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Total Domination: Pioneer Ice Hockey undefeated heading into weekend. Page 15

Volume LXXIV No. III

Making Changes to Benefit Us All*

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

William Paterson University

Freeganism: Another Way to Conserve



A meeting to make transportation on and off campus more feasible was held on Tuesday, September 18th at 9:30 p.m. in William Paterson University’s University Commons with Commuter Services Director, Allan Williams. The primary goal was to discuss and begin the creation of an easy-to-read shuttle route map. Students are having trouble reading the maps and schedule times that are posted around campus. The Student Government Association President, Jamie Mariano, and other SGA members are working with Allan to design a new route map that students will have access to. Right now, the school is working with NJ Transit to have buses 744 and 75 make stops on campus. The problems with the buses are that they don't arrive at their scheduled times. With bus 75, it only runs twice a day, to and from campus. The new bus stop, which is located right by University Commons, is very convenient, students say. Though as it still stands, the downtown Paterson shuttle, which has been eliminated from use, will not be returning. This has caused many problems for students, but in the long run, Allan says that they benefit. Although, the reason for the downtown shuttle’s elimination is that there was a budget cut, which has caused an increase in student tuition. Our University has come a long way with construction, and we just hope these transportation issues improve as time progresses.

When you think of people who dig through the trash, what kind of people do u think of? You’re probably thinking…the homeless, jobless, or desperately poor. Not this time! They call themselves “freegans.” It’s a word derived from “free” and “vegan.” It’s the latest environmental movement against food that’s carelessly being tossed away. Experts estimate that stores throw away 55 billion dollars worth of food each year. Americans will waste 43 billion dollars worth of food a year, and for each American family, that’s six hundred dollars lost annually. Freegans say that no one should go hungry, because “food is everywhere, you just have to know where to look.” Studies show that more Photo Courtesy of than one in ten households in the United States (11%) ing the waste in America. experience or is at a risk of The movement is spreading, especially in New York hunger. They’re tired of the prof- City. Most of the food they it ridden society we are in. find is still clean, fresh, and Many stores Some even take clothes, packaged. furniture, and electronics throw away food for little from the dumpster sites. imperfections, or don’t sell They feel they are minimiz- food more than a day old, such as bread stores. On

By SHALANE LAYUGAN STAFF WRITER, you can share dumpster sites, food recalls, and get tips on how to properly prepare food. The site gets nearly 70 thousand hits daily. They draw in more people through their “trash tours,” “freegan feasts,” and other events. At the feasts

WPU Homerun Contest

On Thursday, September 27th, William Paterson University held its annual Home Run contest, which took place during common hour on the university’s softball field. Eligibility to participate the game was open to any William Paterson University faculty, student or alumni, but only nine students

showed up at this year’s contest. In a single- elimination tournament, round one consisted of the players each batting at eleven pitches. With four players eliminated, the top five players who scored the most homeruns proceeded to the next round. Since no bases were being played like an actual baseball or softball game, if the ball was batted beyond the outfield and over the fence it

they cook the food they’ve found, and serve it, all for free. So, would you dive into the world of freeganism to make a statement? You can find more information from, and our good friend, YouTube.

was considered to be a homerun. The championship round consisted of six pitches, which resulted in a tie of 2 homeruns between both of the last players. Though, in the second tiebreaking match, Junior, Michael O’Shea victoriously batted the most homeruns and earned the title of this year’s Intramural Sport Home Run Contest winner. continued on page 03










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2 The Beacon





Louisa J. Valentín-Meléndez Editor-In-Chief Cori Aldridge Copy Editor Robin Mulder Assistant Copy Editor Jennifer Smack News Editor Andrew Pagano Editorial Editor Amrisa Niranjan Features Editor Tim Kauffeld Jessica Barish Entertainment Co-Editors Alex Iosiovich Sports Editor Saher Almaita Scholarly Review Editor Patrick Dolan Photo Editor

EXECUTIVE BOARD Ravi Mehta Business Manager

Yola Vital Advertising Director Bekim Abazoski Web Master Edecio Martínez Executive Assistant


E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 973-72-3265 Fax: 973-720-2093 Web:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Jewish High Holidays By Matt Kadosh Staff Writer At the end of September, Jewish people all over the world took the time to observe the High Holidays. These holidays are a time for Jewish people when apples and honey symbolize a sweet New Year and round bread represents the cycles of the seasons. However, the celebratory nature of Rosh Hashanah has a more solemn meaning in which people are given a time to reflect on the past year, atone for sins, reconcile differences among friends, and prepare for a better year. The holidays consist of Rosh Hashanah, which means head of the year and Yom Kippur, which means Day of Atonement. Rosh Hashanah is a day of morality, self- examination, spirituality, and holiness, according to the Jewish Book of Why. The high holidays are the most sacred days in the Jewish year. Many Jewish people spend Rosh Hashanah with family and in a synagogue. The more observant Jewish people observe Rosh Hashanah for two days, with the exception of those in the Reform Tradition, who observe for only one. The ten days following Rosh Hashanah are known as “days of repentance.” They are a time to reconcile

differences with loved ones and are a time to reflect on the past year. Ben Levy, President of The Jewish Student Association, said that for him, those days and Yom Kippur are “a time to make a fresh beginning and put things in perspective.” Levy said he also uses the time to right what he may have done wrong and to ask for forgiveness. Yom Kippur follows these ten days of repentance. It began on September 21st (two Fridays ago) night at sundown and lasted through to

Saturday evening at sundown. Many Jewish people fast on Yom Kippur. Philip O’Driscoll, freshman and member of the JSA, finds great meaning in Yom Kippur. He says that fasting on Yom Kippur is a way for him to “purify both the body and the soul.” He finds meaning in prayer and reading from the Torah. And even though Yom Kippur may be solemn, it is positive because people can reflect, so as to be “happier and less cynical when the next year comes.” Similarly, in a meeting

of Jewish students held on Tuesday September 25th, UJA Hillel Director Rabbi Ely Allen said that Yom Kippur is a time to forgive because we are judged by the way we judge our friends. Allen added that by avoiding negative conclusions about others, we are able to take a step back to alleviate unnecessary suffering among others and ourselves. Perhaps this is a timeless and valuable lesson we can take with us as we proceed throughout the rest of the fall semester.


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Beacon Buzz


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How would you describe your overall College experience? Compiled by Mark Barker


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E-mail: [email protected] 300 Pompton Rd Wayne, NJ 07470 If you wish to visit us in person, we are located in the 3rd floor of the student center room 310.


“It’s been… a turning point in my life. I’ve met a lot of interesting people, and I’ve gained my independence.”

“I say that my overall experience has been great. This is my first year here. The classes are great, it’s so much better than high school.”

“It hasn’t been tedious, probably…arduous.”

“It’s alright. I don’t stay on campus. Ain’t nothing to celebrate about, yeah college is different from high school but there’s nothing special about it.”

-Tiffany Katehakis Freshman, Undecided

-Stephen Smith Freshman, Nursing

-Paul O’ Sullivan Senior, Philosophy

-Dnay Junior, Psychology

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Crime strikes close to home


Over the course of the past year an unidentified rapist has been wondering the streets of Paterson, New Jersey. The victim’s ages range from 16 years old to their 30s and are mostly Hispanic women. The criminal has been known to strike during the daytime as well as at night, while women are using their cell phones or Ipods by putting them into a chokehold. One William Paterson University junior, Yani Rodriguez, stated, “I haven’t heard much about the incident. I work on Market St. and believe the town to be pretty bad.” Another student, a sophomore, read an article on the previous occurrences

remarked, “I know Paterson is not the safest place to walk alone at night, but its absurd how you can’t even feel safe in the daytime. Plus you have to be cautious when using your Ipod. It's crazy how these kinds of people are out there, and I would love to know where the police are when all this is going on.” According to the Paterson police department, there have been five assaults so far. Out of these five, three were unsuccessful attempts. "The victim is pulled into an alley or a yard and assaulted," stated Detective Lt. Don Giaquinto. When asked about their reaction, the most citizens of Paterson were shocked and could not believe these events were taking place close to their homes.

