Bam Presentation Final 2007 Qual & Quant

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  • Words: 8,817
  • Pages: 197
Bam Quantitative Awareness & Ad Effectiveness Study

Background  This research was conducted to understand the scope of problems that Bam citizens are facing at the moment  Also to measure to what extend the situation has changed according to the communication efforts made to increase people’s awareness in the city of Bam  Finally to determine whether the communication methods were successful and to identify areas of problems with respect to campaign and media  To sum it up we also have obtained information on best way of reaching the Bam society and solutions which they have shared with us through their perspective

Study Details  Total interviews conducted is based on 303 face to face interviews  In order to have a fair sampling distribution we have chosen a door to door random sampling methodology  Age band which was suggested by the client was 7 to 8, 9 to 10 , 11 to 14 and 15 to 18 years old

Notification  Note:  Throughout the presentation depending on significance and frequency of open ended questions, we have placed a graph to show the different answers achieved  Depending on the type of question, answers are based on the below variation    

Percentage of response Percentage of respondents Ranking of response Response

Contents  Quantitative Awareness Study          

Age Groups Family Size Free Time Free Time During School Season Drinking Water Aleppo Boil Garbage Public Toilets Media Finalizing

Contents  Qualitative Ad Effectiveness Study            

Background Objective Research Design Sample Size Lifestyle Preferred Ads Memorable Campaign Ads Aleppo Boil Garbage Drinking Water Teeth Health Recommendations & Conclusions

 Glance to the Last Year Presentation  Overall Comparison Between this Year & Last Year

Age Groups

Out of the 303 interviewed Bam citizens 10.9% were 7 to 8 years old 22.5% were 9 to 10 years old 33.4% were 11 to 14 years old and 33.2% were 15 to 18 years old.

Family Size

 As it is clear in the above graph, most of the Bam citizens have a populated family size  67% of Bam citizens have more than 4 family members in their houses

Free Time

Free Time  Bami Kids in the age of 7 to 8 years old spend their free time as follows:      

Helping their family: 15.2% Reading: 9.1% Sports and fun: 39.4% Playing computer games and Play Station: 21.2% Roaming around the streets: 18.2% Other things: 39.4% (see next chart)

 The kids in the age between 9 and 10 spend their free time as follows:    

Helping their family: 22.1% Reading: 5.9% Sports and fun: 32.4% Playing computer games and Play Station: 16.2%

Free Time  Roaming around the streets: 14.7%  Other things: 54.4% (see next chart)

 The kids in Bam who are between 11 and 14 years old spend their free time as follows:      

Helping their family: 35.6% Reading: 9.9% Sports and fun: 35.6% Playing computer games and Play Station: 18.8% Roaming around the streets: 14.9% Other things (see next chart): 51.5%

 The Bami youths in the age between 15 and 18 spend their free time as follows:  Helping their family: 28.0%  Reading:16.0%

Free Time    

Sports and fun: 38.0% Playing computer games and Play Station: 13.0% Roaming around the streets: 18.0% Other things: 44.0% (see next chart)

Free Time

 Significantly 39.3% of the respondents who spend their time different than in the above explanation, attend special classes in their free time  Followed by 15.2% of respondents who work during their free time

Free Time During School Season

Free Time During School Season  The kids in Bam in the age range between 7 and 8 years old spend their free time during the school season as follows:     

Studying: 39.4% Studying and helping family: 6.1% Studying and having fun: 48.5% Do not study: 3.0% Other: 9.1%

 Bami kids in the age range between 9 and 10 years old spend their free time during the school season as follows:     

Studying: 50.0% Studying and helping family: 13.2% Studying and having fun: 36.8% Do not study: 0% Other: 1.5%

Free Time During School Season  Bami kids in the age range between 11 and 14 years old spend their free time during the school season as follows:     

Studying: 37.6% Studying and helping family: 18.8% Studying and having fun: 42.6% Do not study: 1.0% Other: 7.9%

 The youths in Bam in the age range between 15 and 18 years old spend their free time during the school season as follows:     

Studying: 39.0% Studying and helping family: 17.0% Studying and having fun: 39.0% Do not study: 2.0% Other: 6.0%

Drinking Water

Drinking Water Exposure to drinking water

In total Bami kids and youths evaluate their exposure to drinking water as follows: Careful to some extend: 55% Careful: 39% Not careful at all: 6%

Drinking Water Exposure to drinking water

Drinking Water  The above chart shows that kids in the age between 9 to10 are the most careful drinking water users in Bam. In details the split is as follows:  Kids between 7 to 8 years old:  Careful: 39.4%  Careful to some extend: 54.5%  Not careful at all: 6.1%

 Kids between 9 to 10 years old:  Careful: 51.5%  Careful to some extend: 47.1%  Not careful at all: 1.5%

Drinking Water  Kids between 11 to 14 years old:  Careful: 40.6%  Careful to some extend: 51.5%  Not careful at all: 7.9%

 Youths between 15 to 18 years old:  Careful: 27.0%  Careful to some extend: 65.0%  Not careful at all: 8.0%

