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Be A Dynamo

By Amit Rajeshirke

Chapter I Introduction This is a story of a great man who wanted to make this world a better place than it was. I have given a thought to this for you can actually realise the dreams that you are holding in yourself. This book is about how you can achieve maximum with what you have in you. There is hope around us that we may grow to the full potential we hold within us. We all feel terrible within. But that annoying feeling will lead us nowhere if we don’t learn to channelize into something creative and magnificent. This book will guide you for the same. My view towards this world is a bit different. We all see this world differently. Our actions do have an impact on our overall surroundings especially the people we come in contact with. We should be constantly upgrading ourselves and analysing each of our actions. Just take an example of a submarine. It is always present in the ocean but can’t be seen as it is underwater. So what we have inside us determines our calibre. Now the point I am trying to carry over here is we are having dynamos in us that is waiting to be detonated. Indeed with every moment we are getting near to our death. So perchance we have an option, let the world take a note of us. Through the force and power within us we can propel like a rocket upwards. Our determination to move this world will bring the best out in us. We must march forward towards our goals daily. We are supposed to generate results and people hold certain expectations from us. We should be preparing ourselves to become legendary in our field. We can surely live the life that we want to live. We are supposed to be storehouse of all the greatness. The universe lies within us. We have the capability and competence to change this world and make it a

better place to live. For this we first need to have faith in ourselves and genuine interest in mankind’s upliftment. To make progress we have to listen to ourselves first. We need to make a dialogue with ourselves. We must become our own best friend. We must ask ourselves “Am I doing the right thing”. Sometimes things won’t go the way we want. But we must not lose sight of our goal. Our approach should be to constantly better ourselves. Live your today to your best potential. You are a marvel and an angel seeking to make breakthroughs. We have a right to live our life with abundance. You might have reached the downhill of your life. You need to reflect back and think of what service you can be to humanity. Our major task is to know the purpose of our life and adhere to it. You can always enrich and improve your life in many ways. For that your foundation needs to be strong and your thinking process progressive. Always think which leadership qualities I need to develop and focus on them. You are supposed to qualify by your own standards for the test of mankind. First assess your own nature. Become competent and proficient in a field of your own liking. Chose a vocation that you will work for even if you don’t receive any compensation for the same. Getting something done and is an Art and requires mastery. Never take things for granted for then you will underestimate the importance of doing hard work. Every task requires concentration and energy until it gets completed. There are plenty of opportunities to be capitalised upon. This depends basically on your influence upon other people. You will also need to conserve your energy at times. You really need to have exceptional co-ordination skills and great teamwork. Listen to your heart and the inner voice that needs your attention. As rightly said by Francis of Assisi “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”. Reality is that we have been laying greater emphasis on talking and muttering rather than actually toiling. We have conditioned ourselves to thinking so trivial and insignificant that our true potential has remained submerged within ourselves rather than burst forth. We take pride in showing our lethargy and unresponsiveness. Our limiting self-beliefs have hampered our paths to greatness. In order to know your true potential list down your strengths and weaknesses. Then set a Plan Of Action to maximize or improve on your

strengths. Knowing one’s capabilities sets you in the right direction and on fitting trajectory. Put a full stop to all your worries for they are not going to yield anything to you. Conquering your fears will only propel you upwards and enhance your performance. Carefully plot out your endeavors and then eventually set out to realize them. Carry out what you are set out to. Eventually you will gather enough strength and resilience to become the champion and giant that you want to be. All can be well if you harbor positivity and become invincible. Ours is a era where we are expected to do and know too much. Our success lies in how balanced we are in our approach. Give yourself a break for some time from all the busy troubles and torments of life and reflect in which direction you are heading. You need to shatter your own disbeliefs and take a leap in the sky like an eagle. At times you won’t be able to understand how important your ideas are. Thus you should think all the time and give your ideas an expression. Listen and ponder to what is going on in your heart. Think of a better way how the world is carrying out its transactions and negotiations. You have the ability to influence this whole planet. Come on ‘o bravo show your mighty wire and do the impossible. You must develop tactics of your own in order to deal with the world. Develop your skills for they will give an opportunity to deal with the people in a better way. We all have capabilities that are unmatched and diverse. We should make it a point to do what is within our reach and realize our true potential. Whole of the world begins with you. The world is the way you perceive it. We will require a mighty will power to achieve the impossible. We need to be constructive and valuable in our approach. Our world requires heroes like you, who can do the impossible and accomplish the extraordinary? We are born with a certain set of thinking that binds us. We need to take charge of our lives. It will require a lot of persistence and grit on our side. The truth is we have become very worldly and sophisticated in our approach. We need to make time for all our requirements. We all have just 24 hours of a day to accomplish the tasks we ought to do. Then we have to prioritise our tasks. Our approach should be cautious. We have to devote all our energies to betterment of mankind and do what is in the best interest of our nation. Our nation develops our character. We are an individual who is born with a certain set of

characteristics and attributes. So in order to be super-productive we have to make ourselves a resource that others can rely upon. We are from the way we think. In order to change our destiny we ought to change our thinking. We need to think properly to be able to judge our own path and where we are heading. Our thoughts are the dominating factor in our life. In order to accomplish great things we have to develop our intuitive feelings. Challenges do occur in life but god also gives us wisdom and courage to face them. Only we can understand and solve our troubles. We can keep a check on our worries and be happy most of the time. We have to use our time productively and effectively. We have to cut down our work into much smaller tasks that we can accomplish easily. We need to feed our mind with positive and assertive ideas. You will thus become an adorable and captivating person. We all crave for material things in life. They all cost money. To fulfil our wishes and desires we crave for more and more wealth. Thus our longing elevates over a period of time. We start looking for happiness in material possessions. Thus we are inviting more torment and dissatisfaction in our life. Thus far we are still solving the riddle that life puts forward. We should be determined to become something that will make our country proud of us. A positive and assertive personality is liked by everyone. People love to be in company of ones who are successful. Either you are living life the way you want or the way others want you to live. So what determines success? Is it something that can be measured or quantified? Yes again we can say that success is an attribute of mind. As Zig Ziglar has famously quoted “We can achieve whatever in life only if we help enough other people get what they want. Just as the road on which car is driven never smooth and full of speed breakers and potholes, same way life is full of troubles and hardships. So to own your industry you must be willing to put the hard work and requisites that it demands. You must be focussed on your goals and be willing to sacrifice small pleasures. The more you help others god will help you. So be as much kind and generous to others. Life will be rewarding then. So gather your wits and strengths and set out to conquer glory. Your life will be more meaningful and soothing then. Challenge yourself to new zeniths and discover yourself in the process. You have to be at your best and a Titan. Life is too short to live our troubles. Instead express gratitude for what you have.

You must practise what you say. You must walk your talk. This is my story. I took birth in Santacruz, Mumbai. We used to stay in a chawl. I remember every monsoon we had to sweep water out which would get in the house due to heavy rains. We stayed there till I was in the 5th Standard. I remember I had two friends who would always had 1st rank in school. I used to enjoy game of cricket with them. I was not so studious then and would be amongst the last rank holders. Then we shifted our residence to an apartment in Mira Road, Mumbai. Here I developed new friends. My new school name was Shantinagar High School. My Science and English Teacher’s were simply remarkable and noteworthy. They were world-class in their profession. They still inspire me a lot. I secured distinction in my Final Board Exam. I pursued Commerce stream in a college which was in our vicinity. Later we shifted to Borivali. I cleared my graduation with a First Class. I also pursued Computer Hardware and Networking which was my passion then. I also completed my Business Master’s Degree. I did various Contractual Jobs in banks. A job which was very interesting came my way. Here I had to take an appointment for Citibank Loan verification purpose. I loved it as it involved me meeting new businessmen and would also earn incentives. I am also very techsavvy. I worked in ICICI Bank as a sales representative. Meanwhile I also worked as an Insurance salesman. I had to give up after 3 months as my mother was against me working only on Commission basis. Then I took a job in my Father’s company. He had worked a major part of his life for this company. It was fun as this job did not exert any target pressure and was a cool backend job. My life craved for romance. Also my determination to become an Entrepreneur grew even more. I still read each month’s Reader’s Digest issue. I have attended a lot of workshops and seminars in my life which also included Entrepreneurship Development which made me leave a well-settled job in my father’s company. I have always cherished the vision of Mr. Narayana Murthy whose leadership is flawless. He has built a multi-million dollar IT company from scratch. His company Infosys is the 2nd largest software developer and exporter in our country. I have suffered a lot of setbacks in my life. I just couldn’t stay with a company for too long and thus hopped jobs frequently. Reading has always been my passion and pastime. It did gain me respect amongst my

colleagues. Occasionally I would indulge myself in movies. I love to eat in restaurants. My father and mother have raised me with utmost lover and care. What I have become today are their efforts. They are my biggest supporters and fans. My younger sibling and my sister have been very successful academically and professionally. I honestly feel she is much more rational and free-thinker than me. I feel that we Indians should dominate the world. We are a developing economy & should move towards being a superpower. Here is an inspirational story. My aunt is truly valiant, courageous and bold. She has got 2 daughters, the younger one being mentally retarded. She raised both my cousins solely. The elder one completed her studies and is in a high paying job and wellsettled. My aunt has got two properties in the suburbs of Mumbai. She has contracted diabetes. She has sheltered my uncle who is hearing impaired and dumb also. She has faced all these adversities in life with great fortitude. She never looked depressed, downhearted or dejected. She has always been optimistic inspite of these disruptions & turmoil. She is an epitome of prosperity. Her loving and caring for us is as deep as the waters in the ocean. This inspite of her being a woman. My parents came from a very modest background. My grandfather brought my father from village when he was in fourth standard to Mumbai. He used to stay in just one room in a small chawl with a gutter flowing just outside the house. My father used to have his food at my aunt’s house who used to stay just nearby. He completed his college by working part time. He joined Hindustan Pencils when I was born and continued with it for almost 28 years. My mother was an excellent cook. She looked after us very well. She used to take tuitions from home. My sister pursued Company Secretary and also completed her Masters in Business Administration. She has got a terrific academic record and pursued very high levels of education. When I worked at my father’s company, in order to be an entrepreneur for more than a month I just kept looking for rental premises. During this period, daily I could accomplish only one task and that was to trade in shares & stocks on my home computer. I had a demat account for more than 2 years but could not operate it.

