Bio Medical Engg Faq

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Frequently Asked Questions: Biomedical Engineering Subject 1: Introduction & Intent: The intent of this FAQ is to provide a viable source of information for people interested in Biomedical Engineering. We wrote it because, every year, the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Tulane University receives hundreds of "What is Biomedical Engineering" inquiries. It is the goal of this FAQ document to answer these questions and provide some resources for additional learning. Subject 2: Table Of Contents 1.Introduction & Intent 2.Table of Contents 3.What advantages will I gain from reading this FAQ? 4.How is engineering applied to medicine and biology? 1.What is "bioengineering" and is it the same as "biomedical engineering"? 2.What is agricultural engineering? 3.What is rehabilitation engineering? 4.What is clinical engineering? 5.What is genetic engineering? How does it relate to biomedical engineering? 6.What is biomedical equipment technology (BMET)? 7.What is Medical Physics? 5.Where can I go to study biomedical engineering? 6.What are the home page addresses of schools offering biomedical engineering? 7.What is accreditation? 8.Where can I apply for grants? 9.Where can I find a listing of biomedical jobs? 10.What kinds of professional organizations exist for biomedical engineers? 11.Where can I find news groups pertaining to biomedical engineering?

12.What books and journals can I read to learn more about Biomedical Engineering? 13.Resources Cited

Subject 3: What advantages will I gain from reading this FAQ? This FAQ is intended to provide an in-depth description of what biomedical engineering is, how it is defined, and what resources are available to learn more about biomedical engineering. It is the goal of this FAQ to be a source of knowledge for all to use, from those considering studies in biomedical engineering to the seasoned professional engineer. Subject 4: How is engineering applied to medicine and biology? Education: "Biomedical engineering combines engineering expertise with medical needs for the enhancement of health care. It is a branch of engineering in which knowledge and skills are developed and applied to define and solve problems in biology and medicine. Students choose the biomedical engineering field to be of service to people; for the excitement of working with living systems; and to apply advanced technology to the complex problems of medical care. The biomedical engineer is a health care professional, a group that includes physicians, nurses, and technicians. Biomedical engineers may be called upon to design instruments and devices, to bring together knowledge from many sources to develop new procedures, or to carry out research to acquire knowledge needed to solve new problems." Specific Activities Examples of work done by biomedical engineers include: Designing and constructing cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, artificial kidneys, blood oxygenators, and prosthetic hearts, blood vessels, joints, arms, and legs. Designing computer systems to monitor patients during surgery or in intensive care, or to monitor healthy

persons in unusual environments, such as astronauts in space or underwater divers at great depth. Designing and building sensors to quantify components of the blood's chemistry, such as potassium, sodium, O2, CO2, and pH. Designing instruments and devices for therapeutic uses, such as a laser system for eye surgery, a catheter to clear out a blocked blood vessel, or a device for automated delivery of insulin. Developing strategies for clinical decision-making based on expert systems and artificial intelligence, such as a computer-based system for selecting seat cushions for paralyzed patients or for, managing the care of patients with severe burns or for diagnosing diseases. Designing clinical laboratories and other units within the hospital and health care delivery system that utilize advanced technology. Examples would be a computerized analyzer for blood samples, ambulances for use in rural areas, or a: Cardiac catheterization laboratory. Designing, building and investigating medical imaging systems based on X-rays (computer assisted tomography), Isotopes (positron emission tomography), magnetic fields (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasound, or newer Modalities. Constructing and implementing mathematical/computer models of physiological systems to help life scientists better Understand how those systems operate. Designing and fabricating biomaterials and determining the mechanical, transport, and biocompatibility properties of Implantable artificial materials. Creating new diagnostic procedures, especially those requiring engineering analyses to determine parameters that are not directly accessible to measurements, such as in the internal organs or brain. Investigating the biomechanics of injury and wound healing. 4.1 What is "bioengineering" and is it the same as "biomedical engineering"? The term "bioengineering" (used interchangeably with "biomedical engineering") describes a wide range of activities in which the disciplines of engineering and the biological or medical science intersect. Representative examples of the work that biomedical engineers do are listed above. There are several other fields that partially interested with the discipline of Biomedical engineering, or that are sub fields. They are described in the following sections.

