2st Call Final[1]d

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REGISTRATION FORM Continuing Psychology Education (CPE) Program 2–day Workshop on

“Biofeedback & Neurofeedback: Clinical and Research Applications" 27th & 28th November, 2009 Name Age Gender Occupation / Course Institute E-mail ID Phone no Address

: : : : : : : :

Food Preference

: Vegetarian / Non-Vegetarian.

Knowledge about / prior experience with biofeedback / neurofeedaback (pl. specify): Write in brief about your specific interest in this workshop: Registration fee: Students & Research Scholars : Professionals : Registration after 20th November 2009 :

Rs. 1,500/Rs. 2,000/Rs. 2,500/-

Advance(extra) towards Accommodation, Rs. 500/-, included (Yes / No) Payments to be made as demand draft drawn in favour of “Organizing Secretary CPE”, payable at Chennai Details of payment: Demand draft._____________________ drawn from _________________________ on _______ 2009.


“Biofeedback & Neurofeedback: Clinical and Research Applications”

at Conference Hall, Dept of Bioinformatics, IV Floor, OP Building from 27th to 28th November, 2009

Organized by


Last Date for Registration: 20th November 2009 The number of seats for the workshop is limited to strictly 40; on a first come, first served basis. Payments to be made as demand draft drawn in favour of Organizing Secretary CPE, payable at Chennai Registration Fees Students & Research Scholars


Rs. 1,500/-



Rs. 2,000/-

Registration after 20th November 2009


Rs. 2,500/-

Registration fee covers registration charges, a workshop kit, Breakfast and lunch on the days of the workshop. Registration before 20th November 2009 will ensure the workshop kit. Mailing Address: Organizing Secretary- CPE, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai 600 116.

Accommodation available is limited. Advance payment of Rs. 500/- to be added to the DD and indicated in the registration form to ensure reservation of a room. The final settlement has to be made by the delegate depending on the number of days stayed.

Resource Persons: Dr. Jamuna Rajan Assistant Professor Department of Mental Health and Social Psychology NIMHANS, Bangalore

Dr Kanak Panday Industrial and Clinical Psychologist Chairman Gunjan Human Karigar Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

For further information Contact Organizing Committee at 044-24765512 extn. 8511/8537 Organizing Secretary- Dr Bhasi.S - (0)9383845040 Treasurer- Mr. D. Vijayaragavan-(0)9894289185

You may also e-mail to [email protected]

PROGRAMME SCHEDULE- (Tentative) Day 1 – 27/11/2009 8.30. a.m. – 9.00.a.m. – Registration 9.00. a.m. – 9.30.a.m. – Inauguration 9.30. a.m. – 9.45.a.m. – Coffee Break 9.45a.m. – 12.30 p.m. – Academic Session 1 (Resource Person – Dr. Jamuna Rajan) Session 1- Introduction to Neurofeedback Session 2- Application of Neurofeedback Training in Clinical Conditions- Case Vignettes Session 3- Application of Neurofeedback Training in Clinical Conditions- Research Findings 12.30. p.m. – 2.00 p.m. Lunch Break

2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. – Academic Session 2 (Resource Person – Dr Kanak Panday) Session 1 – Biofeedback- common modality with applicationVarious types of biofeedback How does it work? (Coffee Break) Session 2 – Stress effect – Biofeedback and psycho-physiological stress profiling

PROGRAMME SCHEDULE(Tentative) Day 2 – 28/11/2009 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 a.m. – Academic Session 3 (Resource Person – Dr Kanak Panday) Current Biofeedback/ Neurofeedback Applications Session 1- Clinical Applications Session 2- Health and Well being (Coffee Break) Session 3- Education Session 4- Sports

12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. Lunch Break 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. – Academic Session 2 (Resource Person – Dr Kanak Panday) Session 1- Corporate Field-Peak performances, leadership development, measurable intervention in people development (Coffee Break) Session 2- Demonstration of system and Hands on learning 3.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. – Valedictory Functions

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