Bi Change And Capability Newsletter

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,327
  • Pages: 7
Business Intelligence Programme (BI) Newsletter


Editor’s Corner Featured in this issue Editor’s Corner A Word from Darren BI Update Deployment Success BI Change and Capability Comms Event BI Family Tree Face of BI Competition Time


BI SharePoint



It's been two months since the last newsletter, summer has slipped away and we have the winter, snow (hopefully), and Christmas to look forward to. I'm sure you have all been eagerly awaiting the third edition of the newsletter, so here we go…

Congratulations to Kayur Rughani for his recent triumph at climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. I am sure you will all join me in recognising the fantastic achievement not only for reaching the very top but also for raising just over £2,500 for VSO charity. Please contact Kayur if would like more information on Mount Kilimanjaro.

There has been a lot of activity on the programme since the last edition. From a team perspective, we had the BI Communications Event at the beginning of October. Thank you to those that came along, it was a great opportunity for the team to get together, not only to get an update on activities across the programme but also to have a top notch meal at Newbury Pizza Express.

Please read on for more updates, highlights and information on some of your colleagues as well as the opportunity to enter this month competitions! A Word from Darren... So Summer's long gone and apparently its 33 days until Christmas!

A lot has happened over the last few months, but before we get to that I wanted to take some time to say "thank you" for your efforts. In a delivery role there will inevitably always be pressure to do more, at a faster rate, for a cheaper price etc and we shouldn't be surprised by that, especially in the current environment and with Vodafone UK's current performance as it is, however we have delivered an enormous amount in the last 7 months and we should reflect on that and be proud of what we have achieved.

Going back to results, many of you would have seen Vodafone's Interim results issued a couple of weeks back. A reasonable set of numbers for the Group overall, but the UK numbers were again concerning. As I said at our Comms Event in October,

the trend is worrying and Vodafone UK has many challenges to address if it is to turn around its performance. The solutions we create are key to that process.

The UK comms market will be an interesting place over the next 12/18 months. Clearly there are still recessionary pressures and two of our competitors plan to merge to create a new number one player in terms of market share. The next few months in particular are important for Vodafone with our performance having improved in recent months, our key trading period and the lauch of the I-Phone.

You may by now be familiar with "The Vodafone Way"? If not, briefings are being organised for all our strategic partners, however in essence it's about changing the way we work as an organisation and at it's heart are three simple principles Speed, Simplicity and Trust. I would ask (actually expect) all of you to adopt these immediately and challenge anything and everything that does not align to them.

I have decided (due to my generous nature) to personally sponsor a "performance of the month award" - the inaugural award goes jointly to Pete Styles and Richard Berger for their great work with our ETL upgrade. This has been a real win for us and was delivered at £0 - so clearly made me very happy.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Party in a couple of weeks, until then!



BI Update A substantial amount of progress has been made over the last two months from a project development and delivery perspective. The delivery status on 30th October is illustrated below:

Project Delivery to the VPDL

Key events for September and October include:

· Successfully initiated 360 UK · Completed Metadata Proof of Concept (PoC) · Completed baseline Business Requirements capture across 20 business areas for PL Redesign

As projects continue to progress through each stage, we are reminded of the volume of work still to come to the end of March 2010. Whilst this will be a challenge, it is one we will achieve with continued focus and team work.

BI Deployment Success Since the last newsletter we have successfully deployed 20 Requests For Change (RFCs), taking us up to a grand total of ~90 deployments since March 2009.

BI Change & Capability Comms Event The key messages from the Comms Event reiterated our current position on our BI Roadmap and the impact of the restructuring within BI.

The update was followed by a team building task, where each team attempted to convey the importance of “BI at Vodafone” using a selection of balloons, glitter, magazine cut-outs, etc. Congratulations to Kay Wallace's team for creating the winning poster.

Key Take Aways

BI Family Tree In this edition of the newsletter, the BI Family tree takes us outside of the BI roadmap delivery team to Business Exploitation. Business Exploitation champion the customer and challenge a project if a business need will not be met. As such, Business Exploitation are strongly involved in all activities that impact the customer (communication plans, stakeholder plans, documentation for customers, etc) and work with project teams to resolve issues impacting the customer.

Data Analyst · Detailed analysis of EDW data to provide information and support to the data on the data available to answer their detailed business questions. · Identification of potential data quality issues which may impact the business. · Support with detailed data analysis and reporting. Demand Manager · Consolidation of the BI demand list from input from the business and internal BI Ops. · Management and prioritisation of the demand list in line with business impacts, cost and value of each demand item. · Coordination of discussion and agreement of the most suitable delivery approach (i.e. SCRUM or Waterfall) Business Partner · Relationship management and engagement of key business areas in EDW data availability and data exploitation. · Identification of distinct data requirements for each business area in line with existing and future strategy and objectives. · Identification of opportunities for data exploitation. · Train EDW users to effectively utilise the EDW and report on data.

Face of BI

Name: Tan Minh Truong Status: Married to Power Point Education: Masters in Computer Science (a.k.a) video games First Job – Gathering Apricots Joined Vodafone – In order to get a good deal on my next handset Curent Role – Worrier

Motto – Tristes son los hombres que no mueren de amor Passions – Thai Boxing, Chick flicks and chocolate

Interesting facts – Followed a musical curses For 10 years aiming at educating children in the art of music for them to make it their career….and failed Holidays – Usually to visit family around the world (going home to France and doing nothing) Favourite movie/TV show – Amarcorc/Family Guy Embarrassing moment – Designing a gay porn website It’s… Competition Time! Congratulations to Peter Styles for winning the Augusts' competition. We are all sure that Pete will enjoy his Madonna album purchase!! So well done Pete!

Fan of geography?....Let’s test our celebrity knowledge on Brazil!

· How does Brazil rank worldwide in population numbers? · What is the largest city in Brazil? · Geography isn't only about cities. What is the highest point in the Brazilian country? · Which are the only South American countries that Brazil doesn't border? · How many stars can be found on the Brazilian flag?

The first person to send the correct answers back to [email protected] wins a £10 iTunes voucher.

To ensure the account Newsletter is informative, interesting and interactive, your thoughts on future content would be greatly appreciated. Please email the PMO

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