Home Run contest: continued O’Shea later experienced a brief moment of being a celebrity while his picture of being awarded a trophy was taken and will be displayed on the Intramural section of the university’s Rec center’s

website. The contest concluded with free t-shirts not only to the players, but also to the few fans sitting on the bleachers as well, whose participation was greatly appreciated.


The Beacon 3

Iranian President Goes on Tour By MATT KADOSH STAFF WRITER Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad took a tour of the Americas last week. While in New York, he was able to polish his image as the underdog and assert his country’s right to nuclear material. Then, he proceeded to South America, where he solidified trade relations. His first stop was Columbia University, where Amadinejad was greeted with protests, and a scathing introduction by University President Lee Bollinger, who called him a “cruel and petty dictator.” Unfortunately, this cool welcome has only served to boost Amadinejad’s popularity in Iran, which is the same as in the United States, wherein Iranian presidents are elected every four years and for only two terms. In Iran, Amadinejad is in his first term and will be up for re-election in 2009. He couldn’t have asked for a better way to boost his popularity at home than by

looking like the underdog in front of an unfriendly American university president. And this boost was needed. According to the Associated Press, Amadinejad has been losing popularity at home as his nation’s economy begins to decline, and he continues to instigate the west. But after his visit to Columbia University, an Iranian newspaper declared their president “The winner in the New York propaganda battlefield,” according to the BBC. During his visit to the United Nations, the Iranian President was greeted by even more protesters. CNN reported that Amadinejad asked his audience to look at “who was really responsible for the September 11th terrorist attacks.” He declared that his country would resolve their nuclear issues through the International Atomic Energy Agency regardless of the opinions of “unnamed powers.” The next stops on his tour was South America, where

his hosts greeted him. In Bolivia, he pledged $1 billion to help the country tap their natural resources, the Associated Press further reported. During his tour in South America, he was also able to meet with President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Chavez says he supports Iran’s right to nuclear power, and says his country has plans to develop their own nuclear energy program. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, widely know for his advocacy of a nuclear Iran, questioning of the Holocaust, and threatening remarks about Israel and the West went on diplomatic tour last week. He started in New York with his stops at Columbia University and the United Nations, and moved to South America where he was more warmly welcomed by Bolivia and Venezuela. His tour bolstered his popularity in Iran, and strengthened trade relations in South American countries.


Photo courtesy of [email protected]

A work entitled “Contents of Mathew Rauscher's Personal Vehicle” was recently in display at WPU’s Power Art Center. If you have pictures of your own you would like to submit, send them to [email protected]

4 The Beacon


Wednesday October 3, 2007

What Keeps us Living, Breathing, and Kicking By LIZBETH DAVIES STAFF WRITER One random late night I took a trip to my local Dunkin' Donuts. While waiting for my friends to finish their orders, I noticed that one of the employees was dumping some of the donuts and muffins into a big garbage can. It seemed like it was something she did every night. And after collecting every donut and crumb you can imagine, she took everything to the back, probably to the dumpster. This girl's job at closing was to throw out food. This deliberate task is what shocks me the most about some of our behaviors in this country. I'll admit it: I throw away some kind of food almost every single day. I know that the people I'm sitting next to and the professor that stands in front of me in class do the same. And although our wastefulness can get out of hand, we have all come to the acknowledge its existence. Or maybe our wastefulness is so involuntary now that we actually don't notice it anymore. While I'm in a deep conversation, I tend to neglect my food until it gets cold. Once it's time to get going, I dump the rest in the trash unless it's expensive or can be transported home. I also find that I ask for too much, can't finish the rest, and might toss it if I don't think I'll really want it later. Most of us have food right there for us to try, to complain about, and to eventually throw out. Although some things are meant to be thrown away, food -- which keeps us living, breathing, and kicking- isn't. In the 21st century, Americans are seen around the world as living in excess. We drive big cars, "bling" everything out, and try to find the next best thing that makes us happy and satisfied. When it comes to food, we are the biggest culprits. We'll dispose of anything

that doesn't taste good and push away a meal that doesn't look good. Aren't these actions a bit shameful? People all around the world are suffering. Poverty stricken children are lucky to get one meal a day. Yet American eateries dispose of fresh foods every single night when closing. Is this too harsh a critique? Okay, so the government drops rice bags in Afghanistan or sends different harvests to countries in need. But does the government deserve a pat on the back for that when many of its own people don't follow it's example by conserving food? Not only do people suffer outside of this country, but many are suffering from within. The inner city and rural midwest are backdrops for poverty in this country. While more fortunate people waste their food in this country, less fortunate Americans are in lack of it. Ultimately, I can't change every single wasteful situation before it starts. While I'm at the food court, I won't stick my hand out to save the meals that people might be throwing in the trash. But I will be thinking about the decisions I make when I order some food. I'll also be contemplating the act of throwing food out when I don't need to. I do have relatives in such places as Haiti and Africa that barely have anything to eat. It makes me shudder at imagining what it would be like if the tables were turned and I was the one struggling to find one meal for the day. I am ashamed of myself and the kind of culture I've begun to emulate each and every day that I waste even a morsel of food. I just hope that all of us in this society will make even the slightest of changes right now to to conserve our food. Got something to say? E- mail us at [email protected]

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Month of Cleansing: Ramadan BY RUMKI CHOWDHURY STAFF WRITER Imagine walking into University Commons, resisting the temptation to stand in line for Sbarro or Chinese, knowing that food and drink is forbidden to you after sunrise and before sunset for 30 days. Sept. 12th marked the beginning of the month of fasting and cleansing, Ramadan. Millions of Muslims around the world are waking up before sunrise, approximately 5:30a.m. US time, to fill their stomachs with food and water before embarking on a day of fast. It is around 7:00p.m. US time that the sun sets and Muslims sit down for iftar, dinner of ending fast for that day, with plates full of different courses ranging from the South Asian samosas (dough stuffed with potatoes) to the MiddleEastern hammas and bread. Muslims take a sip of water and eat a date, followed by the full meal. "My parents are visiting Palestine and Egypt so it's just my older sister, little brother, and me at the moment. We take turns

Photo Courtesy of Yahoo Images

cooking," said Hana Saed, sophomore. Some Muslim WPU students have late classes, thereby forced to end their fast in class. Resident students may attend Iftar on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, hosted by the WPU Muslim Students Association in UC214. Among the Iftar attendees are Amir Mahmoud, freshman, and Safi Haidar, sophomore. "I sometimes skip suhr (breakfast before sunrise) because I don't want to wake up my roommate," said Mahmoud. "I used to dorm. I would wake up in the morning and have ready-made pasta for suhr," said Haidar. Because

Muslims follow the lunar calendar, in which each month begins at a new moon, the days being 11 days shorter than the solar calendar, the starting date for Ramadan moves every year. The history behind this holy month begins around 610 A.D. While contemplating in a cave near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him), saw the angel, Gabriel. Gabriel revealed to Mohammad the first verses of the Holy Quran, the Muslim Holy Book. During this revelation, Mohammad, who was illiterate, miraculously read the verses. Children do not fast until they reach a level of understanding of Islam. Those who are ill, expecting, or impoverished are excused from fasting. Women must make up for the days they have missed during menstruation. If one deliberately skips a day of fast, he or she is entitled to make up for that one day with 30 additional days to the month of Ramadan or feeding the poor. Ramadan is about charity, discipline, and spirituality. All the gates

of heaven are open and the gates of hell are closed. It is one of the five pillars of Islam that all Muslims are obligated to follow, faith (Shahadah), prayer (Salah), charity (Zakah), fast (Sawm), pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). The WPU MSA is hosting a fastathon on Wednesday, Oct. 10, during which you can sign up to fast for that day or half a day and attend their 6:30p.m. dinner in the UC Ballroom. Even if you do not fast, join the MSA and enjoy the Middle Eastern meal, catered by Al Khayam Restaurant. The dinner will be followed by a lecture on the purpose of fasting by Rutgers University New Brunswick Chaplain's Faraz Khan. If you have more questions about Ramadan, please feel free to ask the MSA, which meets every Thursday during common hour in UC214 or contact them at; [email protected].