4.2 What is agricultural engineering? Agricultural engineering includes appropriate areas of mechanical, electrical, environmental, and civil engineering, construction technology, hydraulics, and soil mechanics. The use of mechanized power and machinery on the farm has increased greatly throughout the world, fourfold in the United States since 1930. Research in energy use, fluid power, machinery development, laser and microprocessor control for maintaining grain quality, and farm structures is expected to result in further gains in efficiency with which food and fiber are produced and processed. Agricultural production presents many engineering problems and opportunities. Agricultural operations--soil conservation and preparation; crop cultivation and harvesting; animal production; and commodities transportation, processing, packaging, and storage--are precision operations involving large tonnage's, heavy power, and critical factors of time and place. Facilities designed to aid farm operations help farm workers to minimize the time and energy requirements of routine jobs. Four primary branches have developed within agricultural engineering, based on the problems encountered. Farm power and machinery engineering is concerned with advances in farm mechanization-tractors, field machinery, and other mechanical equipment. Farm structures engineering studies the problems of providing shelter for animals and human beings, crop storage, and other special-purpose facilities. Soil and water control engineering deals with soil drainage, Irrigation, conservation, hydrology, and flood control. Electric power and processing engineering is concerned with the distribution of electric power on the farm and its application to a variety of uses, such as lighting to control plant growth and certain animal production operations." 4.3 What is rehabilitation engineering? "In rehabilitation engineering, technology is employed to replace or augment some physical function that is impaired or missing."[Smith 1990] Rehabilitation engineering is a newly evolving term, which entails the design, construction, and implementation of devices, which assists individuals in overcoming disabilities. Rehabilitation engineers must be

able to "devise strategies to help people "overcome" limitations."[Smith 1990] The rehabilitation engineer must also be able to "train individuals with impairments to minimize their functional limitations."[Smith 1990] The rehabilitation engineer must have extensive knowledge of the human body so as to gauge the needs and limitations of the client. The rehabilitation engineer must be able to construct assist devices, which rely upon undamaged or partially damaged sensory systems to complete a desired task. Applications of rehabilitation engineering include: The designing of independent living centers which allow physically or neurologically disabled individuals to live independently through the use of assistive services [Smith 1990] the creation and implementation of augmentative communication systems which give the ability to communicate to Those disabled individuals [Smith 1990] The designing of materials, which help, improve the quality of life and health of a client. Examples include the designing of a seat of a wheel chair to improve circulation; the engineering of a more efficient motor to propel wheel chairs, power carts, etc. [Smith 1990] the use of work site accommodations to create an environment such that disabled people can participate in the work Force [Smith 1990] the modify devices such as a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, or break pedal so that a disabled client can independently operate a motor vehicle 4.4 What is clinical engineering? The term clinical engineering, first developed at George Washington University in 1967, has come to mean an engineer, working in a health care delivery environment, who draws upon mathematics, physics, statistics, and the applied sciences to solve problems in the medical field. The clinical engineer is an application than theoretical. The clinical engineer must be able to: Specifically assist medical-center personnel in defining their problems and needs in connection with biomedical Instrumentation Design and supervise the construction and testing of special-purpose electronic equipment when commercially available apparatus cannot meet requirements

Conduct continuing study and research in contemporary developments, design, and construction methods as applied to medical and health care Develop methods for calibrating and performance-checking biomedical instrumentation, maintaining a set of Fundamental electrical standards and instruments adequate for this work Supply background in physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, control theory, and mathematics provide informal Instruction in electronic theory and practice to instrumentation section specialists and other medical-center Electronics technicians for improved understanding of current developments (i.e. neural networks, robotics, and microprocessors) Provide technical supervision for those aspects of a medical-center electrical safety program that involve the instrumentation section Provide direction of service in the diagnosis and solution of maintenance problems Develop and conduct instructional courses in instrument electronics Represent the medical center in dealings with outside organizations involving professional engineering responsibilities Act as a consultant and adviser to research and clinical specialists in negotiating development projects and recommending solutions to instrumentation and electrical- safety problems Within an organization, his instructions may be limited to general administrative and policy matters, or there may be professional autonomy in relationship with medical personnel regarding instrumentation and other engineering matters Represent the medical center at conferences on biomedical instrumentation and electrical safety and in dealing with engineers from manufacturers and other organizations 4.5 What is genetic engineering? The term genetic engineering is "used to describe the activities of biologist, biochemist, microbiologist, and medical research workers.[Kammermeyer 1989] Genetic engineering in its real sense means the synthetic preparation of composite molecules in which foreign DNA has been inserted into a vector molecule(bacteria, virus, etc.)"[Kammermeyer 1989] "Genetic engineering includes cloning DNA by microbial enzymes called endonucleases, splicing or recombining fragments of DNA, inserting eucaryotic DNA into bacteria so that large

