Bill Richardson 2008 - Tell Me Background Documents

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ATTACHMENT 1: Our Top Incentives New Mexico offers more than 30 incentives designed to improve the bottom line for businesses like yours. These are among the most widely used. Job Training Incentive Program New Mexico has one of the most aggressive training incentive packages in the country. The Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) funds classroom and on-the-job-training for newly created jobs in expanding or relocating businesses for up to six months. The program reimburses 50 to 70 percent of employee wages and required travel expenses. Custom training at a New Mexico public educational institution may also be covered. More on the Job Training Incentive Program High-Wage Job Tax Credit A bold, new incentive created in 2004 by Governor Richardson and the New Mexico Legislature, this tax credit equals 10 percent of the wages and benefits for each new economic-base job created. Qualified employers can receive the credit for up to four years. Espanola software company Computer Assets and Taos’s new insurance call center CiDirect are just two examples of companies who qualify for the credit. More on the High-Wage Jobs Tax Credit Industrial Revenue Bonds New Mexico communities can issue IRBs to exempt companies from property taxes on land, buildings, and equipment. Companies creating new business facilities can receive a property tax

exemption for up to 20 years. Albuquerque’s Intel facility and the new Monarch Litho printing plant in Santa Teresa are just two companies who have been able to expand their facilities by using IRBs. More on Industrial Revenue Bonds Rural Job Tax Credit For every job created in a rural area, employers can receive a maximum credit of $1,000 per job for two years. Clovis’s Southwest Cheese and The Connection, a call center with locations in Carlsbad, Las Vegas, and Moriarty are two companies that qualify for the credit. More on the Rural Job Tax Credit Manufacturers Investment Tax Credit Manufacturers may qualify for a tax credit equal to five percent of the value of qualified equipment imported to New Mexico. Albuquerque’s Intel facility and Rea Magnet Wire of Las Cruces are examples of firms that qualify the credit. More on Manufacturer’s Investment Tax Credit New Mexico 9000 In September of 2004, our state’s unique, low-cost ISO 9000 certification program won first place as most innovative state program from the Council of State Governments—WEST. Under New Mexico 9000, businesses may obtain IS0 9000 certification on a sliding scale costing $1,000 to $6,000 (compared with $120,000 by conventional means). Also, NM 9000 process takes only one year. More on New Mexico 9000 New Mexico 9000 was lauded in the March 2006 issue of Quality Progress magazine. Read more here Explore our other incentives: Industry-Specific Incentives General Incentives Job Training

ATTACHMENT 2: New Mexico Business Weekly - April 5, 2007

NM taxes down, employment up New Mexico Business Weekly - April 5, 2007 In its latest annual report, the Tax Foundation -- a nonprofit fiscal policy research group -ranked New Mexico in the top tier of "tax friendly" states. The report says New Mexico has moved up 11 spots in the past three years, from a ranking as 22nd in the nation for states with light tax burdens to 11th. Separately, new federal labor department statistics show that New Mexico's unemployment rate has dropped to 3.5 percent -- its lowest level since 1976 and a full percentage point below the national average. New Mexico now ranks 12th in the nation for job growth, with a 2 percent annual expansion rate. Since 2003, 84,000 new jobs have been added to the local workforce, including 16,300 in the past year. "By keeping taxes low, by investing [in] new clean industries, by building a better educated and skilled workforce, New Mexico's economy is growing and our unemployment rate is dropping," said Gov. Bill Richardson in a news release.


Governor's Pro Business Policies Given Top Ranking by Inc. Magazine Monday, October 02, 2006 Governor Given 4 of 4 Stars SANTA FE – New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson today announced that Inc. Magazine’s October issue will give him four stars for his pro business policies. The governor’s top ranking will be included in Inc.’s complete rating of the 26 governors who are seeking reelection this November. The October issue of Inc. magazine will hit newsstands in New Mexico and across the country tomorrow, October 3. “This top rating recognizes everything we have done in New Mexico to create jobs and grow our economy,” said Governor Richardson. “I am very proud that Inc. Magazine is highlighting these efforts. New Mexico is a national leader in job growth, we have invested in better schools and improved access to health care and—most importantly for the business community—we have cut taxes year after year.” Governor Richardson has cut more than $1 billion in state taxes since 2003 including eliminating the tax on food and medical services, cutting income taxes for every New Mexican and providing tax incentives to encourage quality businesses to move to and expand in New Mexico. The federal Labor Department recently reported 3.2 percent job growth in New Mexico, the 6th strongest rate in the nation. Under Governor Richardson’s leadership, more than 72,000 new jobs have been created --26,200 new jobs during the past year alone—showing that New Mexico’s strong, broad-based economy continues to improve. New Mexico’s unemployment rate also recently improved slightly to 4.3 percent, which is lower than the national unemployment rate of 4.7 percent. The full text of Inc.’s ranking of Governor Richardson is below. Inc. Magazine’s article and press release are also attached. Media who wish to interview an Inc. editor on these rankings should contact Christina Duffney at 212.389.5485.