The Beacon 5

Gerald Brennan ,

Esq. SGA Attorney


Legal Advice!


WEDNESDAY Student Center Room 326 2pm-8pm

Master of Arts in Public Policy and International Affairs Political Science Department, William Paterson University Want to make a difference? The 36 credit M.A. in Public Policy and International Affairs provides a critical understanding of the ways in which contemporary public policy crosses and supersedes national boundaries in globalized world. Excellent preparation for careers in public and non-profit service, policy research, international work, international business, journalism, teaching or doctoral work. Program Highlights • A distinguished faculty with extensive international and public policy experience • A core curriculum that integrates domestic and international policy and the opportunity through electives to focus in either Public Policy or International Affairs • Small evening classes and close contact with faculty • Opportunity for internships • Opportunities for short and medium-term study abroad For further information, contact: Dr. Sheila Collins, Graduate Director, Political Science Department, William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470. (973) 720-3432; [email protected]. For applications, contact: the Office of Graduate Studies, WPU, 300 Pompton Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470. (973) 720-2237; or visit our website at:

6 The Beacon

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We gladly discount clubs and organizations on any catering Serving GREAT food since 1979

Jesus Christ Prince of Peace Chapel , Catholic Campus Ministry Center & CCMCommunications Television Center (gate #1) WPUNJ STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunities Open to ALL WPUNJ students…faculty & staff are also invited to join us!!

WOULD YOU LIKE TO VOLUNTEER & SERVE....? __ PATERSON CHILDREN WHO NEED TUTORING __ St. Therese School, Paterson. Meet at CCMCenter, ext to gate # 1, Tuesdays 3:15 pm __ THE ELDERLY: Preakness Nursing Home, Paterson. Meet at CCMCenter Mondays 6:30 pm __ THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED __ North Jersey Developmental Center. Meet at CCMCenter Wednesdays 6:30 pm __ THE HUNGRY: At Eva’s Kitchen, First Friday of each month, meet at CCMCenter, 10 am __ TV CREW Member OF “THE WORD: ALIVE & WELL”. (this can be a volunteer opportunity or a WPUNJ Internal Internship, Communication Dept.) (viewed on over 45 nation wide Cable TV net works). Meet at the Chapel (gate at 4:45 pm, Thursdays …and many more opportunities to BRIGHTEN UP YOUR DAY!!! SHARE YOUR TIME, TALENT, TREASURE CALL AHEAD…*Contact Fr. Lou, Matthew Shields, Jerry

Catholic Campus Ministers, or Meghan Reardon, President of CCMClub at Catholic Campus Ministry Center... (GATE # 1) ext. 3524 or 973 595 6184 check us out: OCTOBER special events! 1-3 3 4 5 14 21 24-26 31

12:30pm 12:30pm 12:30 pm 10:00am 12:00pm 7:30pm 12:30pm 8:30pm

St. Therese Triduum Masses St. Therese Mass & Reception Mass in honor of St. Francis, blessing of animals in gardens after Mass Monthly Outreach to Eva’s Kitchen ART EXHIBIT…FR. LOU & MAGGEE MOLINO “SCULPTURE, PAINTINGS & PHOTOGRAPHY” RECEPTION…MUSIC… Latino Heritage & Reception St. Jude Triduum Masses CCMC Halloween Festivities

MASS: SUNDAY 10:45 AM & 7:30 P.M (take shuttle from the Residences …or call 3524) MONDAY & TUESDAY 12:30 P.M. (with Bible Study & Dialog Homily)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Beacon 7


Insider Kanye West and Fifty Cent duke it out on page 8!

Why is there a rat on our cover? Turn the page!

Also: CD reviews of M. I.A. and For Science

8 The Beacon


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

50 Cent vs. Kayne West: Is It a Fair Fight?

On the other hand, Kanye is actually very similar to 50 in the way they both nearly died. Also, they were both mentored back into the world of music through other successful artists. Don’t get me wrong. I love Graduation, I think it’s great. All of the beats and artists featured on the album bring a very new spectrum not yet covered in the music industry. In a way, I think Kanye West has started his own new genre in music, or maybe its Chicago artists all together. Common and Lupee Fiasco are also different in their methods of beats and lyrics, but have an attractive sound to their music. What I believe is happening is that people wanted something new from music. Kanye West has satisfied that craving and that is why people are crazy about his album. 50 Cent will remain a rapper at the top of his industry. Although his industry might be getting smaller, I believe he will stick with it until it dies. I like Kanye West and I like his music, but I will be a 50 fan until I die.


Right now, the only thing that is on my mind is 50 cent’s Curtis and Kanye West’s Graduation, both released on September 11th. I have been reading articles, blogs, and reviews of the albums. I just can’t stop. I am so curious to see what peoples’ reactions are to these amazing albums, but reading some of these thoughts and opinions on the albums made me angry. I wanted to give a response to set the people straight, shed some new light on their preference. So far, most people have been supporting Graduation and are totally against Curtis. I want to give these people some background information and more foundation for the conclusions they may have about these artists. Both Kanye West and 50 Cent are amazing artists, but I see one flaw commonly made when I see these men compared: they are incomparable. They are part of two separate genres and tastes of music. Kanye West is turning out to be more of an R&B artist, while 50 is staying steadily in Rap. However, they both reflect on their mentors, such as Jay-Z, who focuses on the finer things in life, and Dr. Dre, who talks about the ghetto and hard times growing up. Accordingly, a lot of the entries online say that 50 Cent cannot “produce,” although he has already had two successful albums prior to Curtis. One album sold 1.1 million its first

week, which beat Graduation that sold 985,000. Both are extremely respectable figures for first week sales, but in the end, 50 comes out on top. As for career sales prior to these new albums, 50 had 11 million, which almost doubles Kanye’s 6 million. Also, not only does 50 rap, he has started his own record label with other rappers, he has his own line of clothing and sneakers, and

Person (animal) of the Week

he recently bought Vitamin Water. You can start to see that 50 is resembling some of the more affluent rappers. Jay-Z, P. Diddy, Dr. Dre, Eminem, and Nelly have completed similar goals outside of just rapping. 50 Cent promised Kanye to retire from producing if Kanye beat him in sales the first week. Although I would be upset to see 50 leave, there are a lot more


things that he is involved in that would keep him ahead of those who would still be producing on their own. Obviously, from all of this, so far, you can conclude I am more biased in the favor of 50 Cent. I am a 50 fan and always will be. I do not favor his morals, lyrics, and kill-your-family attitude. I just like his style, how he presents himself and how he handles things with other rappers.

