Biz Quiz............

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 434
  • Pages: 16
Ref resh your Bu si ness

“It ha ppened in Indi a” i s the Aut o Bi og r aphy of w hom?

-- Kis ho r e Bay ani ( T he cha ir man of Fu tu r e Gr oup ) --

W ho h as b een appointed a s th e CEO o f the IC IC I Bank wi th Ef fect f rom Ma y1,2 009?

-- C han da D Koc hhar --

In the Conte xt of Mut ual Fund, SI P st and s for?

-- Sys tem ati c Investm ent Pl an - -

-- Phi li ps --

W ho is the pr ese nt Fi nance Secr etar y of Ind ia?

-- Ar un Ramana than --

It was c all ed the Imp erial Bank o f In dia until 3 0th A pril 1 955 a nd w as th e result of t he a ma lgama tion of the B ank of Bombay, Bank of Madras and th e Bank of B engal. Ho w d o w e k now i t to day ?

-- Sta te Bank of In dia (SBI ) --

Which was the recent acquisition – in relation to healthcare? -- F ORTI S acquir ed WOCKHARDT

He is the pioneer in mutual fund industry and often referred as the Father of Index Fund investing. He created the first S&P 500 Index fund.

-- J ohn Bog le --

W ho founded the f amous Wal l Str eet J our nal ?

-- Charles Dow and Edward Jones --

W hat is yeste r day’s c lo sin g SE NS EX and NIF TY?

SE NS EX – 1 5,5 51.1 9 d wn b y 115.4 5 NIF TY – 4 625.3 5 dwn b y 36.7 5

NASDAQ is Acronym for?

-- National Associa tion of Securiti es Deal er s Autom ated Quota ti on s --

Which successful investor is popularly known as "The Oracle of Omaha"? And his famous quote is "Rule No.1: Never lose money, Rule No.2: Never forget

-- War r en Buf fet --

What is the rate of interest at which short-term funds are exchanged between banks in London called?

-- L IBO R, London Int erbank Of fer ed Ra te --

What are the Bonds that carry low ratings with correspondingly higher

-- J unk Bonds --

In money market, what is the term used for the non-convertible paper money?

-- Fi at Money --

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