Rubric For Grading The Bison Persuasive Writing Article

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 493
  • Pages: 1
Rubric for The Bison Persuasive Writing Article 4 (100-90)

3 (89-79)

2 (78-68)

1 (<68)

Meaning/ Content Accuracy

Provides a strong, focused, argumentative thesis statement. Appropriate argument and accurate features and benefits are given for support. Opponent’s argument is stated and many supporting details are provided to refute their argument.

Provides a simple thesis that may be somewhat argumentative. Establishes an argument but lacks detail and some reasons and/ or suggestions. Opponent’s argument may be stated but is unclear.

Does not provide a thesis. The response does not establish an argument and does not state opponent’s argument. Provides inaccurate and maybe inappropriate details (if any)

Development/ Sense of Audience

Vocabulary, examples, sentence structure, and other mechanics show that the writer has a clear understanding of how to make an impact on the target audience. Writer establishes a persuasive tone, uses word choice that relates to their audience and clearly uses active voice.

The writer uses those strategies in a way that shows some understanding of how to impact the target audience through word choice and persuasion. Some active voice is shown.


The writing maintains the focus established by the thesis throughout. Each body paragraph is focused on a separate supporting example that relates to the thesis.


Exhibits a logical structure through the skillful use of appropriate transitions and sequence of information. There is an anecdote, a clear introduction, two body paragraphs and a convincing conclusion.


None or a few minor errors.

Writing is focused on the thesis most of the time with a few “side tracks.” Only one supporting example is the focus for both body paragraphs. Exhibits a logical sequence of ideas but may lack transitions from one idea to the next. Minor glitches in organization, but do not distract the reader. There is an anecdote, a clear introduction, body and conclusion. May lack clarity in some of these parts. Exhibits occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension.

Provides and confused or incomplete thesis. Lacks an argument and lacks detail. Writer may not state opponent’s argument. Substantial errors are made in reasoning or suggestions. May provide some inappropriate details. The writer seems to only have a rudimentary understanding of how to communicate with the target audience. Does not fully establish a persuasive tone. Does not use active voice. Word choice may also be inappropriate. May establish a focus but fails to maintain an appropriate focus. The writing loses focus enough to confuse or distract the reader. Lacks an appropriate focus but suggests some organization. The sequence of information is disorganized and hard to follow. The organization of introduction, body and a convincing conclusion are not clearly presented. May lack an anecdote. Frequent errors make comprehension difficult.

A great number of errors are made that make the response hardly readable.

No understanding of audience and tone is not persuasive.

The writing is unorganized and unfocused.

No organization. The structure of introduction, body and conclusion are absent. No anecdote is presented.

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