I’m sure you are all aware of what happened in last weeks episode of Meerkat Manor. Flower, the queen of the Whisker clan received a fatal snake bite to the head and died. Flower accomplished more as a meerkat than some of us will as people: she was leader of the Whiskers for four years, she had thirty something kids, she is the first Insider Animal of the Week, and now she is a big movie star (Queen of the Meerkats that is coming soon!). At any rate, this is one Meerkat that will remain close to our hearts forever. Can’t wait to see her again on the big screen!

Something on your mind? Send us your thoughts, opinions, and/ or comments to [email protected]

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kala Proves Inventive Music is M.I.A.


When M.I.A. released her debut album, Arular (2005), she stunned listeners with the seemingly effortless way in which she wove heavy, politicallydriven lyrics into carefree beats. She managed to evoke images and produce sounds that were, miraculously, new and familiar at the same time. On her sophomore album, Kala, released on August 21 of this year, M.I.A. performs similar magic, but manages to take several strides forward in the creation of music that is unreservedly fun. This time around, the songs are, generally, more melodic. M.I.A. pushes her voice further than she has in the past (most notably in the song “Jimmy”). All 12 tracks are like major events, in and of themselves. Each is worthy of single status, which is rare in a time when albums so often consist of

The Beacon 9


Tomorrow’s Just Another Day a New Album from For Science By TIM KAUFFELD INSIDER CO-EDITOR For Science, a local alternative punk band out of New Brunswick, New Jersey has just released their third CD Tomorrow’s Just Another Day. At first listen my mind was immediately blown. Although, you can definitely tell they changed their sound since their past albums Revenge for Hire and Way Out of Control, but nothing is lost. This particular CD may not be as upbeat as the past CD’s, but you will get over that easily as soon as you hear the children’s chorus in their hit singles “Even” and “Living Well”.

only one or two good songs and drab filler. The blend of the unconventional, such as the adorable rhymes of little children on “Mango Pickle Down River;” distressed bird noises on “Birdflu;” and gun shots on “Paper Planes,” the mainstream questions about boys on the track “Boyz,” and the involvement of the

ever-popular Timbaland on “Come Around,” works beautifully for the fearless M.I.A. As a result, Kala is a collection of songs that is delightful and surprising upon the first and fiftieth listen. For more info, check out

A great word to describe this album is epic. That is the immediate feeling that comes to mind on the opening guitar riff of the CD. Also, nothing is more epic than the track “Rage Against Heaven”. Nothing is more epic than a song with a heavy Meatloaf influence.

10 The Beacon


Wednesday, October 3, 2007


123 2nd Avenue (between 7 & 8th Street) New York City, NY 10003

After sampling a delectable fry dipped into a savory sauce at Pommes Frites, your taste buds just won’t be satisfied with the traditional ketchup, barbecue, or honey-mustard sauce anymore. Serving only Belgian fries, Pommes Frites specializes in fried potatoes that are much more than ordinary; they are cooked not once, but twice to add that crispy crunch and golden color. The crunchiness isn’t just the best part of your meal, but it is the sauce that makes it even more delicious. With over two-dozen exotic sauces to choose from, it’s no wonder you’re encouraged to sample as much as you want, until your taste buds are satisfied. If you’re in the mood for something tangy, try the Sweet Mango Chutney Mayo, but if you like your fries extra salty then dip them in the new Pomegranate Teriyaki sauce. Seating within the small, narrow shop is limited; but the menu is affordable, and the staff is more than welcoming. So if you want your fries “Always Great, Even Late,” don’t settle for Wendy’s anymore. Pommes Frites is the place to go to satisfy that late night hunger for a culinary adventure in the city. By SHALANE LAYUGAN STAFF WRITER Location:


37 St. Mark’s Place New York City, New York

Complete satisfaction just doesn’t come as easy anymore when it comes to eating out, but New York City’s BAMN! gives a new definition to the term “fast food.” Although highly reviewed by publicists such as USA Today and The New York Times, BAMN! isn’t your typical elite restaurant. Guaranteed free from long lines and rude waiters, it contains over a dozen simple, but hot, tasty meals to munch on displayed behind small windowed compartments. For people who don’t like interacting with other people or even if you’re just “on the go,” all you need are a few quarters; and with the twist of your wrist pulling the little door down, your bite size burger or fruit salad slides out of the vending machine. What will most likely catch your eye at first would be their bright pink decorating scheme, or probably the blinding camera flashes from passing tourists. So, if you’re ever in the East Village side of New York City, be sure to visit BAMN! for an automat bamn-tastic experience.

Stay tuned for next week as we review the best sushi restaurants located 15 minutes from campus!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007



The Beacon 11


Aries: Stop flirting with your professor! He’s already having an affair with your best friend.

Scorpio: I would watch my back if I were you. It seems last night you REALLY made her mad. Call the repair shop, your window is Taurus: Jesus is coming, busted. look busy. Sagittarius: Looking extra Gemeni: Blaming every- sexy this week Sagittarius, thing on your evil twin is but unfortunately he still not an excuse, even if she doesn’t know you exist. IS evil. Capricorn: Try, like, not Cancer: Try not to sound saying “like” like every like a South Park episoide, other word. Like, seriously. you’ll look smarter that way. Aquarius: I can’t seem to get a clear reading on you Leo: Good news, she likes Aquarius. Try meaning you. Bad news, she’s a he. what you say and saying what you mean, that Virgo: Emo is so 15 min- should fix it. utes ago. Try punk goth Pisces: The stars tell me this week. you’re an egotistical, selfLibra: SATAN called, he says centered, argumentative, your books are overdue. lying jerk. But it’s gonna get you laid. *hint hint*


Want to make comics for the Beacon? Submit your work to [email protected]

DOWN 1 Sense the French to be involved with trickery (7) 2 Good metal alloy, with no hint of tarnish, should (5) 3 Eight-legged creature is a natural mutant – time's involved (9) 4 A new note given in advance payment (4) 5 Fashionable journalist, describing passionate lust, caused offence (8) 6 River has no point to divide (5) 7 Lawyers can be a joke in Scotland (3) 8 Score after whistle has finally gone: 3.14 to nil (7) 13 Of minerals containing mixture of silicon and aluminium compounds, principally (5) 15 A vulture you are, you b–––, you, you hear! (5) 17 Setter is in a race, showing vigour (9) 18 Magical little man is discovered in little house, married to a relative (8) 19 A number coming in to follow Labour (7) 21 Street on the Andes, say? That's odd (7) 23 First off, searches person for weapons to eliminate these? (5) 25 Short sleeved bodice worn by melancholic (5) 26 Plans to return junk mail (4) 28 Affirmation made at the altar – in this language? (3)

ACROSS 1 A guitar section playing with Dire Straits (11) 7 Return loan of transport (3) 9 Important businessman shortly scolds and curses (9) 10 One has to leave an abusive woman (5) 11 A diamond in Italy? (6) 12 Loses one's temper when trousers are lifted? (6,2) 14 Character in Greek semi-chorus (6) 16 Eastern girls love a frolic here? (8) 19 Make a trip to a Greek island to see the birds (8) 20 The Spices split up... (6) 22 Geri heads off to America after a... (8) 24 ...chart rating finds Spices' current number going from No 1 to No 6 27 A right that is given to society (5) 29 Is able to get hold of cut price alternative (9) 30 It was familiar to Tolstoy (3) 31 Mallard perhaps or cuckoo nesting around river, note (5.6)

Money reward for whoever solves this puzzle! Send answers to [email protected] Warning: no one from The Beacon could.

