Baner Balewadi Notification 2

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׾֍úÖÃÖ µÖÖê•Ö−ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê (¾ÖÖœüß¾Ö Öê¡Ö) ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¯ÖÏÖ¤êü׿֍ú ¾Ö −֐ָü ¸ü“Ö−ÖÖ †×¬Ö×−ÖµÖ´Ö, 1966 “µÖÖ ú»Ö´Ö 31(1) †−¾ÖµÖê ³Ö֐ֿÖ: ´ÖÓ•Öã¸üß ¤êüµÖÖ²ÖÖ²ÖŸÖ ²Ö֝Öê¸ü ²ÖÖ»Öê¾ÖÖ›üß ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö, −֐ָü ׾֍úÖÃÖ ×¾Ö³Ö֐Ö, ´ÖÓ¡ÖÖ»ÖµÖ, ´ÖãÓ²Ö‡Ô-400 032. ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö ×−֝ÖÔµÖ Îú´ÖÖӍú ™ü߯Öß‹ÃÖ-1807/39/¯ÖÏ.Îú.1017/07/−Ö×¾Ö-13, פü−ÖÖӍú 18.08.2008. ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö ×−֝ÖÔµÖ : ÃÖÖê²ÖŸÖ“Öß ¿ÖÖÃ֍úßµÖ †×¬ÖÃÖæ“Ö−ÖÖ ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö ¸Ö•Ö¯Ö¡ÖÖŸÖ Ÿ¾Ö׸üŸÖ ¯ÖÏ×ÃÖ¨ü ú¸üÖ¾Öß. ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™֓Öê ¸üÖ•µÖ¯ÖÖ»Ö µÖÖÓ“Öê †Ö¤êü¿ÖÖ−ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¾Ö −ÖÖ¾ÖÖ−Öê, (ÃÖã¬Ö֍ú¸ü −ÖÖӐÖ−Öã¸êü) ˆ¯ÖÃÖד־Ö, ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö ¯ÖÏןÖ, ×¾Ö³Ö֐ÖßµÖ †ÖµÖ㌟Ö, ¯ÖãÖê ×¾Ö³Ö֐Ö, ¯ÖãÖê. ÃÖÓ“Öֻ֍ú, −֐ָü ¸ü“Ö−ÖÖ, ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¸üÖ•µÖ, ¯ÖãÖê. וֻÆüÖ׬֍úÖ¸ß, ¯ÖãÖê. ˆ¯ÖÃÖÓ“Öֻ֍ú, −֐ָü ¸ü“Ö−ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê ×¾Ö³Ö֐Ö, ¯ÖãÖê. †ÖµÖ㌟Ö, ¯ÖãÖê ´ÖÆüÖ−֐ָü¯ÖÖ׻֍úÖ, ¯ÖãÖê. ÃÖÆüֵ֍ú ÃÖÓ“Öֻ֍ú, −֐ָü ¸ü“ÍÖ−ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê ¿Ö֏ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê. ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖ֯֍ú, µÖê¸ü¾Ö›üÖ úָ֐ÖÆü ´Öã¦üÖÖ»ÖµÖ, ¯ÖãÖê. (ŸµÖÖÓ−ÖÖ ×¾Ö−ÖÓŸÖß ú¸üµÖÖŸÖ µÖêŸÖê úß, ÃÖÖê²ÖŸÖ“Öß ¿ÖÖÃ֍úßµÖ †×¬ÖÃÖæ“Ö−ÖÖ ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¿ÖÖÃÖ−ÖÖ“µÖÖ ¸Ö•Ö¯Ö¡ÖÖ“µÖÖ ¯ÖãÖê ×¾Ö³Ö֐ÖßµÖ ¯Öã¸ü¾ÖÖß, ³Ö֐Ö-1 ´Ö¬µÖê ¯ÖÏ×ÃÖ¨ü ú¹ý−Ö ŸµÖÖ“µÖÖ ¯ÖÏŸµÖêúß 5 ¯ÖÏŸÖß µÖÖ ×¾Ö³Ö֐ÖÖÃÖ, ÃÖÓ“Öֻ֍ú, −֐ָü ¸ü“Ö−ÖÖ, ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™ ¸üÖ•µÖ, ¯ÖãÖê, †ÖµÖ㌟Ö, ¯ÖãÖê ´ÖÆüÖ−֐ָü¯ÖÖ׻֍úÖ, ¯ÖãÖê, ˆ¯ÖÃÖÓ“Öֻ֍ú, −֐ָü ¸ü“Ö−ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê ×¾Ö³Ö֐Ö, ¯ÖãÖê, ÃÖÆüֵ֍ú ÃÖÓ“Öֻ֍ú, −֐ָü ¸ü“Ö−ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê ¿Ö֏ÖÖ, ¯ÖãÖê µÖÖÓ−ÖÖ ¯ÖÖšü¾ÖÖ¾µÖÖŸÖ. úÖ †×¬ÖúÖ¸ß (−Ö×¾Ö-29), −֐ָü ׾֍úÖÃÖ ×¾Ö³Ö֐Ö, ´ÖÓ¡ÖÖ»ÖµÖ, ´ÖãÓ²Ö‡Ô. ŸµÖÖÓ−ÖÖ ×¾Ö−ÖÓŸÖß ú¸üµÖÖŸÖ µÖêŸÖê úß, ÃÖ¤ü¸ü †×¬ÖÃÖæ“Ö−ÖÖ ¿ÖÖÃÖ−ÖÖ“µÖÖ ¾Öê²ÖÃÖÖ‡Ô™ü¾Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏ×ÃÖ¨ü ú¸üÖ¾Öß. ×−Ö¾Ö›ü−ÖßÖß (−Ö×¾Ö-13)

GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA, Urban Development Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032. Dated : 18.09.2008 NOTIFICATION No.TPS-1807/39/CR-1017/07/UD-13 The Government in Urban Notification





Department’s 13.08.2008

regarding the sanction to the Draft Development Plan of Pune (Additional Area) (Baner-Balewadi, Sector-I) excluding the area under proposed substantial modifications, is hereby withdrawn. The revised notification is issued separately. By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.

(Sudhakar Nangnure)

Deputy Secretary, Government of Maharashtra

Government of Maharashtra, Urban Development Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032. Mah. Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966

Date :- 18.09. 2008 NOTIFICATION No.TPS-1807/39/CR-1017/07/UD-13 Whereas, the Government of Maharashtra in Urban Development Department, vide its Notification No.PMC-3096/1798/CR-259/UD-22, dated 11.09.1997 has extended the limits of Pune Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the said Corporation”); And whereas, the said Corporation being the Planning Authority (hereinafter referred to as “the said Planning Authority”) by its Resolution No.404, dated 25/11/1997 has made a declaration under Section 34 read with Section 23 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (Maharashtra Act No.XXXVII of 1966) (hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”) of its intention to prepare the Development Plan of the entire area within its jurisdiction and the notice of the said declaration was published in the Maharashtra Government Gazette, Pune Division Supplement, Part-I, dated 22.01.1998 at page No.211; And whereas, Government of Maharashtra in Urban Development Department vide Notification No.PMC-3020/1676/CR-258/01/UD-22, dated 17.11.2001 has modified the extended limit of the said Municipal Corporation; And whereas, the said Corporation after carrying out survey of the entire area of the revised extended limit, prepared and published draft Development Plan, Pune (Additional Area) vide resolution No.388, dated 27.12.2002 and published a notice to that effect in Maharashtra Government Gazette, Pune Division Supplement, dated 31.12.2002 in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of Section 26 of the said Act; And whereas, the said Planning Authority, after considering the suggestions and objections received by it from public and the report of the Planning Committee, modified the published draft Development Plan as per the provisions of Section 28 of the said Act and republished it under Section 29 of the said Act vide its resolution No.299, dated 21.03.2005 and published a notice to that effect for inviting suggestions/objections from public in Maharashtra Government Gazette, Extraordinary, dated 30/03/2005 at page No.5,6,7; And whereas, the said Planning Authority, after considering the suggestions/ objections received by it and the report of the Planning Committee