When I was in school I used to enjoy a lot of cricket with my companions. Our science teacher Ms. Belinda was an excellent tutor. She used to take a lot of interest in instructing. She was stern & rigid but that brought discipline in use. I thing “The Autobiography of Lee Iaccoca brought about a lot of positive change in me. The reaching of it was the turning point in my life. Earlier 4-5 years I was just doing back-office operation jobs. But this impresario made me realize that even sales can be a rewarding career. I became confident in dealing with people & my outlook towards work changed completely which I started loving a lot more. I also began reading each month’s Readers Digest issue. While in college I used to play table-tennis a lot. I even participated in Inter-Collegiate table-tennis tournaments. This was when I also developed Krishna-Consciousness. I read a lot of books over the same. The pocket edition for ‘Bhagavad-Gita As It Is’ remains a prized possession with me. My school life and work life had a dearth of girlfriends. I never ever befriended anyone from the opposite sex. I admit that I have an inferiority complex towards the opposite sex. While in college I performed very well in the first year. But then I used to watch television a lot. This weakened my eyesight & I had a very dim vision. I was literally in tears during my 12th standard exams. I just could not study anything during that month of exams. Still I managed to pass them with First Class. Later due to my continuous & elongated periods in the college gymnasium my interest in studies plummeted. I went into depression & had to take treatment from a Psychiatrist. I was kept on continuous medication for 2 years & had to meet him every 3-4 months. The power of my brain had reduced considerably. I failed SYBCOM exams due to stress fatigue and peer pressure. Somehow I managed to clear my Final exams with a first class. Well, I have learnt a lot of study techniques especially through books. The technique which has been very useful to me is the division of time period into 45 minute sessions, followed by a break of 15 minutes. You must keep hard & tedious subject topics in the beginning for study. The easier & less complex subjects can be studied towards the later part of the day. During the break period of 15 minutes one can do house chores or chant the name of God. This technique has helped me immensely with my studies.

I joined Max New York Life as Agent Advisor. Well this was my second chance to prove myself as an insurance sales man. Here I had to match strengths with other salesmen who were far more superior in their thinking and actions then what I was. My job mostly consisted of meeting new people and explaining them the importance of financial planning. I got a mentor in the form of Mr. Vijay Wadagbalkar who guided me through rough and tumultuous situation. I had to convince people to buy life insurance from me. The training workshops I attended helped me a lot in selling. I had a clear goal in my mind and that was to be a rising entrepreneur. The contribution of my village has been tremendous & massive to whatever I have become in life. Although I have been born & brought up in Mumbai, I would like to cite an example from my village life. My ancestors belong to a village known as Kudap in Ratnagiri District, which is some 40 minutes drive from Chiplun. The alphanso mangoes planted by my grandfather Shri Bajirao Rajeshirke are very sweet and sugary. The rice produced in our village is in abundance. We also have trees of jackfruit, cashew etc. My prospecting included visit to trade shows and exhibitions. The exhibitions held at Goregaon, NSE grounds were simply stupendous and on international level. I did not achieve any business success from this grand event initially but they enhanced my knowledge to a great extent. You get vital lessons in marketing at such occasions. Well New York life exited its business in Asia & Max India tied with Mitsui Sumitomo of Japan for its Life Insurance business holding the former name. Mr. Analjit Singh chairman of Max India decided to exit its polyphrene business. I attended a Global Konkan Mahotsav at Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai. It was its second year and myriad exhibits & stalls were being put for display. It had a Udyojak Parishad ie. Meeting of entrepreneurs to discuss business growth in Konkan. Distinguished guests included Rajendra Sawant and Ajit Marathe of Nirman Group, Mr. Dandekar of Camlin, Mr. Atul Rajoli of Born2Win, Disha Direct Chairman Mr. Uttekar of Udyog Mission, Mr Nitin Sardesai producer of films like Raja Shiv Chattrapati & Ajanta etc. We had a lunch in the afternoon. What makes Global Konkan Mahotsav a delight was its zeal, excitement & effervescence. The exhibition was for 4 days ie. From 12th April 2012 to 16th April 2012.

The PGDBA Course was very competent as it included movie learning sessions and trips to industrial units. I also collected my Diploma in Financial Management certificate. There I met Mr. Sachin Kamath who had also come to collect his certificate. He is the co-founder of SCF management institute which imparts business training. Meanwhile my investments in stocks continued which demanded substantial amount of brokerage. In order to get receive you need to give first. We need to stand by ‘Giver is Achiever’ principle. Rather than maintaining a ‘Go-Getter’ outlook we need to maintain a ‘Go-Giver’ perspective. If you give your finest to the world, you will get the best. There are thousands waiting for the right opportunity to arrive while ample opportunities are passing directly under our nose. These favourable chances are more than you can avail or grab. Go-Giver makes you a person of greater value & Go-Getter makes you clutch the initiative. Well Brahmavidya has taught me a lot. It is a science of breathing and respiration. It removes negativity and respiration. It removes negativity from you and nurture positivity. It helps you to appreciate life and be ecstatic. It incorporates cosmic thinking in you. I had attended Atul Rajoli a motivational speaker’s book launch. The book’s label read ‘Maza Motivator Mitra’ which was published in Marathi. The bulletin included performances by kids and youngster’s. The priviledged guest of honour included Mr. Nitin Potdar, a veteran Corporate lawyer & Mr. Uday Nirgudkar of Zee 24 Taas. The book was ceremoniously inducted by the Autul’s Father ie. Mr. Arun Rajoli & by Mr. Amey Amre. The auditorium had some 3000 odd vistors. The disciples of Atul’s Future Paathsahala performed a stupendous Shadow dance. Atul’s guru Mr. David Lincoln’s presence was also illuminating. Maintaining human realations has always been a stumbling block for me. So next chapter I have devoted to this facet of life. I hope you have enjoyed this book so far.

Chapter II: On People Of all the great men till today almost 85% of them were successful because of how they treated people. This include Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Shivaji Maharaj, Napolean Bonaparte, Benjamin Franklin etc. So I think there is a remarkable book by the name “ How to win Friends and influence people” written by the glorious author Dale Carnegie which we should tread upon. It is lovely masterpiece on maintaining human relations. In any organization your employees are the most important asset that you have. You might have the most extraordinary and remarkable service or product in the trade but it is futile if your employees or craftsmen and artisans cannot put to advantage your strong points and are inept. What I find captivating is people’s belief in God. There trust & faith in a effigy or statue is more than being vice-versa i.e. belief in self should exceed anything exterior. I am not against idol worship or any sacred institution. What I would like to cite here is people have forgotten that a human being is a living hallmark of divinity as urged by Pai Maharaj who passed on recently. Indeed our most revered Sadguru has given us a alternative in the form of ‘Sun God’. The Sun is at the zenith in our solar system. Sun provides us with light heat and vegetation. The climatic changes on our earth also relies upon sum. The rainfall that we anticipate so much has Sun as its begetter. The question is can life support itself if it was not to rise in the blue hault of heaven. While selling ‘Life Insurance’ you have to be very vigilant and have to keep all blunders towards clients to bare minimum. How many years have passed since Indian Citizens are termed as liberated from the British empire. But still we reel under the conundrum of huge populace, mass poverty, unemployment, hereditary lineage, illiteracy and ignorance. Inflation has hampered the economy more than what progress it can make through science and technology. Everytime I see masses spending time idle; I say to myself how much our mankind can gain if this idle time is spent for some fruitful & productive

purpose. There is a lot to learn from some of the greater scientists of the world ie. Sir Thomas Alva Edison, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Albert Einstein etc who would spend hours at end in laboraties having just 3-4 hours of sleep at night. They have contributed immensely to the progress of human race. How do people gain an insight into cosmic intelligence. Firstly they have to be deeply spiritual i.e. Believer in the doctrines of Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Jnyaneshwar Maharaj, Lord Gautam Buddha etc. Secondly they will have to use their specialization in the area of their liking. One has to be carefully and not overindulge in anything to maintain a healthy work-leisure balance. Can there be any better than human life. Courage has to mustered to give people the vigor and robustness to execute their assignment. If god wanted us to occupy ourselves with work complete by he would have catered us with 10 hands instead of two. God made man and women so that life withstands itself on this globe. Certified Financial Planners are those rank and file people who oversee your portfolio. Their forte is to guide and advise people on various types of investments options. Is there anything above a family’s financial security, self-respect and dignity. Death is a very inevitable situation. We see deaths occurring around us. It could be of our relatives friends or colleagues. Death of a person can be due to natural reasons like old age or disease of due to an accident. My profession of selling life insurance consisted of securing families against this disaster. The day a person is born, his death is written in his destiny. It never comes with a warming. Nobody knows when death can take its toll on us. We have to do all our tasks keeping in mind that we are going to die one day. There is a very beautiful verse in the Bhagvath Gita wherein Lord Krishna takes away fear of death from grief stricken Arjuna by a counsel which goes – “One who has taken his birth is sure to die after death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore in the unavoidable discharge of yourduty, you should not lament” (2.27). Great sportspersons like Sachin Tendulkar, Roger Federrer, Michael Phelps, Ussain Bold, Pele have created history by showing terrific passion & determination for Cricket Tennis. Swimming, Running & Football respectively. Great businessmen like Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, Narayana Murthy as far as India is concerned. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson on

international front have created massive empires for themselves. All these men had burning desire in them to succeed. They have given more to this world then what they have got.

