Basic Needed Material 1

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 892
  • Pages: 12
Basic Needed material- 1 1. Basic connectors 2. Basic Fruits 3. Basic Vegetables 4. Basic directions 5. Basic Possessive 6. Basic Prepositions 7. Basic Arabic Names 8. Family Relations 9. Basic Greetings 10. Basic Animals 11. Basic Cuss words 12. Basic Nominative sentence 13. Basic Adverbs 14. Basic words of Address 15. Basic Clothes 16. Basic Sciences 17. Basic Computer terms 18. Basic City related words 19. Basic Planets

(1) Basic Connectors and ‫و‬ or ‫او‬ but ‫لكن‬ if not for ‫لول‬ Conditionals if ‫اذا‬ if ‫لو‬ (2) Basic Fruits Apple Orange Banana Straw Berry Watermelon Grapes Cantaloupe apricots

‫ تفاحة‬- ‫تفاح‬ ‫ برتقالة‬- ‫برتقال‬ ‫ موزة‬- ‫موز‬ ‫فراولة‬ ‫بطيخ‬ ‫عنب‬ ‫شمام‬ ‫مشمش‬

(3) Basic Vegetables Tomato Potato cucumber Lettuce Carrot

‫طماطم‬ ‫بطاطا‬ ‫خيار‬ ‫خس‬ ‫جزر‬

Onion Garlic cauliflower Cabbage Squash eggplants

‫بصل‬ ‫ثوم‬ ‫ قرنبيط‬, ‫زهرة‬ ‫ملفوف‬ ‫كوسا‬ ‫باذنجان‬

(4) Basic Directions East West North South Right Left Straight Turn Stop

‫شرق‬ ‫غرب‬ ‫شمال‬ ‫جنوب‬ ‫يمين‬ ‫يسار‬ ‫مستقيم‬ ‫التف‬ ‫قف‬

(5) Noun + Basic Possessive My + Book ‫ ـي‬+ ‫كتاب‬ Your (2nd person masc.) َ‫ـ‬ ‫ك‬ Your (2nd person fem.) ِ‫ـ‬ ‫ك‬ You all (masc.) ‫ـكم‬ You all (fem.) ّ ‫ـك‬ ‫ن‬ His ‫ـه‬ her ‫ـها‬

their (third person masc.) their (third person fem.)

‫ـهم‬ ّ ‫ـه‬ ‫ن‬

(6) Basic Prepositions On In Next to Under Above Between To From About In front of Behind

‫على‬ ‫في‬ ‫بجانب‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫فوق‬ ‫بين‬ ‫الى‬ ‫ِمن‬ ‫عن‬ ‫أمام‬ ‫خلف‬ (7) Basic Names

Mohammed Ahamd Ali Mahmoud Khalid Lyla Fatima Khadeejah Aminah

‫محمد‬ ‫احمد‬ ‫علي‬ ‫محمود‬ ‫خالد‬ ‫ليلى‬ ‫فاطمة‬ ‫خديجة‬ ‫امينة‬

Abdallah Maha Salem Hassan Hussein

‫عبداللة‬ ‫مها‬ ‫سالم‬ ‫حسن‬ ‫حسين‬

(8) Basic Family Relations Father Mother Sister Brother Grandfather Grandmother Uncle (father side) Aunt (Father side) Uncle (Mother side) Aunt (Mother side) Cousin (mother side) Cousin (father side) Son Daughter Husband Wife

‫ والد‬, ‫أب‬ ‫ والدة‬, ‫ُأم‬ ‫ُأخت‬ ‫أخ‬ ‫جد‬ ‫جدة‬ ‫عم‬ ‫عمة‬ ‫خال‬ ‫خالة‬ ‫ابن خال‬ ‫ابن عم‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫زوج‬ ‫زوجة‬

(9) Basic Greetings

peace be upon you and peace upon you too Hello Welcome Good bye see you later Thank you not at all Sorry if you please If you please

‫السلم عليكم‬ ‫وعليكم السلم‬ ‫مرحبا‬ ً ‫ل وسه‬ ‫ل‬ ً ‫اه‬ ‫مع السلمة‬ ‫الى اللقاء‬ ‫شكرًا‬ ‫عفوًا‬ ‫ اسفة‬/ ‫اسف‬ ‫من فضلك‬ ‫اذا سمحت‬

(10) Basic Animals Cat Dog Chicken Cow Horse Snake Camel Sparrow Dove Eagle Pig Donkey

‫قط‬ ‫كلب‬ ‫دجاج‬ ‫بقرة‬ ‫حصان‬ ‫افعى‬ ‫جمل‬ ‫عصفور‬ ‫حمامة‬ ‫نسر‬ ‫خنزير‬ ‫حمار‬



(11) Basic Cussing words You dog, You donkey, You pig Son of a dog, song of donkey

‫ خنزير‬-‫ يا‬, ‫ حمار‬-‫ يا‬, ‫ كلب‬-‫يا‬ ‫ ابن الحمار‬, ‫ابن الكلب‬

You animal You Coward You Bigmouth You Trouble maker You stupid You crazy You low life You low life You stinky You Hypocrite You Lair