12 The Beacon

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


The Beacon 13

NHL Preview: Eastern Conference 1 Ottawa Senators


With Dany Heatley and Jason Spezza in contract years, you can be sure that they will score...A LOT. Captain Daniel Alfredsson will benefit from them. The Conference Champs are deep at every positions. Wade Redden, Chris Phillips, Joe Corvo, and Antoine Volchenkov patrol the defensive zone while adding offensive ability. Goaltender Ray Emery comes into this season with new confidence after a great playoffs. Emery will miss the opener because of a wrist injury. Will it nag him all season long? For the sake of my fantasy team, let’s hope not.

2 Pittsburgh Penguins

The Penguins challenged for the Atlantic Division title last season and they are only getting better and more experienced. Some guy Sidney Crosby should score some goals this season. Prediction: Crosby will have 43 goals and 89 assists this year. Last year’s Rookie of the Year, Evgeni Malkin will have another big year and Jordan Staal will fall under the radar again, but still put up good numbers. Let’s not forget the savvy vets in Gary Roberts and Mark Recchi. A much improved Sergei Gonchar lead defense will play in front of talented goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury, who will be under the microscope for consistency.

3 Carolina Hurricanes

The ‘06 Stanley Cup Champs will be back atop the Southeast Division after taking a break from winning last season. Eric Staal looks to rebound from a bad season and should reach the 100 point plateau again. Captain Rod Brind’Amour gets older and even better. Talented Erik Cole hopes to stay healthy this year. Ray Whitney, Justin Williams, and Cory Stillman will provide great offensive depth. Former Conn Smythe winning goaltender Cam Ward has a veteran defense in front of him that will help him bounce back from a sub-par 2007 season.

4 New York Rangers

All eyes will be on Scott Gomez and Jaromir Jagr this season. If they don’t click will Jagr try to punch Gomez again? But if they do mesh other teams might as well leave the net empty (or put in Ty Conklin). Chris Drury will center the second line that can be equally as effective as the first. Two-time Vezina finalist Henrik Lundqvist expects to play 70 games this year and will carry this team deep into the playoffs. The defense has no big name but they’ve played well for two years and they can only get better. The most intriguing part of this team is their youngsters. Petr Prucha, Ryan Callahan, Nigel Dawes, Dan Girardi, Brandon Dubinsky (watch out for him) and of course the well-gened; Calder candidate Marc Staal are all young and play important roles. Aggitator Sean Avery should boost the sales of ear guards, and will put up career numbers.

5 Philadelphia Flyers

“Briere to Gagne...score!” Just wanted you to get used to that. This team has undergone a make over that would make Rosie O’Donnell think it’s possible. Jeff Carter, Mike Knuble, Scottie Upshall, Scott Walker are just some of the many forwards that will produce for this team. Newly acquired captain, Jason Smith is rock solid on the blueline that is one of the toughest in the league. Along with the defense there are some bruisers up front which will draw flashbacks of the ‘70s. Martin Biron will re-establish himself as a number one goaltender.

6 Buffalo Sabres

Drury and Briere are gone, boo hoo. The Sabres still have deadly weapons on offense. The team’s leading goalscorer, Thomas Vanek is still here and so is Maxim Afinogenov, who would have had 80-90 points last year if he didn’t get hurt. Tim Connolly (who probably drools in his sleep from all those concussions) is ridiculously talented and he is praying to the hockey gods that he can stay healthy. In goal is Ryan Miller and is becoming a star with every save. Brian Campbell leads a good group on defense. City of Buffalo, everything will be OK.

7 Toronto Maple Leafs

The acquistions of scorer Jason Blake and goalie Vesa Toskala instantly makes this team better. Captain Mats Sundin will try to right the ship and steer them back in the playoffs, but it won’t be easy. The defense is somewhat suspect other than Tomas Kaberle and Bryan McCabe. Toskala and Andrew Raycroft will battle for the number one spot in the crease. Raycroft is a solid netminder that no matter what the Toronto media says, but Toskala will edge him out.

8 New Jersey Devils

They lost Scott Neidermayere, Scott Stevens, and Ken Daneyko once and still played well. But now they’ve lost Scott Gomez and Brian Rafalski. There has to be a decline at some point, and this season is it. Luckily the young players are maturing quickly and can fill holes. Zach Parise, Patrick Elias, Brian Gionta, and Travis Zajac will have to pick up the offense that will be more explosive under new Head Coach Brent Sutter. Sutter is the kind of coach that the team will either love or try to get fired. Paul Martin is the new number one defenseman. Can he handle it? The Devils are in because the playoffs are spelled B-R-O-D-E-U-R.

9 Florida Panthers

This team creeps up from nowhere to make a playoff push every year that always fails. They’ll do the same this year. Goaltender Tomas Vokoun and Captain Olli Jokinen are the centerpieces of this team. They’ve added Richard Zednik to combine with Jozef Stumpel to add a veteran presence to the forward corps that is littered with young talent. Jay Bouwmeester is the diamond on a dull looking defense. Bouwmeester will put up good numbers once again and hopefully drop the drinking habit that former goalie Ed Belfour helped him pick up. That hobby has done wonders for Belfour. His career could really take off this season...with Leksands in Sweden! 10-1 odds they deport him by Christmas.

10 Montreal Canadiens

Carey Price, the 20 year old goaltender who backstopped Team Canada to the gold medal at the 2007 World Junior Ice Hockey Championsipsm, has survived the cut and will backup Cristobal Huet. For now. Price could be an amazing story if he beats out Huet during the regular season. I can just picture the cheesy headlines now: “The Price is right!” or “Enregistrement des Price de Montréal” (Price check in Montreal!). Five to one odds you see those in Montreal. The Canadiens have loads of talent on the roster. Tomas Plekanec, Andrei Kostitsyn and Mikahil Grabovski will all breakout this season. Saku Koivu, Alexei Kovalev, Chris Higgins, and Michael Ryder fill out the offense. This team could make the playoffs if their defense doesn’t let as many people through as Paris Hilton does.

11 Boston Bruins

Let’s start this off with the defense so we can end it on a high note. Zdeno Chara plays defense for the Bruins...kind of. He had the worst plus/minus of any Bruin defensemen at -21. And he’s their captain and number one defenseman. After Chara the defense yeah, Aaron Ward. Dennis Wideman is the lone brightspot on the blueline. Manny Fernandez and Tim Thomas will most likely rotate back and forth in net until someone emerges. The offense is just missing that one piece. If only they had someone like Joe Thornton. Oh that’s right. With Marc Savard leading the way the offense will honestly be pretty good. Phil Kessel will produce more this year now that he’s healthy.

12 Tampa Bay Lightning

Having last year’s Rocket Richard winner on a 12th place team does seem rather odd. But if Rick Nash could do it for a Columbus team that finished 14th in the West in ‘04, then you can bet a John Tortorella tantrum that Vincent Lecavalier can do it, too. Lecavalier, the NHL’s reigning goal leader, will look to defend that title, and teammate Martin St. Louis will have his eyes on the prize as well. The team’s defense and goaltending could make me cry if I wasn’t already teary eyed from looking at their practice jersey like new uniforms. Dan Boyle stands alone the only good defenseman on the team. The younger defenders do have potential though. I have a bad feeling Head Coach John Tortorella might actually punch Johan Holmqvist and Marc Denis. Although he might miss, because those two goaltenders can’t seem to get in the way of most things fired at them.

13 Washington Capitals

First and foremost, good job by the Capitals in bringing back the old school colors and logo. This is the darkhorse team of the East. Signing Michael Nylander was a great move and he will surely play well with super-star Alexander Ovechkin. If that doesn’t pan out then they can play Ovechkin with the highly touted 19-yearold rookie Nicklas Backstrom. There’s two great options there. One has to work. Alexander Semin will also benefit from one of the two centers. Don’t forget, they’ve also added Viktor Kozlov. This team will be dangerous on offense. Tom Poti is finally out of New York completely and could excel under less pressure in Washington. The defense is unimpressive all around, however. Goaltender Olaf Kolzig will have his work cut out for him again. If the defense shapes up there’s no reason why they can’t make a playoff push.