Chapter 3 Training Nowadays, Training seems to be the buzzword in all corporates. I myself as a Life Insurance advisor had to undergo a lot of training in Max Life Company. Training imparts a awareness of purpose in life. Training helps you to be broad minded. Just as a land cultivated & to have a nice harvest of crop you need to have quality seeds; in the same way, training nourishes your thought energy and puts you on the path to prosperity. What made Dale Carnegie on of the greatest trainer on this planet. It was his sheer ability to motivate people and inspire them to improve their selfworth. Recently I attended a Basic Course on Insurance. It is conducted by a organization called “Indian Institute Of Excelellence”. The speakers were Mr. Mukesh Josi and Mr. Hanumant Dhamal. Both of them offered vital insights on Life Insurance. The lunch offered was very delicious alongwith breakfast and tea snacks. Just as we need to bathe every day in order to be fresh, same way we need to be motivated daily so as to perform to our best. Why do our parents send us to school. Why do they choose the best coaching class for us. Why do they want us to study in the best college or university. Why do they want us to study in the best college or university. Why do they want to see me getting the best of education. Why do our teacher take so much trouble to ensure whether we have understood the subject matter. This is so that we become a respectable citizen of this nation. There are plenty of workshops going in Mumbai. I have attended a training program on how to run your business successfully conducted through SCF Management Institute. The speaker who is also a partner in the company Mr. Snehal Kamble is an excellent trainer. The program docket consisted of 6 sessions. The cream of the program is the strategy sheet which allowed a thorough analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The fellow participants were class entrepreneurs and I could get business at their networking meeting. This programs induce a sense of self-discipline in us. They have received a lot of popularity across the world. They iterate you to read positive, motivational and self-help books. Also they emphasize upon increasing the

productivity of your organizations. Great speakers have a unique quality that they are humourous and induce you to laugh. Nowadays we have training programs conducted online as well. You just have to register for them and can pay through your credit or debit card. These training programs lay stress on planning be it on daily, weekly or monthly basis. Adequate planning helps you achieve results which is the primary leads to self-improvement Training helps you to perform at your best. Training initiates your thought making process. Training helps you to plan and organize your time effectively. Who doesn’t require a trainer, Sachin Tendulkar has Ramakant Achrekar, Arjuna had Guru Dronacharya etc. Isn’t it worthwhile to contemplate that what would have been our position had not our teachers taught us. We would still have remained a child with unable to read, write or speak. We would have found it difficult to obtain our food and there would have been no disparity between us and a stone-age man. Various advertisements related to workshops, seminars and courses appear in daily newspapes everyday. The introductory lectures are free but the courses when underwent are charged fees. I think organizations giving importance to training of their employees would survive in the long run and be profitable. Training sharpens our minds and builds the right kind of confidence in us.

Chapter IV

Team Work

“What I can’t do, We can do”. This one liner inspires me a lot. It resembles the core purpose of why we should be working as a team. When you are working as a team your’s as well as that of other’s productivity increases manifold. No man can work upon his own ie. Without the support of other people. Sports like cricket, football, hockey, baseball etc are befitting examples of performing as a team not only yours but the goals set as a team matters most. Give me one instance when working as a team has failed. Big Big monuments are built only because of team work. I don’t think man would have had made so much of progress had he not imbibed the spirit of team-work in him. Working as a team help us develop our unique selling ability. You must contribute to your organisation’s success. You must be a good listening member who values inputs from other collegues. You must learn to grow as a team. Perhaps you will be able to accomplish more as a team rather than individually. Your organization will appreciate if you are a team player. We human beings need help of each other. We need to keep each other’s benefits in mind. You will be able to achieve your goals, if you help others achieve their goals. I truly believe in the power of Team. The bond that is created as a team is truly priceless. Constantly engaging people gives outstanding results. We need to keep faith in our personnel. There is a spark in every individual that needs to be ignited. People are the most important asset that you hold. You need to retain and grow talent. This has to be done on daily basis. Teams are the foundations of any worthwhile success that can be achieved. We must believe in our own people first. Taking any Team Member in confidence makes you a more likable person. With great Team work comes great results. Great companies are run by great men actually. A Team has to be led by a great dream and a vision. Essentially in any sport team work is quite crucial. It is make or break for any winning. You can convert failure into success through great Team Work. That’s why your role as a team player is equally important. You can surely accomplish

more with the 10 hands that join you. It keeps your spirits high. Challenges are faced squarely. It quadruples your learning ability. Actually it is your task to build your team’s morale through healthy discussion. Working as a team is like obliging to the rule of master mind. You remember your team members for a long long time. They are the ones who have laid you on the track that you are right now. Get sculptures & monuments of this world would’nt have been possible without great team work. Through team work you strengthen the bond you hold with other human beings. Making yourself available for your team members is the greatest gift you might give them. You must study the nature of your team members properly . Go that extra mile when asked for one. Have you taken a moment to determine a correct direction for your team. Team work takes organizations to even greater heights. Each and every team member contributes his best to achieve the organizational goals. The whole universe revolves around how we perform as a team. Team work makes us perform at our best. So focus on better team work. The smiles on our team members created happiness in our hearts. Surely your working as a team will give you true satisfaction. Our teams determine the way we think to certain extent. We make ourselves better through our team work. Certainly it gives our thinking a new dimension. It is indeed a great pleasure to have a great team onboard. The goals which seemed impossible to achieve at first can be easily achieved through teamwork. We are humans with natural feelings. So when we come into contact with other humans our emotions are aroused. We are indebted to each other for our success. Our help and support to each other makes us more valuable to our organizations. We are human beings and we need each others company. We crave for recognition. We act for we desire something in reward. Through mutual agreement we accomplish what we have set out to do. Everybody likes to work in a harmonious way. We have to show compassion towards other human beings. Indeed team work is a blessing in disguise. Everyone has contributed to your success. You have received support of other individuals all along the way. Any beautiful thing we do is pray to almighty. Then we give attitude to the people who helped us all along the way.

We also got a bit wise. When we interact with each other our thoughts and ideas multiply. In a way we are dependent on other human beings a lot. It really makes our path a lot easier. We need to seek out the purpose as to why god has sent us on this planet. We must be kind & supportive to other individuals. Clearly help others when they are in dire need. Our focus should be on people and their strengths. Together we can make this planet a better place to live. We are a eco-system and this earth belongs to all of us. Our actions today will bore fruits tomorrow. We have to show some kind of responsibility and share our joy’s and sorrow’s with other’s. This will help us bond with other individuals. In order to make progress we need to match our point of view with that of others. Mind me the tougher the problem the easier the solution is. Man is at the apex of our eco-system. Animals don’t have emotions or words to convey to each other. We are gifted in a way that no other species on this planet has. We have to respect nature and understand its powers in order to harness it properly. Nature has given man everything that he requires. I love each and every human being. Simply we are unique not only on this planet but in the whole universe. I can manage to say this for till today only our presence in confirmed in the whole universe. We can get the best if we give our best. There is lot that can be spoken about our world. Your co-operation and help can be of utmost importance. We have to make ourselves resourceful and productive. A true gentleman is one who knows how to deal with other people with respect and dignity. Thus everything just smoothens up and begins to assist us in our approach. We can just let things slip away from our hands and brood on our state. Or we can pick ourselves up and walk on the path of greatness. Aren’t we responsible for our actions? Today is the day that we are having and need to live it to our fullest. Thus we can be a force to be reckoned about. Sometimes things go the way we want them to go. Sometimes things are completely out of our control. We simply have to observe and let things pas away. Our world has become more and more advanced. We must discover the purpose in our life. We have to devote more time to ourselves. Our day needs to be carefully analysed. One has to be very positive-minded while living. There will be hiccups, but in the end your determination and vigour will count. Each day is a blessing. Live it to maximum. Be judgemental in your approack and not

cynical. Life is beautiful after all. Believe me or not, life will always throw awkward challenges to you. Get up and build your noble dream. You must decide what life to live and on what terms. Is there anything better than you can do. Rest assured you are on a great path. Why to live the way the other’s want us to live. Why to waste our life in pursuit of realizing other person’s dreams. Instead why not charge in our own way and lead the world in a right direction. Thus we would be remembered for the ages to come. We would be treating ourselves with dignity. Thus this world would benefit from our wisdom and experience. Indeed what amenities we have are because of the country we live in. We need to change our outlook and become more friendlier to mother nature. Currently as I am writing this book Wildlife Week is celebrated in National Park near the residence where I stay. Indeed we get to understand so many aspects of nature and how man can benefit from it. Animals have a unique way of living their lives. They have to just gather their food which is available in the nature. So land, trees, animals, birds, insects and river all together form a forest. This we have to understand as to how each of them play an active part in maintaining the ecological balance I the environment.

Chapter 5: Nature Learn new things in life. It helps you grow your brain. We depend on nature for so many of our requirements. Nature is our true mother. We must stop using chemical substances and use all natural products. Our toothpastes, soaps, shaving creams all are made of chemicals. Why to use them when Mother Nature has gifted us with so many things in abundance. All natural things can be reused and reprocessed. We have to pass on this world to the next generation. Man is a product of the nature. We are bound to the Laws of the Nature. We need to take frequent walks in nature. It rejuvenates our mind and also makes us happy. It enhances our well being. Our body is functioning on its own instinct. We are not running it. To take care of it is our responsibility. Thus far our well being was dependent on almighty. But we can take keep ourselves fully fit and happy. We just need to eat green food and exercise. Nature gives us everything. We owe our existence to Mother Nature. Nature basically comprises of Sun, Land, Air, Water and all the natural bodies like rivers, mountains, oceans etc. We Indians worship Mother Nature. The cycles of nature were observed by our ancestors and thus various festivals were conceptualized. India is a land of many festivals. Each part of India has its indigenous culture and language. Our country has one of the most ancient cultures on this planet. Each and every festival is linked to the change in nature and thus becomes a part of celebration. In order to become a superpower India needs to utilize its natural resources to it fullest. I consider myself fortunate having taken birth such a great country with so great people. I really like to breathe the air of this magnificent country find its soil very sacred and holy. I believe in the ancient science of Ayurveda that has its origin in our country. It is really a boon to the whole of humanity. You cure the diseases natural way through Ayurveda. Really the world owes so much to the ancient wisdom of India. We should truly feel proud of our country and its heritage. We should be united for a cause and that is to make this country a superpower. To be a nation which is very ahead of all other countries. It is one of the largest democracies on this planet.

