Bayes Basics

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 606
  • Pages: 5
Basic Bayes∗ USC Linguistics December 20, 2007 β ¬β

α n11 n10

¬α n01 n00

Table 1: n=counts

N = n11 + n01 + n10 + n00 n11 p(α, β) = N n11 + n10 (3) N p(α, β) n11 = p(β|α) = n11 + n10 p(α) (4)

(1) (2)

n11 + n01 (5) N p(α, β) n11 = p(α|β) = n11 + n01 p(β) (6)

p(α) =

p(β) =

p(α, β) = p(α|β)p(β) = p(α)p(β|α)


“Bayes’ Theorem”:

p(α|β) =

p(α)p(β|α) p(β)


Thanks to David Wilczynski and USC’s CSCI 561 slides for the general gist of this brief introduction. Also to Grenager’s Stanford Lecture notes (∼grenager/cs121/handouts/cs121 lecture06 4pp.pdf), and particularly John A. Carroll’s Sussex notes ( for the tip on feature products; also wikipedia for its clear presentation of multiple variables.


Extending to more variables:

p(α|β, γ) =


p(α, β, γ) p(α, β)p(γ|α, β) p(α)p(β|α)p(γ|α, β) p(α, β, γ) = = = (9) p(β, γ) p(β)p(γ|β) p(β)p(γ|β) p(β)p(γ|β)

The Naive Approach

for `, a label, and f, features of the event1 :

c(fi, `) P p(fi|`) = j c(fj , `)


c(`) p(`) = P i c(`i )


A new event is assigned the label which maximizes the following product.





i 1.1


if α and β are independent:

p(α|β) = p(α)


p(α, β) = p(α)p(β)


DO NOT IMPLY: p(α, β|γ) = p(α|γ)p(β|γ) 1

c.f. John A. Carroll



(p(α, β|γ) = p(α|γ)p(β|γ)) ↔ (p(α|β, γ) = p(α|γ))


suppose : p(α, β|γ) = p(α|γ)p(β|γ)


∴ p(α, β, γ) = p(α|γ)p(β, γ)


∴ p(α|β, γ) = p(α|γ)


Much thanks to Greg Lawler, of the University of Chicago, who, in a fortuitous flight meeting, provided this elegant example exception: • α: green die + red die= 7 • β: green die=1 • γ: red die=6

p(α|β) = p(α|γ) = p(α) = 1/6


p(α|β, γ) = 1



∴ p(α|β, γ) 6= p(α|γ) ∴ p(α, β|γ) 6= p(α|γ)p(β|γ)


but anyways:

Qn p(`) i=0 p(fi|`) Qn p(`|f0, ..., fn) = i=0 p(fi ) 3


Also notice how this equation can give p>1: Assume 3 events: (α,β), (α,γ), (δ,δ) • p(β|α) = 1/2

• p(α) = 2/3 • p(β) = 1/3 • p(γ) = 1/3

• p(γ|α) = 1/2

p(α|β, γ) =

p(α)p(β|α)p(γ|α) 2/3 ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 = = 3/2 p(β)p(γ) 1/3 ∗ 1/3


Also, be sure: c(L)=c(F) p(`) =

p(`|f ) =

2 2.1

c(`) c(f ) ; p(f ) = c(L) c(F )

c(`) c(`,f ) c(L) c(`) c(f ) c(F )


c(`, f )/c(L) c(`, f ) = c(f )/c(F ) c(f )



smoothing Linear Interpolation

control the non-conditioned significance. tune α on reserved data.

p(x|y) = αˆ p(x|y) + (1 − α)ˆ p(x) 2.2



k, “the strength of the prior”. tune k on reserved data.

c(x) + k c(x) + k p(x) = P = N + k|X| x [c(x) + k] p(x|y) =

c(x, y) + k c(y) + k|X|

(28) (29)

If k=1, we are pretending we saw everything once more than we actually did; even things that we never saw! 4


another caveat?

p(`) =

c(`) + |F | N + |F L|

p(f |`) = p(f ) =

c(f, `) + 1 c(`) + |F | c(f ) + |L| N + |F L|

(30) (31) (32)

|F | is the number of feature types, |L| is the number of label types, and |F L| is their product. ∴ p(`|f ) =


c(`, f ) + 1 c(f ) + |L|


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