Beta 1

  • November 2019
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Dogs of War Beta 1.0 preview

Mercenary army special rules: The Followers rule:

Mercenary armies are comprised of mercenaries of all races, and most mercenary generals are quite happy to hire the services of those of other races. However, sellswords of the same race tend to band together and the presence of more inuential or famous members of a race will inevitably draw others to the army to seek their fame or riches (or claim the usually substantial bounty on their heads). Thus, the amount and fame of units of a certain race you can eld is linked to the number of characters of that race in your army. A hero counts as a single character choice for the purposes of this rule while a lord counts as two choices. This is explained in the table below

It is widely reckoned among dogs of war to be better to face an almost hopeless situation than to ee and face the wrath of a disobeyed commander. The general of a mercenary army is chosen as normal, however he is always chosen from the race with the highest amount of characters (so, for example, if you army had two haling, one ogre and one dwarf character, the general would always be a haling). If you have an equal number of characters from two or more races, the general is chosen between them as normal.

Units and characters of any race may use the general’s leadership so long as they do not suffer racial animosity towards him. Characters Listed core choices Listed special choices Listed rare choices The general may 0 Rare 0-1 Rare unavailable choose an 1 Special Rare unavailable additional 25 points 2 Core 0-1 Special*, Rare 0-1 Rare worth of magic items in 3 Core Special Rare addition to the normally 4+ Core 0-1 Core*, Special 0-1 Special*, Rare. allowed amount to represent the vast amount of treasures and loot he has acquired over his career. *:the rst unit from the selected rarity counts as the Racial animosity 0-1 choice, any further choices from that rarity count as special or rare as normal. If you have no more room for a choice of the lower rarity, you may count it as a choice of Many of the races of the world have deep-seated ancestral grudges or animosity towards each other, stretching back the higher rarity instead. . Note that 0-1 means 0-1 of any choice, not 0-1 of each. So centuries or even millenia. Even the most ruthless general cannot truly beat these hatreds out of his warriors and for example, if you had no characters of a race they can surface at the most inopportune times. If a unit you could have one unit of mercenaries, scum, skirmishor character begins your turn within 12” of a unit or ers or mercenary cavalry, not one of each character of a race it suffers racial animosity towards, roll Troops tend to band together into groups of their own race a d6 and consult the chart below and the cases of a hero of one race leading another race’s D6 roll Effect troops are rare by virtue of the mistrust and differing The unit or character hear the beliefs and practices between races. Characters of a race 1 other party mutter some despicable insult under may only join and lead units of their own race and units their breath. The unit reforms, facing the closest may only ever benet from the leadership of a character unit it suffers animosity against and responds in of their own race. The exception to this is the army kind. It cannot move, shoot or cast magic this turn general (see below)

Mercenary Generals:

Mercenary generals are inevitably ruthless, charismatic individuals whose ideology both inspires and awes all those who ght under them. They are almost universaly veterans of decades of battle, who have risen to the top through backstabbing, toughness, luck and force of personality, accruing great riches and powerful items along the way. Mercenaries know to obey the general regardless of their own concerns or face an extremely messy end.



The unit or character manages to contain their dislike.. for now. That’s IT! Reform the unit to face the closest unit it suffers animosity against and immediately re any missile weapons they are carrying at that unit. They may not do anything further this turn.