ATTACHMENT 4: State of New Mexico Office of the Governor Bill Richardson Governor For immediate release March 17, 2007

Contact: Jon Goldstein (Santa Fe) 505.476.2248

Governor Richardson Lauds Success on Minimum Wage, Tax Cuts, Water, Energy and Education Unfinished Business on Ethics, Transportation Necessitates Special Session (Santa Fe, NM) – Governor Bill Richardson today called the 2007 Legislative Session one of the most productive sessions in state history. “I think the people of New Mexico expected more out of this Legislature – and together—Legislators and Governor—we delivered,” said Governor Richardson. “But let me emphasize a point—this is not a win for me, or even my legislative colleagues—I believe it is a win for the people we represent--the citizens of New Mexico.” Successes included raising the minimum wage to $7.50 per hour over the next two years. Passing a working families tax cut returning $52 million to low and middle income families and eliminating taxes on the salaries of active duty military. Other tax cuts passed will help spur economic development, health-care, and energy—a total of $84 million dollars this year, $102 million in 2008, and $125 million in 2009. “These incentives will help us grow a clean economy, attract and keep high-wage jobs, and expand health care to more rural New Mexicans,” said Governor Richardson. “Taken together, the minimum wage increase and tax cuts are huge steps forward for New Mexico’s working families.” Governor Richardson’s Year of Water agenda included a $10 million down payment on our Indian Water Rights Settlements, investments in our acequias and a $4 million for statewide leak detection and water demonstration projects. An extension of reliable and clean water supplies to underserved portions of the Navajo Nation was also funded. And the Governor continued to support New Mexico’s Strategic Water Reserve, moved forward on the Ute pipeline, and passed a historic, statewide $2.5 million river protection and restoration act. On the budget, a $5.6 billion dollar budget that was fiscally responsible and maintained a 10 percent reserve was approved. And the Governor carefully scrutinized the budget and capital package to ensure that it meets the needs of New Mexicans.

Teacher salaries were raised by 5% and an additional 2% on average for support professionals, principals and assistant principals. This raise will move New Mexico teacher salaries to 29th in the country. New Mexico’s Pre-Kindergarten program will expand from 2,200 kids to 3,800 four year olds. And the legislature joined Governor Richardson in partially funding after-school enrichment programs, offering longer school years focused to early education, and investing in Reading, Math and Summer Institutes. High schools will also be redesigned: increasing graduation requirements, raising the dropout age from 17 to 18, and funding a Cyber-academy. $191 million was invested to modernize our public schools and innovative charter schools. The lottery scholarship was also reformed and expanded adding $50 million into the College Affordability Act for needy students. On energy, New Mexico became the first state in the nation to create a Renewable Energy Transmission Authority and passed legislation that will quadruple New Mexico’s use of clean electricity by 2020. New Mexico also took several steps forward in the fight against global warming. Passing a clean coal tax credit, new bio-diesel targets will help our state reduce vehicle emissions, and green buildings tax credits so our schools, homes and offices can now come models of conservation. The divisive issues of a cockfighting ban and medical marijuana were also approved. “However, we completed the session with unfinished business,” said Governor Richardson. “I will sign a proclamation calling legislators into a Special Session at noon on Tuesday to finish what we started.” Unfinished business the Governor noted included ethics reform, transportation and water infrastructure as well as domestic partnerships and anti-meth measures. On ethics the Governor is calling for: 1. Pass campaign contribution limits. 2. Pass the ethics commission 3. Public financing of judicial candidates The Governor also called for approval of his transportation infrastructure GRIP II package. “Small communities across the state have waited too long for state help to build roads,” said Governor Richardson. “The state has the resources to accomplish these projects. And voters in Southern New Mexico want assurances that the state is keeping its commitment to build the road to the new Spaceport, which we intend to move forward immediately.” The Special Session will also cover public-safety legislation meant to keep our families safe as well as unfinished domestic partners and Year of Water issues..