Drinking Water

Drinking water saving methods of Bam citizens

Drinking Water Drinking water saving methods in %

The drinking water saving methods of Bam citizens are split as follows: 56% do not leave the water tab open without a reason 28% use drinking water only for important matters 8% change the washer, when the water tab is dripping 7% close the water tab very tight 1% have other water saving methods

Drinking Water

Drinking Water

The sources of knowledge on how to save drinking water are the following: 41% of the kids have learned about those methods at school 32% have been educated by their families 26% of the respondents learned about water saving methods through media such as TV, radio, billboards, stickers etc. And only 1% through friends

Drinking Water Source of Learning Split by Age Group

59% of the kids between 7 to 8 years old gain their knowledge about how to save drinking water through school. 26% gain their knowledge through family and 15% through media.

Among the kids between 9 and 10 years old 53% gain their knowledge about saving methods of drinking water through school, 30% through family and 17% through media.

Drinking Water 37% of the Bami kids between 11 and 14 years old gained their knowledge about drinking water saving methods through school, 32% through family, 29% through media and 2% through friends.

Among Bami youths in the age between 15 and 18 years old 33% gained their knowledge about saving methods of drinking water through school, 35% through family, 31% through media and 1% through friends.

The above age group split shows that the influence of media and family grows the older the kids grow. At the same time the influence of schools declines.

Drinking Water

Among all age groups diarrhea diseases are known as a danger of drinking contaminated water. The detailed split is as follows: 7 – 8 years: 21.2% 9 – 10 years: 11.8% 11 – 14 years: 12.9% 15 – 18 years: 31.0%

Drinking Water  Parasite diseases are rarely known among all age groups.    

7 – 8 years: 3.0% 9 – 10 years: 0% 11 – 14 years: 2.0% 15 – 18 years: 4.0%

 All respondents were aware of other possible diseases in case of drinking contaminated water.    

7 – 8 years: 87.9% 9 – 10 years: 97.1% 11 – 14 years: 96.0% 15 – 18 years: 88.0%

Drinking Water

 The majority of the respondents mentioned stomach-ache while 26.4% believe they get contaminated to other unknown diseases.

Drinking Water

In order to clean their backyard 48% of the respondents sweep it and wash with water hose. Another 31% just sweep their backyard.

Drinking Water

For watering their flowers and garden 51% of the respondents use a water hose and 41% a watering can.

Drinking Water

When Bami kids have doubts about the healthiness of drinking water they act as follows: 7 to 8 years old 84.8% do not drink the water 12.1% boil the water 3.0% do other things (see next chart)

Drinking Water  9 to 10 years old  79.4% do not drink the water  19.1% boil the water  1.5% do other things (see next chart)  11 to 14 years old  55.4% do not drink the water  27.7% boil the water  16.8% do other things (see next chart)  15 to 18 years old  55.0% do not drink the water  30.0%boil the water  15.0% do other things (see next chart)

The younger the kids are, the more they refuse drinking water when they have doubts about it’s healthiness. With growing age, they are less strict about not drinking that water and they try to find a different way to make use of the water.

Drinking Water

 Among other ways of handling a situation where the healthiness of drinking water is not sure, by far 76% ignore the fact and drink the water.  This is common especially among youths between 15 and 18 years old.

Drinking Water Sum Up  The majority of the respondents are only careful to some extend, when it comes to saving water  Among age split the younger kids are more careful on saving water  They think only by keeping the tab closed, when using water personally can help to save water  On the other hand they wash their backyards and water their gardens with tab water  Schools were the main way of learning ways to save water followed by families  When it comes to diseases the majority tend not to drink the water or boil it

Aleppo Boil

Aleppo Boil 2% of the respondents have never heard something about the disease Aleppo Boil before.

All respondents are informed that it is not possible to get infected by food. 70% are informed that they can get infected by mosquito bite.

Aleppo Boil

 The last chart showed that 17% of the respondents believe that there are other ways of getting infected  Out those the majority with 37.3% believes that contaminated water can be a way of getting infected and 22% believe dust is an other way of contamination to the disease

Aleppo Boil

 Using mosquito nets and placing secure nets at doors and windows of their houses are the most common ways of prevention in Bam  Significantly older age groups also believe in other ways

Aleppo Boil

Aleppo Boil  25% of the respondents believe that not wearing low sleeve shirts can help preventing the getting infected by Aleppo Boil  14% believe that keeping everything clean is an other way of prevention

Aleppo Boil Knowledge about Aleppo Boil gained through:

Aleppo Boil

 Across all age groups it is agreed that the best way of learning about prevention methods are schools  At the second place they believe the family is another key factor in their knowledge gaining

Aleppo Boil Reason why no actions for prevention were taken are the following:

Aleppo Boil

 More than 73% lack facilities such as nets to prevent getting contaminated by the disease

Aleppo Boil

 The majority with 97% tend to see a doctor in case of being contaminated by the disease

Aleppo Boil Sum UP  They are all familiar with the Aleppo Boil disease  Their knowledge on ways to get contaminated by the disease varies  The majority knows that mosquito bites are the reason  Lots of the respondents blame contaminated water  Others believe that dust is the main reason

 Once again schools were the main source of learning about the disease followed by families  At the event of being infected by the disease the majority will see a doctor  They are aware of prevention methods  Unfortunately not having facilities such as nets, is the main reason of not fighting the disease



 Most of respondents have not placed their garbage out on time during the last week


 A few do agree on placing garbage outside at the defined time  In most cases the garbage is not placed out on time  Across the age groups older ones seem to be more careful on the timing

Garbage Respondents in all age groups think that the defined time for putting garbage out is either between 6 to 9 or 21 to 00 hrs.

