Bill Richardson 2008 - 030070e58956b57cbd Upm6bh0gy

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  • Pages: 2

He’s been nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize …


Nominated in 1995, 1997, 2000 and 2001. (See attachment 1 for details.)

freeing American hostages held by some of the world’s worst dictators.

North Korea – 1994 Sudan – 1996 and 2006 Iraq – 1996 (See attachment 2 for details.)

One of America’s “Best Governors” …

Inc. Magazine Press Release October 3, 2006 – Governor Bill Richardson received top ranking of “4-star” Governor for his governing policies and 3rd best on health care policies. (See attachment 3 for details.

He has “more international experience than just about anyone else in the 2008 field.”

Associated Press. Nedra Pickler. “Richardson Touts Unique Qualifications.” February 3, 2007. (See attachment 4 for details.)

But what would Bill Richardson do differently to heal America and our restore our place in the world? His life’s work has been bringing people together … through patient, determined diplomacy … and governing with humor and high expectations.

In New Mexico, he’s used tax cuts to reward companies that put people to work.

Created the “High-Wage” tax credit for companies that pay over a certain wage and made the “Rural Job Tax Credit” permanent to create high wage jobs in rural New Mexico. (See attachment 5 for details.)

Helping create over 80,000 new jobs.

New Mexico Business Weekly. New Mexico Taxes Down, Employment Up” April 5, 2007. (See attachment 6 for details.)

Up to sixth in the nation for job growth.

New Mexico was ranked 6th in the nation for job growth in October 2006. NMEDD Press Release “Governor's Pro Business Policies Given Top Ranking by Inc. Magazine, October 2, 2006”. (See attachment 7 for details.)

And no other state has done as much to promote renewable energy and fight global warming.

In 2007, Governor Richardson signed landmark renewable energy legislation – quadrupling New Mexico’s renewable energy requirement to 20% by 2020. Press Release March 5, 2007. (See attachment 8 for details.) In 2006, he issued an executive order to dramatically reduce the state of New Mexico’s greenhouse emissions and joined the Chicago Climate Exchange. Press Release December 28, 2006. (See attachment 9 for details.)

He has an optimism that our leaders can meet in good faith and achieve great things … Because he’s done it so many times before.

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