You have to muster all the energies within to achieve the goals that you set for yourself. Goal-Setting is a very marvelous thing. As you set and achieve goals you start believing in yourself. Either you are your best friend or the greatest enemy. Thus know thyself very well. Don’t give up so easily on yourself. Today is what you have to accomplish what has not been accomplished. The world has changed so much. We think that we are helpless human beings. Our will determine how far we go. We have so much energy and stamina in us that we can accomplish just about anything. We have been so timid in our thinking that we don’t let ourselves grow to our full potential. We have been gifted with intelligence that other animals are not. Sure we have progressed a lot with that acumen and still wile explore a lot about this universe. Can we remove out of this world? Would we be able to live in eternal bliss? Can there be anything more fascinating and distinctive other than human life. Do we bother to observe our surroundings? Do we see things in their true nature? Are we using the natural resources to their fullest extent? Our time is limited on this planet. We have to use it in very effective manner. Think like a giant and you will be one day. There is lot that can be done in order to improve the world. You are a hero that no will forget. You just have to think rationally and give your best. People will wonder as how such a human being can exist? That is their problem. We always knew that challenges have to be faced squarely. Listen to your heart. Success is purely dependant on your mindset. You can accomplish whatever you wish to. Remember before you give up try one more time. Always there is a possibility that you might not have thought about. Giving up is easy but persisting is difficult. We are the best judge of ourselves. This world requires our services. Are we ready to provide them? Are we using the talents given to us by almighty? Why wait till tomorrow that you can do today? Try and do the assignment in a better way that you are handling. There is no substitute for hard work. We all do what we like. We don’t want to act as others want us to do. What our hearts say is always correct and we must always do the same. We must get rid of what bothers us. Ups and downs are a part and parcel of our life. Our own determination is what matters how far we

go in life. We are spiritual human beings living on earth. We grow together. Our existence depends on the environment we live in. We all have dreams and aspirations. That is why “Why current position is not my final destination” hold true every moment. We have to make sure that we remain in good shape. We must stay physically and mentally fit. We must begin our day with very positive thoughts and enthusiasm. In case we love our environment and surroundings we must plant at least one tree every day. This will help keep our weather in great condition. It will help spread greenery which in turn will give out pure air and oxygen. Trees help soil retain water. Ours is a sub-tropical climate and our forests are mostly deciduous. Remember to keep your environment clean and green. You must understand yourself and what your needs are. We are overloaded with worries that lead to nothing. Our concern should be as to where our focus is? Are we doing enough so that the society benefits from our potential? What are we doing so that tomorrow might be a better day than today? Are we serving the society so that the we are remembered for our contribution towards betterment of the society? Is our belief system strong enough? Do we constantly keep feeding ourselves with positive thoughts? Do we live our today the way we did yesterday or may the one previous. Is there any way that we ought to change our thinking and our destiny thereby? Are we truly living our life the way we want it to be. Our body is a storehouse of energy. We have constantly exercise our willpower muscle in order to get the maximum out of ourselves. There is absolutely nothing that is beyond our limits. Our body demands our continuous attention. We need to rest it often. The stress and fatigue of our work life simply kills us. We die everyday living a miserable life. Here I would like to mention that planning our days, weeks and months in advance is absolutely crucial. Planning helps us to save our time while executing tasks that can be used for some other constructive work. We need a continuous improvement program for ourselves. We need to develop our mental and physical abilities. Come what may we must not rest till our goals are achieved. Money is something that we desire to earn every time but our critical time is spent running after money which is not going to come back. So

we remain troubled the rest of our lives. Our perspective towards our life needs to change. We need to take our priorities seriously. We are important for this planet and our role is quite significant. We can enhance the lives of others by setting an apt example. We were born to win and leave a mark on this world. We need to take each day as it comes. Live it to the fullest moment by moment. For this we also need to refuel ourselves. Even a simple walk in greenery or forest can be very stimulating stress relieving. We need to develop our competencies. Thus we would be able to identify what makes us so unique. How are we going to shape out our world. It all depends on the way we think and perceive things. Out physical pain can be overcome. We can strive to become a better human being. It is our decision to remain in peak health and enjoy life. Different people have different perspectives about life. Some never try to improve themselves and happy with what they possess. Some literally strive their every bit to count on every moment. They are eventually counted as successful and are followed by others. But what makes these individuals so unparalleled and unmatched. Our can we master those successful habits that will atleast make us live with dignity if not like in heaven. We need to develop our own style. Our own judgment should be guiding us. We need to develop our abilities and skills. What we can do with the resources that we have. We have to keep pumping our energy and reminding ourselves that “I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel terrific”. We must be improving and progressing each day. Our days are counted on this planet. We are slowly nearing our own end. So how should we approaching the limited life that we have got on this planet. First we need to determine our purpose or what are we out there to achieve. We have to take some steps in that direction. We must focus on daily progress. Nobody can help us except ourselves. We have to be determined to achieve what we have set out to. In order to make ourselves valuable we should be of some use and service to the society. We ought to learn from every mistake of ours. Try to do a good deed today. Help others with what they are trying to achieve. Learn something new today. Do you know what is going to happen tomorrow? Then why worry for it today. Why not live in the now?

We must always live our today as if it is our last. After all we are sculptors of our own destiny. You need to understand your true potential. You must not be afraid of failures. Instead failures should be treated as milestones to success. Road to success is never easy. It has got ups and downs. Sometimes you will think of quitting for it will only mean no more pain. We need to maintain our balance of mind and temper. The world will only try to pull you back. For everybody has got their own selfish motives. We have to ignore the naysayers and carve our own path. The world changes when we change. Our life is nothing but a series of events. Everything happens to teach us something. So that we become a better human being. We need to continuously put in efforts. Who do you hold responsible for the situation that you are in? Nobody should be blamed except yourself for the apathy that you are facing. What support do you require to live the kind of life that your desire. Is there any specific skill or ability that only you possess and nobody else does. Are we enjoying our life to the extent it should be. Or are we giving away to stress and pressures of life. How do we know our own true self image? How do you change yourself? I mean how you can become a positive thinker in case you have habit of thinking negatively. We need to make our minds our best friends. We should be using our time constructively. Time is the most valuable resource we are holding. That person will be the most efficient who is able to use his time properly. Can we create our own destiny? Yes with accurate thinking and proper planning we can carve out the lives that we want. We should be able to manage our own lives. Make yourself resourceful. Give yourself the chance that will create abundance in your life. Always think in terms of improvements. You must first believe in yourself. Always be in the right. Nothing should between you and your goals. Live with an undying spirit that will motivate and inspire others too. You got to start with yourself. First you need to change yourself. Life is full of trouble for those who don’t believe in themselves. Make yourself of some service to the society. Leave a mark on this universe. God has gifted us all the great abilities. We have been gifted with strength, intelligence, personality which no other living creature has been gifted with perhaps. The creator truly wanted us to perform better as individuals. Our

thinking affects our behavior. Our emotional turmoil makes us despondent. We soon start to lose our greatness for our behavior gets affected by other individuals. We chose to live a cocooned life that limits our potential. How can we measure our greatness? Well is it possible to measure the temperature within sun’s core. That much greatness we have within ourselves. We see ourselves utterly useless and inferior. We are so concerned about our sorry state that we have stopped laughing at ourselves. We live in a constant fear. Fear of ridicule, failure, poverty, loss of love etc. Can we break ourselves from this cycle. We try to shun anything that troubles us. And we remain under our cover. We constantly brood over our pains and worries. Are we supposed to spend the rest of our lives in this fashion? Or are we going to fly like a butterfly. Can we do something so that our life as well as that of others becomes a bit better? Do we contemplate ourselves with an extraordinary future? Do we see ourselves as a savior to humanity? What difference does our existence make to the rest of the world? Can we be a bit courageous so as to change the current state of our existence? Live your today to the fullest without any worries whatsoever. Living is an art and you need to acquire it if you want to live happily. We have to be control in our life, if we don’t want others to control it. Our life is the greatest gift god has given us. God has made this world in play. We have to live each day as it comes. We need to be aware of what we are thinking about. Our life should be an example for others to follow. Our life is like a river that has its source in the mountains and run through valleys and plateaus and ultimately meets the ocean. The flow is never smooth. So many pebbles and mud obstructs the rivers path. So do we have so many ups and downs in our life? Everything happens for the better. We must make each day count. Every moment in our life is important. Why spend it brooding over our pains and troubles. Instead why not make the most of it and live it as if it were your last. Give the attention that you deserve. Invest in yourself. So person in this world is as important as you are. You must focus on your strengths. Give the world your best every time. Always listen to what your heart is trying to tell you. Change your thinking and your life will change for better. Any amount of reasoning won’t help in case you have the habit of Procrastination.

Do you own your game? Do you see every setback as an opportunity to learn? Who is stopping you from achieving the goals that you set for yourself. There are no free lunches. Everything comes with a price. There is no such thing as something for nothing. You ought to think rationally and logically. You don’t have to be great to start but have to start in order to be great. To maintain your calm amidst difficulty is utmost essential. Nowadays everything negative is circulated faster and given relevance. Our own self image has taken a hit. We have lost all our self-worth. We have sold our soul to the world in order to achieve wealth and success. We have taken our morals and ethics for a ride in order to be great. Nobody is superior to us. Our own perception of ourselves needs to change. When we understand our own importance the world respects us. As soon as there is hope our purpose to live enhances. Remember to always keep a pleasant smile on your face. No matter what, receive and give that joy that you truly deserve. No one has ever achieved gigantic success without first paying the price of hard work. Why to take extra efforts if they are not going to matter? Indeed every step in the direction of success matters. Our own self effort will lead to something big. We cannot rely on any external factors to make us great. Our inner compass is the true indicator. God helps those who help themselves. Our days are counted and the opportunities that lie in front of us are unlimited. Each and every aspect of our life is unique. We have preserve the sanctity of the moment. Every day is a new challenge to survive. We ought to hold on to ourselves with all the turmoil’s that life has to offer. We simply need to be heroic in our deeds. We have to perform at our world-class. It demands our energy and determination. Everything rests with us. It is up to us as to how we handle things. Great people believe in their deeds and actions. There is lot to learn from our peers and colleagues. We got to take our best foot ahead. Yes it also means taking a few steps back at times. We have to overcome challenges and steer past our goals and objectives. We have to be extremely careful the way we consume our time. We perhaps have to spend some time with ourselves. We have to think as to what is right thing to do here. May be we will falter a few times. But then somewhere our struggle should get over and finally

achieve success. Our existence should rely on a strong foundation. We must expect something positive from ourselves. We can be the person we sometimes dream of. We must not forget that our birth had a specific purpose and we are here to fulfill it. The circumstances might be demanding right now but they won’t stay so forever. We need to get into the habit of looking for the positive in everything. Where there is a will there is a way. We have to do something that take us away from our daily course of life especially work. It might be anything from simply planting and growing a tree or cultivating a hobby of stamp collection. It will transform and change the way you look at life. There is no need to be perfect in everything. Always what affects is behavior is competition from external sources. We tend to get paralyzed by our fears. We tend to get dominated by our negativity. We let our hope crush and become slaves to defeat. Our own understanding of this universe is quite weak. Only an ardent guru can help us find the right path. Transformation needs to be from within. There needs to be that inner craving to accomplish something big. Our goals should be really huge that they keep us on the go every time. In case some life-changing has to happen then we have to be open to that. Our own careless attitude can cost us a lot. How can we bring happiness to all the people on this planet? Can we end the misery that the public face? A marvelous thing to do is to seek out solutions to people’s problems. Take delight in doing things you do that boredom never touches you. You have to make yourself powerful and invincible. And the way to do that is really to stay committed to your goals. Because ultimately that will keep you moving forward and in the right direction. What is the greatest trouble in our life? Well it only means we are alive. For the only people who do not have worries & concerns are the ones who are lying under their graves. So think of helping other people as much as you can. Even one lifetime is less for this. We have to ask ourselves this powerful question “How will I what I do today have its impact 300 years from now?” Asking this question to yourself again and again will put you on the path of becoming a legend.