14 New York Islanders

The Islanders didn’t belong in the playoffs last sesaon and they don’t belong in the top 10 of the East this year. With the Flyers, Rangers, and Penguins drastically better along with the always solid Devils this team can’t even compete in their division. Rick DiPietro begins year number two of his 15 year contract. If the concussion problems that plagued him last season become troublesome, I’m sure the fans will be more than happy to let GM Garth Snow and owner Charles Wang know what Rick is going through. Bill Guerin, why did you sign here?

15 Atlanta Thrashers

Atlanta showed me something during the ‘07 postseason. They showed that they don’t belong. The forwards are good, but their defense may be the worst in the league. Goaltender Kari Lehtonen should improve, but if he falters, Johan Hedberg is not even close to the answer. Neither is Fred Brathwaite (Yeah, he’s still around). Ilya Kovalchuk, Marion Hossa, and Slava Kozlov will do their thing. And as for the future...Alex Bourret for Pascal Dupuis? Seriously?

14 The Beacon


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

NHL Season Preview: Western Conference By ALEX IOSIOVICH SPORTS EDITOR 1 Detroit Red Wings

With sniper Henrik Zetterberg entering his prime and Pavel Datsyuk smack in the middle, you can be sure Joe Louis Arena will have to purchase a new goal light when these two burn it out. Rookie Igor Grigorenko will surprise many and will challenge for the Calder Trophy. Ageless Chris Chelios, 45, is still going strong and anchors a deep defense. Captain Niklas Lidstrom will be his Norris Trophy self and will mentor fellow Swede Niklas Kronwall. Dominik Hasek, 42, will be in goal but he could decline this year. Rookie Jimmy Howard, 23, is my pick for backup over Chris Osgood. Remember Howard’s name, people.

2 San Jose Sharks

Their new uniforms may look stupid, but GM Dean Lombardi sure is not. He has put together a good team led by Patrick Marleau. Joe Thornton will finish in the top five in scoring and Jonathan Cheechoo is always dangerous. Defenseman Matt Carle is a year older and will become one of their best defenseman. Evgeni Nabokov is always reliable and will have another good year in net for the Sharks. Now if they could only bring back their original jerseys.

3 Vancouver Canucks

Twins Daniel and Henrik Sedin will put up identical big numbers this year as they continue to get better. Brendan Morrison and Markus Naslund round out a solid group on offense. The defense looks stable with Aaron Miller and Mattais Ohlund. Roberto Luongo is the best goaltender in the league (that is not a typo for all you Devils fans) and he alone can keep this team in the upper echelon of the league. Don’t worry Devils fans; Brodeur’s regular season win record is still safe...relax.

4 Anaheim Ducks

The uncertainty around the status of Scott Neidermayer and Teemu Selanne keeps this team from being number one in the conference. The Stanley Cup Champions are still strong all around with Captain Chris Pronger leading the way and the additions of Mathieu Schnieder and Todd Bertuzzi. They may have the deepest goaltending in the league with J.S. Giguere and Ilya Bryzgalov. Andy McDonald, Ryan Getzlaf, Chris Kunitz, and Corey Perry will shine this year.

5 Calgary Flames

The Flames’ offense has struggled a bit in the preseason. But come on, it’s preseason. I’m willing to bet my valuable, game-used Jason Muzzatti stick that Captain Jarome Iginla will change that come the regular season. If healthy, he’ll put up close to 100 points. Kristian Huselius could be traded AGAIN by Keenan, who traded him here from Florida, if he doesn’t produce. If the offense continues to struggle, no worries. Dion Phaneuf will concuss anyone coming across the blueline and Mikka Kiprusoff is between the pipes. Head Coach Mike Keenan will scare this team into the playoffs.

6 Los Angeles Kings

The forgotten California team is going to make some heads turn this season. The Kings scoring will be lead by center Mike Cammalleri and stars-in-the-making Alexander Frolov and Anze Kopitar. This team will rebound from a poor showing last season and grab a playoff spot. Rob Blake headlines an improved defense that adds the much heralded rookie Jack Johnson to the mix. Goaltending will be an interesting position throughout the season. With Dan Cloutier out of town, rookie Jonathan Bernier and veteran Jason LaBarbera will battle it out for the right to be called the number one goaltender. My money’s on Bernier.

7 Colorado Avalanche

With Ryan Smyth they have to make the playoffs...right? He's only missed the playoffs three times in his 12 year career. That could be one reason another is because of this guy named Joe Sakic. Captain Joe Sakic will lead a team that boasts an offense that has a good balance of finesse and grinders. For every pretty play you get from Milan Hejduk and Wojtek Wolski there's a Tyler Arnason and Scott Parker cleaning the glass with someone's face. The defense looks good after picking up Scott Hannan to blend in with John-Michael Liles and Jordan Leopold. The riddler of the team is goaltender Jose Theodore. Can he shun the question marked jacket and play like the Vezina Trophy winner he once was? If he doesn't find his game, Peter Budaj is more than capable of being the number one. The Avalanche front office sure hopes that Theodore turns it around. They're not paying him $5.5 million to chew pine.

8 Chicago Blackhawks

Are you done laughing? The Central Division will be tough once again with all teams, except Columbus, now competitive. The ‘Hawks finally have the players to stay afloat. With the super-talented Martin Havlat leading the way this revamped offense will make some noise in the West. Sergei Samsonov should be more comfortable now that he is out of the pressure cooker that is Montreal and is expected to return to his old form. Robert Lang, Yanic Perreault, Martin Lapointe, and Jason Williams fill out the rest of the potent offense. Rookie phenoms Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews will become the new faces of the franchise and are Calder Trophy favorites. The rock solid Nikolai Khabibulin will backstop a talented but inexperienced defense. The Blackhawks are this year's feel good story.

9 Dallas Stars

Goalie Marty Turco sure did prove that he could play the big games during last season's playoffs. It's too bad he won't get a chance to do it again this year. Backup Mike Smith could even challenge Turco at some point during the season if Turco gets hurt or starts playing poorly. Mike Modano has lost not just a step but maybe a whole foot. He is not the same dynamic, game-changer he once was but he will need to be this year. They still have the same crop of solid forwards in Brendan Morrow, Stu Barnes, Jere Lehtinen, Niklas Hagman, Jeff Halpern and Mike Ribeiro. Aside from Ribeiro, there isn't a premier scorer in the bunch, and calling Ribeiro premier is a stretch. The defense boasts Phillipe Boucher, Mattias Norstrom, and perhaps the most underrated hockey player ever (other than Ron Francis) in Sergei Zubov. He is 37-years-old now, is this the first season of his decline? Let's hope not, he's on my fantasy team. They have the goaltending depth and a formidable defense but I’m not buying their offense. Unless someone emerges, Dallas doesn't have enough fire power to get past ninth.

10 St. Louis Blues

President John Davidson has done a masterful job of retooling this team. They were among the best in the league during the latter half of last season but their first half woes were too much to overcome. The team has lots of talent up front with Doug Weight, Paul Kariya, Petr Cajanek, Brad Boyes, and Martin Rucinsky. And let's not forget about Keith Tkachuk returning from his playoff hiatus with the Atlanta Thrashers. The defense also looks surprisingly stable. Jay McKee being out four to six weeks with a broken bone in his foot will be cause for concern, but Barret Jackman, Eric Brewer, and highly touted rookie Erik Johnson should hold down the fort. Goaltending is the primary concern as Manny Legace and Hannu Toivonen will be under the microscope all season long. The Blues will finish in the same spot as last year, but this time only a few points will separate them from the playoffs instead of 15. However, I still feel this team is one of two teams in the West that could prove me wrong and make the playoffs. The other is the following...

