Big Bang And The Large Hadron Collider

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  • Words: 1,531
  • Pages: 63
Big Bang All of us live on this beautiful Earth. All of us have our own aspirations and dreams. We all have our own lives to think of, our own problems to deal with and our own highs and lows in life. But have we ever wondered how the Universe was born? How were the stars and planets like the Sun and Earth formed? Then, isn’t it our duty that we try our best to know all we can about the Universe. After all, without the Earth or the Sun or the Universe, we wouldn’t be here. Scientists around the world have spent 10 billion US$ to build a massive particle accelerator called the Large Hadron Collider to learn about the Big Bang, the birth scenario of our Universe approved by most scientists!

Big Bang You may ask, why spend billions of dollars when the same can be spent in tackling major problem earth is facing today such as the Global warming and other disruptions of Earth's weather systems and climate, mass starvation and epidemics, environmental toxins and waste build up, genetic engineering disasters, soil degradation and erosion, water pollution, and so on. But no amount of money can solve these problems of the earth unless we attack the root cause of these problems. And to find out just that we need look at the Universe beyond the boundaries of the Earth, to see, what is the origin of the universe & how it came to existence. That would help provide direct or indirect solution to many of these & other problems. •Respected ladies and gentlemen, today, we are going to do just that, explain to you all about how the Universe was formed and the journey till now.

Big Bang

Big Bang The origin of time and space!!!

HOW – the Universe came into existence?

Big Bang The big bang is the cosmological model of the Universe that states that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past, and continues to expand to this day.

Big Bang In 1912, Vesto Slipher discovered that all the galaxies were receding from the Earth. In 1922, Alexander Friedmann, proved from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that the Universe is expanding. In 1930, Georges Lemaître predicted that since the Universe was expanding as time passed, it must have once been a single point

Big Bang In 1912, Vesto Slipher discovered that all the galaxies were receding from the Earth. In 1922, Alexander Friedmann, proved from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that the Universe is expanding. In 1930, Georges Lemaître predicted that since the Universe was expanding as time passed, at one time it must have once been a single point of infinite mass!!!

Big Bang In 1912, Vesto Slipher discovered that all the galaxies were receding from the Earth. In 1922, Alexander Friedmann, proved from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that the Universe is expanding. In 1930, Georges Lemaître predicted that since the Universe was expanding as time passed, at one time it must have once been a single point of infinite mass!!!

Thus, the Big Bang Theory was formed.

Big Bang Now, let us try to understand what the Big Bang Theory tells us…

Big Bang All the laws of Physics break down at the Big Bang because physicists don’t have a theory that deals with infinite mass and density!!! So, we can’t predict what happened before the Big Bang or what happened just after the Big Bang

Big Bang But we can predict everything which happened right after the Big Bang.

Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang The time after the Big Bang has been divided into different epochs. In astronomy, an epoch is a period in time that is selected as a point of reference.

Big Bang

The Planck Epoch

Big Bang

Planck Epoch

Big Bang This period extends from 0 Seconds

to 10-43 Second

after the Big Bang

Big Bang There are four fundamental forces existing in the Universe today: •Strong Nuclear Force •Electromagnetic force •Weak Nuclear Force •Gravity

Big Bang During the Planck era, all the four fundamental forces were unified due to the very hot temperature at this time.

Big Bang The temperature during this epoch was a whopping

10 °Celsius 32

Big Bang

The Grand Unification Epoch

Big Bang

Grand Unification Epoch

Big Bang This period extends from 10-43 Second

to 10-35 Second

after the Big Bang

Big Bang As the Universe cooled down, gravity slowly separated from the other fundamental forces. The other three forces were unified as the Electronuclear Force.

Big Bang During this epoch: The force of gravity separated from

the other three fundamental forces because the temperature had dropped below the threshold required for all the forces to act as one.

At the end of this epoch, the strong nuclear force separated from the other fundamental forces.

Big Bang

The Inflationary Epoch

Big Bang

Inflationary Epoch

Big Bang This period extends from 10-35 Second

to 10-32 Second

after the Big Bang

Big Bang The inflationary epoch was During this epoch: the period in the evolution of the early universe when, the universe underwent an extremely rapid exponential expansion.

This expansion was extremely rapid.

Big Bang The volume of the Universe during this epoch increased




in less than 10-32 Seconds!!!

Big Bang

The Electroweak Epoch

Big Bang

Electroweak Epoch

Big Bang This period extends from 10-32 Second

to 10-12 Second

after the Big Bang

Big Bang During the Electroweak Epoch, the Weak Nuclear Force separates from the Electromagnetic Force to give us the four fundamental forces we know today.

Big Bang We are all made of small particles called atoms. Atoms are made of even smaller particles like protons and neutrons.

Big Bang These elementary particles are made of quarks. And quarks are made up of gluons.

Big Bang During the Electroweak epoch: Many basic particles like quarks and gluons are formed during this period.

Big Bang

The Quark, Hadron and Lepton Epoch

Big Bang This period extends from 10-12 Second

to 3 Second

after the Big Bang

Big Bang First was the Quark Epoch. During this epoch, quarks were formed at a very fast rate. The high temperatures (1013 °C) meant that they did not combine to form bigger particles.

Big Bang Next was the Hadron Epoch. During this epoch, quarks combined to form Hadrons. Hadrons are particles which have some mass like protons and neutrons.

Big Bang Next was the Lepton Epoch. In this epoch, the basic particles of leptons were formed. Leptons are particles which do not have any mass like electrons.

Big Bang

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Big Bang

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Big Bang This period extends from 3 Seconds

to 300,000 Years

after the Big Bang

Big Bang During this epoch:

As the Universe further cooled, the hadrons (protons, neutrons) and leptons (electrons) combined to form atoms.

Big Bang Slowly, all the elements starting from Hydrogen up to Iron were formed.

Big Bang

The First Stars are formed

Big Bang This period starts from 300,000 Years

after the Big Bang

Big Bang

The first stars are formed

Big Bang The first stars were formed. Millions of stars came together to form galaxies. Galaxies came together to form clusters and so on… All this happened because of gravity.

Big Bang And here we are today,

13.7 Billion Years after the Big Bang

Big Bang Today, Scientists are trying to find out more about the Big Bang through various sources.

Big Bang One such source is the

Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Big Bang The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. 

Big Bang

Big Bang Inside the Large Hadron Collider, Two hadron beams made up of protons will collide against each other, both travelling at 99.99 % of the speed of light.

That’s a total collision speed of

Almost 600,000 km/sec

Big Bang By colliding them, scientists hope to recreate conditions just after the Big Bang. In order to understand and see with their own eyes solid proof about the accuracy of the Big Bang theory.

Big Bang And in this process, the LHC has broken numerous records. •The largest machine in the world • The fastest racetrack on the planet • The largest refrigerator in the world • The emptiest space in the Solar System • The most powerful supercomputer system in the world • The hottest spots in the galaxy, but even colder than outer space

Big Bang

There are many theories as to what will result from these collisions, but what's for sure is that a brave new world of physics will emerge from the new accelerator, as knowledge in particle physics goes on to describe the workings of the Universe. For decades, the Standard Model of particle physics has served physicists well as a means of understanding the fundamental laws of Nature, but it does not tell the whole story. Only experimental data using the higher energies reached by the LHC can push knowledge forward, challenging those who seek confirmation of established knowledge, and those who

Big Bang


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