When you are worshiping an idol think of what use this is going to be. Where are my actions leading me to? Am I doing something beneficial at this moment of time? “Am I doing anything wrong” is what you should be asking yourself. The only person you need to beat is yourself. You should be competing against yourself on daily basis. You should be building a wall from stones that people throw at you. Always remember that any sort of criticism is an undisguised complement. Learn to share your belongings. For nothing is permanent. One day even you will have to part with what you have earned on this planet. In order to achieve success you need to be dynamic and believe in what you do. You must have a plan of action ready and be prepared to face any challenge. The earth rotates around its axis. And it has been doing this for millions of years in the past and most probably for another million in the future. During this time duration it must have gone through numerous reforms. The atmosphere must have changed phenomenally. Now the earth as a planet is conducive to live. And our fellow planets can’t even harbor any organisms. So the probability of we getting a life on this planet is one in a billion. How blessed are we to having born as a human being among countless other species on this planet. We have survived the Stone Age, metal age and now even this digital age will also come to a pass. Life is challenging and we have to face them boldly and squarely. We all have numerous health issues. We never feel alright 100%. Then we tend to take to worries and stress unnecessarily. Time pass on and we find ourselves nowhere as if lost and went missing on an island. Our heart beats constantly and even that is a miracle in itself. Our body is full of wonders and we tend to take it for granted. Our body consists of each and every element found in this universe. We have to keep our physique in proper condition. We have to realize how our body functions and how wondrous and astonishing it is. Till now science has not been able to produce blood that runs through our body. We are nothing less than divine beings. Simply put we are god in human forms. And we are gifted two hands to work. And in spite of this we are fond of living in distress.

You have to be really smart to achieve great things. Life is tough because you perceive it to be tough. You should learn to eliminate or control your fears. Life comes with a lot of challenges. It tests your metal again and again. You simply have to think in terms of possibilities. Shifting your attention from being skeptical to utmost positive will be very fruitful. Everything has a reason. The nature has its own cause and effect. In order to achieve more you have to put your brain into operation more. Your thinking is probably the greatest asset that you have. You can always change your life for better. Get inspired by great people and their thoughts. One life is too small to make the same mistakes again and again and not learn anything from them. Things get complicated when we think only of ourselves and about our selfish motives. We all crave to earn more money. Currency has become next to oxygen nowadays. With proper planning and habits we can always have abundance of money in our life. But our chief goal should be of some service to the society. Some days you feel high while on some days you feel very very low. That happens because our moods swing and our mind suggests us different things. Choose your options wisely. Don’t ever regret in case you have done a blunder especially in business. Start anew and gain glory. Win over your enemies with love rather than hatred. Respect yours and other people’s time. Choose and select your friends very carefully. For your company decides how you live. Pick books that will transform your thinking and put you on the roadway to success. Remember giving as an act will liberate you from worrying and getting tensed. Be pristine clear on your goals and objectives. Speak with your near and dear ones often. For they are the reason you are still existing. Try striking a conversation that is harmonious and soothing. Also take some quiet time for yourself. Write down your thoughts. Maintain a journal. Provide gratitude for the blessings that you have in your life. Listen to some motivating audio programs. They will really stimulate you hunger to achieve more and the path to it. Remember trouble don’t come in life because you want but to alleviate you. Attending seminars and listening to motivational speakers is a game

changer. It will increase your development by at least 10 times. If you follow this tactics you will be a hero in life instantly. You have to invest in yourself. Investment in the self pays the highest dividend. This is charging your mind with great thoughts. Always keep an upbeat attitude and marvelous nature. Life is full of uncertainties. We are not sure what will happen tomorrow or today later for that matter. What we can do is live our present moment at its best and most fully. Life is full of colors. We just need to observe them. Our life is affected by the way we think. Everything is meant for us to utilize aptly. Life can get beautiful if we take the necessary steps. Learning has to be our daily routine. Only through cultivating the habit of daily learning can we really develop, mature and grow ourselves. We need not fear anything on this planet. Use your abilities to your best. Seek and take counsel of experts. Sheer company of great thinkers will revolutionize your life. You will find yourself a better person due to better camaraderie. So make it a point to acquaint yourself with friends who are more intelligent, wise and wealthy than you. Eat nutritious diet, exercise more and read good books. This is the simple mantra for success. This will help you believe in yourself. For you will be a revered person whom people will adore and rely upon. Chances are since you are reading this book you want to improve and change. As Benjamin Franklin has rightly said “Early to bed and early to rise make man healthy, wealthy and wise” So give up your sheepishness and cowardliness and stand like a lion. You will be able to win all your fears instantly and rise above the ranks. For you were born to win. Relax at times and don’t go too fast. You must yourself enjoy your journey. And this has to be completed with your near and dear ones. Always keep focusing on your target and how can the goals be achieved. You will influence enough other people with the way you behave. When we make others happy it is automatically going to make us happy. No one else creates troubles in our life. It is we who are responsible for the pain and suffering in our life. We suffer sorrow when

we display a jealous and self-centered attitude. We are carried away by the outcomes of our actions which are rather not in our hands. We can perform our duty but don’t have right to its fruits. Nothing is as complicated as our life. We are supposed to act as others want us to. We don’t reflect on our efforts. Life is after all just a spark which will eventually fade away. Our dreams will only stay on paper and never become true. There has to be something that makes us go along when the going gets tough. Life will be easy on you if you are tough on life. Otherwise if you are easy on life, life will be tough on you. You must plan and prepare for your day in advance. You must clearly note down tasks you want to accomplish as per your priorities. You will enjoy the sense of accomplishment when you tick off those tasks of your to do list. You must get better by each passing day. Try and get out of your comfort zone. Look into a mirror and ask yourself “Is the way I want to lead the rest of my life?” You have to create that persona and individuality which others revere. You must try to remain healthy for only good health will bring you happiness and prosperity. Follow a healthy and nutritional diet always. Keep away worries and unnecessary tensions. Brooding over the past won’t give you peace; neither will it help you enjoy your present. You don’t have to invite any disease in your life. It’s only law of attraction at work in the faulty way. You are an asset to your family and to your nation. When you took birth everybody was celebrating and you were crying, but when you leave this world let everybody else weep and you rejoice. Ask yourself “Why has god kept me alive till today?” What is the purpose of my life? Why have I taken birth in my parents’ house? Knowledge about death enhances our style of living. It will only small win in the form of little accomplishments that will lead to a massive victory. What’s the use of playing the game if you are not in it to win it? Champions put in hard work continuously and emerge winners. And the peace of mind that you will earn is simply enormous. Then people will be reciting your success stories and gaining inspiration. Who does not have trouble in life? Running from them is not the right solution. You must develop the right mental attitude that will ascertain you live a life full of dignity. Classify yourself as a class warrior who has just

focused on his target. Can we live the life of other person better? No, what we can do is enhance and improve our life. So that we become an example for others as to how to live? When we keep our surroundings clean our health automatically improves. Just try and smell the beautiful fragrance of the flowers out there in the nature. It will make you feel godly. Everything is easy if we decide to do it. Our victory is often certain if we are adequately prepared for the same. Even as there are so many difficulties, life goes on. We simply worry and brood a lot about our problems. We must begin our day on a positive note. Express gratitude for little blessings that you have in life while you are awakening from night’s sleep. The chirping of the birds will make you feel better. Set very big and ambitious goals for yourself. You have got almost 24 hours to accomplish what you want. Some breaks in between help you to focus and concentrate. Now you have received an enormous gift in the form of life. God has bestowed you with all the talents and qualities that a winner and successful person should possess. God wants you to realize his purpose and come back to him. The choice to become either god or an animal in this life is up to you. We all want to exceed our potential. We easily get distracted by the negative comments of our near and dear ones. What we forget is we all have got unlimited capabilities that remain to be ferreted out. You are the god’s greatest creation. Go out and give your best to the world. We have to be very particular in our approach to life. Life is never straightforward. It is full of tests and tribulations. Due to our sluggish attitude we just happen to get past each day. We take every moment of ours for granted. We don’t seek change or improvement in our life. All we want is total comfort and our ego being petted. All it takes is a bit of resilience and continuous improvement to be perfect at anything. We always need to keep the end in mind while accomplishing a worthwhile goal. We must keep trudging along the path that we have chosen for ourselves. Investment in knowledge yields the best returns. That means our understanding of the world and about ourselves is very important. Unless and until we understand what our needs are how we will we make progress? So when you start accumulating knowledge wealth will automatically flow

towards you. You simply got to be patient enough to use these resources for the benefit of all. Ask yourself “What can I give right now?” People are getting very health conscious day by day. New medicines are getting discovered every day. Science has discovered means that can save even a dying man. But this has also increased the risks of many new diseases and illnesses. We are simply taking our health for granted. Consumption of junk food has increased. We have stopped consuming nutritional diet. This has given rise to severe deficiencies and malnutrition. The simple solution is eating home cooked nutritious food. Also you have to prepare a diet plan for yourself that will ensure that you are taking in the required amount of nutrients. Energy changes from one form to other. We have to build energy in us which has to be used in a constructive manner. Energy is stored in us in the form of food that we consume. Yes we have to challenge ourselves every day. Everything has an appropriate time when it needs to be done. You need to ingrain some tactics in order to make yourself most productive. Morning walks are absolutely essential as it keeps our mood upbeat whole day. We get tensed when we don’t have anything working for us. Indeed life continues in this fashion until our death. Life is a series of events. What we can control is our attitude towards them. It is a challenge to keep our mood upbeat at times. In order to amass wealth we have to route our energies in the right direction. Indeed we have to find our own path that will lead us to life of peace, happiness and glory. Your inner system is so powerful that it has given your birth against all odds on this planet. We depend on external factors for joy and delight that we have forgotten that the true source are we ourselves for happiness. Diwali is a festival of lights and crackers, sweets and rangoli. The atmosphere is full of ecstasy and celebration. It’s a remembrance of Rama returning to Ayodhya after his victory over Ravana. Thus what every festival does is it shifts our attention from daily life of hassle and haste to some joy and peace. We happen to neglect our own health at times. Especially with our eating habits. Taking small precautions at times gives us a satisfaction that no one can snatch away from us. Keeping our health intact is completely in our hands. Why spend money on medicines and doctor’s advice. Why not keep our body

