Being An Aquarian

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  • Pages: 6
Tarot: Star. Animal: Dog. Flower: Snowdrop. Lucky Gem: Turquoise. Ruling Planet: Uranus and Saturn. Lucky Day: Thursday and Saturday. Closest Metal: Aluminium and Uranium.

Lucky Colors: Aquamarine, Electric Blue and Turquoise. Ruling House: Eleventh (Rules hope, dreams, friends, and social involvements) Common Professions: Astrologer, Astronomer, Broadcaster, Charity / Social Worker, Scientist, Sociologist, and Writer. Best Compatibility: Gemini, Libra. Likes: Fame, recognition, personal privacy, rainbows, dreams, magic, change for its own sake, eccentricity, surprises, living within their means despite the many temptations which constantly surround them every waking moment. Dislikes: emotion and intimacy, people who show off, being taken for granted, being pinned down, violence and fighting, and senseless or purposeless extravagance of any sort. General Characteristics Boredom is the biggest malady of people born under this sun sign. An Aquarian has a very fertile mind that needs to be constantly fed with new knowledge, be it about people or machines. A large number of Aquarians are seen to prosper in the field of technology. They are good in computers and machines, and are often found to have an eclectic collection of gadgets. Artistic inclination is one of the predominant Aquarius sign characteristics. They specially excel in drama. In fact, 70% of individuals in the Hall of Fame either belong to this sun sign or have a strong Aquarian ascendant. It is again his hunger for knowledge that makes an Aquarian interact with people. He might be keenly interested in you. But as soon as he has quenched his curiosity he might move on.The Aquarian need for constant interaction with people is often viewed as a lack of commitment and you may be surprised at how many acquaintances and how very few real friends an Aquarian has. However, once he has scanned you under his intent analysis, and you have captured his interest, your Aquarian friend could startle

you with his loyalty. Almost every Aquarian comes by as a softspoken, courteous individual. However, don't be fooled by this tranquil exterior. Aquarians are essentially rebels and nonconformists. For an Aquarian there is always a scope for change. He is a born thinker who can visualize the future with amazing clarity.They are people with original ideas and strong convictions. One of the negative Aquarius characteristics is their stubbornness. It is their ability and need to interact with people that help them develop a keen understanding of the plight of the ostracized and the elite alike. The Aquarian love for debate is legendary. Despite the stubborn streak, an Aquarian is more open to listening and thinking than any other sun sign. Exchange of ideas is the much required mental workout that an Aquarian desperately needs. Be it an Aquarian male or a female, it is the intellect more than exterior appearance or physical fitness that excites this individual. It is no wonder then that although an Aquarian would pounce on any chance for discussion and arguments; he would promptly shy away when called for physical activity. It is this dislike for physical activity that often makes these air signs prone to health problems. There are more susceptible to circulatory diseases and tend to develop problems related to legs, shins and ankles. They need to sleep, rest and exercise for good health. However, they compromise on all these to find succour to feed their active mind. Just as you might think that it is the crowd in which your Aquarian friend finds solace, you might see him go into morose spells of loneliness, during which he meditates and contemplates over the newly acquired knowledge. Meditation is one of the typical Aquarius characteristics. It helps him retain his sharp sense of perception. Although he might be deeply engrossed in some argument, he would surprisingly still be aware of all that is happening behind his back. And just when you thought he was not listening to you, he would startle you by repeating what you said word for word. In case you are charmed by the magnetic personality of an Aquarian, and at the same time his eccentric and unpredictable behaviour baffles you, don't fret. He is just as normal as he should be. It's just that you are living your life on the beats of a different drummer. Aquarian Female Characteristics Aquarius woman manages to etch out a different philosophy in the society, breaking the standard norms and rules of femininity. The most definite prerequisite of an Aquarian woman is that she should be treated with respect. Uncompromising, she has high standards