vide resolution No.368, dated 29/11/2005 has decided that no change in the draft Development Plan is required and published the draft Development Plan for information/perusal of the public. The notice of the publication of the draft Development Plan was published in Maharashtra Government Gazette, Pune Division Supplement dated 30.11.2005 and submitted the draft Development Plan, Pune (Additional Area) to the Government of Maharashtra for sanction on 31/12/2005 under Section 30(1) of the said Act. (hereinafter referred to as “the said Development Plan”); And whereas, the Government in Urban Development Department vide Notification No.TPS-1806/2125/CR-435/2006/UD-13, dated 09.12.2007 has extended the period for sanctioning the said Development Plan upto and inclusive of 31.12.2007 under Section 31(1) of the said Act; And whereas, the Government has further extended the period for sanctioning the said Development Plan upto and inclusive of 31.12.2008 vide Notification No.TPS-1807/ 2039/ CR-1017/07/UD-13, dated 21.01.2008; And whereas, the Government vide Notification No.TPS-1806/2125/CR435/2006/ UD-13, dated 10.10.2007 has published notice regarding excluded portion of S.No. 26/1B+1C, Balewadi; And whereas, the Government has sanctioned part of the Development Control Regulations and part of the Development Control Regulations are kept pending vide Notification No.TPS-1806/2125/CR-435/2006/UD-13, dated 06.12.2007, and remaining regulations wherein modifications were of substantial nature are published as per provisions of Section 31(1) of the said Act vide Notification No.TPS-1806/ 2125/CR-435A/2006/UD-13, dated 06.12.2007; And whereas, the Government has sanctioned the part Development Plan of Sector No.2 to 10 which contains the proposals of Roads (D.P.Roads) and also the proposals of reservations for Water Supply & Sewerage Plants vide Notification No.TPS-1806/2125/CR-1193/2008/UD-13, dated 17.05.2008; And whereas, Government of Maharashtra, after making necessary inquiries and after consulting the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune has decided to sanction the part of the said Development Plan i.e. Sector-1, Baner-Balewadi excluding the modifications which are shown in pink verge on the said Development Plan as EP-11, EP-12, …..etc; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of Section 31 of the said Act, and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby – a) sanctions the part of the said Development Plan i.e. Sector-1, BanerBalewadi excluding the area under proposed modifications as shown in pink verge on the said Development Plan as EP-11, EP-12, …..etc.,

b) the said Development Plan, sanctioned in part, shall come into force with effect from 01.11.2008.

Notes :1) The aforesaid part of the final Development Plan, Pune sanctioned by Government is kept open for a period of one year for inspection of the public during office hours, in the office of the Pune Municipal Corporation on all working days. 2) The reserved sites which are not appeared in Schedule-I of modifications as shown in pink verge as EP-11, EP-12 etc. on the plan are hereby sanctioned for the respective purposes as designated in the said Development Plan. 3) Areas of reserved sites mentioned in the Development Plan report are approximate and subject to the actual measurement on site as per the boundaries shown in the final Development Plan. 4) Any printing errors and Draftsman errors which are required to be corrected as per actual situation on site and / or as per the survey records, sanctioned layout etc, shall be corrected by the Commissioner, Pune Municipal Corporation after due verification and with the prior approval of the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune. 5) The ownership of lands falling under the reservations shall be as per the recent ownership as shown in the Revenue records. By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.

(Sudhakar Nangnure)

Deputy Secretary, Government of Maharashtra


EP No.

Designation of Site/ Site No.

Description of land i.e. S.No.

Balewadi, S.No.4 Balewadi, S.No.4 Balewadi, S.No.4 Balewadi, S.No.4 Baner, S.No.35 Balewadi, S.No.34 & 35

Proposals as per the published Draft Dev.Plan under Section 26 of the MR.&T.P. Act, 1966

Proposals as per the submitted Draft Dev. Plan under Section 30 of the MR.&T.P.Act, 1966










EP- 13



EP- 14



EP- 15



EP- 16



EP- 17



EP- 18



EP- 19


Baner, S.No.291


EP- 20



EP- 21


Baner, HS-2 S.No.208, 209, 210, 216,204, 206 Balewadi, 10 m. Green Belt

PS-1 H-1 HG-1 G-3 G-1 & Residential Zone

Balewadi, Residential Zone S.No. 28,29 Baner, G-2 and S.No.28,290 Residential Zone PG-10 & Residential Zone

Description of proposed modification as shown in Pink verge.