Mercenary Races Dogs of war hail from all races and creeds, outcasts, So, for example, a mercenary captain has the following exiles, scoundrels and wanderers, they inevitably band prole in the army list. together for safety and companionship. Type mv ws bs s t w i a ld From the great human realms come Captain 4(-) 4(+1) 4(+1) 4(+1) 4(+1) 2(+1) 4(+1) 2(+1) 8(+1) warriors obsessed with battle and (human) coin, Treasure hungry dwarfs stand grudgingly alongside exiled elvish nobles, Ogres and Orcs looking for a ght and a meal whip themselves into Note that the prole listed is the human racial prole with a battle frenzy while creatures weird and terrible stand in the modiers listed in parentheses applied to it. When readyness for the slaughter, compelled to war by ancient a dash is listed in the parentheses, no modication to pacts, deadly curses, or inhuman goals. The only thing the basic prole is made. If we were to want to make a these diverse warriors share is the need for battle, the haling captain, we would take the haling basic prole cause for war and the knowledge that they cannot ght and apply the exact same modiers to it. alone. It takes a supremely skilled Type mv ws bs s t w i a ld general to wield these diverse races Captain 4(-) 3(+1) 5(+1) 3(+1) 3(+1) 2(+1) 5(+1) 2(+1) 9(+1) together, overcoming their differences (haling) and combing their strengths, but a general who can accomplish this can wield a force unmatched in it’s ability to nd troops to t the situation. The RBC: To represent this diversity in races among mercenary forces, the Mercenary army list works slightly differently to a normal warhammer army. The units and characters as shown are templates that can be applied to any of seven basic races- humans, elves, dwarfs, ogres, halings, orcs and goblins. This is achieved through the use of a number known as the ‘Racial Base Cost’- RBC for short. Each of the seven races have a different basic prole, equipment, magic and mount options that can be applied to any of the unit templates, These are displayed on the pages below.

Racial prole:

The Racial prole is the basic statistics of each race. This is the prole to which the upgrades granted by the various units are applied. Unless otherwise pointed out, when an entry refers to a member of that race, it means a single model with the base racial prole. So, for example, if a warmachine crew includes 3 dwarfs, the dwarfs will have a prole identical to their Racial Prole listed below Many units or characters apply bonuses or penalties to the basic racial proles. These bonuses are added to the prole permanently for that unit- they become part of that unit/character’s basic prole. For simplicity’s sake, the units as listed in the army list use the human RBC with all relavant modiers applied, with the modier listed in parentheses next to the statistic. To use a different race, simply apply the listed modiers to that race’s basic prole instead.

the RBC is listed next to the racial prole for each race. This is the basic cost for a regular member of the race with no equipment or abilities, other than those inherent to the race. The RBC is used as a basic cost which can be added to or multiplied to create more battle hardened members of that race or even heroes. Whenever a cost is listed as RBC +/- X, you take the base cost of the race to which you are applying the template and add or subtract the listed points. For example, a unit of mercenaries costs RBC+1 per model. If we wanted a human regiment, we would look up the human RBC (4) and add 1 point, giving us a cost of 5 points per model. Dwarfs have a RBC of 7 and so the same template applied to dwarfs would cost 8 points per model. The RBC can also be multiplied in the case of heroes or more elite units. So, for example, a mercenary captain costs RBCx6 +20 points. If we wanted to make a human captain, we would multiply the human RBC by 6 (24) and add 20 points, so a human captain would be 44 points. A dwarf captain would cost 7x6 points plus 20- 62 points.

Racial Traits:

The races of the Warhammer world are a diverse group of creatures who have many abilities and attitudes that mark them out as unique This is represented by racial traits. Each race has a group of traits that apply to all units and characters of that race. These include restrictions, special rules, limitations and other traits unique to that race. Racial traits apply to all models of that race in a Dogs of War army. Unless specically stated in the unit entry, these traits may not be negated or ignored

Racial equipment:

Races are limited in the equipment they use, sometimes due to choice or tradition and sometimes for other reasons. For example, an elf wouldn’t be caught dead using a clumsy blackpowder musket, while a goblin is far too small and weedy to wield a massive pike. When a race is applied to a template, their equipment is restricted by the racial equipment list. . For example, famous mercenary cavalry are allowed to take great weapons, spears, ails, morning stars or lances. However if you wanted to make a unit of famous Orcish mercenary cavalry, looking at the Orcish racial equipment, you nd they are only allowed great weapons, spears, ails and additional hand weapons. As additional hand weapons are not an option for famous mercenary cavalry and orcs cannot take lances or morning stars, you may only equip the unit with spears, great weapons or ails. You can apply this same method to every unit and character in the army list. Note that if a unit does not have an option, but it is listed in the racial equipment, that doesn’t mean you can take it!.