Garbage  As the previous chart shows most of the respondents think that the collection time for garbage is either early in the morning or late at night  It is clear that Bam citizens are not aware of the garbage collection timing of the municipality  Comparing the previous charts on garbage there are two are problems defined:  Lack of awareness on garbage collection hours  Infrequent timing of placing garbage outside  Lack of responsibility on placing garbage on time


An other issue being faced is that 75% of the respondents do not separate their garbage


 overall 86% of the respondents place their garbage in special bags


 Problem Area: The municipality does not collect garbage on time



Garbage Sum Up  As the data shows there is huge misunderstandings among citizens on collection timing  They believe that the municipality does not collect the garbage on time or frequently  Also it seems that there is no defined places or containers per area of the city were Bam citizens can place their garbage  This issue leads into placing garbage all over the street

 As it shows the main problem is municipality organization on garbage collection and cleaning the city

Teeth Health

Teeth Health Importance of Teeth Health Overall

 The majority does agree that teeth health is one of the most important subjects in Bam today

Teeth Health

 Younger kids aged between 7 to 10 years old give higher importance to teeth health  Overall importance of this issue is high

Teeth Health Frequency of Brushing Teeth Split by Age

Teeth Health  Overall most of the respondents brush their teeth at least once a day  Overall more than 36% of all respondents across all ages brush their teeth twice a day  Age 9 to 10 years old stand highest by 40% of respondents brushing at least twice a day  Age 15 to 18 years old seem to care less about brushing since 17% of them do not brush their teeth frequently  The data shows as age grows the importance of brushing decreases significantly

Teeth Health

 Schools are by far the largest learning pool across all ages with family standing in second place and media as third  A huge significant difference of 81% is noticed among 7 to 8 years old on gaining knowledge in school

Teeth Health

 Dental floss is not such a popular tool in Bam

Teeth Health

Teeth Health

 Laziness and not caring are the two most important resons for not

brushing This shows that families are not precise on this issue

Teeth Health Sum UP    

In general teeth health is an important issue for Bami Kids Schools do push on this subject There is a huge inconsistency on this matter from families’ side As the kids grow the importance of teeth health drops among them

Public Toilets

Public Toilets

 54% do not agree that there are clean toilet facilities in Bam verses only 20% do agree on this point

Public Toilets

 The majority by 80% has never cleaned public toilets before use

Public Toilets

Public Toilets

 More than 60% suggest toilets should be flushed after use  The data tells us that most of the population does not flush toilets after use

Public Toilets Sum Up  The data shows that people do not care much about public toilets cleanliness  They use the facility as it is and do not tend to clean it before use  After use they leave the facility without flushing  In some cases they drop their garbage in public toilets



 56% believe that ad campaigns help on increasing knowledge and 44% do not believe that ad campaigns were helpful


 TV with 44% is the best way of communication followed by billboards with17% and schools with14%


 Channel 3 and 2 are the most preferred channels across all ages followed by channel 1 and 5  Channel 6 (Kerman) is not watched by our target group


 Movies, children programs and sports are the most watched programs by far  As the age increases their preference increases on movies and sports programs


 The majority of the respondents watch TV after 8 PM  On the second place a total of 55% of the respondents watch TV during early hours of the day


 As the data shows across all ages they start watching TV at early hours of morning and as the as the day passes the consumption decreases  The consumption shifts are when we reach between 5 to 8 PM and it lifts up hugely after 8


 Across all media we can see a high observation of ads









Media  Add Effects  Note: except UNICEF there where other ads running on TV channels with respect to the mentioned problems  Overall ad campaigns had a huge impact on the society with respect to increasing their awareness and knowledge  Across all ages we see a high percentage of highly and fairly effecting the society


 Note: we have noticed that UNICEF ads were not seen on TV  Therefore the question has changed to overall informative ads and programs with respect to each problem area


 Except teeth health other billboards were highly exposed to the society


 Stickers were the most informative and knowledge gaining tools for the respondents  All stickers were observed above 70% except teeth health reaching 60%


 Except Aleppo Boil other posters were exposed by low frequency of 40% and below

Media  TV ads were a huge problem, because they were not observed by the respondents  As the data shows the respondents do not watch Channel 6 (Kerman)  Resulting to not observing UNICEF TV ads  Other media exposure was at high and fair level  Teeth health across all observed media was way beyond the average exposure  Garbage posters were not distributed or observed as frequent as others