Site No.HS-1 is proposed to be deleted and the land thereunder is proposed to be included in public-semipublic zone. PS-1 Site No.PS-1 is proposed to be deleted and the land thereunder is proposed to be included in public-semipublic zone. H-1 Site No.H-1 is proposed to be deleted and the land thereunder is proposed to be included in public-semipublic zone. HG-1 Site No.HG-1 is proposed to be deleted and the land thereunder is proposed to be included in public-semipublic zone. G-3 Southern area admeasuring 10,000 sq.m. is proposed to be deleted from Site No.G-3 and is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. G-1 and area An area of continuous land in S.No.35 on which a proposal of regularisation added to Site G-1 under Gunthewari Act has been sanctioned by Pune Municipal Corporation is vide M-1.04 proposed to be deleted from reservation and is proposed to be included in Residential Zone as shown on plan. CMY-1 Northern portion out of S.No.29 as shown on plan is proposed to be deleted from Site No.CMY-1and is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. G-2 and area Land bearing S.No.28(part) & 290(part) Baner included in Site No.G-2 vide added to G-2 M-1.13 is proposed to be deleted from Site No.G-2 and is proposed to be vide M-1.13 included in Residential Zone. PG-10 and area Land bearing S.No.291(part) included in Site No.PG-10 vide M-1.30 is added to PG-10 proposed to be deleted from Site No.PG-10 and is proposed to be included in vide M-1.30 Residential Zone. HS-2 Plots in S.No.216 on which building permission is granted prior to publication of draft D.P. u/s 26 are proposed to be deleted as shown on plan and are proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Some area of

Site No.CR-2 is proposed to be shifted in RPB towards river and the land so


& 30 m. road, CR2


EP- 22


Baner, S.No.177, 178

10 m. Green Belt & 30 m. road, CR3


EP- 23

24 m. road

Baner, S.No.32,18, 19

24 m. road


EP- 24

18 m. road

Baner S.No.12,13, 14, 15 etc.

18 m. road


EP- 25

Nala Garden

Baner, Balewadi

7.5 m. road & Residential Zone

reservation is deleted & included in 24 m. road vide M1.03. Some area of reservation is deleted & included in 24 m. road vide.M1.11. 24 m. road, Alignment of 24 m. road as per published.

released is proposed to be included in 24 m. wide road and BT & ABZ as shown on plan.

Site No.CR-3 is proposed to be shifted in RPB towards river and the land so released is proposed to be included in 24 m.wide road and BT & ABZ as shown on plan.

Alignment of 24 m. wide East-West road passing through S.No. 40, 37,39,34,33,38,18,17,19,20,16 etc. Baner is proposed to be made straight from the junction in S. No.38, 33 to meet the junction in S.No.20,23,15. Link of 24 m. wide road passing from junction in S.No.38,33,32 upto junction in S.No.16,17,18 is proposed to be deleted and the land thereunder is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. 18 m. wide North-South road in S.No.16 is proposed to be shifted towards East as per the approved layout road and is proposed to meet at junction in S.No.20,23,15. The land under 24 m. wide road released due to above modification is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Alignment of 18 The road proposed through S.Nos.45.39,38, 17,16,15,14,13,12, 9, etc. of m. road is village Baner vide M-1.21 I s deleted and the land under deleted alignment is changed by PMC proposed to be included in the zone adjoining towards North. The 18 m. wide vide.M-1.21. The road as proposed in the published plan in S.No.45,39,38,17,16, 15, 13,12,8, area under etc. of Baner village is reinstated and its width is proposed to be increased to original road 24 m. as shown on plan. 18 m. wide North-South roads in S.No. 38, 39 and 13, alignment is 14 are proposed to be extended upto the 24 m. wide road towards South. included partly in Residential Zone & partly in BDP. P.M.C. while 7.5 m. width of the nalla gardens proposed along the nallas in the submitted submitting the plan are proposed to be increased to 9 m. as shown on plan. Draft Development