Racial mounts and monstrous mounts:

The races of the world use a colorful variety of animals as beasts of burden and beasts of war. Humans primarily use sturdy warhorses, while goblins ride smaller but more cunning and ferocious wolves. When using a template that calls for the race’s racial mount, use the mount listed in the race’s entry. If there is no listed mount then the unit or character may not be mounted, and is instead elded on foot. Monstrous mounts are generally ridden by mighty characters. The same principle applies, however, unlike regular mounts, the points cost of monstrous mounts is listed in the race entry rather than the army list as the power and abilities of these mighty creatures varies too greatly to be given a single entry.


Magic touches all creatures of the world, yet some are more able to shape it to their will. Almost every race has their own variety of wizard, shaman or mystic. However, not all races are equally potent in the magical arts and some nd certain of the great winds of magic more difcult, or even impossible to wield than others, or do not attempt to use them as the powers they grant go against their basest of instincts. The magic lores available to a race are listed in their racial prole page. A wizard of that race may only use the lores available to that race, regardless of the source from which the power is granted, unless the source specically states that it grants the ability to use a specic lore.

Racial war engines:

war engines are an integral part of warfare and all races have some in one shape or another, though some are so weird or complicated that they would never be found in mercenary force. Most of the common races use some sort of variation of either bolt throwers, stone throwers or cannon, however, and crews of all races are found widely in mercenary armies worldwide. War machines are listed in the army list as a points cost, to which is added the cost of a crew, which is listed in the various race’s proles. This cost pays for a crew exactly as listed. For example, a bolt thrower costs 45 points, and a haling bolt thrower crew costs 30 points for 4 halings with hand weapons, so a haling bolt thrower would cost 75 points for a bolt thrower with 4 haling crew with hand weapons.

Humans See lad, it’s a good thing to be human around here.

We might not be as nimble as the elves or as sturdy as the dwarfs, and Morr knows we aren’t as smelly as the ogres, but there’s a lot of us and we look out for each other. All the god-cursed monsters and fantastic people I’ve ever fought have found that whatever amazing way of killing us they come up with, nothing matches up to a few feet of nest estalian steel. Humans are the most common race of the world, with their settlements and empires stretching from bretonnia in the west to great Cathay in the east. The teeming numbers and natural avarice and greed of humanity means that humans make up the vast majority of sellswords and mercenaries the world over. Their aims range from the most selsh to the most noble (though the former far outweighs the latter) and this diversity means human mercenary regiments are found performing almost every duty in a mercenary army, from crewing artillery to scouting the enemy’s movements. There is no typical human regiment and there are famous mercenary formations using almost every method of warfare imaginable, from pikemen to berserkers to arrogant knights.

Racial Base Cost:

4 points

Racial Prole:

Type mv ws bs s t w i a ld Human 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 Human racial traits:

-Common: Humans will always count as if the army includes two human characters for the purposes of the follower rule so,for example, if the army has two human characters, you may choose human units as if you had four. -Unscrupulous: You may include human scum in an army that includes other human units

Human equipment options: Primary weapons: pike, spear, great weapon, ail, halberd, morning star, additional hand weapon, pistol, lance Ranged weapons: shortbow, bow, longbow, crossbow, throwing axes, throwing knives, javelin. Armor: light armor, heavy armor, shield, pavise, warpaint, barding

Racial mount: Warhorse Type mv ws bs s t w i a ld warhorse 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 Special rules: none

Racial monstrous mount: Griffon (200pts) Type Griffon

mv ws bs s t w i a ld 6 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 8

Special rules: Fly, cause terror, large target

Humans and Magic:

Humans the world over have practiced magic for centuries, though few of what humanity call wizards are truly anything more than cheap conjurers and alchemists. Still, while rarer than normally thought, true human wizards are still common enough that most mercenary armies have a wizard in their pay and diverse enough that wielders of all eight winds of magic can be found in almost equal quantities. . Lores available: Death, Shadow, Fire, Life, Light, Beasts, Heavens, Metal

War engines:

humans are among the most prolic users of warmachines, surpassed only by the dwarfs. A human war machine crew consists of three humans with hand weapons. Crew cost: 15 points

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