 Ad Exposure  Overall 55% of respondents believe that the frequency of the ads were low or not enough  45% believe that the frequency of ads was fair or enough to notice

Media Sum Up  The data tells us schools are an other way of communication to kids  Stickers are the best way to remind children and families on issues which they are facing  Channel 2 and 3 are the most watched TV channels  The main TV consumption hours are after 8 pm  Most important: all respondents were exposed and effected highly by the ads  Except TV as a source of media campaign did send the message across and raised people awareness




Bam Qualitative Ad Effectiveness Study 2007

Background  Darvaag International has launched an advertisement campaign on issues which Bam citizens are facing  The advertisement is concentrating on creating awareness on health issues  The objective of the campaign is to create awareness on Aleppo Boil, garbage disposal, water usage and teeth health  For this purpose Darvaag has approached Quest Consulting to conduct an ad effectiveness study on the launched campaigns  The following is the presentation of our findings

Research Objective 

To evaluate the ad effectiveness and awareness created by the campaign    

To measure the impact of Aleppo Boil advertisement To measure the impact of Garbage Disposal advertisement To measure the impact of Water Usage advertisement To measure the impact of Teeth Health advertisement

To measure and compare, if the ads have been effective in the society and have changed the behavior of people with respect to the mentioned subjects To evaluate the ability of ads on communicating with Bami kids

Research Design  We have used Mini-Group methodology in this research Why Mini Group Discussions?

 To enable kids to take part in discussions in a friendly atmosphere by using different specific techniques  To explore the kids perceptions concerning the attitudes and awareness of a society as a whole  To offer an opportunity for kids to openly discuss common issues as well as general awareness toward society difficulties and problems  To generate different opinions

Sample Size Ad-Effectiveness study Boys


Mini Group





2 7





Lifestyle  Kids are mostly living with their parents unless they have passed away in the earthquake  If so, they are living with close family members such as  Grandparents, older brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts  If all close family members have passed away kids live in orphan housing

 Boys lifestyle:  Boys spend most of their times either in the streets or at work  They mostly spend their time roaming and hanging around on the streets  The common jobs (among 15-18 boys) are:  Helping in shops  Working jobs such as electronic shops and tile shops

 Younger boys tend to spend most of their time playing around on the streets or playing sport games such as football

Lifestyle  Girls lifestyle:  Due to security problems and society restrictions in bam society girls mostly tend to stay at home  Older girls aged between 14 to 18 daily routine is to help their mother or guardian in daily house work  On the other hand younger girls aged between 7 to 13 years old play around on the street  Riding bicycles and play computer games is popular among them

Older kids (15-18)

Younger kids (7-14)

Boys     


Watching TV Playing football Playing computer games Playing electronic games Attending classes: 

Quran, English language, and swimming

 Watching TV  Attending classes: 

Watching TV, VCDs Working in shops and stores Attending sport classes Playing football on streets Watching football

Painting, computer, Quran, and English language

 Playing computer games  Riding bicycle (only among younger one)

 Riding bicycle

    


   

Watching TV Helping with house work Sleeping Reading magazines & books

Lifestyle  Straight from horse mouth “Since two years I’m working with my father during the summer.” Boy (15-18)

“We do not go out with our friends, we only see each other at school.” Girl (15-18)

“I live with my grandparents and in summer I play with the other grand sons. ” Boy (11-14)

“We sleep until noon, because we don’t have anything to do just being at home.” Girl (15-18)

“I’m learning electrical work so I help my friend in his work. ” Boy(15-18)

Lifestyle  Television considered to be the main leisure among both genders and across all age groups  The most popular TV channels are:  Channel 3  Channel 2

 The next slide will show the different popular TV programs among different age groups  Preferred and most watched channels are channel 3 and 2  Sport programs, miniseries and action movies are among favorite programs for elder kids “I like action movies: Jacky Chan, Bruce Lee…” Boy (11-14)

Lifestyle Age 7 to 10 years old  The most preferred programs are kids programs such as:     

KOODAK VA NOWJAVAN Tom & Jerry Amoo Poorang Rangin Kaman Fitile

Age 11 to 18 year old  The older age mostly prefers TV series such as:  Javaher dar ghasr (Yangom)  Salhaye barfo banafshe  Ma chand nafar  Rahe bi payan  Pezeshke dehkade

 The most favorite channels are first of all channel 3 and secondly channel 2

Preferred and Memorable Ads

Preferred Ads  Dadash Siah (Traffic department), Mahmood (Gas company), Tabarrok , Daroogar, Daity, and Dish Dish are the most favorite ads among Bami kids  Mahmood and Dash Siah are their favorite for the below reasons:      

Animation Funny Series story line Informative Close to reality New

“I’m waiting to know what will happen in the next chapter to Saeed”

Preferred Ads  Tabarrok ads: Series Funny and comic New Uncommon idea (In this series husband does the housework and wife doesn't know anything) this point also motivates the humor emotions  Draw    

 Other mentioned ads:     

Musical Funny Childish Draw Series (only for Daroogar)

