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Navotas National High School M. Naval St. Sipac – Almacen, Navotas City

SUMMATIVE TEST IN BIOLOGY NAME: ______________________________________ YR & Sec: _____________SCORE: ____________ TEACHER: __________________________________ DATE: ______________ RATING: ____________ DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Choose the best among the choices given and write the letter of the correct answer. USE your ANSWER Sheet. (Do not write anything on the test paper). 1. Snakes can have the same color as their surroundings. This adaptation helps them to __________. A. obtain food C. attract mated. B. possess traits of their parents D. protect themselves from predator 2. What usually results when an organism fails to maintain homeostasis? A. Growth rates within organs become equal. B. The organism becomes ill or may die. C. A constant sugar supply for the cells is produced. D. The water balance 3. Why is milk pasteurized? A. to improve its taste B. to kill the microorganisms

C. to prevent curdling D. to be easily digested

4. Some microorganism cause diseases but many are useful. Which of the following make use of microorganism in its production? A. table sugar production C. soap production B. cooking oil production D. soy sauce production 5. Scientists have cloned sheep but have not yet cloned a human. The best explanation for this situation is that A. the technology to clone humans has not been explored B. human reproduction is very different from that of other mammals C. there are many ethical problems involved in cloning humans D. cloning humans would take too long 6. Which of the following is Dioscoro Rabor’s contribution to the biology in the Philippines? A. a research on the Philippine bananas, pepper and some medicinal plants B. Discovered or co – discovered new species of a local flying squirrel, two mammals, a lizard and some birds C. Research on the anatomical characteristics of bamboo and grass D. Discovered several species and genera of parasitic worms in the Philippine fish, birds and human. 7. Chester is viewing a cell under the microscope with 100x oil immersion objectives and a 20x ocular. How much is the cell magnified? A. 20 times C. 200 times B. 100 times D. 2000 times 8. Stacy needs to know about the different shape of bacteria. His biology teacher suggested examining a prepared slide of mixtures of bacteria. Which of the following ocular objectives will best help him to achieve his goal? A. 5x and a high power objectives B. 10x and high power objectives

C. 5x oil immersion objectives D. 10 x and oil immersion objectives

9. Stacy needs to know about the different shape of bacteria. His biology teacher suggested examining a prepared slide of mixtures of bacteria. Which of the following ocular objectives will best help him to achieve his goal? A. 5x and a high power objectives C. 5x oil immersion objectives B. 10x and high power objectives D. 10 x and oil immersion objectives 10. What part of the cell serves as the intracellular highway? A. endoplasmic reticulum C. cell membrane B. golgi apparatus D. mitochondria


11. What part of the cell is responsible for breaking down and digesting things? A. lysosome C. golgi apparatus B. mitochondria D. ribosomes 12. Which of the following is considered the most significant difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. Prokaryotic cells have a cell membrane, whereas eukaryotic cells do not B. Prokaryotic cells possess ribosomes, whereas eukaryotic cells do not C. Prokaryotic cells are structurally complex, whereas eukaryotic cells are not D. Eukaryotic cells have DNA, whereas prokaryotic cells do not E. Eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do not have 13. Lysosomes are a type of organelle in eukaryotes. What do they do? A. Build protein molecules. C. Contain the cells genetic information. B. Produce energy/ATP for the cell. D. Break down cellular waste. 14. Which of the following statements about Eukaryotic cells is NOT true? A. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane bound nucleus, one of the largest structures within the cell. B. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than are prokaryotic cells. C. Eukaryotic cells are usually smaller than prokaryotic cells. D. Eukaryotic cells a believed to have evolved more recently than did prokaryotic cells. 15. Which eukaryotic microbe is responsible for malaria? A. Dinoflagellate C. Naegleria B. Amoebae D. Plasmodium 16. In prokaryotes, ribosomes are found throughout the cytoplasm and sometimes attached to the plasma membrane. In eukaryotic cells, which organelle is studded with ribosomes A. mitochondria C. rough endoplasmic reticulum B. lysosome D. smooth endoplasmic reticulum 17. Plasmolysis is a condition of plant cells when there is removal of water molecules causes the cell membrane to be pulled away from the cell wall and the cytosol shrinks while cell remains intact. A plasmolyzed cell is caused by _______________. A. Hypertonic solution C. isotonic solution B. hypotonic solution D. both and b 18. Which of the following serves as the carrier molecules in the cell membrane which facilitate the transport of large molecules in the cell? A. lipids C. proteins B. carbohydrates D. nucleic acids 19. How do a bacterium taken into cells? A. osmosis B. phagocytosis

C. exocytosis D. diffusion

20. Which of the following is not true about diffusion? A. higher temperature results a faster rate of diffusion B. the higher density of the solute, the slower the diffusion C. involvement of pressure increases the rate of diffusion D. the solubility of the solution does not affect the rate of diffusion? 21. Why the cell shrinks when it is placed in a sugar solution? A. because cell gains water C. because the cell develops turgor pressure B. because the net movement of water is zero D. because the cell loses water Please answer the following questions regarding if a red blood corpuscle were placed in sea water. 22. Where is the greatest concentration of water? A. inside the cell C. equal inside and outside the cell B. outside the cell D. NONE


23. Which way is water moving? A. more into than out B. more out than in

C. water is not moving D. both directions in equal amounts

24. The following are required during the light reaction of photosynthesis EXCEPT one. Which is the exception? A. CO2 C. H2O B. light energy D. chlorophyll 25. The green coloring pigment of a plant necessary in the process of photosynthesis is _________. A. carotene C. fucoxanthin B. chlorophyll D. xanthophylls 26. The chloroplast is present in __________. A. cell B. chlorophyll

C. nucleus D. cell membrane

27. These pores are very important in photosynthesis because they let the carbon dioxide in the water vapor and oxygen out. A. epidermis C. stomata B. grana D. stroma 28. To be able to photosynthesize, an organism must have _________________. A. chlorophyll C. nucleus B. cuticle D. ribosome 29. Which of the following describes the main function of chloroplast in a plant cell? A. it absorbs light energy for food production B. it breaks down chemical energy in food C. both a and b D. none of these 30. Why do leaves of the plants appear green? A. because its chlorophyll absorbs both blue and green light? B. because its chlorophyll reflects both blue and green light C. because its chlorophyll absorbs green light D. because its chlorophyll reflects green light


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