quantities of the foreign genetic material can be produced, determining nucleotide sequence of a segment of DNA."[Britannica 1994a] Achievements of genetic engineering include: The manufacturing of somatostatin, insulin, human growth factor and interferon from E.Coli bacteria the manufacturing of blood proteins essential to the treatment of hemophilia using yeast The construction of vaccines from peptide chains the construction of antibodies in an artificial medium used to combat illnesses the recovery of essential minerals through the use of manufactured recombinant bacteria future research includes the development of the "biochip", an organic chip made of protein which will replace the silicon microchip 4.6 What is biomedical equipment and technology (BMET)? As a generalization, engineers are people who design new systems and devices, and technicians are people who build, install, and maintain them. In a typical hospital there are thousands of complex electronic and mechanical devices used to assist physicians, nurses, and therapists in caring for patients. Examples include respirators, cardiac monitors, imaging systems, and incubators. Hospitals hire people trained in equipment repair and installation to keep their technological facilities in good working order. The job requirements for these Biomedical Equipment Technicians are a 2-year college degree (Associate of Science), good mechanical skills, and an internship for on-the-job experience. A 4-year degree in engineering is not necessary to obtain a job as a Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) in a hospital. But some larger medical centers also hire a Clinical Engineer to oversee the entire technological infrastructure of the hospital, supervise the BMETs doing repair work, and integrate new equipment into existing clinical facilities. A B.S. or M.S. degree in engineering is needed to become a Clinical Engineer. 4.7 What is Medical Physics? "Medical physics is a branch of physics, it is also a branch of medicine... combining the technical challenges and pleasures of physics with a strong component of service to people." [Frey 1995] Medical physicists differ from basic physicists in two aspects. The first "is being able to work with the sick and dying- from very old to very young"[Tolbert 1996] The second aspect is in the pursuit of solution to problems. In

basic physics, if failure occurs, "the experimenter replaces the burnedout Components in the circuit, introduces new discrimination in the circuit... In medical physics, however, the solution is literally pursued life-or-death consequence. The safety of the tried and tested is not only preferred, but required." "The medical physics profession is split into six major sub-specialties: radiation therapy physics, diagnostic imaging physics, magnetic resonance imaging physics, radiation safety and health physics, nuclear medicine physics, and other applications of physics in medicine, for example, hypothermia and photo-dynamic therapy." Radiation therapy physics is a branch of medical physics which uses radiation to destroy malignant tissues such as cancerous tumors. Radiation therapy physicists are responsible for designing new methods of radiation treatment, implementing the newly designed method, and finally, ensure the safety of the patient using the newly formed treatment. "The bottom line in therapy is to treat the tumor with the maximum dose and give the minimum dose to normal tissue."[ Diagnostic imaging physics is a broad term used in medical physics because almost all of the other branches of medical physics use diagnostic imaging as part of their processes. The first method of diagnostic imaging ever used was the x-ray in which radiation passes through the body and forms an image of the internal structure on special film. Other diagnostic imaging processes include: tomography which focusing x-rays on a specific plane of tissue; computerized axial tomography (CAT) scanning; isotope scanning which involves the injection of radioactive isotopes which are then detected using special equipment; positron emission tomography, similar isotope scanning; nuclear Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which creates "thin slices" of tissues; and ultrasound which uses high frequency sound waves to create internal images.[ Magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, is a process by which the internal structure of the body is examined without using x-rays. The MRI uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to generate two or threedimensional images. The magnetic resonance imaging physicists devises newer and better methods of obtaining MRI's. The MRI physicist strives to create detailed images to aid in early detection of diseases, which in turn helps ensure early treatment. Radiation safety and health physics "is an interdisciplinary science and its application, for the radiation protection of humans and the