It is obvious that all ads share two major factors which drive Bami kids’ attention and trigger their emotions

Preferred Ads  All ads share the same below points:

Funny & Comic


Series & Continues


Because they lack happiness Generates hope and continuity of life

Memorable Campaign Ads

Memorable Campaign Ads  All ads where seen across all ages and both genders  The interesting point was that when the question of media source was raised, we came to understand that all ads where shown on Kerman TV  On the opposing side the preferred watched channels where channel 3 and 2  Therefore TV ads were not seen by the respondents  On the other hand all ads placed on the billboards, posters and stickers where observed  Note: Kerman Channel is only watched by adults for news Kerman TV channel is not watched by Bami kids, therefore no TV commercials were watched by them

Memorable Campaign Ads  Straight from horse mouth

“I only try this channel, when I can not find any thing interesting on other channels.”

“Only my father often watches news on this cannels, but nobody else in our house.”


The stickers are the most memorable source for Bami kids. They even consider the posters and billboards as the big and bigger stickers

Findings  Why stickers are the most memorable ads?  Because the stickers create the below points for them:

Emotional link

New Stuff

Connection with their parents or guardians

Self expression


 Emotional link :  Kids like stickers, because of their age. This is fun and a hobby for them and also triggers their emotions

 New stuff:  Collecting stickers and placing them on different places, have become a new hobby for them.

 New relation with family:  By sticking their stickers in their house, they feel they are helping to inform their family. They are sharing a positive move towards their survival.

 Self-expression:  It makes them feel precious, because they bring some message for their family from their schools. This is a new way for them to express themselves

Findings “We have one sticker about water wastage next to the tap and another one about garbage on the dustbin.”

“In some places of the city there are big pictures of the stickers (billboards).”

“My sister brought some stickers home and placed them in different places.”

Evaluation of Campaign Ads

Aleppo Boil

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil  General awareness:  Their level of knowledge towards Aleppo Boil is quite high due to many speeches in schools  What do they know?    

Aleppo Boil is a disease which causes a long lasting scars on the skins It is caused by tiny insects called Mosquito Khaki Dirty areas full of garbage or over dead water are the sources of this insect The activity time of this mosquito is at nights after sunset

“Do not call it Salak its exact name is mosquito khaki because it moves close to the ground. Our teacher said that.”

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil  Their perception:  They are not scared of being infected by Aleppo Boil Why?

• The majority of the population were either bitten by this mosquito • Or someone in their close relatives was bitten

 But They consider it as a serious concern and they think of preventing it (specially in older age groups as 14-18 years old)


 They understand that prevention is not impossible so why not

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil

 They are hopeful about defeating this disease  They think the disease is decreasing day by day in Bam

“In the first year after the earthquake Bam was full of mosquito khaki, but now it has really decreased and it will end soon.”

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil  Knowledge on prevention methods:    

Generally they use mosquito bands They mostly use insect nets They turn on the air condition during the night They use toxin materials and spray Polson

They consider spraying Polson as a temporary prevention, but not as a long-lasting measure

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil  Their treatment methods:  Injection  Surgery

 If they are bitten by the mosquito, they use injections to cure themselves  In some occasions it’s necessary to undertake a surgery, they believe injections will not be helpful, when they are repeated

Overall they tend to solve this problem by preventing it and they see injections and surgery as a last option

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil  It is clear that this issue is very close to their daily lives so they tried to learn as much as possible about this disease and its prevention methods  There have also been other methods to increase the awareness towards Aleppo Boil prevention

Current Behavior Towards Aleppo Boil  The aforementioned efforts are the following:  exhibition for Aleppo Boil which consists of :  Showing citizens documentary movies about Aleppo Boil  Presenting the prevention methods such as insect nets and mosquito bands  Giving away brochures including information about curing Aleppo Boil and advising to visit the general practitioner

“In the brochure was mentioned that by seeing any little sign of Aleppo Boil we should see a doctor as soon as possible.”

Aleppo Boil Ad  As mentioned previously TV commercials were not seen due to the source of media used  Therefore the following findings are based on stickers, posters and billboards

Aleppo Boil Ad

Stickers  Where have they seen these stickers?  Their teachers gave stickers to them (among 7-12 years)  They have seen stickers in their own or relatives’ house

(among 13-18 years)

Aleppo Boil Ad  What did they do with the stickers? 7-8 years old They use it on :  Notebooks  Books  Giving them to their sisters and brothers  Room’s wall  Tore it (some people in very low social classes)

9-14 years old They use it on :  Windows  Walls  Commode  Refrigerator  Books

15-18 years old

They have seen it on  Walls  Doors  Notebooks  Refrigerators

 In general the majority of the respondents have the stickers in their houses.  Some exceptions raised among very low social classes as they tore them.

Aleppo Boil Ad  Straight from the horse mouth “I asked my mother to place it on the refrigerator, because I’m not tall enough.” “Our teacher asked us to place it on the conex, we may check it.” “My sister was exited about the stickers and she placed them on the wall and the windows.”

