Bilal's Final Call

  • Uploaded by: Sunil Mohammed Usmaniya
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 597
  • Pages: 2
Subject: [ILC] Bilal's final call & the Adhzan Bilal, was the first man to pronounce the 'call to prayer' (adhzan); a transliteration / translation of which is at the end. In the year 639 AD [18 AH] a terrible plague broke out in Syria with some 25,000 people perishing.When the news of this plague reached Caliph Umar in Medina, he left the capital for Syria to help the victims. His route to Syria took him though the Christian town of Ayla. He rode on a camel with a small entrouge. Intending to enter the town incognito, he swapped places with his servant. Upon entering the town, the Christians, eager to see the Caliph, cried out 'Where is the Caliph?'. Standing by the side of his servant who was now mounted on the camel,Umar replied, 'He is before you' i.e. suggesting that his servant was the Caliph. The camel moved slowly and the crowd hurried forward thinking that the Caliph was ahead of them. Thus Umar alighetd unobservede by the masses and went to the house of the Bishop, where he spent part of his day. Umar's coat was damaged due to the long journey, and so he asked the Bishop to have it repaired while they rested. The Bishop had it repaied but offer Umar a new one, a lighter garment which he thought would better suit the Caliph. Umar declined the offer with thanks, and put on his old garment, and carried on his journey... Now Bilal, the famous Muezzin (one who calls to prayer), was at that time living in Syria. When Prophet Muhammad died, Bilal refused to announce the call for prayer for anyone else. Later he followed an army to Syria where he retired. On the night before Caliph Umar was planning to leave Syria, the chief citizens of Damascus petitioned him, asking him if he would ask Bilal to perform the adhzan (call to prayer) one last time. Bilal, now and elderly man consented and from the top of the great mosque of Damascus, the well-known voice arose loud and clearly with the adhzan which they were all accustomed to hearing during the life of the Prophet. The whole assembly (jamaah) of worshippers who were in attendance, recalled vividly the Prophet at his daily prayers, was melted into tears and strong warriors including Umar, lifted out their voices and cried (in memory of the days of the Prophet and the call to prayer). Two years after this 'final adhzan', Bilal, the great Muezzin died. [Ref: Caliphate, Muir] Notes: 1. AH = After Hijrah, the Hijrah was the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, and this marks the start of the Muslim 'calender'] 2. In the above account it is interesting to see how Caliph Umar, the leader of the Muslims at that time, stopped and visited the Bishop

who was the regional ruler of the Christian town of Ayla. Next time a person mocks a 'Muslim' ruler who visits a non Muslim ruler / representative out of mutual respect let them remeber the example of Calph Umar.

> The Adhzan < 1. Allahu akbar. [Allah is the Greatest x4] 2. Ashhadu alla ilaha illal-lah, ashhadu alla ilaha illallah.[I testify that there is no diety worthy of worship except Allah x2] 3. Ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah [I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah x2] 4. Hayya 'alas-salah [Come to prayer x2] 5. Hayya 'alal-falah [Come to prosperity x2] 6. Allahu akbar [Allah is the Greatest x2] 7. La ilaha illal-lah [There is no diety worthy of worship except Allah]

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