Plan for sanction to the Government has proposed 7.5 m. Nalla Garden along the water bodies. 16

EP- 26


Baner, S.No.82 Balewadi, S.No.49




EP- 27


12 m. road & HDH-1

12 m. road & HDH-1


EP- 28


Baner S.No.72, 73, 78,79 and 74,75. Baner S.No.16 Baner S.No.156 to 175 Baner 277, 278

18 m. road & Residential Zone

18 m. Road


EP- 29


18 m. road

18 m. Road


EP- 30


24 m. road & Residential Zone

24 m. Road


EP- 31


Residential Zone

9 m Road


EP- 32


Balewadi S.No.1

Residential Zone

9 m Road








Baner, S.No.48,49 Baner


PS-15, Residential

Residential vide

The area regularised under Gunthewari Act as shown on plan is proposed to be deleted from reservation & is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Alignment of 12 m. road in S.No.49 is proposed to be shifted along the northern boundary of the sanctioned layout and towards north in S.No.50 in the land under HDH reservation. The land so released due to shifting of road is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Designation of Site No.HDH-1 is proposed to be changed to PH/HDH1 - Public Housing / Housing for Dishoused. 18 m. wide North-South road passing through S.No.72, 73, 78 and 79 is proposed to be deleted and the land thereunder is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. New 18 m. road link is proposed along existing road passing through S.No.74 & 75 as shown on plan. Alignment of 18 m. wide road is proposed to be shifted towards East on the common boundaries of S.No. 16/1 & 16/2 as shown on plan. The alignment of 24 m. wide road is proposed to be shifted towards West as shown on plan along 30 m. road and land so released is proposed to be included in RPB. The alignment of 9 m.. wide road proposed vide M-1.35 is proposed to be changed to make it straight through S.No. 277 along the existing layout road and the land so released is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. The alignment of 9 m. wide road is proposed to be shifted to the existing layout road and the land so released due to shifting is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Land under site HMP-1 in the published plan and reserved as BDP1 in the submitted plan u/s 30 is proposed to be reserved as BDP-1. Site No.PS-15 is proposed to be reinstated as per draft D.P. published u/s 26.

S.No.203, 216 25








18 m. wide road BDP-1

S.No.7,49, 50,289 etc. Baner S.No.9,10, 12


Hill Top Hill Slope BDP-1 Zone, Residential HDH-2, HDH-2 Residential

Baner, 18 m. wide D.P.road 18 m. wide S.No. 45,39, D.P.Road 38,17,16,15, 13,12,9 BDP-1 Baner Residential New road link S.No.45 proposed vide M-1.18







Baner, S.No.48,49




Baner,S.No. 12 m. wide D.P. 223 to 226 Road



30 m.


Residential Zone Hill Top/Hill Slope

30 m. road

New road link proposed vide M-1.19 The alignment of 12 m. road is modified by P.M.C. vide M1.32 30 m. road

Land from S.No.216 shown under PS-15 vide M 1.12 is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Kept in abeyance. The designation of reservation is proposed to be changed to PH/HDH-2 Public Housing/Housing for Dishoused. Land bearing S.No.12(p), Baner included in Residential Zone in published plan and reserved as HDH-2 vide M-1.15 is proposed to be included in Residential Zone as shown on plan subject to the following conditions : 1. The development shall be allowed as per Gunthewari plotted layout and amalgamation of Gunthewari plots shall not be allowed. 2. If the condition No.1 is violated the developer shall be permitted the development only after fulfillment of the conditions mentioned in the regulations of Accommodation Reservation i.e. handing over the built up area to the Municipal Corporation free of cost. Same as EP-24

The new road link proposed vide M 1.18 by P.M.C. is proposed to be deleted and the area under deleted road is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. New corner rounding is proposed at the junction of service road and 30 m. road as shown on plan. The new road link proposed vide M 1.19 by PMC is proposed to be deleted and the area under deleted road is proposed to be included in adjoining Residential Zone/ BDP-1. The alignment of newly proposed road by PMC vide M 1.32 is proposed to be deleted and the deleted area is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. The alignment of the road as per draft Development Plan published under Section 26 is proposed to be reinstated. Alignment of 30 m. road is proposed to be modified along the existing


S.No.3 & 4

alignment as shown on plan.