“I have placed it on the glace in a way that it is noticeable from outside the street.”

“As Aleppo Boil comes from windows, we placed it on the windows.”

Aleppo Boil Ad  Why did they use stickers in these places?  As mentioned before, they respondents have placed stickers in their houses in places where they grab attention

Because : Their teachers asked them to place the stickers in these special areas


And It was in line with their age and they perceived it as something cool

Aleppo Boil Ad Findings  Bami kids care for their teachers’ recommendations  Their teachers advise is valid and respected by them

Aleppo Boil Ad

Billboards  Where have they seen these billboards?  In the city on some square  Near the Shahid Andarzgoo School (It’s picture changes every now and then)

Aleppo Boil Ad  Straight from the horse mouth

“Before Norooz, they have placed this billboard there in the Azadi square and it’s there till now. We all have seen it so many times.”

“I have seen it near the Andarzgoo school, but it is changing all the time.”

Aleppo Boil Ad

Posters  Where have they seen this poster?  At school  Hygiene center

Health Center is a place that they are frequenting They have seen all the Unicef posters there so many times They trust this place and they go there sometimes to get an injection

Aleppo Boil Ad  Top of the mind  The most common remembered thing is the following:  It is a elliptical shape stickers  With a funny and cool boy  The boy looks like a frog in front of an insect net  There is a mosquito khaki which is funny and his eyes are not the same  There is an insect net between the boy and the mosquito  Bam is my city, your city, our city

Aleppo Boil Ad  Main message grabbed  There is an insect net between boy and mosquito khaki  We can prevent Aleppo Boil by using insect nets

Aleppo Boil Ad  Attraction hook  To 7-12 year old kids it’s more interesting than to the other age groups. Their points of interest are:  Aleppo Boil’s face, they find it so funny and also somehow naughty  The boy’s face which is like a doll  This is funny  For the 13-18 year old, they find it childish, but they think the idea of giving kids stickers about Aleppo Boil is interesting

Ad-Effectiveness  Message conveyed by three type of ads:  To prevent Aleppo Boil we can use insect nets

 Current behavior:  They have stickers in their houses  They use insect nets to prevent Aleppo Boil

Sum Up  The findings of this research show that:  The respondents like funny ads  They like the face of the boy & the mosquito  They had understood the main message of the ad and started to prevent  People have become more hopeful about life


Current Behavior Towards Garbage  Main Issues:  The garbage and dirtiness issues are spontaneously recalled as an important concern among Bami kids

Who is responsible? Municipality Why?    

There is no defined time for garbage collection They do not collect garbage from the streets Lack of public dustbins Irregular time for collection

Current Behavior Towards Garbage Who else is responsible? Shopkeepers Why? Shopkeepers are throwing garbage in the brooks

Butchers and chicken sellers throw their garbage on the street. It’s so smelly and awful.

Current Behavior Towards Garbage  Straight from the horse mouth about garbage

“They come in the early morning, but we put the garbage out at night.” “Grocery shopkeepers are those people who make the city dirty.”

“If the sweepers do not collect the garbage, my family burns them or carries them in bags and throws them in the river.”

“We put the garbage out in plastic bags and tie it, but it remains there so long and cats and dogs tear it.”

Current Behavior Towards Garbage  Findings  The main problems for Bami citizens on the garbage issue are Shopkeepers and Municipality  Garbage collection timing and loose animals in the city result in torn garbage bags and spilling of dirt around the city  On the other hand, shopkeepers spread by throwing their garbage out in the brook the dirt widely across the city

Current Behavior Towards Garbage  Behavior and solution:  They throw their garbage far away from their house  They burn their garbage  The minority seals the garbage in plastic bags, but cats and dogs tear it  The majority of Bami people do not use plastic bags. They don’t consider using plastic bags as a solution to make Bam clean, because it remains there so long that it gets torn by the animals “We put the garbage in wheelbarrows and place it somewhere far away from where we live.”

Garbage Ad  As previously mentioned TV commercials were not seen due to source of media used  Therefore our following findings are based on stickers, posters and billboards

Note: They have only seen the phase 2 billboards, stickers and posters

Garbage Ad

Stickers  Where have they seen sticker?  Their teachers gave the stickers to them (among 7-12 years)  They have seen the stickers in their houses or relatives’ houses

(among 13-18 years)

Garbage Ad  What did they do with the stickers? 7-8 years old

9-14 years old

They use it on :  Notebooks  Books  Giving to their sisters and brothers  Dustbin  Tore it (some people in very low social classes)

They use it on :  Dustbins  commode  Refrigerator  Books

15-18 years old

They have seen it on  Notebook  Dustbin

Younger kids prefer to use the stickers at first on their notebooks and books Remaining stickers are used on other places

Garbage Ad  Why did they use stickers in these places?  As mentioned previously they have placed stickers in their houses where it grabs attention

Because : Their teachers asked them to place the stickers in these special areas


And It was in line with their age and they perceived it as something cool

Garbage Ad

Billboards  Where have they seen the billboards?  Rahnamayi Square  Near the Shahid Andarzgoo School (Its picture changes every time and then)

Garbage Ad

Posters  Where have they seen the posters?  At school  Health Center

Garbage Ad  Top of the mind    

The cute boy A garbage bag with a tied plastic in it The yellow color “Tied pocket”

Garbage Ad  Straight from the horse mouth “Around the square there is a big picture of a dustbin, which says : Please tie the plastic bag and place it in the dustbin, put it outside.”

