Biology Final Exam Review Sheet Fall 2008

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  • Pages: 9
1 Biology Fall 2008 Review Sheet for Final Exam Chapters 1-10 • Study Vocabulary • Be able to label the parts of a compound light microscope on a diagram.

• Be able to compute the magnifying power of a compound light microscope. Your microscope has an ocular of 10X. If you are looking at your own cheek cells under high power (40X), what is the total magnification of your cheek cells?

Distinguish among matter, elements, atoms, compounds, and molecules. Matter— Element— Atom— Molecule—

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam


Describe and draw an atom. Label the particles, including correct electrical charges.

Name, in order, the seven levels of Linnaean classification

List the attributes of living organisms.

Compare plant and animal cells.

Compare prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Draw a typical cell and label major organelles. (Plant and animal)—see p. 76

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam


Describe three ways substances get in and out of cells.

Is this cell prokaryotic or eukaryotic? How can you tell? Use the diagram to practice labeling the structures of the cell.

In the diagrams below, the space inside the circle represents the inside of the cell, and the space between the circle and the square represents the solution surrounding the cell A


1. In box A, use ‘X’s to indicate the distribution of solutes in an isotonic solution. 2. In box B, use ‘X’s to indicate the distribution of solutes in a hypotonic solution. 3. In box C, use ‘X’s to indicate the distribution of solutes in a hypertonic solution.

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam


4 • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Identify the following as (a) autotrophic or (b) heterotrophic. Plants Most bacteria Algae Animals Fungi Humans

Fill in the missing parts of the formulas for photosynthesis and aerobic cellular respiration.


_______ + _______ ↑

_______ + H2O + _______ Aerobic Cellular Respiration

_______ + O2 •

H2 O +

_______ + _______


Which molecule represents stored energy? ___________ Which molecule represents released energy? _________

• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Using the chart on page 113 of your textbook, identify the amino acid that each mRNA codon codes for. Place a star next to the one that is not an RNA codon.


• 1. 2. 3. 4.

Transcribe the mRNA from the DNA given.

Give the appropriate tRNA anticodon that would pair with each mRNA codon.


BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam

5 5. ACG

Identify the following as (a) a species characteristic or (b) an individual characteristic.

1. Color of hair 2. Number of chromosomes 3. Height

Fill in the circles with the appropriate haploid/diploid number of chromosomes for sexual and asexual reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

Use the diagram of the cell cycle to answer the questions that follow. 1


1. Label the three phases of the cell cycle on the diagram. 2. Label the four phases of mitosis on the diagram. 3. What is number 1 pointing to? 4. What happens during interphase?

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam

6 5. What is the purpose of mitosis?

• Genetics Problems Simple Dominant/Recessive Problem In humans, the allele for dimples is dominant over the allele for not having dimples. Cross two heterozygous dimpled individuals, and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratios. Use the letter D.

Incomplete Dominance Problem Some flowers express incomplete dominance in their flower patterns. When a white snapdragon is crossed with a red snapdragon, the offspring are pink. Cross a red flower with a white flower. Use ‘r’ to indicate the red allele and ‘w’ to indicate the white allele. a. Write the genotype of a red flower. b. Write the genotype of a white flower. c. Write the genotype of a pink flower. d. What allele(s) could a red flower give to its offspring? e. What allele(s) could a white flower give to its offspring? f. What allele(s) could a pink flower give to its offspring? g. Diagram this cross on the Punnett square. Give the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring.

Sex-Linked Traits Problems Red-green colorblindness is caused by a recessive gene on the X chromosome. A normal, non-carrier woman marries a man who is red-green colorblind. a. Diagram this on the Punnett square. b. Is it possible for this couple to have a daughter who is colorblind? c. Is it possible for this couple to have a son who is colorblind?

Can science prove evolution? Can science prove creation? Why or why not?

List the three essential components of a biblical worldview.

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam


What do most creation scientists estimate the age of the earth to be?

Write which day each item was created or what was created on each day. The days are not necessarily in order, and some may be repeated.

1. Day 1 2. Sun, moon, and stars 3. Land and plants 4. Day 5 5. Land animals 6. Sky and waters 7. Day 2 8. Man and woman 9. Fish and birds 10. Light and dark 11. Day 3 12. Day 4

• Know in order the seven levels of today’s classification system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam


List the six kingdoms in today’s classification system in order 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

On the line below each picture, write the name of the bacterial shape.

Draw and Label a bacterial cell Use these labels; nuclear material, mesosome, flagellum, cell wall, and capsule

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam


List the steps of the viral lytic cycle.

Fill in the rungs of the ladder with conditions that must be met for bacteria to experience optimal growth.

BIOLOGY: Fall 2008Review Sheet for Final Exam

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