Biotech Science Week

  • Uploaded by: Purushottam Gupta
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 210
  • Pages: 15
Stem Cell Research

Chillin’ at an In Vitro Fertilization clinic

Normal embryonic development



• Define Stem cells.  

• To discuss the types of Stem cells and their sources.  

• To discuss Bio-medical application using Stem cells.  

4. To debate ethical dilemma posted by Stem cells use. 

Stem cells display the ability to self-renew (to divide and give rise to other stem cells) and to differentiate along specific molecular pathways to form cells of specialized functions

Stem cells are multi-talented. They can: Self-renew a stem cell can reproduce itself by cell division

Differentiate a stem cell can specialize into a particular type of somatic cell

Two major classes of stem cells • Embryonic stem cells (ES) are derived from cells of mammalian preimplantation embryos . • Adult (somatic; postnatal) stem cells represent the self-renewing cells in skin, hair, intestine, liver and

Can form the entire human being

Cannot form the entire human being

Generates every cell in the body including the placenta and extraembryonic tissues

Can generate every cell in the body except placenta and extraembryonic tissues

Become specific cell types; are less flexible than above

Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Possible Uses of Stem Cell Technology •Replaceable tissues/organs •Repair of defective cell types •Delivery of genetic therapies •Delivery chemotherapeutic agents

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