Bangladesh Broadcasting Policy: Why and How
Shamim Ahsan Khan Communications and Public Relations Officer UNESCO Bangladesh Phone: 880-2-9862073 , 880-2-9873210 and AHM Bazlur Rahman- S21BR Chief Executive Officer Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) Cell: 01711881647
Broadcast media scenario:
From one TV (BTV) and one Radio (Betar) there is now 14 TV and 4 FM radios; Sky is opened and about a more then hundred satellite channels are on offer; More TV/Radio are on the card
What is broadcasting media? The media that broadcast programming through terrestrial transmitters, cable, satellite or any other medium including the Internet. For example, radio, cable TV, satellite TV, terrestrial TV, internet TV or radio, Community Radio etc); 3
Three tiers of broadcasting: According to regional or international standard or model broadcasting may be of three tier:
Public or state-run (BTV, Betar) Private or commercial (ATN, channel i, ETV) Community broadcasting; like Community Radio 4
What is broadcasting regulation for?
broadcasting regulation is a legal framework that sets out the rules and regulation covering various aspects of broadcasting services.
At present there is no Broadcasting Policy in Bangladesh
Why broadcasting has to be regulated?
To promote and protect culture, heritage and values To ensure economic interests (advertisement, ownership by foreign nationals or company); To protect national sovereignty; To ensure the broadcasting media perform social responsibility; 6
Not Demand for Autonomy of BTV and Betar The purpose of a Bangladesh Broadcasting Policy is not demand for autonomy of BTV and Betar. the objective is a POLICY that covers all broadcast media
Maximising good impact and minimising bad impact
Broadcasting media is the most powerful communication means that have tremendous impact on our everyday life and lifestyle, our culture, behavioural pattern, fashion, etc
This influence may work either way -good way or bad way -- it is essential to ensure bad impact is minimum and good impact maximum. Broadcasting policy is the key to achieve that. 8
Background of broadcasting law: A draft developed by the Ministry of Information in 2003. Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) and Article19 produced the existing draft.
If needed UNESCO Bangladesh along with other civil society organisations would be happy to provide technical assistance for further review. 9
Protecting freedom of expression and strengthening democracy
People's right to freedom of expression;
Diversity of opinions;
People's right to know and know different viewpoints;
Freedom of expression subject to certain conditions To ensure freedom of expression is exercised within limits necessary in democratic societies. Opinions aimed at inciting violence, public disorder, communal conflict and anarchy, character assassination, satirizing national values etc need to be prevented. 11
Airwave is public property: as County Commons People should have a say in what are served to them as they are the owner of the spectrum. To ensure people's ownership there has to be a broadcasting policy that provides an avenue for public 12
Programming content:
should children receive special attention? should the ethnic or religious minority be given special coverage? should there be program on education/reproduction health? Contents like; Education/Information/ Entertainment and National Development Motivation
Ownership of media: Ownership concentration/monopoly must be avoided to encourage media plurality. (Should everyone be allowed to own a broadcasting outlet? licensing plan may be one means to prevent monopoly.) 14
Protect consumers' interest: if someone is aggrieved there should be a channel for conveying it and seek remedy (National Broadcasting Commission)
Too many policies burdensome A comprehensive national policy that covers all the broadcast media is the best approach around the world Instead of having different laws for television, one for BTV and Betar, another for private TV channels, another for satellite TV channels, private radios will complicate things. too many laws make monitoring difficult. 16
Implementation of the Charter for Change -- Vision 2021
Din Bodolar Sonad MDG Poverty Reduction Paper (PRS) Development Policy by Ministries
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