Bison Persuasive Writing Article

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 374
  • Pages: 3
Name_____________________ Ms. Wilson English 10R The Editors in Chief of your school newspaper, The Bison realized that they don’t have any entries for the editorial section of the December issue. Oh no! The deadline for the issue to go to print is approaching fast, so they’ve asked you to write a persuasive article about the use of cell phones during school hours. First, choose to either support the use of cell phones in school or argue that cell phone restrictions in school are necessary. Then, using the following three techniques, write an article for The Bison that convinces Bison readers to accept your position about cell phone restrictions. 1. Disarm your opponent. State your opponent’s position and

explain that your position is a better option. Provide adequate support for your argument. 2. Point out the features and benefits of your approach. 3. Write in the active voice. The active voice promotes concise

sentences and strong action verbs. **Be sure to:  Include a strong thesis statement (what you want to prove) and support your thesis throughout the article.  Use transitional words and phrases between ideas and paragraphs  Maintain present tense throughout  Include a convincing conclusion  Use your creativity!  Correctly use the conventions of English (grammar, spelling, punctuation) especially subject-verb agreement.

Persuasive Writing Article Outline: I. Introduction a. “Hook” the reader with an _______________ (This is a short re-telling of an entertaining/ interesting incident) b. State ________________________________ c. Refute ______________________________ by stating

____________________ in a strong, argumentative __________ statement. You want to ________________that your point is better. (As you create this ___________ statement, ask yourself...What is the point I am trying to make? What am I trying to prove?) II.

Body a. This portion of your article should be 2 paragraphs long, that ____________ your thesis. b. In each paragraph you should: i. Include a ___________

(first sentence of the paragraph) ii. Disarm your _____________. State their position

and explain that your position is a better option. iii. Provide support: Point out the ___________ and

__________ of your approach. iv. Write in the ____________ voice v. Use _______________ words and phrases



a. Write a ______________ conclusion that ____________

your reader to accept your position about cell phone restrictions.

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