11 Minnesota Wild

It's so hard for me to count a Jaques Lemaire coached team out of the playoffs. But I'm not totally in love with their roster. A lot will be riding on the health of oft-injured star Marion Gaborik and the consistency of Brian Rolston and Pavol Demitra. The always reliable Wes Walz will contribute as much as he can at the age of 37. Is surprise goaltender Niklas Backstrom a flash in the pan? I don't think so. If he falters, is 23-year-old Josh Harding ready to step in? The mediocre defensemen should fair well under Lemaire's systems. Look for center Mikko Koivu to break out this year. Last season's 104 points and seventh place finish was no fluke and eleventh to sixth place will be a tight race this year, but the Wild will fall just short.

12 Nashville Predators

It's not that I think the Predators are going to be terribly bad, it's just that everyone else got better. The Preds have lost Captain Kimo Timonen, Paul Kariya, Peter Forsberg, Scottie Upshall, Scott Walker, and all-star goaltender Tomas Vokoun (although Chris Mason will be outstanding once again and will fill Vokoun’s shoes and may even order a larger size) all within the past year through trades and free agency. Who have they added? Jed Ortmeyer! Fans will surely love him, but he won't make up the difference of what was lost on the stat sheet. Music City still has Jason Arnott, but speedster Steve Sullivan will be out for a while after undergoing back surgery. The Preds lost everything but their home. Oh wait, they may be moving to Canada.

13 Edmonton Oilers

The Oilers tried their best to pinch NHL clubs of their top restricted free agents to help a punchless offense. They only managed to bag Dustin Penner, formerly of the Anaheim Ducks. Penner will be a good player but he along with new defensemen Sheldon Souray and Joni Pitkanen will not get this team back in the playoffs. To think they were in the finals going to a game seven only two years ago. GM Kevin Lowe will have to pull out the scrapbook of the mid ‘80s Oilers to keep himself sane. Or he could just live like the Oilers lived in the ‘ know, crashing cars, endless house parties, and drug allegations. Good times.

14 Columbus Blue Jackets

Adding veteran center Michael Peca to the mix doesn't hurt and sniper Rick Nash should help draw fans to the arena (well that and because the Columbus Crew's season of MLS soccer is finishing up). However, the team has an aging and ineffective Sergei Fedorov, an unimpressive defense in front of inexperienced goaltender Pascal Leclaire, a moody young phenom in Sergei Zherdev, and not much else. But hey, look at the bright side, their new jerseys aren't as hideous as most of the league's.

15 Phoenix Coyotes

Not even God, and the Coyotes have the closest thing to it in Head Coach Wayne Gretzky, could make this team competitive. Captain Shane Doan is all alone in the desert with no supporting cast, and the net is "guarded" without NHL level goaltenders. Will Gretzky be fired by mid-season or by season's end?...If he's lucky.

WPU Ice Hockey dominant “All Day”, all weekend

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


If the William Paterson Pioneers ice hockey team was thinking about changing their motto they should consider “All Week” or “All Season.” If they continue this sort of play into January they can even go with “All Year.” The Pioneers went into a big three-game weekend undefeated. Having captured the preseason Garden State Cup tournament, they marched over to Lehigh University and knocked off two Divsion I teams in Villanova University and Lehigh, giving them the Mountain Hawk Tournament championship. Captain Ray Katinsky and the Pioneers then stormed up to on Albany for a Friday, September 28th contest against Siena College, ranked 11th in the nation and third in the Northeast Division. Siena plays on an Olympic style

The Beacon 15


rink while most hockey games in North America are played on NHL standard sized rinks. Olympic sized rinks are larger in dimension and many teams find it difficult to adjust. The Pioneers, however, are not most teams. The Pioneers would defeat Siena 7-5 and head back home with a 3-0 regular season record. Next on the hit list was Rider University for a Saturday night game. The Rider Broncs would help the Pioneers entertain in their home opener at the Ice Vault Arena by surrendering nine goals. The Pioneers started the first period sluggish in the first few minutes and actually gave up the first goal of the game. That would be all Rider would get as goaltender Charlie D'Angelo would lock down the net the rest of the way. Defensemen Dan Moser and Katinsky were excellent in their own end while the offense took to Rider

like a nine-year-old to a piñata. Shaun McTigue was held scoreless but did contribute three assists. Anthony Houlis left his mark on the scoresheet as well as on the minds of many Rider players. The Pioneer Pest was involved in many scuffles in front of the net and was the cause for most of them, most notably when he stopped short in front of the Rider goaltender's crease causing a small "snow shower." The Broncs would then shove Houlis who proceeded to "fall" on the goaltender causing a melee in the crease and net. Rider couldn't comeback or turn their attention away from Houlis and (putting it nicely) lost 9-1. A rematch with Villanova University at the Ice Vault was on schedule for the Pioneers on Sunday. Having defeated Villanova 3-1 in the Mountain Hawk Tournament, the Pioneers

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knew Villanova would come out strong. The puck dropped for the first period to start, but I don't think anyone told the Pioneers. Having left their legs in the lockerroom, Villanova dominated and out-skated the Pioneers through two periods. Dan Moser played strong throughout the game with timely defensive plays at the blueline, and tremendous efforts in front and behind the net. The Pioneers would head into the lockerroom after the second period of play down 4-3, and McTigue with one less stick after breaking one in frustration over his knee. Head Coaches Bob Carnathan and Ken Scarpa must have given a Martin Luther King-esque speech, because the Pioneers came out for the third period inspired. They skated hard to every puck, finished checks, and the sloppy play that defined their game in the first two periods had disappeared. Goaltender Kyle Finnerty settled down and turned away every third period shot while the team played as a unit at both ends of the rink. The result would be five unanswered goals for the Pioneers and an 8-4 victory. The weekend tally was 24 goals scored and 10 goals allowed. Knocking off Division I Villanova (again), a MACHA opponent (Rider), and the 11th ranked team in the nation (Siena) in three days is remarkable. Fatigue may have set in during the final game of the weekend but the Pioneers pulled through. As the saying goes, "Good teams find a way to win." William Paterson has a two-game weekend on tap for Friday, Oct. 5th against Lafayette College at 8:45 p.m. and Saturday against Princeton University at 7:45 p.m. Both games will be played at the Ice Vault. The Pioneers will be playing "All Weekend."


Eastern Conference Atlantic Division Team












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PIT 0 * as of Oct. 3

NFC East

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4 4

* as of Oct. 3

AFC East

4 2 1













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Team DAL


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A jury ruled that Madison Square Garden and it’s chairman must pay $11.6 million in damages to former New York Knicks executive Anucha Brown Sanders in her sexual harrassment lawsuit. The New York Mets lose the NL East and miss the playoffs capping off the worst collapse in MLB history. Rutgers football knocked down to 21st in the rankings after losing to Maryland at home 34-24. Dmitri Young of the National League and Carlos Pena of the American League were named MLB’s Comeback Players of the Year.

Beacon Sports Trivia Answers Next Week

Who is the only player to win the playoff MVP award and not be a member of the World Series winning team? Last issue’s question and answer: What is the name of the NBA’s MVP trophy ?

Thee Maurice Podoloff Trophy

Check us out online at: For any questions, comments, or cross-checks send us a message at: [email protected]

KNOW YOUR SPORTS? Write for The Beacon Sports Section

Editor retraction: “NFL Week Three Picks” 9-1907 issue, substitute DAL for CHI as the winner.

