Being An Ideal Teacher Beyond Reality

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Portraits of Christian Education Aldo Hutagalung 40820070001

Lecturer : David Bird.

BEING AN IDEAL TEACHER BEYOND REALITY INTRODUCTION It is common knowledge that there is no one in this world who is perfect. However, as a prospective Christian teacher, I want to be the best I can be. I want to be a Christian teacher that will transform education in Indonesia. Therefore, I will start it in my classroom first because I believe that as teachers we should think globally, but act locally which means I have wide understanding in education and do it in a small circumstance like in my class. The role of teacher is very fundamental for the development of students, not only for the academic development but also for emotional and spiritual development. Basically, a teacher should be prepared because all of us know that society expects a lot from teachers. Because of that, I should identify the internal factors and external factors that will affect the way that I teach and think. How I see the curriculum implementation is the big issue for me because I need to work in harmony with the way that the curriculum says who I am as a teacher and God’s citizen. I will explain to you how I as an “ideal teacher” apply the curriculum content and assessment strategies, how I handle my own behavior and student’s behaviors which means what classroom management that I will use and the learning activities that I will apply to cultivate the talents and gifts that God has given to each of them in my major subject, namely Math or Science. THE CURRICULUM CONTENT To set up a school we need teachers, buildings, books and equipment. But those things are just the hardware – what makes it succeed as an educational activity is the software, which we call curriculum (Beaton, 2007). Curriculum makes all of educational processes in school or classroom become worse or better and it is determined by the teachers, who implement the curriculum in their teaching. It doesn’t mean that teachers or me have to teach every detail of the curriculum objectives because besides I have to 1

Portraits of Christian Education Aldo Hutagalung 40820070001

Lecturer : David Bird.

teach who I am, I also need to be a critical thinker that always ask “why” because it’s very important for me not just obey because someone says that. We know that teaching is more than just checking the lists of contents of curriculum. Because of that, I have to take my responsibility to ask, because each one of us has philosophical grounding that maybe opposite to what the curriculum says or my leader says. And then, I agree with the statement that says, ‘The Teacher is the curriculum’. Jesus himself is a Teacher and He said ‘the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart” (Matthew 15:18). It is so clear that curriculum doesn’t take the most important task but teachers that actually form and shape everything what they say and teach in daily classroom activities. Because I’m an English program student, I am expected to teach in international school like SPH. Sekolah Pelita Harapan is an international school that uses an international curriculum that is adopted from abroad and called by IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum. IB is a program for students aged 3 to 19 that helps to develop intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills of the students which are much needed in today’s globalized world (Simarmata, 2008). SPH is unique compound to the other international schools because SPH integrates the secular curriculum with a Christian worldview. This can be seen from the goals that SPH has such as faith in Christ, Godly character and true knowledge. I will teach Math or Physics subject and from what I have experienced, I know that IB doesn’t require one book or syllabus as the reference for all the lessons. Therefore, teachers will be very active to find out and decide the best lessons to develop the skills for their students from many kinds of resources and students will be able to see that their learning is meaningful. THE LEARNING ACTIVITIES Learning is the process of renewing behavior which happens continually or in a capacity to behave in a particular pattern (Lecturer’s Notes). When we talk about learning, it has a strong correlation with teaching. As discussed by Palmer (1993) that teaching is creating a space in which obedience to truth is practiced. As a prospective teacher, I have to know and understand clearly the truth and the art of 2

Portraits of Christian Education Aldo Hutagalung 40820070001

Lecturer : David Bird.

