Bcya Narrative April-june 2008

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  • Pages: 5
Project Monitoring Form 1 FCED Foundation (1849)

Project Name: PA Number: Project Name: Program Name:


Municipality: Paco-Pandacan Province: Manila Region: NCR

Project Narrative Summary Reporting Period: as of April to June 2008 A. Highlights of Project Major Accomplishments 1. Physical Performance It is worthy to note that within the quarter, the project achieved almost 60% participation of children and youth in child development activities. Two joint meetings of the children and youth were conducted during the quarter. The meetings discussed about the upcoming activities which they planned to implement last summer such as Mini-Olympics and Sports fest (which include the 1st FCED Basketball & Volleyball Tournament among the youth), Sessions on Primary Health Care by Junior Health Workers, Arts Session among the children, and Let’s Enhance Values and Empower Leadership (Level-Up Camp). Another meeting was conducted among the leaders of each barangay children association which is the finalization of all the activity that they planned specifically on the Level-Up Camp. It also tackled about the forthcoming activity for the month of July which includes the Facilitation’s Training among the potential leaders. There were 30 children and youth who were involved in the organizational capacity assessment (OCA) last April 21, 2008 held at FCED office to assess the group’s initiatives, direction, and to plan change based on the 15 core dimensions (Key Quality Elements). Four (4) child development sessions were conducted, namely, (a) Basic Leadership Training which was incorporate during the Level-up Camp participated by 100 children and youth (b) Values Session among the children and youth, (c) Sessions on Primary Health Care with 70 children participated and 24 Junior Health workers facilitators, and (d) Arts Session during recognition day in each barangay conducted by the children and youth leaders. There were child development activities conducted that geared towards enhancing the children and youth capacity building. This includes Mini-Olympics held at Rizal Memorial Stadium last May 31 & June 02, 2008 were 3 children who

Project Monitoring Form 1 FCED Foundation (1849) won the second place. The activity was sponsored by Sun for All Foundation. The sports fest were also successfully done last May 24-June 08, 2008 which includes the 1st FCED Basketball and Volleyball Tournament 2008 held at Brgy. 824 Canonigo Court Paco Manila. Lastly, the Level-Up Camp (Let’s Enhance Values and Empower Leadership) were also done at BSP Grounds, Los Baños Laguna last June 4-6, 2008 in partnership of the Boy Scout of the Philippines. The said activity was participated by 100 youth and selected children leaders. The project has sent 1 child, 1 youth and 1 project staff to attend the training on BCYA National Conference last May 18-23, 2008 held at The Legend Villas Hotel Mandaluyong City. 2. Financial Performance The expenditures incurred to accomplish the planned activities were within the projected cost of the activity. The project was able to save from the activities because of the free use of the office and community facilities for the Arts Sessions, Primary Health care sessions, Values session to the children and youth, and 1st FCED Basketball and Volleyball Tournament during the Sports fest. The project also discounted from payment to the BSP facilitators and ground facilities and bus rental during Level-Up camp. Through a solicitation letter to the brgy chairman and council the project have less expense in terms of awarding of trophy. The volunteerism of the community leaders, children, and youth helped a lot in the implementation of the activities for the quarter. Furthermore, the children and youth leaders are the one who facilitates in some activities. B. Major Issues, Concerns, Implementation





During this quarter, most of the children and youth are available but there are some who take their vacation in the province. Some officers of the barangay children association are in-active thus they have less ideas of the activities given by the project. The project has to consider the interest of the group to the kind of child development activities to be given. Some of the children and youth leaders missed to attend the meetings and some project activities. There were activities that are in conflict with the schedule of the other activities. Some old leaders are not functional because they are already working and they’re having on the job training. During the sports fest on 1st FCED basketball and volleyball tournament there are players who doesn’t like to play to the area because of being afraid and feeling of uncomfortable to the behavior of the people in the community.