environment. Health Physics combines the elements of physics, biology, chemistry, statistics and electronic instrumentation to provide information that can be used to protect individuals from the effects of radiation." Nuclear medicine is the use of radioactive isotopes, such as iodine131, carbon-14, etc., along with various scanning devices, such as gamma cameras, tomography equipment, or magnetic resonance imager to view internal organs. The purpose of nuclear medicine is to examine internal organs based on the principle that different organs will absorb radioactive material. The radioactive material will then emit radiation, which can be detected by various devices. The nuclear medicine physicists are responsible for developing new tools by which the above methods can be improved upon. Improvements entail safer radioactive elements for use in the body, development of new tools or new methods which will create a more detailed picture of the internal organs.[ Subject 5: Where can I go to study MS in Biomedical Engineering? Printed sources of information Directory of Engineering & Engineering Technology: Undergraduate Programs [American Society For Engineering Education] In the 1995 edition, sixteen universities are listed as having accredited undergraduate biomedical programs. Though this is not as comprehensive volume as the on-line publications, it is a valuable resource to those without access to the Internet. Peterson's Guide to Undergraduate Programs in Engineering and Applied Sciences 1996 [Peterson 1996a] Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in Engineering and Applied Sciences 1996 [Peterson 1996b]

Sources on the Internet There are four comprehensive resources on the Internet, which are of interest for those with access. Biomedical Engineering Academic Program Annual Report (URL Peterson's Listing of Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Programs (URL Peterson's Listing of Graduate Biomedical Engineering Programs (URL Foreign English Speaking Biomedical Programs (URL

Subject 6: What are the homepage addresses of schools offering biomedical engineering? Biomedical Engineering Home Pages Biomedical Engineering Program (List of the Universities, which offer M.S. In Biomedical Engg) (ALL THE UNIVERSITES ARE ACCREDITED) (Source:

LIST 1: UNIVERSITES IN USA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Aalborg University--- Alfred University--- Arizona State University--- Boston University- California State Carnegie Mellon University-- Case Western Reserve University----- City College of New York-- Clemson University --------- Columbia University - Cornel University, Ithaca Dartmouth College- Drexel University------ Duke University ------ Florida International University--- Georgia Institute of Technology- Harvard University- Johns Hopkins University-- Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences-- Louisiana Tech University- Marquette University-

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology--- Mayo Graduate School--- Michigan Technological University- Mississippi State University-- New Jersey Institute of Technology, North Carolina State University---- Northwestern University--- Ohio State University---- Pennsylvania State University -- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute--- Rice University--- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Saint LouisUniversity- Stanford University-- Texas A&M University, college station-- Trinity College- Tufts University- Tulane University, New Orleans- University of Akron---------- University of Alabama in University of Alabama, Birmingham-- University of Alberta--- University of California University of California San Diego- University of California San FranciscoUniversity of Cincinnati-- University of Florida--- University of Hartford-- University of Illinois Chicago-- University of Iowa- University of BME University of Michigan- University of Minnesota- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill- University of Pennsylvania- University of Pennsylvania- University of Pittsburgh-- University of Rochester- University of Texas Austin- University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterUniversity of Utah- University of University of Washington Seattle- University of Wisconsin-Madison-- University of Wyoming-- University of California Vanderbilt University- Wake Forest University- Washington University, St.Louis- Wayne State University-- Western New England College- Worcester Polytechnic Wright State University- Yale University---

LIST 2: UNIVERSITES IN CANADA. (Source : 1)NORTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Biomedical Program Electronics Engineering Technology 11762-106 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1 Tel: (780) 471-7716; Fax: 491-3072 URL: 2)THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine Room 1098 Research Transition Facility Edmonton, AB T6G 2V2 URL: Tel: (780) 492-6339; Fax: 492-8259 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING GRADUATE PROGRAMME Department of Electrical &Computer Engineering ICT BUILDING /ROOM 402 2500 University Drive N.W. , Calgary , Alberta , Canada T2N 1N4 Telphone:(403)220-5806 fax: (403) 282-6855 e-mail: [email protected] 4)BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Health Sciences 3700 Willingdon Ave Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2 URL: Tel: (604) 432-8994; Fax: 435-5153 Toll free: 1-800-663-6542 5)SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY School of Engineering Science 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Tel: (604) 291-4371; Fax: 291-4951 URL: 6)UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Faculty of Graduate Studies 180-6371 Crescent Road Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2 Tel: (604) 822-3380; Fax: 822-5802 URL: 7)UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical &Computer Engineering Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Tel: (204) 474-9806; Fax: 275-3773

