Barn Cat Buddies Pet Cat/Kitten Adoption Application Today’s Date: _______________ Name of Cat(s)interested in: _____________________ Your Name________________________ Address : __________________________________ City: ___________________Zip: ____________Home Ph: ___________Cell:______________ Email: _______________________________ Email: __________________________________ Describe the cat you’re looking for: ____________________________________________ Will this be your first cat?:__________ What kind of pets have you had in the past?: _______________________________________________________________________________ Please include age/ sex /breed
Which of these do you still have? _______________________________________________ Are Pets spayed/neutered? : _________Current on vaccinations? _________________ For Cats currently at home: FELV tested? _________FIV tested? ___________________ Are your cats declawed? : _________ Front claws or all 4 paws? ________________ Do You Plan on declawing your new cat? ______________________________________ Have you ever had an animal euthanized? _____________________________________ What happened to the pets you no longer have? _______________________________ Have you ever brought animals to a shelter or rescue agency? __________________ If have other pets, how will you help them adjust to a new pet in the house? ______________________________________________________________________________ Do You Want This cat as a companion/ Friend for another cat/other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Do you know about potential side effects of Declawing like biting, urinating out of the litter box, etc? ____________________________________________________________ If you go away for a few days, or on a vacation, who will take care of the cat?: _______________________________________________________________________________ If you move, will you take the cat with you?: ____________________________________ Are any household members allergic to cats? : _________________ P. 2
Barn Cat Buddies Pet Cat/Kitten Adoption Application
How Many Adults In Household_______ How many children (List Ages) ___________ _______________________________________________________________________________ How many hours a day will cat be without human companionship? : __________ Is Everyone in the Household in Agreement with this adoption? __________________ Are you willing to have a Barn Cat Buddies Rep Visit the animal(s) you adopt? ________________ Are you willing to be responsible for this cat for the next 10 to 20 years? __________ Do you OWN or RENT?:_________ If Renting, Name & Phone # of Property Owner: ___________________________________________________________________________ What provisions will you make for the cat should you become unable to care for him/her?: _______________________________________________________________________________ Is there a cap on how much you are willing to spend on medical bills if the need arises? ______________________________________________________________________ Is there anything else you would like us to know ? _______________________________ Please list 2 (non-family) references we may contact to discuss your animal care and dedication Name _________________________________Phone ______________________________
Name _________________________________Phone ______________________________ Name & Phone Number Of Your Veterinarian ________________________________ The Above Information Is True. False Statements Render Application Null & Void Applicant’s Signature: _______________________________Date: ________________ Co-Applicant's Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________ Please Write Down Directions To Your Home: _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ BCB Rep: _________________________Notes: ____________________________________