“With the ravages of meth in our communities, especially in rural New Mexico, we must have a meth registry act completed this special session,” said Governor Richardson. “And it is unconscionable that we do not have tougher domestic violence laws.” “I think there is support for the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act. New Mexico families deserve our respect no matter their race, creed or sexual orientation,” said Governor Richardson. “Finally, In the Year of Water, I want to see another attempt to pass our water infrastructure bill to streamline the financing of local water systems to make it more efficient and effective.”

ATTACHMENT 5: Copyright 2003 Associated Press All Rights Reserved The Associated Press State & Local Wire September 27, 2003, Saturday, BC cycle SECTION: State and Regional LENGTH: 736 words HEADLINE: Sweeping funding proposal slips into 'yes' column BYLINE: By SUE MAJOR HOLMES, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: ALBUQUERQUE BODY: Votes from Bernalillo County pushed a school funding amendment supported by Gov. Bill Richardson into the approved column, providing enough of a cushion for the governor to declare victory. "It looks extremely promising, and I'm declaring victory for New Mexico's children, New Mexico's schools and New Mexico education," Richardson said in Santa Fe on Friday. New Mexicans voted Tuesday in a special election for two constitutional amendments Richardson had pushed as vital to move the state ahead educationally and economically. An amendment to give the governor authority to appoint a cabinet-level secretary of education passed easily. The second amendment, to increase the payout from a state permanent fund, would give Richardson the money he says is needed to put his plans into action. It was a victory "for every child, for every parent, for all of us who knew change was needed, who knew our schools had to improve," Richardson said. "Today New Mexico's schools won. The future just got brighter for every child in New Mexico." The funding amendment was passing by 219 votes, according to an unofficial Associated Press poll of county clerks Friday. It was a big swing in a race that at one point was separated by just two votes and had the amendment trailing for much of the time as counties tallied votes in the days after the election.

Then Bernalillo County, which had been counting nearly 600 provisional and in-lieu-of ballots, released results of its precinct canvass and moved the amendment into the "yes" column. Bernalillo County Clerk Mary Herrera says 25 additional absentee votes will be counted Saturday. Neighboring Valencia County changed its numbers Friday evening, widening the gap in favor of the amendment, but county officials planned to meet Tuesday to further evaluate vote totals. About a half-dozen counties hadn't reported final, unofficial results to the AP on Friday. But those counties do not have enough outstanding ballots to change the outcome. Richardson acknowledged it was a narrow victory but said, "Nonetheless, a victory is a victory." State GOP Chairwoman Ramsay Gorham said Friday opponents aren't ready to concede. "We will look at all of the returns and certify that everything has truly been done legally before we'll concede victory," Gorham said. The state canvassing board will meet Oct. 14 to certify the statewide results. The outcome of the election will not become final until then. Provisional ballots, used for the first time in this week's election, are for voters who say they have registered but whose names do not appear on voter rolls at a polling place. In-lieu-of ballots are for people who say they didn't receive the absentee ballots they requested. Before such ballots can be counted, election officials check the voters' names against people who are registered or lists of people who already voted absentee. The uncertainty surrounding the funding amendment prompted a commission studying changes to New Mexico's tax system to postpone its final recommendations. The commission now will meet the same day as the state canvass. Amanda Cooper, a spokeswoman for the pro-amendment New Mexico Cares campaign, monitored Friday's count in Bernalillo County. She said a representative for the opponents also was there. "Bernalillo is very smooth," she said. "We seem to be pretty happy with the way things have gone here." Both sides also watched Sandoval and Dona Ana counties, which had significant vote changes this week. "You have to trust that the system will work as it was intended," Cooper said. "But we're going to watch very carefully." Denise Lamb, director of the state Bureau of Elections, said the Amendment 2 results won't be

treated differently than any other vote totals during the state canvass. "We extra-closely scrutinize every vote in every election," she said. Richardson and a coalition of business, education and labor groups said the funding amendment would provide much-needed extra money for public schools - more than $600 million over 12 years. They argued the extra money is needed to pay for newly enacted reforms, including raising teacher salaries. Opponents, however, argued that taking money from the fund now would rob future generations - in effect, siphoning off dollars that schools otherwise would receive from the permanent fund in decades to come. LOAD-DATE: September 28, 2003