completely healthy through nutritious food and exercise. Respecting our body is like worshipping god. Our body goes through innumerable changes since our birth till our old age. Who gives this information of metabolic changes to our body and where is this software stored. How accurately does our heart beat every moment? How awesome our life is we come to know only when our old age has occurred and we are on our death bed. Then we would regret having not done the things that were very possible by us. They remain our unfulfilled wishes. Had we planned our activities and allotted time for the same as our topmost priorities, we would have accomplished those tasks. Had we put in a bit of courage we could have done what couldn’t be done initially. Rather than changing the external factors trying making internal changes in your own system. This will make you feel better and at the same time you would start respecting yourself. Go out and fire your best weapons that you hold. Don’t keep them to yourself. This world requires fighters like you. You ought to make a difference by pulling your own strings. Constancy of purpose is required. You will have to create momentum for yourself. On the way you will require help from many people. Just concentrate on your functionalities. Put your thoughts in action. The world needs more brave hearts like you. Life rewards those who deserve it. And you ought to be the blessed one. Nevertheless you were a born champion. And everything needs to go as per your wishes. Simply put your worries at bay and live to your maximum potential. Just imagine how dull and boring life would be if nobody had any problems or pains. You are the focal point of this universe. You are simply a amazing human being with marvelous qualities. With daily small consistent improvements you will be at the top of your field and industry. For sure you will make rapid developments and take huge strides in your career. You have got unlimited potential in you that remain to be unleashed. You just can’t adorn too many hats for yourself. Learn to respect yourself and your needs. You are simply priceless on this planet. You must prepare yourself in order to win. And that requires a huge commitment. Just as roots are important for a plant same way your thoughts are significant to your existence.

In order to survive you have to take up some work. You work so that your talents and qualities are revealed to the world. The whole world benefits from you and the potential hidden in you. You are responsible for the consequences of your actions. Everything happens for the good. It is the spirit in which you take things. Remember you got to make matters work in your favor rather than being a trifling spectator. You are the director of your own film. Please cast a mind boggling role. Choose your options carefully. Don’t waste time on something foolish or unimportant. Give others the respect they deserve. Be superhuman in your efforts. Change tactics the moment you find them incorrect. Have enough savings for a rainy day. Remember every penny saved is a penny earned. Never think you are small or weak. You can dominate this entire universe by your sheer will-power. Just keep blossoming and radiating. Nobody can defeat you unless and until you give up. Be brave hearted and set for your conquest. Have you ever wondered what this world will be without you. Well the planet did exist before you were born and will continue on even after you. So you have to be the differentiating factor. Listen carefully to what your heart is trying to tell you. Act the way you want to. Presume that there is nothing stopping you from being super-successful. But yes you need to put in the hard work. Constancy of purpose is required. We are supposedly the most intelligent species on this planet. Surely god made us with a purpose in mind. And one of God’s purposes is to make this world a better place to live. Life gives us very delicate moments to handle. When trouble arises we start blaming god. How on earth can this happen to me? Why I have to bear all this? Everybody wants peace, joy and happiness in their life. Although we neglect the human aspect of life and run after material pleasures. We have to carve our own path to success. Determination is the key. There needs to be persistency in our efforts. We must change for better. Our existence must not become trivial and insignificant. Don’t just sit and brood over your problems. Get up and act. Today is what you have. Make the most of it. Don’t leave anything for tomorrow. Get habituated to positive thinking always. Take some calculated risks. Face a few challenges whole heartedly. Take a handful of decisions on

your own. Love thy neighbor. Also love the whole mankind. Some moments are priceless. You got to leave your mark behind. Discuss your feelings with near and dear ones. Life exists because there is hope. Our future is completely in our hands. We have to shape our own destiny. Do everything that is possible within your reach. Don’t expect goals to be achieved in a single day. Remember Rome was not built in a day. Under all circumstances remain calm and peaceful. Take a deep breath and say to yourself “I feel happy, I feel energetic, and I feel terrific”. Making excuses won’t allow you to climb the mountain top. Get out of that habit of procrastination. It’s now or never. Never leave that till tomorrow what you can do today. Nothing is permanent. Everything keeps changing. He who has learnt to change as per the situation prevails. Assume everything is happening as per your wish. Would you still be happy? Or would you brood over how little cheerful or joyous you are. Life is really too short. So have fun. Why sulk on the opportunities that have been missed? Why not go out and perform your best at 100%. Whosever is giving you trouble is himself agonized. All you got to do is have mental clarity. Will there be another you. Chances are very high that you are unique. Have a game plan ready. March forward towards your goals with uncommon grit and persist till you win. Always think ‘what can I do for the nation that I belong to’. Be thoroughly confident of what you are doing. Forget what has happened in the past. Start a new journey afresh. This time set a goal and have a deadline allotted. This will keep you on your toes and keep the momentum working in your favor. You will feel enthusiastic at the outset of reaching your goal. Nevertheless even if you face failure at least you tried wholeheartedly.

Everything depends on our belief system. We should be very careful about what we think of. There is no greater joy than achieving what we have set out for. We all have our own self doubts. We have to rise beyond them. What goes around comes back. Sometimes we feel lazy even to get up and move. We tend to get worried for our future. There is lot to accomplish and the time is fading away fast. We are simply tackling our own difficulties. The days seem to pass away faster. We are quite unsure as to how future events will line up. All we can do is stay in control of ourselves. Just keep yourself busy with some kind of work. Don’t allow even a single moment to pass without any effort. Life moves slowly but you move faster. Take complete charge of yourself. Blossom like a flower. Be firmly rooted. Concentrate and focus on the now. Make the most of it. Set yourself in motion. Take easy. Form some good habits. Risk a bit. You know of what metal you have been made. Consider taking those vital breaks from time to time. Choose your company wisely. Make your mind peaceful and fill it with gratitude. Accept yourself the way you are. All said and done. Start cautiously and go till end. Leave no stone unturned. Use all of your senses properly. You have got limitless power in yourself in the form of your subconscious mind. This mind of yours does all your body functioning tasks when you are asleep but doesn’t sleep itself. You can order your subconscious mind to do any kind of task for yourself. It is a very faithful servant always at your disposal. And it can fully help you to realize your dreams and ambitions. All you got to do is command your subconscious mind to achieve the unimaginable. It is a powerhouse of energy and vitality. It will make you irresistible and unstoppable. Look deep into yourself and identify those hidden talents. Those strengths that can make you immortal. People will remember you for centuries to come. Your saga and tale would be sung with great glory and style. Look forward and develop yourself into a giant. Don’t look back and act timid. Be brave and show resilience and solitude. Conquer thy worst fears. You will be amazed at what you possess and have got to offer.

What we are today is a result of our upbringing. Our everyday challenges are never going to end. We have to confront each day with its set of challenges. Fix your mind on something concrete. Hold your head and chin high. Set yourself free of all the negative self beliefs. Just relax a bit and help yourself with a warm coffee. Go for a movie and have a long chat with your friend or an associate. Don’t lose heart if certain things don’t go the way you want. Have a financial plan ready for your life. Catch a movie with your spouse or friend. Walk on the green grass barefooted. Our mind is able to function fully when we have proper sleep at night. 7-8 hours of sleep at night is absolutely essential. Practicing Yoga and meditation keeps you happy and energetic whole day. Concentrate on your breathing for a few minutes. Don’t consider a few setbacks as permanent defeat. You got to reach the zenith of your achievement. You have to win that prestige for yourself. Just think of a very bright future for yourself and the outcome to be too good. Calculate your moves in advance. Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down. Be brave. Stay focused and remember you choose who and what you let in your head. In life, you will realize that there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you. But, the ones that are important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They’re the rare and amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it. There is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some build you up, while other attempt to bring you down. Yet, all teach us a lesson. Your friends equal your future. Chose wisely. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Many of us suffer from the “I” problem! “I” want what “I” want and “I” want and “I” want it now. Learning to let go of your pride and your ego is very easy in theory, however can be very difficult to execute in the moment. The next time that you pride/ego is getting the most of you….Step away, think before you speak and let go the past. Think more like a child. Fall down, get up…..the more the times that you get up, the stronger you’ll become. The process of our personal developmental journey is difficult.

But, the more that you hold onto the past…the greater the barrier will seem. Remember, nothing changes, if nothing changes. Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your own mind. Don’t let others take up real estate in your mind. When people seem to be bothering you…think hard and realize who let them in. Your life, your fault. When do you worry? There is nothing to worry. Even if there is something, consider it to be nothing. You are here to enjoy, not worry.

Sometimes, hurricanes come through our lives in the forms of people or as lessons. It sucks, we get hit hard and loss ourselves in the path of destruction. But no matter how bad you’ve been destroyed, just know that you can overcome. No matter how much of you has been broken, just know that you can always put yourself together to be a champion again. Appreciate that obstacles serve a role other than to cause emotional distress. Serving rather as an invitation to gain clarity, focus and strength. In life, you will get knocked down. You will face uncertainty. But in the end, an obstacle is a necessity in order for you to build resilience, fortitude and strength. Be Brave. Stand tall and appreciate the Process. When I shift from “Life happens to me” to “Life happens for me” I transcend myself from being a victim to a master creator of life. When we realize that we are the master creator of our life then every situation seems to be an opportunity for our spiritual awakening. To be truly present for someone is to listen them without letting our mind preoccupied about their past. Listening without judging, listening with a clean heart and calm mind, all are forms of expressing love. So love yourself, forgive yourself and thus heal yourself. Nature takes no side, It is impartial. We receive fruits according to our deeds. Why do you worry? There is nothing to worry. Even if there is something, consider it to be nothing. You are here to enjoy, not worry. Just in case you’re doubting yourself today, let me remind you: You’re wonderful, you’re loved, You’re talented, you deserve to be happy. There is so much life waiting to happen for you. Please, stop wasting it in doubt, self-loathing and anger. Trust me, I understand that little bitch voice which can torment us whispering “you’re not good enough”, or “what will people think”. So what! You deserve all that life has to offer. Too old; too broke; too whatever…don’t worry. Today is the most significant day of your life. Don’t wait for the right time to come. Don’t wait to be ready, you have been ready all your life and today, today you will shine. Be brave, stay focused and remember you are unstoppable! Make today happen. Learn to live. Life is about being happy no matter what happens. Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting. Every delay is not a denial. Your time is going to come. Contentment Is not

dependent in what work we do, it is dependent on the perspective & intention of working. To be joyful, we don’t have to always change what we do, we only have to check and change our vision and intention of working. One of the best thing we can do for the world is heal ourselves by spiritual wisdom. We all are interconnected. So when we are happy, the world gets energy of Happiness. Meditation purifies, glorifies and dignifies the Soul. Let them judge you. Let them understand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren’t your problem. You stay kind, committed to love and free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say don’t you dare doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth.

