Biology Class Review - Exam 1

  • Uploaded by: Jon Williams
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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 254
  • Pages: 5
Exam Review


Terms: Emergent Property


Autotrophs vs. Heterotrophs




Atomic Number vs Atomic Mass




Dehydration Synthesis


Exergonic vs. Endogonic




Endosymbiont Theory






Anabolic vs. Catabolic Reactions


Concepts: Types of Bonding


Structure of Proteins


The pH Scale


When a Lipid is Saturated vs. UnSaturated -

1st Exam

Monomers of the major organic compounds – Ratios of Carbon to Hydrogen to Oxygen in Carbohydrates Difference Between Prokaryotic Cells and Eukaryotic Cells – (fig 4.4 on pg. 47) What molecule makes the cell membrane – phospholipid bilayer

Types of transport in and out of the cell –

How do enzymes help chemical reactions occur? – they lower the initial cost of energy

Primary pigment in photosynthesis –

Where cellular respiration occurs in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells –

The colors of visible light – ROY G. BIV

The relationship between energy and wavelength –

People that were important to Cell Theory – Hooke and Leuwenhok

How plants avoid photorespiration –

What are the steps of cellular respiration? – 1. 2. 3. Calculate the magnification of a microscope –

Determine the direction chemicals will move across a membrane –

Know function of each organelle –

Know taxonomic classifications King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Equations for photosynthesis and cellular respiration – Five characteristics that define life –

Label either an animal or plant cell – Label Bacteria Cell – Photosynthesis Diagram -

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