Beautiful Nightmare

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 2,233
  • Pages: 10

I hate to admit it, but I don’t remember




waltzed in… Makes me feel like even more of a zombie. It amazes



how can

easily change

everything; making it seem like the reality that you once knew is now just fragment of your imagination. It tears you apart in some ways, but it also makes you stronger. I want to thank him, but I also want to say




forever. subtle,


common such as eye-contact makes people like me spiral

out of control. I learn to live with it, I learn to hate it, and love it at the same time… It wasn’t that big of a deal at first,




here, a disturbing one there; it never actually hindered me before that day. The first day I saw him…


Chapter One: Who is he? An excited scream echoed through the hall that morning before school had begun, and sure enough the popular cult of girls had rushed down the hall chatting to each other in hurried voices peeking over their shoulder occasionally. I rolled my eyes wondering what sort of lame drama they were hyped up about now. I let that incident roll off my back, but as always- nothing goes unheard in this school and by first period I knew what the commotion was about. We had a new student in our school, a new male student to be exact, and as always- the popular cult of girls like to have a taste of the fresh meat before he learns the harsh truth of the sluttiness that reigns supreme in high school… Of course this student was even more talked about than the normal few that come in from nearby towns, he happened to come from England, his grandparents lived here and he wanted to spend a few years with them and experience American culture. I hadn’t seen him yet or even heard his name, at this point in time; it meant nothing to me… First period came and went. In the crowded halls on my way to second period the buzz of the new student continued. I still had no idea who the guy was, but I silently praised him for his ability to stir up so much excitement. I was determined to figure out who this new character was, so second period drug on forever until it was finally lunch. The incoherent mix of voices in the lunchroom matched the rhythm of the jittery buzz that ran throughout the halls all morning long. I didn’t actually see him till I had taken my seat at my table surrounded by my closest friends since elementary school. I looked around the lunch room I didn’t see him anywhere, my eyes scanned the entrance to the lunch room just as he stepped in, his black bangs covering his eyes, he flipped the hair away that was obstructing his view, just as his head stopped his eyes met mine. A violent chill pulsed through my body, my head turned so I was looking straight ahead of me, my hands began to shake. I stood up and informed my friends that I was going

to go to the bathroom, and I was gone before they had a chance to comprehend or reply… Half way down the hall, out of view from everyone else, my legs began to get weak. I heard rapid footsteps from behind me, I turned around to see my most trusted friend rushing after me, only she could understand what was going on with me at that moment, and I was thankful to have her there to stimulate me. I forced my body to hold up as I went the rest of the distance to the safety of the bathroom. Once through the door, my legs gave out and I collapsed with my back resting on the wall behind me, hugging my knees. My friend urgently rushed through the door, and saw my blank stare and didn’t interrupt, for she knew I was doing. I let everything rush through my head. Loss, torture, pain, sorrow, incomplete. I finally regained my focus and managed to speak. “What do you know about the new kid?” I asked. My voice quivering. “Uh, well he came from England; he is living with his grandparents here for a couple years. His name is Alexander; he goes by Alex…Why what’s wrong?” She answered. “He… Is not normal.” Was all I could coax out. 

Chapter Two: Words Spoken. After lunch finally ended. I headed to my third period class. I felt another chill come over me, I shook it off and took my seat in my Geography class. A light knock came upon the door, my teacher hopped up and greeted the figure standing in the entrance, a few words were exchanged between them and my teacher pointed to my area of the room, then slid out of the way. Behind him stood, who else, but Alex. His black hair lay perfectly across his face, a single blue eye shining out on the side not covered by his bangs. His lips marked by snakebite piercings. I let my eyes travel down the rest of his body; he was wearing a white shirt teeshirt; the black text across it obstructed by a gray and black striped zip-up sweater. His dark jeans, almost black, lay closely to his legs and led into white shoes… Typical description of an “emo” guy. But at the same time, he wasn’t related to them in anyway. He let a smile cross his face as he approached me; I nodded in acknowledgementavoiding his eyes. He took his seat behind me; my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest… Why was I so attracted to this guy that had practically destroyed my sense of control only half an hour earlier? I had been dazed throughout that whole class, the lecture barely registering in my mind. The teacher had called on me to answer a question; I hadn’t even heard the question let alone know the answer… “Sorry, can you repeat that?” I asked, confused… “I asked what the official language of America was…” He repeated, seeming frustrated. I had no idea what the answer was, I figured I would just guess that it was English, and then I heard a whisper from behind me, “There isn’t one” he said in a crisp English accent that made my insides melt. “Uhm, well, there isn’t one…” I answered, shaking.