The most important lesson I’ve learned in the past year is: Don’t let anyone turn you cruel. No matter how badly you wanna give the world a taste of its own medicine, it’s never worth losing yourself over. Today’s seed is tomorrow’s harvest…don’t worry, time heals all wounds and eventually exposes the truth. Breath, smile and move on. Your circle should want to see you win. Your circle should clap loudly when you have good news. If not, get a new circle. We often hear the quote.”Show me the five people you spend the most time with and I’ll show you your future”. You may not think so, but who you associate with is who you become. Your friends, your spouse, your partner…influence you on everything. Your circle should want you to win, succeed and grow. It’s also important to note that you become your friends. There is a direct correlation with who you surround yourself with and who you become. Winners hang with winners…like attracts like. At the end of day, your life is your choice. Just remember, you are ultimately influenced the most by your inner circle..and that circle can either make or break you. Giving your best shot at everything you do is the key to success. Living should become a festival now. Live every moment to its fullest. Rather than brooding over not having enough money, our goal should be to amass happiness. Whether he is furious or she is enraged, leave it then and there. Say sorry and pick up that relationship. At times break your dreams but not the relationships, for you can get the dreams back but not the person. Life is like a drawing, if you fill the colours you like it will bloom like a flower. People facing problems have two main reasons “ Either he want more than what he requires or he wants before the time. Smile is the most beautiful expression in the world. So smile always. Life is like a road. Walk with dignity. There would be ups and downs but you just keep changing gears. You don’t require advice everytime in life, sometimes a courage give hand, listening ears and a heart that understands is required. A man who has lost on ground can win again but a man who lost with his mind can never win. If you are searching someone than go for one who cares for those who want their need to be fulfilled will come searching for you. Friendship should be sweet, In life there must not be any compromise on it. During joy it must laugh and in pain it must cry. But it must last with us lifelong.

Life is for once, let there be no ego. Give love to all. Just as when iron melts it becomes a weapon, when gold melts it becomes jewellery, when soil loosens it becomes harvest, same way when a man becomes humble, there’s a place for him in everybody’s heart. “You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass” – Warren Buffet. The reward of hard work is not the earning but the personality that is created thereby.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Stop looking at the greener grass on the other side, while overlooking the fact that you also have a grass. The choice of what color your grass is, that’s up to you. We are in most powerful mode when we are in the natural state of being peace. Peace is our natural state of being wherein we are most receptive and vital. Peace is our potential power. Love, peace and happiness can never leave you because you are made of it. Love, peace, bliss, purity, knowledge, power, and happiness are the seven natural sanskaras of every soul. If a negative act is committed for the good of others, is it bad? Certainly it is bad. A negative act starts harming you. When you have harmed yourself, you can never help anybody else. A lame person cannot help another lame person. First you have to make yourself healthy, and then you will find that you have started helping others. Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during those times, you should always be your biggest fan. No one owes you anything. You are responsible for your life, your happiness, health and freedom. You owe yourself everything. Hate is fire. Don’t burn yourself in it. Loneliness is the biggest punishment in this world! And solitude is the biggest gift/blessing!! These two words appear so similar,yet cannot be more apart, like heaven and hell! Loneliness is suffering, and Solitude is relaxing! Loneliness is fear and solitude is peace! Till we look for solace in the outer world we will experience Loneliness! But when you look for it within you, you start experiencing solitude! This life is nothing but a journey from loneliness to solitude! A journey, in which the path is us, the traveler is also us and so is the destination! You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass. What is beautiful? That which is forgiven even after all misunderstanding and getting angry, that relationship is beautiful. Doing something for the environment everyday can help this planet a better place to live.

When you plant one seed, then earth gives a corn full of seeds. A human being is also same way, when given a word of love starts emanating a riverful of love. The key to live life fully is this – “Remember something new each day and forget something old” Accept both criticism and appreciation, for to grow a tree you require both water and sunshine. Every artist gives his name to the Art created by him. But artist like a mother in spite of giving birth to a child gives him his father’s name.

Just be conscious, aware and alert of your inner world, the outer world will be perfect. To observe your mind without judging is to be aware of it and awareness is the first step of transformation. When the inner world transcends, the outer world transforms naturally. Replacing “Why is this happening to me?” with “What is this trying to tell me?” has been a game changer for me. Everything happening in your life right now is meant to help you grow. Many situations are difficult and exhausting, I get it. Just try to take a step back and observe why has this “problem” showed up? Be brave. Stay focused and remember, problems are simply well-meaning messages attempting to reveal something important for you. You’re never in the wrong place. Sometimes you’re in the right place looking at things in the wrong way. Humility wins Hearts. Humility win Hearts. Thinking unnecessarily makes us feel bad unnecessarily. The line of your fortune is visible in the picture of your present actions. We portray the picture of our fortune in each thought we think, in each word we speak and in all the actions we do today. We become the way we think. If we think positive our life will take a upturn. Our body works as a result of our mind. Even if your desire is too small, you require a determined heart to fulfill it. You ought to understand a journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step. Tell problems not to tackle with us for we know how to win in any situation. Remember the dreams are yours, so only you will fulfill it, don’t expect the situation to suit you or the people. Your thinking only makes you great, if you want to grow like a rose then you ought to learn the technique of compromising with thorns. Don’t live life as an individual, live it as a personality, for life will get over but the persona will remain forever. If you want to become successful in life please throw this words in dustbin 1. What will people say? 2. I won’t be able to do it 3. My mood is not alright 4. I have ill luck 5. I don’t have enough time Change doesn’t happen by reading thoughts, change happen by acting on those thoughts. Lord Buddha has said “ A ripen fruit has 3 characteristics one that it get soft, second it sweetens up and third it changes its colour. Same way a mature person has 3 qualities on he becomes humble, second his voice deepens and third that his face reflects confidence”. Why do you say that nothing good happens. The truth is that things don’t happen the way you

want. If anybody is with you or not, there is no greater companion than yourself. Don’t stay with the shame of what you could not complete yesterday, stay with the belief of what you will be completing today.

Problems are small. We make them big. If you have a family that loves you, a few good friends, food on your table and a roof over your head. You are richer than you think. Can we solve all of our problems? Yes sure, very much. All the solutions to our problems lies within us. We must accept ourselves the way we are. We must have a systematic approach to everything. We must help each other during our adversities. Our vision should be long term both for ourselves and our nation. Thinking about change will not do any good. It is how we react to change that is important. We desire so many things in our life. We go that extra mile to achieve those dreams of ours. We care so much for our near and dear ones. You have to visualize your success. That will keep you happy. Patience brings a state of calm which helps in finding the answers that already lie within and give courage to work on the problem in a cool and relaxed way. The one with an open mind is the one who is able to see things for what they are and accept them and take the lesson. If you remain always concerned for others den only you can do for others and there will be constant benefit for others merged in each and every action of yours. The most important places to keep clean and tidy are my mind and heart. If I allow thoughts to flourish that I wouldn’t want to see the light of day, I can never have any real self-respect. By starting each day in quiet reflection and pouring positive, loving thoughts into my mind, I gradually clean out cynicism and unkindness. Push yourself like a machine and you will eventually run low on energy. Love your mind by allowing it spaces of silence and it will serve you tirelessly. Patience and more patience enable a closed mind to gently unfurl. You have the determination to plant seeds of change now, and the wisdom to wait fo the fruits to emerge. There is part of you that is perfect and pure. It is untouched by the less than perfect characteristics you’ve acquired by living in a less than perfect world. It is filled with divine qualities, so is a constant state of resourcefulness and wellbeing. Its total absence of conflict and negativity of any sort makes this part of you a Still-Point; a deep, enriching experience of Silence. Make time to practice reaching this inner place of Silence. It will bring you untold benefit. Honesty does not mean simply speaking your mind. Honesty means to be very clear about everything going on inside you. Where there is honesty, feelings become

pure and clean. Honesty is where there are no other thoughts or feelings inside, other than those that God himself would have. Such clarity is reflected in your words; they will be filled with the power of truth, and spoken with ease and without hesitation. The genuine honesty cultivated within you is what will reach out and touch others. There are three ingredients for a long and healthy life: live with attention but without worry, use time in a worthwhile way, keep your thoughts pure, positive and filled with strength. People are often unreasonable, self centered: Forgive them anyway. If you are Honest, People may cheat you, but be Honest anyway. What you spend years to build, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway. The good you do today, People will often forget tomorrow. Do Good anyway. You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God: it never was between you and them anyway.

A mind filled with peace creates a heart filled with contentment. When you want to do something sincerely and are decisive about it; the power of concentration becomes available to you. Concentration allows you to achieve more in less time and respond to situations in a more effective way. With habits, never give in or we lose our dignity, with the self, never give up or we lose our destiny, with others never give your worst or you will never develop your best The saying, “what we give is what we receive”. The lesson: Just to give. There are many words for which we have forgotten the meaning-love is one such word, and wealth is another. When we hear or use the word wealth today we immediately conjure images of huge cheques, large properties, five star holidays and the very best in everything. In fact it is this limited form of wealth, measured and defined essentially by money which blocks the realization and manifestation of true wealth. Every human being is wealthy beyond imagination. But not in their bank accounts. Courage is to take a step forward into an area of difficulty without a solution in mind, but yet feeling that victory is ahead. It is going empty handed, but knowing that God’s hand is stretched out to pull you. While we spend much time ‘making up’ our faces to ensure our appearance is beautiful for others, we forget to make up our minds. This is not about making decisions. Making up our mind means ensuring that our thoughts are positive and our feelings towards others are filled with good wishes. When we do, others begin to sense a deeper beauty emanating from behind the skin! This is inner beauty. Don’t hide behind your face. Let the real you show through. Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and reestablish friendships and relationships. Resistance leads to persistence. Whatever you resist or pus against simply persists and pushes back in equal measure. Instead, transform resistance into acceptance by practicing “Que Sera, Sera…whatever will be, will be…” When speaking to others we usually speak from our head, or intellect. Words spoken from the head rarely touch the hearts of others. This means they don’t create any impact and are soon forgotten. When you do not upset yourself thinking about how others must change and instead you concentrate on your own change, good things start to happen. First, you will feel better about yourself. Second, you will start to have positive feeling towards others and start to understand them. Third, others

start having a more positive attitude towards you. Uncontrolled, scattered thoughts are like a speeding car. Unless you brake you’ll crash. It is wise to bend rather than to break. It is wise to bend rather than to break. Those who change will get spiritual wisdom. Conversely, those who have wisdom will decide to change. Change is the first law of nature. It is wise to bend rather than to break. Those who change will get spiritual wisdom. Conversely, those who have wisdom will decide to change. Change is the first law of Nature. When someone disbelieves us, we usually argue back and try to prove our point. Yet we find that the more we talk, the less people listen. Unable to convince them, we end up frustrated.