URL: email: [email protected] 8)UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN Division of Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering 57 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9 Tel: (306) 966-4729; Fax: 966-5205 URL: 9)COLLEGE OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC Engineering Technology Centre Ridge Road Campus, PO Box 1150 St. John's, NF A1C 6L8 Tel: (709) 758-7079; Fax: 758-7126 URL: 10)MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEWFOUNDLAND Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Medical Engineering Research Group St. John's, NF A1B 3X5 Tel: (709) 737-8991; Fax: 737-4042 URL: 11)DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY School of Biomedical Engineering 5981 University Ave Halifax, NS B3H 3J5 Tel: (902) 494-3427; Fax: 494-2527 URL: 12)UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK Institute of Biomedical Engineering PO Box 4400 Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 Tel: (506) 453-4966; Fax: 453-4827 URL: 13)UNIVERSITÉ DE MONCTON Département d'informatique Moncton, NB E1A 3E9 URL: Tel: (506) 858-4552; Fax: 858-4541 14)UNIVERSITY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Engineering Program Faculty of Sciences 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 URL: Tel: (902) 566-0342 15)CARLETON UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering 1125 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Tel: (613) 520-7400 URL: email : [email protected] 16)FANSHAWE COLLEGE Biomedical Technology PO Box 4005 1460 Oxford St. East London, ON N5Y 5R6 Tel: (519) 452-4105; Fax: 452-4420 URL: 17)QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Biomedical Engineering Unit and Clinical Mechanics Group Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Tel: (613) 533-2581; Fax: 533-6489 URL: 18)McMASTER UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering John Hodgins Engineering Building 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8S 4L7 Tel: (905) 525-9140 Ext.24646 URL: 19)UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH School of Engineering Albert Thornbrough Building Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Tel: (519) 824-4120 ext. 2430 Fax: (519) 836-0227 URL: 20)RYERSON UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences 350 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 Tel: (416) 979-5000 ext. 6078 URL: 21)UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA School of Engineering PO Box 450, Station A Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 Tel: (613) 562-5700 URL: 22)UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. Department of Otolaryngology 4 Taddle Creek Rd, Rosebrugh Bldg, 4 Toronto, ON M5W 1A4 Tel: (416) 978-6712; Fax: 978-4317 URL: EMAIL: [email protected]

23)UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Faculty of Engineering 200 University Ave West Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Tel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 3298 URL: 24)UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research Windsor, ON N9B 3P4 Tel: (519) 253-4232 ext. 2109 URL: 25)UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Engineering Science Building London, ON N6A 5B9 Biomedical Engineering Tel: (519) 661-4288; Fax: 850-2308 URL: email id: [email protected] 26)CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY Sir George Williams Campus 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd West Montreal QC H3G 1M8 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering URL: Tel: (514) 848-4190; Fax: 848-3175 Engineering and Computer Science URL: Tel: (514) 848-3060; Fax: 848-4509 27)McGILL UNIVERSITY Biomedical Engineering Department Faculty of Medicine Lyman Duff Medical Sciences Bldg. 3775 University Ave Montreal, QC H3A 2B4 Tel: (514) 398-6737; Fax: 398-7461 URL:

LIST 3: UNIVERSITES IN United Kingdom. (U.K) (Source : OR 1)KEELE UNIVERSITY ----- e-mail id:[email protected] 2) UNIVERSITY OF ULSTER--- [email protected] 3)UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE--- 4)ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY-- E MAIL: [email protected]



Subject 7: What is accreditation? "The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) is primarily responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and certifying the quality of engineering, engineering technology, and engineering-related education in colleges and universities in the United States. ABET develops accreditation policies and criteria and conducts a comprehensive program of evaluation of degree programs. Programs that meet the prescribed criteria are granted accredited status. ABET participates in general areas of higher education, especially those that impact on the engineering profession. ABET initiates and sponsors studies, conferences, and seminars, and co-sponsors projects in cooperation with organizations with common interests. " (URL

Subject 8: Where can I apply for grants? 1. Grants to allow study towards B.S. degree Undergraduate financial aid is generally awarded to college students on the basis of financial need. Each university to which a prospective student applies will assess the student's financial ability to pay the school's tuition, and will try to offer loans, jobs, and scholarship funds to assist good students to pay the tuition bill. There are no special scholarships available for students studying biomedical engineering. There are, however, many smaller scholarships for students planning to study in any field of engineering. These are usually administered by local chapters of the large national engineering professional societies. Prospective engineering students who are entering their Final year in High school can check with their community's local chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and the National

Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). 2. Grants to allow study towards an M.S. or Ph.D. degree unlike undergraduate financial aid, graduate school financial aid is generally awarded on the basis of academic merit without consideration of financial need. Most large research universities offer three types of financial aid to graduate students: Appointment as a Graduate Fellow Typical graduate fellowships include a stipend of around $16,000 per year plus a free tuition. They're awarded to the very best graduate applicants, typically students with very high undergraduate grades and standardized test scores in the 99th percentile on the Graduate Record Exam Employment as a Teaching Assistant (T.A.) Typical TA jobs include a stipend of around $10,000 for nine months of service as a laboratory instructor, and also include free or reduced cost tuition. Employment as a Research Assistant (R.A.) Research assistants work closely with faculty members, in a role similar to an apprentice, on specific engineering research projects. The stipend is individually determined, and usually includes free or reduced cost tuition. There are three national sources of graduate fellowship support. These awards can be used at any university, and the competition for them is intense. Anyone considering graduate study in biomedical engineering, particularly towards the doctorate, is urged to apply for National Science Foundation (NSF), Whitaker Foundation, and Tau Beta Pi graduate fellowships. Applications for the NSF fellowship may be secured from. NSF Fellowship Office Oak Ridge Associated Universities Box 3010 Oak Ridge TN 37831-3010 Applications for the Whitaker Foundation fellowship are available from: The Whitaker Foundation 1700 N. Moore St. #2200 Rosslyn VA 22209

Applications for Tau Beta Pi fellowships are available from: Tau Beta Pi Box 2697 Knoxville TN 37901-2697 A small amount of need-based financial aid is available, via on-campus financial aid offices, through Federally subsidized loans. The American Society for Engineering Education's ENG-LOANS program provides funding above these amounts. The American Society for Engineering Education 11 Dupont Circle Washington DC 20036 3. Grants to do research Grants for research in biomedical engineering are awarded to university faculty members and to industrial researchers by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and by the Whitaker Foundation. Some biomedical engineering projects are also supported by the Department of Energy and other federal agencies as well. On-line inter-agency searches for funding opportunities are possible through the Fedix database (Fedix database). Resource available on the Internet There are several resource available on the Internet to apply for grant funding. Some of these organizations are specific to biomedical funding, while others are geared towards the sciences in general. The Whitaker Foundation (URL "The Whitaker Foundation offers several areas of biomedical engineering grant programs. Biomedical Engineering Research Grants Biomedical Engineering Development Awards

Graduate Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering Special Opportunity Awards in Biomedical Engineering Cost-Reducing Health Care Technologies (in collaboration with the National Science Foundation)" [] The NIH Grants Database (URL "The NIH's mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. NIH works toward that mission by conducting research in its own laboratories; supporting the research of non-Federal scientists in universities, medical schools, hospitals, and research institutions throughout the country and abroad; helping in the training of research investigators; and fostering communication of biomedical information. Simply described, the goal of NIH research is to acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat disease and disability, from the rarest genetic disorder to the common cold." [] The National Science Foundation (URL "The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent agency of the U.S. Government, established by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950...The Act established the NSF's mission: To promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense." [] Other sources of grant funding available for biomedical projects are: U.S. Department of Agriculture Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Advanced Technology Program (ATP) All of these resources are available through the Community of Science Web Server. (URL


9: Where can I find a listing of biomedical jobs?

The MEDMarket Virtual Industrial Park is a comprehensive index of biomedical-healthcare manufacturing companies. (URL There is also a listing of job opportunities in Biomedical Engineering available through the BMEnet at Purdue University. Included in this list are BMEnet Listings, Academic Position Network, Career Mosaic J.O.B.S. Database, NIH Vacancies, the Online Career Center, and two employment sources available from Science Magazine. (URL Purdue Job Bank (URL gopher:// Yahoo Biomedical Jobs Listing (URL Jobs are also frequently posted on sci.engr.biomed and news group.

