Benih Padi Sah

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 715
  • Pages: 13


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Selasa, 12 Februari 2008 / 4 Safar 1429 Hijriah

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Home Agriculture's Direction MOA INC


Written by Bahagian Industri Tanaman, Ternakan dan Perikanan Tuesday, 03 July 2007









BACKGROUND 1. Projects implementation of agricultural development need the efficient and effective service support. Skilled human-resources preparation, adequate financial resources, infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology from the early stage of input preparation, production, handling to products and agricultural-products marketing and also food is very important in efforts for success and development of this sector. In accordance with that, agricultural projects implementation approach through the MOA Inc. method were introduced and launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry on 23rd of March 2003.

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Home Hi-Impact Project Permanent Food Production Park Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan Written by Bahagian Perancangan Strategik dan Antarabangsa Tuesday, 07 November 2006

Last Updated ( Friday, 16 March 2007 )

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