff firmly. Not giving in easily, Calvin continued with the attitude. “You can say what you want but it’s going to go like I said, which is nowhere without my lawyer,” yelled Calvin getting loud. The sheriff called in a code over his walkie attached to his shirt and moved towards Calvin. “Guess we’re doing this the hard way,” said the sheriff roughing Calvin up, positioning him over the desk and forcibly putting the handcuffs on him. Tony inched closer to get a better look as Calvin continued to protest loudly while the sheriff escorted him towards the elevators. Furious, Calvin shuffled along with his hands cuffed tightly behind his back. Tony, the interns, and the other office assistants watched in shock as Calvin Wilkins, the Vice President of A&R was escorted out by a LA County sheriff! “Tony, call my lawyer, Stephen Townsend—cause I’ma own LA County after all this Jim Crow shit!” shouted Calvin. “Yeah, save it for the judge!” replied the sheriff nudging Calvin into the elevator. “Look how they do a brotha!” Calvin added as the doors to the elevator closed. Meanwhile, back on the A&R floor, everyone was laughing and applauding the fact that Calvin was arrested and taken away.



Needless to say, homeboy wasn’t too well liked. As Tony walked past Mignon, who sat frozen in shock, he smiled and winked. “Guess you took care of it!” she said nonchalantly. “Uhm-hmm, I told you I would but I didn’t have anything to do with the sheriff. That was all on your boy Calvin. So babygirl, whatchu want for lunch?” Mignon laughed as waves of relief went through her. She knew things were going to be a heck of a lot easier now with Calvin gone. She kind of figured that Tony would soon take Calvin’s place as the VP, and things would finally be cool. “I don’t know—the usual, I guess—maybe a salad” she replied. “Done! Well it doesn’t look like he’ll be back anytime soon,” said Tony walking into his office and closing the door. The events of the day made everyone a bit too distracted to get back to work. Executives from the Publicity and Promotions departments had come over to hear the story detail by detail. Meanwhile, Calvin was in the squad car on his way to the LA County Sheriff’s Department. He sat in silence, wondering how things could have ever gotten that far. He couldn’t believe that this was happening to him. It was like a bad dream. It didn’t take long for the squad car to arrive at the Sheriff’s office. Upon arrival, Calvin was escorted out of the car and placed in the custody of another officer. After being fingerprinted and photographed the officer led him to yet another squad car. “Where are we going now?” he asked enraged. The officer looked at a clipboard on the front seat before answering the question. “Downtown,” he said finally. “Down…town!” yelled Calvin. “Yup,” nodded the officer beginning to drive off.


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