set for herself. An Aquarius female is generally characterized as sensitive, intellectual, honest, direct and utmost caring for her near and dear ones. She has great hopes for humanity and will work progressively toward her ideals. An Aquarian female generally lacks self confidence and instead looks up to some divine spirit which would help her in the day-to-day activities. In relationships, she is very loyal and works hard to make their marriage work even when it is falling apart, if they think it is worth the effort. . At the same time, she is also a little detached and not extremely emotional. She will be committed and remain faithful too, but do not try to bind her. Let her enjoy her freedom and in return, she will come back to you when she gets tired of her expeditions. Her dreams are very different from that of a normal female and she hums a different tune, which most of us have not even heard of. An Aquarian female is like a butterfly, which sits on every flower, but belongs to none. She loves her freedom and if you can accept this, she will love you even more. Within her boundless limits, her love will also be limitless. Position and power matter to her more than money and bank balance. If you want her to fall in love with you, be true and honest, not only to others, but also to yourself. You don't need to follow her rules. You can form your own code of ethics, but be sure to live by them. She will trust you completely and will not be unduly suspicious of your activities. You will also not be bothered by too much jealousy or possessiveness on her part. Her trust arises from the fact that before committing, she had dissected your behaviour under a microscope. Only after being convinced of your integrity did she take the next step. Still, if you become unfaithful to her, she will be extremely hurt and is likely to remember the wound for a long time. With an Aquarian female, out of sight means out of mind too. So, make sure to be around here always. She has a very strong will power. If she thinks the relationship is not working and has no chances of improving also, she will break it right away; though doing so may tear her heart into two pieces. She will never ever be dishonest in a relationship and even if she indulges in an extra-marital affair, it will end before it even started. She will always try to know your deepest thoughts and secrets, but her own dreams will be beyond your reach. Conversing with an Aquarian female is usually a

delight because of her charming manners. Her mind is quite unpredictable and you will find it hard keeping track. She will live in the present, then suddenly be wistful about yesterday and then, become enthusiastic about tomorrow. She may talk about fairies one day and discard elves as humbug, the other. Never look down on her or she might never look up to you. She respects you and will expect the same in return. As mothers, Aquarian women tend to be very loving and caring. Though in the beginning, they may be a little nervous about the whole idea of motherhood. But once they become comfortable with it, it will come to them naturally. She will never overburden the kids with protection. At the same time, she will always be a patient listener to their childhood and adolescent problems. Teaching them discipline will also be your responsibility. However, for all this to happen you will have to convince her to get married and this certainly isn't an easy job. She will happily hold your hand and walk besides you, but don't expect her to gaze into your eyes for hours at a stretch. Your Aquarian woman can float through her days and nights with all the grace of a proud swan, but she may behave like a clumsy bear in romantic situations. The line between friendship and love is often all but invisible to Aquarius. Love songs about people who only have eyes for each other strike her as silly. There are so many miracles in the world for eyes to behold; it seems to her a terrible waste for two pairs of them to do nothing but gaze into each other's depths. Don't smother your Aquarian girl with too much closeness, she needs her space and will give you, yours too. Things like suspicion, possessiveness, chauvinism and criticism turn her off. Just be nice to her odd bunch of friends and she will warmly welcome yours into the house. Make use of her intuition and insight, it may help you in solving a problem or two. It may seem like wishful thinking now, but then, remember she looks in the future. Hold her hand and she will let you see the future too, where both of you are cozily living together! They are not the typical feminine types and can even do the work of a man without much effort. An Aquarian woman is independent and loves travelling. Though the need for love and affection is there in her, the deal is that it must be in the way she wants it. It is generally noted that an Aquarian woman looks for marriage only after she is satisfied with her intellect.

The Aquarian girl lives in tomorrow, and you can only visit there through her. What she says will come true, perhaps after many delays and troubles, but it will come true. I suppose, after all, that's the most special thing about your February woman. She's a little bit magic. She is not a vulnerable type, so do not have to worry about her, she will survive by herself. If she is with you when you get sick, she will certainly take care and look after you, even look after you mean “small loan”. When she is happy, be happy with her, she likes that. You will not get bore with this type of girl. Someone who is close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and cold hearted person, she is just as fragile as any woman. She is not a revenge type and will not think of “payback” time. Most people might think of her as “One of a guy”, but in fact she is a 100% woman. She is easily hurt, so be nice with her. If she really loves you, then you are lucky because she is an honest, truthful and will never bore you. Understand that sometimes she will be over confident and sometimes like to have power or act bossy. Courtesy:

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