Birney Fewell

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Vol. XXXVIII • No. 23 • November 21, 2008

“Among Friends” Thanks•gív•ing n 1: the act or occasion of giving thanks, especially to God. I look forward to this article all year! It’s fun to name out loud some of the many reasons why I regularly feel like the luckiest pastor in the world: I’m thankful for the men in the Alert and Keystone classes who walk beside one another in happiness and in hardship. I’m thankful for Ginger Cheek and for the untold hours she has spent hunched over a computer, inputting data for our new Music Library software program. For James Smith & Pam Rountree who prepare the music each week for the Fresh Start band. For Bob Waters who spends virtually all of his time doing something helpful for somebody (taking folks to the doctor; serving as a circuit-riding Sunday School teacher; helping in the office, etc.). For Sheila Skinner’s encouraging notes and for Bob Focht’s and Jim Stanfield’s superb coordination of our worship tech teams for 11:00 and Fresh Start. I’m thankful for Lauren King who goes every week—after teaching elementary school all day—to an apartment complex in Clarkston to help a family of refugees from Burma practice their English. I’m grateful for the carpentry skills of Fred Palmer and plumbing prowess of Birney Fewell. I’m thankful for Mike Haun’s wit and Bob Woodson’s wisdom. For Marcia Poole’s kindness and Ric Rodriguez’s candor; for Mickey Goodsen’s zeal for justice and Ellen Jones’ joie de vivre. For Emily Gibson’s artistry and Jim Manley’s affirming presence; for Linda Rutland’s warmth and Jackie Durham’s way with words. I’m thankful for Ann Smith’s empathy and Lynn Davis’s intuition; for Sarah Holt’s generous spirit and Zeno Douglas’s irrepressible joy. For Tyler Cagle’s text messages and Julia Fuster’s servant heart. I’m thankful for Mark Carter’s passion for helping people get free from debt. I’m thankful for Richard Parker, Lauren Colwell and all of the FBC folks who are breathing new energy into our college ministry. I’m thankful for Buck and LaRose Jones’ cheerful (and color-coordinated!) welcome every Sunday. I’m thankful for Katie Hill’s world-class hugs; for Charles Keown’s selflessness; for Harold & June Zwald’s ministry of visitation. I’m thankful for worship that connects us with God. For colleagues who are crazy about Christ’s church. For gifted musicians, committed teachers, everyday evangelists and selfless servants.

Service of Dedication/Christmas Fellowship Sunday, November 30 at 6:00pm (Hanging of the Green) On Sunday evening, November 30 at 6:00PM, we will all join together for a brief Service of Dedication followed by a Church-Wide Christmas Fellowship in Carreker Hall. Everyone is asked to bring some “finger foods.” The church will provide beverages. This is the one time during Advent/Christmas that we will all gather together in one place for fellowship—its’ a Church-Wide event! Parents’ Night Out -December 12; 6pm-9pm; Volunteers Needed! Advent/Christmas Musical Worship Experiences Sunday, December 14 at 9:00AM & 11:00AM In both 9:00AM (Fresh Start) and 11:00AM (Sanctuary) worship, services of musical worship are planned. Fresh Start will gather to sing and hear about the “good news come to earth” through contemporary songs and traditional hymns accompanied by the Fresh Start band. Those gathering in the sanctuary at 11:00AM will join in worship led by the Sanctuary Choir and orchestra. Music will include songs written by Michael W. Smith, Christmas hymns, and songs in a classical style. Deacon’s Banquet (for all current & new Deacons) December 16; 7pm Please RSVP to Holly by Friday, December 12 (404-373-1653) Children’s Christmas Craft Day - December 20; 10am-2pm Youth Ski Retreat - January 1-4; Snowshoe Mountain

To sum it up—I’m deeply, truly thankful for you, my FBC family. It would be easy to fill up all four pages of this newsletter with names and stories of how you show me regularly what it means to be a Christ follower. Of course no thanksgiving tribute would be complete without my saying how enormously, “to-the-moon-and-back” grateful I am every day of my life for Tim, Taylor and Lucy. And I’m absolutely giddy with thanks that—for the first time in 25 years—my wonderful mother lives less than two miles away! For all of this and so much more… Dei gratias!