Project Monitoring Form 1 FCED Foundation (1849) Moreover, the 1st FCED Basketball and Volleyball tournament were not implement on the planned time due to late consolidation of the list of players. There was a difficulty in budgeting during the tournament because the stipend for the referees and other concern like trophy were also getting from the budget of mini-Olympics. The primary health care sessions were not implemented as to the expected dates prior to the plan of Junior health workers during the meeting. Moreover, some JHW did not anymore implement the Primary health care session due to conflict schedule in school. C. Actions Taken/ Strategies Adopted to Address Project Challenges and/or to Achieve Project Goals/ Objectives?  The implementation of the activities was done during the availability of the children and youth who are going to participate in the different activities. Parent leaders were mobilized to follow-up and mobilize the children and youth's participation in the various activities. The project provided communication letter to the children and youth leaders for them to attend the meetings and to inform them of the activities of the project. The letter was sent through the active officers who disseminate the information. Since some children and youth leaders are inactive and/or not functional due to conflicting schedules and has low motivation to participate, the project has developed 2nd liners to become active leaders.  The project has sent another 1 child and 1 youth during the BCYA National Conference for them to build the ideas of the importance of forming the BCYA program and to develop them to become facilitators to help in the implementation of the activities for the children and youth.  Due to some conflict in the schedule of the BCYA point person, the project has mobilized a youth to attend some meetings or activities to represent the project.  During the 1st FCED Basketball and Volleyball tournament, the BCYA point person coordinated to the barangay chairman through the parent association president of Brgy 824 to ask for the assistance for the peace and order during the entire events. The youth core group of the said brgy. helps a lot during the tournament in terms of peace and order, securing of the facilities, and ensuring the needed materials and supplies. The project stick to the budget from mini-Olympics thus there was a difficulty in budgeting. However, the project looks for alternatives such as solicitation to the brgy chairman and council for the additional budget for the trophy. The project also looks for a referee where they can pay lower amount as

Project Monitoring Form 1 FCED Foundation (1849) their stiphen. The project also looks for the venue where they can utilize it for free.  The BCYA Point person communicate to the leaders of Parent Association and other children and youth leaders to follow-up the implementation of the primary health care sessions. Although the implementation was not on the expected dates, it was still implemented during this quarter. The JHW’s facilitator still looking forward to implement the session to those who have not yet implement the session. D. Best Practices and Lessons Learned  Coordination to leaders of children and youth and leaders of the parent association is really important to follow-up the implementation of the activities. On the same manner, coordination to the social worker incharge to the barangay is much needed to follow-up the status of participation of the children and youth. It is important reminder that the implementation of the child development activities should be of interest to the children and age appropriate. Dissemination of the information about BCYA program to the children and youth as well as to the community could be of great help to recognized and internalized the importance of this program especially the activities. Moreover, tapping of other resources available to the community can help lessen the expenses of the activities of the project. E. Project Emerging Impacts/Intermediate Results  BCYA program through FCED project has given different trainings and seminars that gain knowledge to the children and youth leaders and among the 2nd liners. The children and youth who participated in the different activities given by the project have a great impact in terms of their facilitating skills and gain interpersonal relationship to the other children. Some of them are now leaders in the community, not only as brgy children association but as a whole community. Being part of the BCYA program under the FCED project is a credit to be known in the community. F. Integration of Sponsorship Activities to Project  Building Child and Youth Agency program provides the mechanism of journalizing and sharing the experiences of the sponsored children to the other members of the children's coalition. In such a way, the sponsored children can gather some ideas coming from the other children that they can share also to their sponsors. Participation of children in child development activities can results to a more inputs that they can share when they make letters to their sponsor. The inputs of the program enhance the quality of letters communicated by the child to his/her sponsor.

Project Monitoring Form 1 FCED Foundation (1849)

G. Plans for the Next Quarter The following activities will be implemented in the next quarter:          

Conduct of Financial Education session to the children and youth leaders BCYA Orientation to parents, BCPC, children and youth Continuous orientation of CPPS to Parents Updating of BCYA Corner TOT for Children and youth leaders Monthly meeting children/youth facilitators Monthly meeting of brgy.children association Self-Awareness session Team Building Activity Activities on Communication and Self-Discipline

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