Benazir Bhutto

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  • Words: 1,182
  • Pages: 7

( SHAHEED ) ( 1953 – 2007 )

Profile 

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Born in Karachi on 21 June 1966 in a Shia Muslim family of Sindh. Daughter of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (a political leader and former Prime Minister) and Nusrat Bhutto (former Member of Parliament and Deputy Prime Minister of Pakistan) Aged 16 sent to Harvard University 1973 Father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, became Prime Minister of Pakistan 1977 returns to Pakistan. Martial law declared, Bhutto's father is arrested and Benazir is placed under house arrest 1979 Benazir Bhutto's father is hanged. She becomes leader of Pakistan People's Party. Spends seven years in exile or under house arrest April 1986 Bhutto returns to Pakistan Married, December, 1987 to Asif Ali Zardari (in business, twice elected Member of National Assembly and Senator) Becomes Prime Minister in 1988 but her government is illegally dismissed in August 1990. Comes to power after her party won a majority in elections held in October 1993. Government once again dismissed illegally in November 1996. 1996 Bhutto removed from government, now living in exile in UK

Educational Life 

She attended the Lady Jennings Nursery School and Convent of Jesus and Mary in Karachi.

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From Jesus and Mary Convent at Murree. She passed her O-Level examinations at the age of 15

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Then she went on to complete her ALevels at the Karachi Grammar School

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She pursued her higher education in the United States. From 1969 to 1973

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She attended Radcliffe College at Harvard University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with Cum Laude honors in comparative government.

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In 1995 as Prime Minister, she would arrange a gift from the Pakistani government to Harvard Law School.

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On June 2006, she received an Honorary LL.D degree from the University of Toronto.

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Bhutto studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, during which time she

Fam ily 

Benazir Bhutto's father, Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was removed from office following military coup in 1977 led by the then chief of army General Muhammad Zia-ulHaq. Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was sentenced to death by the martial law court, And He was hanged on 4 April 1979.

Shahnawaz Bhutto was Born in 1958, he was the youngest of Bhutto’s four children.  Shahnawaz Bhutto was found dead in Nice, France. He was died in July 18, 1985 under mysterious circumstances, and the Bhutto family firmly believed he was poisoned.

LaZulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Begum Nusrat Bhutto

Shahnawaz Bhutto

Mir Murtaza Bhutto

Mir Ghulam Murtaza Bhutto was Born September 18, 1954, he was the elder son Of Bhutto Family He was killed in a police encounter in September 20, 1996. Mir Murtaza Bhutto was shot dead in a police encounter near his residence.

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Sanam Bhutto  was born in 1957, she is the younger sister of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto only surviving child of the late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Begum Nusrat Bhutto

Sanam Bhutto

Assa ssin a t ion  

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On 27 December 2007, Bhutto was killed while leaving a campaign rally for the PPP at Liaquat National Bagh. After entering her bulletproof vehicle, Bhutto stood up through its sunroof to wave to the crowds. At this point, a gunman fired shots at her and subsequently explosives were detonated near the vehicle killing approximately 20 people Bhutto was critically wounded and was rushed to Rawalpindi General Hospital. She was taken into surgery at 05:35PM , and pronounced dead at 06:16PM. Bhutto's body was flown to her hometown of Garhi Khuda Bakhsh in Larkana District, Sindh, and was buried next to her father in the family mausoleum at a ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of mourners. She had suffered shrapnel wounds to the head and that this was the cause of her death. Al-Qaeda commander MustafaAbu al-Yazid claimed responsibility for the attack, describing Bhutto as "the most precious American asset.“ The Pakistani government also stated that it had proof that al-Qaeda was behind the assassination.

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Video Of Assassination

Tributes 

The Pakistani government honored Bhutto on her birth anniversary by renaming the Islamabad International Airport as Benazir Bhutto International Airport after her.

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The city of Nawabshah in Sindh was renamed Benazirabad in her honor.

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Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), a program which provides benefits to the poorest Pakistanis, is named after Bhutto

Book s Be n a zir

Bh u t t o , (1 9 8 3 ), Pa k is t a n : Th e g a t h e rin g s t o rm

 Be n a zir

Bh u t t o (1 9 8 9 ). Da u g h t e r o f t h e Ea s t . Ha m is h Ha m ilt o n

 Be n a zir

Bh u t t o (1 9 8 9 ). Da u g h t e r o f De s t in y: An Au t o b io g ra p h y

 Be n a zir

Bh u t t o (2 0 0 8 ). Re c o n c ilia t io n : Is la m , De m o c ra c y, a n d t h e We s t

Pakistan Peoples Party 

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was founded at Lahore at a convention held on 28th November, 1967. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was unanimously elected as the Chairman of the Party. The foundation of the party was on the basis of these following things: 

* Islam is our Faith  * Democracy is our Politics  * Socialism is our Economy  * All Power to the People

The PPP attracted the active participation of the peasants, workers and middle class. At the time the Party was founded, Pakistan was under the yoke of the Ayub Khan regime and governed by the Constitution of Pakistan 1962. 

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Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was executed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan for authorizing the murder of a political opponent. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Was Arrested in September 1977 in the government of General Zia ul Haq. In 1977 Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Returned to Pakistan and was house arrested. In 1979 ZulfiqarAli Bhutto Was Hanged. Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Became the Leader Of PAKISTAN PEOPLES PARTY.

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In April 1986 Benazir Bhutto Returned Back To Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto rescued and rebuilt the Party from scratch, leading an epic movement for the restoration of Democracy. Benazir Bhutto was became the Prime Minister Of PAKISTAN in 1988, but her government was illegally Dismissed in August 1990. PPP comes to power again after winning elections in majority held in October 1993 But Government once again was dismised illegally in November 1996.

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