Biology - Living Organisms, Quite Simple.

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 328
  • Pages: 11
Living Organisms.

The Six Main Groups Proplanb afuv

Animals... Ø Are multicellular Ø Feed off other things. Ø Do not have cell walls, chloroplasts or a vacuole. Ø Have a nervous system Ø Can move Ø Store carbohydrates as glycogen Ø Are split into smaller categories ØVertebrates – Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Amphibians, Fish (Mr Baf) ØInvertebrates

Plants... Ø Are multicellular Ø Contain chloroplasts, cellulose cell walls and a vacuole Ø Store carbohydrates as sucrose or starch Ø Are split into smaller groups ØMosses ØFerns ØConifers ØWoody flowering plants ØNon woody flowering plants

Fungi... Ø Can be single cellular (yeast) or multicellular (mushrooms). Ø Feed by extra cellular digestion Ø Have chitin cell walls Ø Are saprotrophic Ø Store carbohydrate as glycogen.

Bacteria... Ø Are small single celled organisms Ø Only seen under a microscope Ø Same size as a mitochondrion Ø No nucleus Ø Chromosomes arranged in a circle called a plasmid Ø Most cannot carry out photosynthesis Ø Some are harmful (Pneumococcus – Pneumonia) Ø Some are helpful (Lactobacillus

Protoctists... Ø Are single celled organisms Ø Are only seen under a microscope Ø Can be animal-like (Amoeba–Lives in pond water) Ø Can be plant-like (Chlorella) Ø Can be disease causing (Plasmodium–

Viruses... Ø Are on the border of living and non living organisms Ø Are smaller than bacteria Ø Are parasitic Ø Can only reproduce inside living cells Ø Can infect all living organisms Ø Are made of a protein coat containing DNA or RNA. Ø Examples are the tobacco mosaic virus, influenza and HIV which causes aids.

Questions... What is filled with cell The sap? Vacuole A cell that is short of Flacci water? d A kind of skin for Membran cells? e Chloroph What is essential for yll photosynthesis? A cell that is full of Turgi water? d The bulk of an animal Cytopla cell? sm An organism that has Multicellul many cells? ar Diffus Gases and liquids do this across the e “cell skin”

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