Let the treasure of happiness always be with you and all other treasures will automatically come to you. The ability to listen, understand and empathise creates a feeling of trust and friendship in others. If I am always willing to listen, I can help them discover their own solutions to the problems they have to face. When you open your eyes in the morning, sit for a moment and appreciate the gift of a new day, create a peaceful thought and enjoy some moments of silence throughout the whole day. Patience is a virtue and a power too. Patience tells us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that we get over there one step at a time. Past is past, put it a full stop. What happened in the past is not going to come again. You must let go off the past and live in the present. Be a holy swan and pick up strength from others. Learn from them and see positive in them. Be in company of those who are successful and always upbeat. The enemy of happiness is wasteful thoughts. To stop yourself from thinking wasteful thoughts focus your mind on God. Only God can grant you the peace that you deserve. Think how beautiful this world god has made. He has been very kind to provide us with all the happiness and love that we desire on this planet. If we let go of negative thoughts and stick to positivity always we would be better human beings. You spend most of your life running after things, doing things. You forget that being comes before doing. Those who remember this secret make an effort to “be” and discover that when they stop and observe, life helps and brings whatever is needed. Learning to be is learning to be at peace. It is our most fundamental nature. Learning enhances our brain functioning. When we are learning something our brain develops new neurons. When you stop becoming something you enjoy yourself and just are what you are. Life will offer you what you are looking for only if you help enough other people achieve what they are looking for. Though the mind often asks for what is visible or material, its needs are deeper and cannot be met by anything superficial or short term. Meditation leads to a meeting point with all that is true and eternal. You need to have an appointment with yourself first. Running after worldly desires will lead to nothing. You will only exhaust all of your energies. Meditation gives you a chance to understand yourself and what your body is all about. Concentrating

on breathing for at least half an hour daily will help you stay relaxed whole day. Realize your purpose in life. Think before you think for you are because of your thinking. You are simply irreplaceable on this planet. You can achieve what you want in life. Nothing is impossible. The word “Impossible” itself says I am possible. What was not possible yesterday is possible today. Life continues in the direction that we want and not what others want. We seek it here, we seek it there, we look for love everywhere! We expect it to come to us, usually through another person. All our conditioning says it is something that happens to us. The mythology of our fables, legends and modern day entertainment industries say it is something we “fall into”. And yet real love cannot be acquired, possessed or accumulated. It cannot be known when we think it comes from outside ourselves. The ultimate paradox is we are it. We are love. Somebody said that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That ‘maybe it couldn’t’, but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it! Somebody scoffed: ‘Oh, you’ll never do that; At least no one ever has done it;’ But he took off his coat and he took off his hat And the first thing we knew he’d begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin, Without any doubting or quiddit,

He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it. There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure, There are thousands to point out to you one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing That ‘cannot be done’, and you’ll do it. By Edgar Albert Guest.

Life is better when we are happy, but believe me life becomes excellent when others are happy because of us. Become something even though it is late but become something for after some time people don’t ask for your well being but for your worth. A powerful, yet often misunderstood, aim of spiritual study is purity. Purity of the soul means to return to its original divine qualities. The soul has become so polluted with less than divine qualities, it can hardly enjoy being alive. Purifying the soul puts the higher self back in charge – useless and negative thoughts are removed and annoying habits finish. A pure soul cannot be touched by sorrow; indeed the power of purity is such, it serves to remove the sorrow of the whole world. Purity restores happiness – even bliss. All you need to do, in order to re-establish your purity, is want it. But you need to want it intensely, to the exclusion of everything else. The one thought, “I must become completely pure” sparks a fire of love between you and God. This fire melts away all the pollution, and your purity becomes such a power that it frees you from all battles for ever.

You are a courageous soul who recognizes that whatever you face will become the wings with which to fly. Every adversity brings with an equal opportunity. Even a butterfly has to go with the cumbersome process of being a cocoon and a caterpillar before it can fly. We must learn to see opportunity in every problem. Life can be tough at times but that is what life is all about. If everything was the way you wanted you wouldn’t have worked. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. You learn walking taking one step at a time. You climb ladder one stair at a time. Same way you make progress little by little at a time. We are never without the solutions to our problems. It’s just that sometimes we may have to wait a little. Learn how to remain peaceful and patient. Patience is the mother of all virtues. When you learn to be patient things start coming to you. He who has patience will have everything. Words! They are all around me! I see them. I use them. Harsh words, soothing words, biting words; words that give pain and sorrow; words that give joy and pleasure. They are vital to communication. When words are spoken they are reactions, negative or positive. Either thoughts are triggered or emotions fired or actions performed. Words color our behavior. And how lovely it is to hear words that are calm and free from rancor and aggression. To hear words that lifts the soul and leave it with renewed vigor. Such words are the sparks of purity. It is important to remember that my speech indicates what is in my mind. As the thinking, so the words uttered. Mental calmness makes my words calm. A pure mind makes for pure words. It is said that speech may exalt someone to kingship or send him to the gallows. I should never let myself indulge in false, bitter and vicious speech. My words should reflect my true, inner nature, that of purity and peace. Words, once spoken, can never be recalled. They reverberate all around, beyond our control. Today, as I utter words, what effect will they have on those who hear them? Will they be the words that are poisonous and cause pain? Or will my tongue be like that of the nightingale, sweet and so, so very soothing and lovely to the ear?

Ignorance makes you believe that life functions haphazardly. Wisdom teaches you that everything that happens in this theatre of life has profound significance. What you see today is not the fruit of chance but a fruit from seeds planted in the past. Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future. As you sow shall you reap? If you sow apple seeds you will get a apple tree and a apple thereby. You can’t expect mangoes if you are planting a orange tree. If you are laying a firm foundation of peace today you will benefit immensely in the form of vast amount of peace in the future. Peace ends when you are emotionally involved in a situation. The practice of being an independent observer helps you stay stable and calm. It is the best way to approach a decision in any circumstance. Be a silent spectator sometimes. Don’t take any action. Krishna advises Arjuna to just perform his actions as he is not entitled to the fruits of his labour. We learn from each other a lot. Man is not like animals. We are a specie with a very wild ego. We like to do things our own way. Only we can be innovative. Life can be miserable if we desire so. We can create heaven on this planet. We are planting the seeds of action in the form of our thoughts. Our brains have outstanding potential. Learning should be a continuous exercise and on daily basis. Our ambitions is what keeps us on the right path. We learn by making mistakes. Our motive in life should be to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Our brain stays alert when we are learning something new. Knowledge acquired stays with us for the rest of life. Information is the new god. Make yourself rich everyday with the gift of knowledge. Teach yourself first. We must develop respect for our nation. What we are today is because of the country we are residing in. All the rights that we enjoy are because of the citizenship of the country we live in. We have to thrive to be successful. All our efforts should be to be a winner. We can have what we want if we help enough other people get what they want. Congrats on being a winner. Change is difficult in the beginning. But as you seek change it becomes a part of you. Slowly you start gathering momentum and become unstoppable. Conquer thyself and you have conquered this world. If our thoughts are purified we feel better. We are simply by-products of our thinking. Our ideas are our best resource. We can master our lives by changing our thinking. Our ability to perform depends on the soundness of our thoughts. We have to do

something that earns respect from others. Simply wandering through life without any purpose is not beneficial. Every setback brings with an opportunity to grow and learn. Life is beautiful if you make the most of it. Everything is in your hands. Give it your best shot. You have to do every bit to succeed. Being a failure is not what you aimed at or tried for. Life teaches you lessons as you pass through it. Every day is a new beginning and new birth for us. Constantly pursue to make this world a better place to live. Give all that you have. You are the most wonderful person on this planet. God has created you with a special purpose. You must make each day count. Serving humanity can be the best aspiration that you can hold. Look for an opportunity to help others. Be yourself. Don’t try to copy others. You are god’s greatest creation on this planet. You must realize what potential you hold in yourself. Life will test you every moment. You should add value to your life. Get going oh great soul. Refuse to give up. Circumstances will check you thoroughly. March on towards your dreams and goals. You are unconquerable and undefeatable. You will become what you want to. Always be confident and give that radiating smile. Be bold enough to accept the reality. You have to face the truth in the end anyways. Life gives you back what you put in it. You have the power to change your life. It’s your choice to live an ordinary or an extra-ordinary life. Our aim should be to make continuous progress. How to do what we want to? There would be so many obstacles coming in our path. The first would be from our family itself. Then just think, will doubting yourself going to help. Go forward and accomplish what you have thought of. At least you failed trying to achieve a worthwhile goal. Luck seems to favor him who gives his best. Keep trying. You have to take charge of yourself. You are responsible for everything. You have to clean the mess that has been created in your life. In order to live the life of your dreams you have to improve yourself. Nothing should be more pleasant than the fruit of your own labor. Cause you are special. Every day is a new day. You have a clean slate and you have to fill it. What words to use, the choice is completely yours. Learn to use your creativity and imagination to your maximum potential. You are a very special human being on this planet. You can be a role model for so many individuals. You are out

there to prove your mettle to the world. Life will throw challenges at you, but you should remain detached and focus on your goals instead. On some days you will lose that fire, but eventually you will win. For there is nothing that can stop you. Know your strengths thoroughly. Utilize them properly. Why bother about your weaknesses and keep brooding over them. Instead capitalize on your advantages and keep moving forward. Don’t wait even for a moment. You might ask yourself “What am I here for?” What is my motto? Who am I living for? Consider all the possibilities that you might have ignored at first. You can always strive for living long as well. Chose your options really well. Respect everyone you know. Try and learn from everyone. Speak language that appeals to others. Listen to everyone and give your opinion only after listening completely. Strive and do something for your bread and butter. Know thyself very well. How many times do we remember god every day? Do we take the power of that almighty who is super powerful. We are what we are because of him. Think of him every time and every day. Show your gratitude for him.

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