Basline Data Body Systems

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 173
  • Pages: 1
What do you know about….? Skeletal System • The spine(back bone) helps you balance, keeps you up. • The hand • There are aound 300 or 500 bones in a human body • If we didn’t have a spine we wouldn’t be straight •

Puberty • When you grow older you go through puberty; 1. Voice Get deeper 2. Grow hair in certain places G_G 3. Grow taller • You go throught puberty around 12 years old-grade 6

Digestive System • • •

Digestive System is when you eat and it goes through this process where it breaks the food down(I think). There is a big and small intestine A intestine is very long, that’s why after you eat take a rest , and wait for the food to digest.

Nervous System •

Something about the brain? Veins?

When you get nervous you start to sweat and your heart beat goes faster? , even when you get scared your heart beat goes faster, or sometimes you can have a HEART ATTACK -.-!!!

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