ATTACHMENT 6: Copyright 2003 New Mexican, Inc. Santa Fe New Mexican (New Mexico) March 22, 2003 Saturday SECTION: MAIN; Pg. A-1 LENGTH: 819 words HEADLINE: GOVERNOR PROUD OF EDUCATION REFORM AS SESSION ENDS BYLINE: DIANA HEIL BODY: Gov. Bill Richardson considers sweeping changes in education, including 6 percent raises for teachers and 3 percent raises for noncertified school employees, to be the "signature reform of the session," even surpassing that of income-tax cuts. "I do think this education reform was the biggest reform, and we got it," he said in an interview Friday. The package includes raising employee pay, mandating higher starting salaries for teachers, forcing districts to spend a chunk of their cash balances and scheduling an election to change the structure of public-education governance in New Mexico. "We are cutting administration and putting more money into classrooms and will reach the national average for classroom spending within two years," Richardson said. Richardson wants to replace the state Board of Education and state superintendent with a Cabinet-level secretary of public education who answers to him. But doing so requires a constitutional amendment that voters will consider in a statewide election Sept. 23. When asked whether he would like state Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael Davis to stay on until the election, the governor said, "I want to see some stability until we start reorganization." But he made clear: "He will not be secretary of education." Davis has served at the pleasure of the 15-member state Board of Education since 1997. The board can choose to evaluate his performance at any time; the next performance review is scheduled for June.

Richardson said Davis has done a "creditable job," but the time has come to move on and bring in new people. He said he would conduct extensive searches to find the right secretary of education. The state board and state superintendent would be removed from the New Mexico Public School Code and be replaced with "the secretary of public education appointed by the governor." When setting policy, the secretary would be required to consult with an elective but advisory Public Education Commission. Initially, Richardson's plan mandated that districts shift 5 percent of their operating budgets toward raises. After listening to the outcry from several education groups and receiving updated data on classroom spending in New Mexico, Richardson compromised. Instead of 5 percent, districts must shift 1 percent of their operating budget to classroom instruction. That's expected to generate $18 million. "I'm very pleased with the 6 percent," Richardson said. "School superintendents stepped up to the plate with their cash reserves. I think they could have done more." Districts must let go of some of their unrestricted cash reserves -- what's left at the end of the year, not their emergency funds. The amount will vary from district to district but could generate $16.4 million overall. Since cash reserves create a nonrecurring pool of money, the governor pushed to tap Land Grant Permanent Fund money for education, too. Voters now get to weigh in on his idea at the September statewide election. To cover employee raises, the New Mexico general fund will pitch in a total of $50.9 million, the governor's deputy director of communications Gilbert Gallegos said. Originally, the governor intended to give raises only to teachers. Now, the 6 percent salary increases will go to teachers and such instructional personnel as librarians and counselors. And the 3 percent average pay raises cover other educational workers, including administrators. Richardson, by signing the budget Friday evening, also funded a $30,000 minimum salary for teachers, a first step in a new competency-based, teacher-licensing system. The minimum salary has been $22,000. It will take at least a week for Santa Fe Public Schools to absorb the budgetary implications, said Superintendent Gloria Rendon. The district must find $300,000 for employee raises, she said. "It has been a really successful year for education and for the future of kids in New Mexico," said J.B. Mulcock Jr., a New Mexico Coalition of School Administrators lobbyist who has worked on educational issues for six years. "Our agenda has been well-received. We're happy with the session." Mulcock said major education change, in everything from accountability of schools to employee pay, was achieved in the 60-day legislative session, which ends today.

"This governor has certainly exercised more leadership and had education higher on this session's agenda than any governor in recent sessions, and consequently he had a greater impact on education," he said. The coalition negotiated with Richardson's staff to reduce the 5 percent budget shift to a more realistic amount. "I think we struck a workable and fair compromise," Mulcock said. But, he added, even the 1 percent shift of district budgets to classroom instruction could be painful for some to meet, causing personnel cuts that translate into program cuts. LOAD-DATE: March 23, 2003

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