Subject 10: What professional organizations exist for biomedical engineers? 1)The Biomedical Engineering Society For membership, contact Rita Schaffer. Snail-mail address: Biomedical Engineering Society P.O. Box 2399 Culver City, CA 90231 (URL 2) The Biomedical Engineering Society of India: The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS) is a society dedicated to melding the of engineering and mathematics with medicine and biology. The EMBS is the largest professional organization dedicated to the advancement of biomedical engineering. For more information on EMBS Chapters. (URL

The American Institute For Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) is a society dedicated to the advancement of medical and biological engineering through the increase of public knowledge. AIMBE seeks to improve relations between the government, industry, and professional organizations in order to promote engineering in medicine and biology. (URL Subject 11: Where can I find news groups pertaining to biomedical engineering? Several news groups exist on the Internet which deal with issues pertaining to biomedical engineering. Some deal with topics pertaining areas of specific interest, while others deal with topics such as biomedical ethics. Sci.engr.biomed (URL news:sci.engr.biomed) Listings of web sites discussing ethical issues related to biomedical engineering can be attained from the Bioethics and Biomedical Ethics home page. A few web sites included are American Association of Bioethics, Law and Ethics, and DeathNET! (URL The newsgroup periodically has articles dealing with biomedical engineering. Recent topics of discussion include new techniques in medical imaging, nuclear medicine, and the biological effects of electric and magnetic fields. (URL news:

Subject 12:What books, journals, and trade magazines can I read to learn more about Biomedical Engineering? Medical Electronics Products 2294 W. Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216 [email protected] IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 Medical Electronics & Equipment News 532 Busse Highways, Park Ridge, IL 60068-3194 Journal of Biotechnology Journal of Electrical Technology Chemical & Engineering News 1155-16th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Journal of Engineering Mechanics Design News Cahners Publishing Co., Editorial Offices, 275 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02158 Optical Engineering Medical Engineering & Physics (formerly Journal of Biomedical Engineering) Elsevier Science Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153 Chemtech American Chemical Society, 1155-16th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036 Subject 13: Resources Cited BMEnet . "A Career In Biomedical Engineering" Available: Directory: /~ieeeembs/ Filename: biocareer.html Caceres, Cesar A. (1977). The Practice of Clinical Engineering. New York: Academic Press American Society For Engineering Education.(1994) Directory of Engineering & Engineering Technology: Undergraduate Programs. Washington D.C.: ASEE Publications Hale, Dr. Paul N. , Jr. (1994). "Biomedical Engineering Academic Program Annual Report 1994” Available:

Directory: bme/academic/ Filename: grand.html Peterson's Guides, Inc. (1995). "Peterson's Listing of Undergraduate Biomedical Programs" Available: Directory: ugrad/select/ Filename: u4majors.html Peterson's Guides, Inc. (1995)."Peterson's Listing of Graduate Biomedical Engineering Programs" Available: Directory: graduate/select/ Filename: 504005se.html BMEnet. "Other Biomedical Engineering Programs" Available: Directory: bme/academic/ Filename: acadold.html BMEnet. "The Whitaker Foundation" Available: Directory: bme/whitaker/ Filename: fellanc.html Community of Science Web Server. "The NIH Grants Database" Available: Directory: /best/fedfund/ Filename:nih-intro.html National Science Foundation. "The National Science Foundation" Available: Directory: bfa/cpo/ Filename: start.html Community of Science Web Server Available: Directory: / Filname: MEDMarket. "MEDMarket Healthcare Manufacturing Industry Index" Available: Directory: MEDMarket/indexes/ Filename:indexmfr.html BMES. "The Biomedical Engineering Society" Available: Directory: ?AMBE/

Filename: bmes.html IEEE-EMBS."IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society" Available: Directory: courses/bae465/ Filename: embs.html Frey, G. Donald. (1995) Medical Physics Profession Faces Growth Limits.Physics Today. 11. Tolbert, Don. (1996) Medical Physics Is a Demanding Profession. Physics Today. 13-15 Electric Differential Multimedia Lab Available: Directory: Patients/PatientDept/RadiologyBrochures/MR/ Filename: MRISheet.html Podgorsak, M.B. "Medical Physics Jobs: What's the Prognosis?" Available: Directory:/ Filename: Premedlet1.html Robinson, A.L. "A Board-Certified Physicist in Radiation Therapy" Available: Directory: ~jkf/carhart/ Filename: Premedlet2.html Smith, R.V. & Leslie, Hohn H. (1990) Rehabilitation Engineering. Boca Raton: CRC Press Kammermeyer, Karl & Clark, Virginia L. (1989) Genetic Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Principles and Applications, New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.

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