Befor Leave Your Office

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 417
  • Pages: 10
W hen you l ea ve Study this small story, Hope that makes a BIG change in YOU 

Pr of essor be gan hi s class by hol di ng up a glass wi th some water in it. He hel d it up for al l to see & ask ed the students “How muc h do y ou thi nk this glass w ei ghs?”

“I r ea ll y don' t kno w unl ess I weig h i t, ” sai d the pr of essor , “b ut, my questi on is: W ha t woul d ha ppen if I hel d

'Ok w ha t woul d h appen if I hel d it up lik e thi s for an hour?' the pr of essor asked. 'Your ar m would be gin to

“You 'r e ri ght, no w w ha t woul d ha ppen if I held i t for a day?” “You r ar m coul d go numb, you mi ght h ave se ver e musc le str ess & par al ys is & ha ve to go to hospi tal f or

“Ver y good. But during al l thi s, did the wei ght of the glass change?” ask ed the pr of essor . 'No‘ …. Was the ans wer.

“T hen w hat caused the ar m ac he & the muscle str ess?” T he students

wer e puzzl ed.

“W ha t should I do no w to come out of pai n?” ask ed pr of essor aga in. “Put the

glass do wn! ” said

“Exactl y! ” sai d the pr of essor . Li fe's pr obl ems ar e somethi ng like thi s. Hol d it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK. T hi nk of th em f or a long ti me & they be gi n to ac he. Hol d it even longer & they

It's impor tant to thi nk of the chall enges or pr obl ems in your life, but EVEN MO RE IMPO RTAN T i s to ‘PU T TH EM DO WN' a t the end of e ver y d ay be for e You go to sl eep .

So , W hen you lea ve of fi ce today , Remember fri end to


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