teaching first so that I won’t lead my students into darkness because I don’t know something or misunderstand it. After I understand clearly the truth and the art of teaching, I have future screen that I will be able to find the best learning activities for my students that will enable my students to be decisionmakers and problem-solvers and change the world. I will give you an example. When I teach trigonometry, I won’t give them theories, computation, or even rules to memorize. What I will do is to encourage them to solve problems in daily life situations, such as how to calculate the height of a skyscrapper building without unfolding an extremely long ruler. What I will ask them to do is to find the shadow of the building first and after that find the degree and use sine rule, cosine rule, or Pythagoras’ rule. The students can calculate it even without touching the building and that’s awesome. I believe that it will be very effective not only to expand their knowledge and understanding but also to make them realize that theory is very connected to the real life. THE ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Assessment is a general term that includes the full range of procedures is used to gain information about student learning (observations, ratings of performances or projects, paper-and-pencil tests) and the formation of value judgments concerning learning progress (Linn & Miller, 2005, p. 26). Assessment has to be authentic and because of that we have to know what we have to test like what is written ‘Test everything. Hold on to the good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). This is the main grounding of authentic assessment that I as a teacher should use with students in all areas, not just intellectual aspects but also emotional and spiritual aspects. It’s true that intellectual or academic achievement is the major assessment. But if I still keep it in my mind, it will never be authentic because intellectual assessment only refers to the final result not the process of learning. I’m more interested in the students whose skills are average but they’re full of enthusiasm in the class rather than children who have gifted and talented skills but lack of respect, discipline, and fear of God because many gifted and talented children are perfectionists that often do bad things like cheating in order to get perfect scores. Teachers should use


Portraits of Christian Education Aldo Hutagalung 40820070001

Lecturer : David Bird.

their wisdom to assess and we call this a value judgment. God enables us to be wise and all the wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ. It was written ‘in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2c-3). Teachers should seek Jesus, and finally God himself will reveal the full riches of complete wisdom and understanding to assess their students. THE STUDENT AND TEACHER BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT In my heart, I have the deepest desire when I become a real teacher, I really want to be the best and closest friend to them. I also want to show the Father’s love to my students so that their lives can be changed through me. I have practiced this at SPH in my tutoring, but I found many difficulties. When I became their friend, it’s too often that they chat one with each other because when I become closer, they consider me as their fellow and if that happens I won’t speak until all of them become quiet. However, if some of the students still do the same, I will ask the students to talk with me after the class and I will give more emphasis to the admonitions that I give, but if they’re still stubborn, I will talk to the Counselor Teacher to find their real problems. The other big issue that is also a big challenge for me is going to the bathroom or to urinate during classroom activities. I know that I’m not used to the cold weather like air-conditioning class that makes me need to go to the bathroom frequently because I live in Indonesia that is hot. I have to struggle with that because I know students really need me to stay in the class because I can imagine what will happen when I leave my class with no one who takes charge when I go to the bathroom. As a result, the students will be noisy and chat with each other and their attention and concentration in previous lesson will disappear. There are many ways that I have found to avoid not going to the bathroom and one of them is to do so before the class starts. Besides that, I won’t drink a lot before and after the class. Some teachers will underestimate this problem, but I won’t want because a teacher should show integrity in both small cases like going to the bathroom and in big cases such leading a school as a principal. 4

Portraits of Christian Education Aldo Hutagalung 40820070001

Lecturer : David Bird.

CONCLUSION I know that I will be a Christian teacher and I also know that Christian teachers aren’t too acceptable because it is written in John 18:15 that “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” and also in verse 25 “But this to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’ I know that I will preach the gospel in my classrooms, circumstances and I know that the world and devil really hate this because I spread the gospel through teaching. The curriculum contents have to be in harmony with the approach of Bible like what is written, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. I truly believe if we implement the core value of this passage, it is possible to provide excellent education in my future school. From my personal vision, the most important thing is that I should treat them as the creations of God, help my students to become more competent, discerning, and responsive disciples, and also be a living model to my students and be a living sacrifice to the glory of God. \

References Cox, B., & Riady, A. The Light. Retrieved April 13, 2008, from Pelita Harapan Foundation Publisher. Linn, L. R., & Miller D. M. (2005). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching (9th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Simarmata, S. (2008, April 4). Thinking outside the curriculum: Changing education. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved April 13, 2008, from mass media.


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