Dec 3 – Hope for Liberian Villages Jessy Togbadoya and CBF Global Missions While he was a seminary student, Jessy Togbadoya lived in our missionary residence. Now he and his wife Calandra work to bring good news of hope to the Kpelle people of Bong County, Liberia. Come hear Jessy describe how they combine gospel witness with community development in villages facing desperate poverty. Dec 10 – A Church Full of Missionaries A review of our missions involvement locally and globally and an invitation to everyone to get in on a missions adventure in 2009. Dec 17—A Christmas Message from our Children The Children’s Ministry will present a Christmas program and report on what they have learned and done about missions this fall.

Congregational Life Help us Decorate for Advent! It’s time to decorate the church for Advent and Christmas! On Sunday, November 23, (after a quick lunch) everyone is invited to join with the Flower/Special Seasons Team to decorate the church for Advent/Christmas. No Wednesday Night Activities Nov. 26 New Community, our Wednesday night meal and ministries, will not take place on November 26, the night before Thanksgiving. We'll be back in full swing the following week, December 3rd, with dinner from 5:15 to 6:30, followed by all of our ongoing Wednesday night ministries for all ages including a December Global Missions Emphasis for adults at 6:30 in Carreker Hall. Communion for Our Homebound Folks Homebound communion will be on Dec. 7. Anyone that can help and is willing to serve communion to our homebound church members should contact Bob Williamson (404-373-1653) in the church office. We have instructions and a list of those wanting to take communion. This is an easy and extremely worthwhile ministry opportunity. Young At Heart to see Lake Lanier Lights Our YAH Christmas lights trip is Dec. 11. We will load up on our motor coach at the church around 4 p.m. and go to eat at a Cracker Barrel restaurant (Dutch treat). Then we tour the Magical Nights of Lights at Lake Lanier Islands. Your cost is only $10 person. Sign up in the church office (404-3731653). Blue Christmas Service – Sunday, December 21 at 4:00PM The Christmas Season can be a difficult time for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones and for those who may be struggling. Our prayer is that this “Blue Christmas” Worship service will be an experience of hope and strengthening for all who attend. Youth Ski Retreat The annual youth ski retreat will take place at Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia from January 1 through 4. This will be a great time for our youth with great accommodations on the top of the mountain! The cost is only $200.00 per person. This is a greatly reduced price because of our annual yard sale. Sign up with Kurt Varney; [email protected]. Three Adult Formation Opportunities—Coming on Wednesdays in 2009 Financial Peace University – Jan 14 – Apr 29 Zeno Douglas will lead this study that includes videos by radio personality Dave Ramsey and small group discussion and support for those who want to gain control of their finances, eliminate debt, and learn to give generously. $110 fee. Getting Marriage Right – Two six-week sessions David and Jeanie Gushee and Tim and Julie Pennington-Russell will lead these marriage workshops: Jan 14 – Feb 18 – Nearly/Newly Married (Engagement—3rd anniversary) Mar 4 – Apr 22 – Young Marrieds (3-10 years) Couples will be asked to read David Gushee’s book by the same title during the course. Bible Studies – led by Sharyn Dowd When the Holy Spirit “Acts” – January and February This year our annual “Winter Bible Study” focuses on the New Testament adventure story called the Acts of the Apostles. The Cross and the Formation of Christians – Lenten Bible Study The oldest New Testament testimonies assert that Jesus died “for our sins.” We’ll explore what that means and the formative experience that Paul calls our “death to sin.”

Go…Be…Do! Missions Corner Missions Team to Sponsor Retreat This Saturday, November 22, Joel Harrison of our local Baptist Association, will make a presentation to all interested First Decatur folks on the demographics, needs, and opportunities for ministry here in Decatur. The Missions Team will use this information in future planning. Deacons and Sunday School classes will benefit from this presentation, which will begin in the church parlor at 9 a.m. and close with a light lunch.