“It was a funny sticker with a cute frog who was sitting beside the dustbin and it meant do not throw garbage out and use plastic bags.”

“It was a cute yellow sticker which said: Do not throw garbage out on the streets to have a beautiful city.”

“It was a picture of a boy with a dustbin next to him and it wanted to say that we should put our garbage in plastic bags.”

Garbage Ad 

Main message grabbed  We should use the plastic bags

Garbage Ad  Attraction hook  Cute and funny boy  Form of eyes  Bam, my city, your city, our city

Funny and cartoonish pictures are very attractive for them

Impact  Overall their perceptions towards the garbage issue in Bam has not changed  They understood the point that they should use garbage bags, but they think that it doesn’t make a difference whether they use bags or not  The kids have become sensitive about this issue (using garbage bags)  Most of the Bami people use garbage bags  The majority of Bami people place their garbage far away from their own houses They believe garbage bags are not the solution to this problem, because of the inconsistency of the garbage collection by the municipality

Sum Up  The main message was conveyed by the population  The problem is not garbage bags, but collection of garbage by the municipality  Shopkeepers increase the dirtiness of the city

Water Wastage

Current Behavior Towards Water Wastage  Behavior:  Because of water being for free, they are not careful with its usage  They use the tab water for watering their plants or washing their backyards on daily basis


Water is for free Water is not limited

Current Behavior Towards Water wastage  Straight from the horse mouth “These ads make no difference in over life, as long as water is free no one cares about its usage”(15-18)

“In summer we use to play with water with our friends in the yard.”

“When there is water cut off we are sensitive about water wastage, because we use water from the tank, but in the remaining time we don’t care about water wastage.”

“Water is for free, it means there is so much of it.”

Water Wastage Ad  As previously mentioned TV commercials were not seen due to the source of media used  Therefore our following findings are based on stickers, posters and billboards

Until now they have only seen the phase two stickers and billboards

Water Wastage Ad

Stickers  Where have they seen the stickers?  Their teachers gave the stickers to them (among 7-12 years)  They have seen the stickers in their houses or relatives’ houses among 13-18 years)

Water Wastage Ad  What did they do with the stickers? 7-8 years old They use it on :  Notebooks  Books  Giving to their sisters and brothers  Water tap  Tore it (some people in very low social classes)

9-14 years old

They use it on :    

Water tap Commode Refrigerator Books

15-18 years old

They have seen it on:  Notebook  Water tap

Water Wastage Ad  Why did they use the stickers in these places?  As mentioned before they have placed the sticker in their houses where it grabs attention

Because : Their teachers asked them to place the stickers in these special areas


And It was in line with their age and they perceived it as something cool

Water Wastage Ad

Billboards  Where have they seen the billboards?  Azadi Square  Hefdah-e-shahrivar Square  Near the Shahid Andarzgoo School (Its picture changes every now and then)  Near the Governorship

Water Wastage Ad

Posters  Where have they seen the posters?  At school  In the bank  Health Center

Water Wastage Ad  Top of the mind  A boy with a glass in his hand  Water tap  Note: “Masrafe Behine Ab”

Water Wastage Ad  Straight from the horse mouth

“I have seen a poster with the picture of a frog beside a tap. It was written on it: Don’t waste water.”

“On the stickers is written: Taravat bakhshidan be zendegi ba masrafe behineye ab.”

“Around Azadi Square there is a picture of a boy with funny eyes who is purring water in a glass and it is because of water wastage.”

“There was someone with a glass in his hand standing next to a water tap. This wanted to tell us that we should not waste water.”

Water Wastage Ad  Main message grabbed  Do not waste water

 Attraction hook  The cute boy  Bam, my city, your city, our city

Impact  Mentally:  Overall their perceptions towards the water wastage issue in bam has not changed  They know that water wastage is not good, but they don’t consider it as a serious issue and they don’t believe that water is limited

 Behavior:  They are wasting water  Children waste water in:  Playing with it  When washing their hands and face they leave the water tap on for long  When brushing their teeth they leave the water tap on for long

 Parents:  Watering gardens and palms  Washing backyards

Sum Up  Although they obviously got the main massage of the ad, they still waste water  They imagine that water is not limited  They mentioned “Drinking Water” as one of the important matters of Bam, but they never pay attention to suitable ways of consuming water Water being for free has made them not to be careful on its consumption

Brushing Teeth

Current Behavior Towards Brushing Teeth  They do not brush their teeth regularly  They brush their teeth almost once a week  They do not pay much attention to teeth and personal health

 Because of its high expenses, they do not visit the dentist unless they have toothache

