Biology Cp Study Guide (evolution & Classification)

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 456
  • Pages: 4
Biology CP Study Guide (Evolution & Classification) The Theory of Evolution & Darwin: 1 - Evolution means Change. On a Biological level, Evolution is a change in ________. 2 - ___________________________________ came up with the theory of “The inheritance of acquired characteristics.” 3 – What does the inheritance of acquired characteristics mean? 4 – Darwin sailed to the __________________ islands on a ship known as the ___________________. His job was to collect plants and animals. 5 – Darwin wrote a book , titled “_____________________________________”. 6 – His book had two main points: 1.

2. 7 – What does Natural Selection mean? What is another name for Natural Selection? 8 – List 6 different evidences for Evolution and be able to describe 3 of them.

9 – What is the definition of a population? 10 – What is the definition of a species? 11 – What the definition of a gene pool? 12 – Be able to list the 5 parts of the Hardy-Weinberg Principle:

13 – If the above conditions are met, the population is at ___________________. This means “__________________________” or “_________________________.”

Mechanisms of Evolution: 1 – What is the difference between Microevolution and Macroevolution? (Hint – time) 2 – What is Genetic Drift? List the two types. 3 – What is the difference between Bottleneck Effect and Founder Effect? (Give an example of each)

4 – Natural Selection has 3 Modes of Action. List and Describe all 3 of them. (Draw a graph for each.

5 – What is Speciation? 6 – What is the difference between Allopatric & Sympatric Speciation? 7 – What is Adaptive radiation? 8 – What is the difference between Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium?

Classification: 1 – What is the definition of Classification? 2 – Classification is also known as ______________________. 3 – What are the benefits of classifying organisms? 4 – Who was the first taxonomist? How did he divide and subdivide organisms?

5 – What was Jon Ray’s contribution to classification? (Hint – he was the first to…) 6 – Who is commonly referred to as the “Father of Taxonomy?” 7 – He classified organisms by their _________________. 8 – He also developed the modern system of naming known as __________________________________________. 9 – Binomial nomenclature uses Genus and ______________ for classifying. 10 – List the 8 parts IN ORDER of the Hierarchy of Taxonomic Groups:

11 – The broadest, most inclusive taxon is known as the _______________. 12 – Classification is based on ___________________ relationships. 13 – Cladograms show how organisms are related, based on ___________________________ characteristics. 14 – Dichotomous Keys are used to… 15 – Characteristics in Dichotomous keys are given in __________. 16 - * Be able to known how to use and make a Dichotomous Key*

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