“Got lucky that time, please do pay attention in the future.” My teacher said, and then continued with his lecture. When finally the bell rang, I gathered my things and quickly exited the room, I had no idea why I was so shook up but I was thankful that I would have the weekend to gather myself and figure things out. Last period was sort of a free period for me, I decided to spend it in the library- reading over my geography section so I wasn’t completely lost the next time I had that class. I sat in a large chair and put my feet up on a nearby table. I put my headphones on and opened my book. Since today was a Friday there were very few people in and out of the library. I was completely consumed by my work that I didn’t notice the person that had come to sit in the chair to my left. I was completely shocked when my ear-bud was pulled out of my ear. My head snapped to look to my left I was expecting to see my Beautiful Nightmare standing there, instead I saw my friend. I let out a sigh of relief and pulled my other bud out of my ear to talk. “Hey, wha-“ “No, no, no. That’s not important… Are you okay?” She asked. “Yes, no, maybe? Oh I don’t know, help!” I begged… “Cam, I don’t know what to tell you…I have no idea how your empathy-“ “Shhhhh- don’t say that word out loud!” I interrupted. “But still, just promise me, you’ll be careful?” She pleaded. “Yes Lexi…” “Thanks, Cameron…” She said, mocking my tone. Just as she left the room, Alex came out from around a bookshelf. He approached me, a brilliant smile on his face. “So, Cameron huh?” He asked. His accent freezing me. “You know it’s not kind to eavesdrop?” I say, worried about how much he heard. “You wouldn’t have to worry about that if you would just whisper.” He said, lowering the last word to a whisper, the word crossed his lips crisply.

Lowering my own voice to a whisper, “How’s this?” I ask. He brings his face close to mine, “Perfect.” He compliments with a flawless grin. The bell rings, saving me. I close my book and place it in my bag, then leave the room. He remained standing there for a few moments before exiting the room, going in the opposite direction than me.

Chapter Three: Followed. I started the weekend, with my mind blank to the past events… The name Alex didn’t even cross my mind, I was pleased with that. I called Lexi on Saturday and asked if she would like to hang out, maybe get something to eat and chill at the park. She easily agreed and asked that I meet her at the Coffee Shop so we could eat there. I got ready and headed over early. We have all heard about that feel that you are being watched… Every noise from any direction sounds like foot steps. Turning your head to look behind you. There’s nothing but empty road; making you let out a sigh of relief then laugh at yourself for overreacting. That’s how I felt as I walked the couple blocks to the Coffee Shop. The feeling of following got stronger as I carried on. I quickened my pace, and when I placed my hand on the door knob of the door, I relaxed, braced myself, and walked in. I didn’t want to order before Lexi arrived so I took a seat at a quite and quant table out of the way. I had a hard time relaxing, so my eyes graced the clock more than once, every time I looked at it- it had only moved one or two notches from where it was when I last checked. I got impatient waiting for Lexi so I decided that I would order something to drink to try to calm me down . I rounded the corner to head to the counter to order. The whole wall next to me was lined with expansive windows, outside the first signs of winter were easily coming about. A few specs of snow drifted about and the sky was darkened with clouds. I ordered my drink, paid the cashier and headed back to my isolated table to wait once more for Lexi. After another five minutes passed I began to worry. Expecting the worst, I called her. It rang twice then was silenced… I tried again- same result. One more time… This time I got an answer. She explained that she had family issued that needed to be taken care of, saying that the urgency made it almost impossible for her to inform me, I wished her the best and told her I would talk to her later.

Feeling that my day had been wasted, I began to walk home. The snow was coming down harder and there was a breeze whipping through the already chilled air. I shivered and hurried along. I was relieved to cross through my front door, I stood for a second letting the warmth engulf me and warm me to the core. I headed straight for my room and changed into lazy clothes, I intended to spend the rest of the evening lounging around waiting to hear more detail from Lexi. There was no one home so I had the house to myself. I warmed up some left-overs from the night before and gathered a blanket to accompany me on the couch. Outside the window nearest to me, I heard leaves crunch… I would normally just convince myself that it was the wind blowing them about, but the way this sounded was different. It wasn’t a rustle. It was a crunch that made your heart sink, that made you shake from the inside out and feel the urge to revert within yourself. I leaped up, and build up enough courage to look out the window and double check. Much to my dismay- there were footprints left in the freshly fallen snow. I looked at the prints, examining them closely. A sudden chill came over me, making my legs weak. The reaction was different than the kind you would get simply from being scared. It was the exact feeling I got the first day my eyes met Alex’s in the lunch room, making this realization caused me to feel sick. I made my way over to the couch, I let the reading flow over me. Hands shaking, blood pulsing fast, heart leaping, eyes dashing- not stopping to focus on anything… I didn’t know what it was about him that did this too me, that gave me such a strong reading. But I had to find out… I was willing to risk anything. 

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