Balewadi, S.No.22 Baner, S.No.9,10, 12 Baner, S.No.1



HDH-2, Residential


Hill Top/Hill Slope Residential


HMP-1, Residential Zone

HMP-1. The reservation as per plan published under Section 26 is deleted by P.M.C. vide M1.16. Area under deleted reservation -is included in BDP-1 and some area is included in GPP-1. HMP-1 reservation is relocated in S.No.14 & 15 Baner vide M1.16. BT & ABZ













Baner, S.No.49,14 & 15





BT & ABZ PS-15

Balewadi, Residential Zone S.No.51 Baner, S.No. P.S.-15 203,216 Residential Zone

PS-15 relocated vide M-1.12,

Designation of site HDH - 19 is proposed to be changed to PH/HDH - 19 Public Housing/ Housing for Dishoused. Same as EP-36 Plots bearing S.No.1/1A/7+8+1+6+17, No.1/1A/1A/1A/11, No.1/1A/21/1, No. 1/1A/21/2, village Baner on which buildings have been constructed as per permission granted by PMC are proposed to be deleted from the reservation of BDP & included in Residential Zone as shown on plan. The area in S.No.48 & 49 which is merged in BDP-1 by PMC vide M-1.16 is deleted from GPP-1 & is included in BDP-1. Remaining area is retained as GPP-1. The area under HMP-1 proposed in S.No.14 and 15 vide M-1.16 is proposed to be deleted & included in Residential Zone.

Land towards south of 18 m. wide road shown under BT & ABZ in S.No.51 Balewadi is proposed to be included in Residential Zone. Same as EP-34.



PC-3, Balewadi, OM-1, S.No.28,27 MP-1, P-1 PG-6 Baner, S.No. 67,68,69

30 m. wide road, PC-3, OM-1, MP-1, P-1 PG-6, Residential






Baner, S.No.51














PG-5, BDP-1

Baner, S.No.270 Balewadi, S.No.2 Baner, S.No.82 Baner, S.No.51



12 m. wide road

Baner,S.No. 12 m. wide D.P. 223 to 226 Road

OM-2 F.B.-1 PG-5

Residential Zone PC-3, OM-1, MP-1,P-1

Reservations of PC-3, OM-1, MP-1 and P-1 are shifted towards north upto 30 m. wide road boundary. Area released due to shifting is included in Residential Zone. Southern Portion of site No.PG-6 admeasuring 4000 sq.m. out of S.No.67 Baner is proposed to be deleted from reservation and included in Residential Zone. Triangular portion out of S.No.69 included in reservation PG-6 vide M 1.26 is proposed to be deleted from reservation and included in Residential Zone as shown on the Plan.

PG-6. Triangular portion out of S.No.69 is included in PG6 vide M-1.26. Western portion Western Portion of Site No.PG-5 included in BDP vide M-1.27 is proposed to out of S.No. 51 be reinstated as PG-5. is deleted from reservation and included in BDP M-1.27 by P.M.C. OM-13 The reservation OM-13 is proposed to be deleted and land thereunder is included in Residential Zone. OM-2 The reservation OM-2 is proposed to be deleted and land thereunder is included in Residential Zone. F.B.-1 Same as EP-26. Western portion Same as EP-50. out of S.No. 51 is deleted from reservation and included in BDP M-1.27 by P.M.C. The alignment Same as EP-40. of 12 m. road is modified by P.M.C. vide M-



30 m. road

Baner, S.No.7

30 m. wide road

1.32 30 m. wide road.

The new link road proposed vide M-1.20 is proposed to be deleted and the road proposal as per draft D.P. published u/s 26 is reinstated. Remaining area is proposed to be included in BDP-1.


(Sudhakar Nangnure)

Deputy Secretary, Government of Maharashtra

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