Prayer Concerns as of November 19, 2008 In the Hospital: ▪José Edmonds, Scottish Rite ▪Al Buckler, Emory Sympathy To: ▪The family of Helen Lisle. ▪Sue Johnson, on the death of her husband, J.W. Johnson. ▪Pauline Hicks on the death of her daughter Mary Ellen Brown. ▪Brandon and Charlotte Tubbs on the death of Brandon’s father. ▪The family of Dorothy Bryan. ▪The family of Ford Johnson. ▪Millie Padgett on the death of her sister-in-law, Betty Reap ▪The family of Eloise Macpherson. ▪Boyce Sullivan on the death of her brother, Ray Dodd. Congratulations To: ▪Jeff and Wendy Bigbie on the birth of Emily Grace! ▪Glen and Cherie Bennett on the birth of Grayson Everett!

Tithes & Offerings

A Generous People 2008 Ministry Action Plan Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,361 Received on Nov. 12 ..........$ 28,262 Received on Nov. 19 ..........$ 19,768 Y-T-D Need:..................$ 1,258,620 Y-T-D Received: ...........$ 1,063,930 Y-T-D Spending Deficit (Oct. 31): ............................................ (64,099) “Years of Opportunity 2007-09” Campaign Given to Date:...................$ 337,911 Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 240,226 Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,000 Missions Offering YTD ....$ 18,317

Wednesday Dinner Menus November 26 No Wednesday Evening Activities. Happy Thanksgiving! December 3 Pick one of the following menus: Blue Plate Menu Fried Pork Chops, Macaroni and Cheese, Steamed Cabbage, Salad Bar, Rolls, Peanut Butter Chip Pie “Lighter Side” Menu Vegetarian Vegetable Soup, Baked Potato/Salad Bar, Pepperoni Pizza, Chicken Salad, Mixed Fruit

Youth Sp•t

Kid’s Zone

Big Youth Dates --- 2009 March Mission Madness in Newnan, Georgia Friday, March 20 through Sunday, March 22 Spring Break Retreat at the Beach Sunday, April 5 through Saturday, April 11 Yard Sale Yard Sale Week is Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30 Opening Day is Thursday, May 28 at 7:00 AM Junior/Senior Trip Tuesday, June 9 through Wednesday, June 17 Intown Mission Week Friday, June 26 through Wednesday, July 1 Out of Town Mission Week to Hurley, Virginia Saturday, July 11 through Saturday, July 18 Beach Retreat August 2 through 7

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family. Main Office......................................404-373-1653 Finance.............................................404-370-7694 First School ......................................404-370-7688 Activities ..........................................404-373-2442 FAX ..................................................404-370-7692 Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653 Sharyn Dowd....................................404-373-1653 Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690 Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684 Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653 Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687 Computer Connections: Website— E-Mail—[email protected]

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

December 10, Discover Kids will go caroling at Clairmont Oaks. Parents Night Out—December 12; 6-9 Our Gift to the Decatur Community needs you! This is a wonderful way we can touch Decatur. Children of all ages will excitedly enter our buildings for a night of fun while their parents have some time to shop, maybe a quiet dinner, or just chill out in the midst of the Christmas season. Do not miss the fun by volunteering today. Call the church office or Debbie Britt. Another volunteer opportunity… Children’s Christmas Craft Day, Dec 20; 10:00-2:00 For children 6 months -5th grade. The cost this year will be $5.00 per child. Please preregister online. Baby Dedication The next Baby Dedication will be December 21 in Fresh Start and/ or 11:00 Worship. Please contact Debbie Britt by Dec.7th if you would like to participate. Discovery Kids: Celebrate and Sing The Children’s Choir Ministry will begin in January on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. We have four age groups: Melody Makers for 3 year olds, Music Friends for 4 and 5 year olds, Music Makers for 1st and 2nd grades and Young Musicians for 3rd – 5th grades. All children who were 3 by September 1, 2008 are invited to participate. Activities will include singing, instruments, crafts for the younger children, music education, games, opportunities for leadership in class and worship and discipleship. The older children will also have an opportunity to participate in Handbells and Orff instruments.

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