Bio Piracy

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 439
  • Pages: 20


Charles DarwinThe Voyage of the Beagle(December 1831-October 1836), collected specimen from the Galapagos island.


Richard Evans Schultes (19152001), father of ethnobotany, collected specimens of medicinal plants from Mexico and the Amazon.

What is BIOPIRACY? −

BIOPIRATES are those individuals and companies accused of one or both of the following acts: (i) the theft, misappropriation of, or unfair free-riding on, genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge through the patent system; and (ii) the unauthorised and uncompensated collection for commercial ends of genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge (TK).


the ways that corporations from the developed world claim ownership of, free ride on, or otherwise take unfair advantage of, the genetic resources and traditional knowledge and technologies of developing countries.

THREATS OF BIOPIRACY BIODIVERSITYsource of food, pharmaceutical,cosmetics, biotechnology,veterinary science, seeds and agrochemicals BIODIVERSED REGIONS: Mexico, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Australia and The Democratic Republic of Congo. Under threats of Biopiracy.

THREATS OF BIOPIRACY Privatization of life refers to the ownership of life forms and traditional knowledge. Privatization also leads to monopolistic control of natural resources, such as water, upon which our survival depends. Patents on life forms threaten community access to three of the most critical elements of human survival: food, water and health care.


Neem Oil as pesticide and its anti-fungal effects 

CASES Philippine sea snail (Conus magus)isolating from the snail a toxin called SNX111 which is a pain killer that is reported by scientists to be 1,000 times more powerful than morphine. 

CASES Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) Ampalaya, mixed with another Philippine vegetable "talong" or eggplant (Solanum melongena) are traditional food , an effective cure against diabetes. 

CASES Erythromycin an antibiotic extract from a soil in the province of Iloilo. It was isolated by a Philippine scientist Abelardo Aguilar who was then working with the Eli Lilly Co. 


Human DNA

MOVEMENTS AGAINST BIOPIRACY WTO- World Trade Organization TRIPs- Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

SOURCES: Khor, Martin, A worldwide fight against biopiracy and patents on life GLOBAL EXCHANGE Programs in the Americas PHILIPPINES GOVERNMENT CLAMPS DOWN ON BIOPIRATES by Chakravarthi Raghavan Companies rush to patent wildlife of the Philippines Copyright © 2000 The Earth Times January 15, 2001 By MICHAEL A. BENGWAYAN Michael A. Gollin, J.D., Biopiracy: The Legal Perspective © 1999, Michael A. Gollin, reprinted with permission. From “Legal consequences of biopiracy” published in Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 17, Sept. 1999 and previously presented to the American Society of Pharmacognosy in 1998. © February 2001, American Institute of Biological Sciences, article updated by the author for this web site.

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