Brushing Teeth Ad  Memorable ad about Brushing teeth  In all groups nobody remembers any ads about brushing teeth

Recommendations & Conclusions  Aleppo Boil  It is a series problem for them  They have learned ways of preventing the disease  The have conveyed the ad message

 Garbage  The main issue is irregular timing of garbage collection  Animals spread waste across the streets  Shopkeepers add to the problem by spreading their shop waste on the streets and brooks  The ad message was conveyed by the vast population, but they do not see garbage bags solving their problems  But frequent and scheduled timings of waste collection can help solving the problem

Recommendations & Conclusions  Water  All ads were seen by the respondents  The message was understood, but not conveyed by them  The reason is that as long as the water is for free they are not careful on its consumption  The main message which needs to be communicated to them is that water is limited and that it’s expensive to have clean water  Adults do not help on solving the problem by wasting water on watering palms, washing backyards and watering their gardens  Also parents let their kids play with drinking water by spilling it on each other during summer time

Recommendations & Conclusions  Teeth health  It is a cultural problem  No one has seen the ads  The message needs to be communicated to adults first then to the children  They do not see any dangers of mouth health and diseases which they can get by not being careful and hygienic

Recommendations & Conclusions  Media  Best ways to communicate with children is through schools and from teachers’ mouth  Kerman TV is not watched by children therefore it’s not the best source of media to communicate with youngsters  Stickers have been a very successful way to communicate with children, because they feel that it’s cool and they can teach something to their parents by placing them in different places of the house  Documentaries and movies about problems can help them to understand the dangers they are facing better than any other source

Glance To Our Last Year Findings

Aleppo boil Last Year Finding  The respondents’ level of knowledge towards Aleppo Boil is fairly high due to many speeches in schools  “We all know about Aleppo Boil, our teacher has told us a lot!”  We also found that Aleppo Boil was not a big concern among them as the majority of the population has either been bitten by this mosquito or their close relatives have been bitten  They were not much afraid of this disease  They perceived that Aleppo Boil scars only remain for a year – within this one year no more Aleppo boil mosquito would bite you – therefore being bitten once was also considered as a prevention method!

Aleppo boil Last Year Finding  The prevention methods recalled are:     

Toxin – mostly disregarded due to weak execution “They even put Toxin on our foods and sugars!” Insect nets Being bitten once Injection and ointment as a cure

In general, the respondents mainly intend to learn more about cure instead of prevention

Garbage Last Year Finding  The respondents rarely consider themselves as responsible for this problem – therefore less efforts are being made to find a solution  They main point the finger at the municipality for its irresponsibility in cleaning the city  Collecting the garbage only 2 to 3 times a month  Throwing the remaining garbage in the brooks  No public dustbins available

 Besides the above, some villagers are also perceived as important factor in polluting the city  Not using garbage bags- maybe due to their tightfistedness  Throwing garbage in the brooks and streets

 Shopkeepers are also recalled due to throwing garbage in the brooks

Water Usage Last Year Findings  As water is free of charge in this city, some water wastages are misunderstood with water necessary usage such as:    

Daily cleaning out the soil and dirt from their gardens and yards Watering the palms and gardens Pouring water on cement to harden it Washing the car

General awareness towards water wastage is low – therefore more education is required to inform Bami people about the probability of water cutoff due to it’s finishing and make them believe that water is limited

OVERALL COMPARISON Comparing last year’s issues and the changes happened during the past year

Aleppo Boil  The awareness has increased with respect to the subjects  People are looking on ways of prevention  People do understand that using mosquito nets and secure nets on the entrance and windows can help them prevent getting infected by this disease  Therefore we can see that they are practicing ways of prevention  Also other methods such as keeping clean and staying away from contaminated water areas and not playing in dust is being practiced across all age groups  Media and schools had huge effect on informing them on prevention methods

Garbage  This issue still remains unsolved in today's Bam  The majority blame the municipality for:  Not cleaning the streets  Not collecting garbage frequently  Not having allocate places for garbage disposal

 Shopkeepers are still one of the major factors on making the streets dirty  In our opinion ad campaigns have achieved its objective  People dispose their garbage in bags  People place garbage in front of their house

 People believe by helping the municipality they can help keeping Bam a clean city

Water  The water issue is not solved because:  People still think water is not limited  Water is for free

 With regards to media, all respondents and citizens have received the message of not wasting water  But the fact of water being for free does not help the situation  An other factor is still questionable for the people: How to water their palms, if not using the tab water

Stopping free water will solve the issue of carefulness in water usage

Teeth Health        

This issue is not massively resolved for Bami citizens Schools have been a positive tool to create the awareness In result we see that younger kids tend to brush frequently On the contrary as they grow up they tend to forget about the importance of brushing The media coverage was very low on this case compared to other cases The family not being consistent towards this matter and not giving much importance followed by kids laziness, has clipped hands together for this issue not to be resolved Increase the adults’ awareness will help to increase their kids’ awareness. Showing dangers they can face can help in this situation Also reducing the doctor fees can help frequent visits and dental checkups

Thank You!

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