‫ حيوان‬- ‫يا‬ ‫ جبان‬-‫يا‬ ‫ ثرثار‬-‫يا‬ ‫ فتان‬-‫يا‬ ‫ غبي‬-‫يا‬ ‫ مجنون‬-‫يا‬ ‫ حقير‬-‫يا‬ ‫ منحط‬-‫يا‬ ‫ نتن‬-‫يا‬ ‫ منافق‬-‫يا‬ ‫ كّذاب‬-‫يا‬

(12) Nominative Sentence - ‫الجملة السمّية‬ Is the sentence in which the first word is a Noun or a Pronoun . The first noun is called " ‫ "مبتدأ‬, and what follows is called "‫ "خبر‬. Examples:

‫الطالب جديد‬. ‫انا اردني‬. ‫الستاذ قصير‬. ‫الطالبة حزينة‬.

new is The student Jordanian am I short is The teacher

Sad is The female Student

‫الطالب يدرس في الجامعة‬. university the at studying is The student

(13) Basic Adverbs Adverb ‫احيانًا‬ ً‫دائما‬ ً‫ايضا‬ ‫يومّيا‬ ‫كل اليوم‬ ‫كل يوم‬ ً ‫قلي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫كثيرًا‬ ‫الن‬ ِ ‫ام‬ ‫س‬ ‫غدًا‬

English Sometimes Always Also Daily The whole day Everyday little a lot Now Yesterday Tomorrow

(14) Basic Words for addressing people Word


‫ياسّيد‬ ‫ياسّيدة‬ ‫ياآنسة‬ ‫ ة‬/ ‫ياأستاذ‬ ‫ة‬/ ‫يادكتور‬ ‫ياأخ‬ ‫ياُأخت‬ ‫ ة‬/ ‫ياحاج‬

Mr. Mrs. Ms Oh teacher Doctor Brother Sister A man who visited Mecca

(15) Basic Words for Clothes Word English ‫قميص‬ Shirt ‫بنطلون‬ Trousers ‫ربطة عنق‬ Tie ‫ملبس داخلية‬ Underwear ‫حزام‬ Belt ‫جوارب‬ socks ‫حذاء‬ shoes ‫شورت‬ short ‫بلوزة‬ Blouse ‫صندل‬ sandal ‫بدلة رسمّية‬ Suit ‫ثوب‬ Dress Long white dress (for men) ‫دشداشة‬ head Cover - red or black for men ‫كوفّية‬ The solid black holder of the head cover ‫عقال‬ ‫ طاقّية‬/ ‫قبعة‬ Hat ‫تنورة‬ Skirt (16) Basic Majors Departments and Sciences Word ‫علم‬ ‫دائرة‬ ‫قسم‬ ‫كلية‬ ‫علوم‬

English Science Department Department or section College Sciences

‫الطب‬ ‫الفيزياء‬ ‫الكيمياء‬ ‫الحياء‬ ‫التاريخ‬ ‫الجغرافيا‬ ‫ الحقوق‬/ ‫القانون‬ ‫العلوم السياسية‬ ‫دراسات الشرق الوسط‬ ‫الرياضيات‬ ‫الهندسة‬ ‫الزراعة‬ ‫القتصاد‬ ‫المحاسبة‬ ‫ الكمبيوتر‬/ ‫الحاسوب‬ ‫اللغويات‬ ‫علم النسان‬ ‫الفلسفة‬ ‫علم النفس‬

Medicine Physics Chemistry Biology History Geography Law Political Science Middle Eastern Studies Math Engineering Agriculture Economics Accountant Computer Science Linguistics Anthropology Philosophy Psychology

(17) Basic Computer related words Arabic ‫ حاسب الي‬/ ‫كمبيوتر‬ ‫شاشة‬ ‫لوحة المفاتيح‬ ‫الفأرة‬ ‫امر‬ ‫تخزين‬ ‫اضغط‬

English Computer Screen Key Board Mouse Command Save Click

‫حذف‬ ‫تعديل‬ ‫ادخال‬ ‫ادوات‬ ‫جدول‬ ‫مسح المحتويات‬ ‫ملف‬ ‫شباك‬ ‫الخط‬ ‫موقع الكتروني‬ ‫عنوان الكتروني‬ ‫الشبكة اللكترونية‬ ‫البريد اللكتروني‬

delete edit Insert Tools Table Format File Window Font Website web address Internet e-mail

(18) Basic City related words Arabic ‫مدينة‬ ‫شارع‬ ‫منطقة‬ ‫دكان‬ ‫موقف‬ ‫عاصمة‬ ‫مطار‬ ‫فندق‬ ‫جزيرة‬ ‫ تاكسي‬/ ‫سيارة اجرة‬

English City Street Neighborhood store parking Capital airport hotel Island Cab, taxi

‫الشرطة‬ ‫السعاف‬ ‫مستشفى‬ ‫مطعم‬ ‫مقهى‬ ‫موقع‬

Planet ‫الشمس‬ ‫القمر‬ ‫الرض‬


Police Ambulance hospital Restaurant Cafe Location

(19) Basic Planets English Sun Moon Earth


Pluto Neptune



Uranus Saturn

‫المشتري‬ Jupiter

‫عطارد‬ ‫المريخ‬ Mars

‫الرض‬ Earth

‫الزهرة‬ Venus


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