16 The Beacon


They live for this

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


The 2007 Major League Baseball playoffs begin on Wednesday night with Game 1 in three out of the four match-ups. The Yankees and Indians begin Thursday night in Cleveland. All coverage of AL and NL Division Series’ will be on TBS. I’m dedicating this sentence to reiterate the fact that they will be showing playoff baseball on TBS, not FOX, not ESPN, just TBS. All games will be seen by the whole nation, beginning at 3 p.m. with the Rockies at the Phillies. The Angels at the Red Sox will follow, starting at 6:30 p.m. Immediately following this game will be the Cubs at the Diamondbacks, beginning sometime around 10 p.m. Yankees will play Game 1 in Cleveland on Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

American League Division Series:

Angels at Red Sox

A series that sports great pitching and great hitting, this will be fun to watch. These two teams come in as very similar clubs in the road to get to where they are. The Red Sox overcame a late scare from the Yankees, and won their first AL East Championship since 1995. They have been the heavy favorite coming out of the American League ever since spring training due to their consistent lineup and overall scary rotation. They paid over $50 million on the bidding for Daisuke Matsuzaka and he, in my opinion, was a waste of that money (15-12 4.40). They will bring their Cy Young front-runner Josh Beckett (20-7, 3.27) and their potent lineup to the table, looking to make life very difficult for the American League West Champion Angels. Los Angeles comes in as the favorite out of the west, although the Mariners made a slight run at the wild-card, it was a single-headed race the whole way. They of course have the usual cast of characters, led by Vladimir Guerrero (.324, 27 HR 125 RBI) and Chone Figgins, they are a dynamic defense that likes to run with guys like Figgins, Howie Kendrick, and rookie Reggie Willits. Pitching John Lackey (19-9, 3.01), Kelvim Escobar (18-7, 3.40), Jered Weaver (13-7, 3.91) Advantage: Angels Hitting As a manager, when the middle of your lineup card reads Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz and Mike Lowell, I don’t need to explain. Advantage: Red Sox Bullpen Hideki Okajima (3-2, 2.22) and Jonathan Papelbon (1.85, 37 saves) versus Scott Shields (4-5, 3.86) and Francisco Rodriguez (2.81, 40 Saves) Advantage: Push Series: Red Sox in 4

American League Division Series:

Yankees at Indians

People in the Bronx can finally relax for a few days; their beloved Yankees have overcome their 14.5 game deficit and will be playing in October. They bring with them a powerful lineup with their AllWorld third baseman Alex Rodriguez. Barring some thievery and blasphemy, A-Rod will be the 2007 American League MVP. Yankee fans will tell you that is all in the past, and if Alex cannot translate his unbelievable season (.314, 54 HR, 156 RBI) into postseason success, they will be “booing”. The 26-Time World Champions look to make up for early exits from their previous two playoff appearances and notch #27 in their belts. The Cleveland Indians have done it with pitching all year. When two Cy Young candidates make up the front-end of your rotation, I’d say you’re a few average starters away from a great rotation. That is just what the Indians have, a great rotation. Perhaps a bit shaky down the stretch, with guys like Jake Westbrook (6-9, 4.32) and Paul Byrd (15-8, 4.59), they make up for that with C.C. Sabathia (197, 3.21) and Fausto Carmona (198, 3.06). Had Sabathia won a 20th game, he would perhaps edge out Josh Beckett for AL Cy Young, but we will see what happens. Guys like Grady Sizemore (.277, 24 HR, 78 RBI), Victor Martinez (.301, 25 HR, 114 RBI) and Travis Hafner (.266, 24 HR, 100 RBI) look to do some “bombing” of their own. Pitching Sabathia and Carmona versus Chien-Ming Wang (19-7, 3.70) and Andy Pettitte (15-9, 4.09) Advantage: Indians Hitting Some may think this is a push, but with the ability to stack lefty batters the Yankees can make life for a right-handed pitcher (Carmona, Westbrook, Byrd) Advantage: Yankees

National League Division Series:

National League Division Series:

Rockies at Phillies

Cubs at Diamondbacks

The Rockies may have taken over as this year’s Cinderella story early Tuesday morning as they beat Trevor Hoffman and the Padres in 13 innings. National League MVP candidate Matt Holliday and NL Rookie of the Year candidate Troy Tulowitzki lead the charge for Colorado as they head into Philadelphia looking to continue their winning ways (Won 14 of last 15). They won their playoff play-in game with San Diego in dramatic fashion, catapulting themselves into the playoffs for the first time since 1995. Todd Helton has been in Colorado since he came into the league in 1997, and will step to the plate in the playoffs for the first time in his possible Hall of Fame career.They will indeed meet their match in Philly, as the Phillies are primed and hot. Perhaps the best lineup in the National League, Philadelphia can and will out-hit their mediocre pitching. The Phillies ace Cole Hamels (15-5, 3.39) will be on the hill in Game 1, looking to guarantee and win for the Phils. Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins will provide the fireworks and look to send the Rockies packing early. Pitching Jeff Francis (17-9, 4.22) might be the best pitcher nobody knows about. Advantage: Rockies Hitting Jimmy Rollins (.296, 30 HR, 94 RBI), Ryan Howard (.268, 47 HR, 136 RBI), Chase Utley (.332, 22 HR, 103 RBI, Pat Burrell (.256, 30 HR, 97 RBI), Aaron Rowand (.309, 27 HR, 89 RBI) Troy Tulowitzki (.291, 24 HR, 99 RBI), Matt Holliday (.340, 36 HR 137 RBI), Todd Helton (.320, 17 HR, 91 RBI), Brad Hawpe (.291, 29 HR, 116 RBI), Garrett Atkins (.301, 25 HR, 111 RBI) Advantage: Push

Bullpen Joba Chamberlain (2-0, 0.38) to Mariano Rivera (3.15, 30 Saves)… enough said. Advantage: Yankees

Bullpen Although they used 10 pitchers to defeat the Padres on Monday night, the Rockies bullpen will be more of a strength down the stretch than the Phillies. Advantage: Rockies

Series: Yankees in 4

Series: Rockies in 5

The Cubs have won the National League Central under new manager Sweet Lou Piniella and will be going to the playoffs for the first time since 2003. Cubbie fans will be most likely be monitoring the area outside Wrigley Field patrolling for Steve Bartman (Beatings could ensue), I wonder what he’s up to these days anyway. Back to baseball, the Cubs overtook the young Brewers later in the season and held them off late, taking the division. Alfonso Soriano’s injury slowed Chicago down a bit, but his return has been powerful to say the least (15 HR since return in late August). The Diamondbacks shocked the baseball world this year as they won the NL. The two will meet in the NLDS and each will throw out their respective aces. Brandon Webb (18-10, 3.01) will meet Carlos Zambrano (18-13, 3.95) late Wednesday night. Perhaps the turning point for these Cubs came when Skipper Sweet Lou got tossed when the Cubs were playing bad baseball. Piniella went through his usual dirt-kicking escapade and it seemed to spark his team. The Cubs went on to play well down the stretch, taking the Central. Pitching Brandon Webb, Livan Hernandez and Doug Davis vs. Carlos Zambrano, Ted Lilly and youngster Rich Hill Advantage: Push Hitting Alfonso Soriano (.299, 33 HR, 70 RBI) can do damage from the leadoff spot. He does well to set the table for guys like Derrick Lee (.317, 22 HR, 82 RBI) and Aramis Ramirez (.310, 26 HR 101 RBI). Advantage: Cubs Bullpen Chicago’s bullpen was stronger during the year (3.76 ERA), but Arizona’s wasn’t far off (3.95 ERA). Advantage: Push Series: Cubs in 4

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