Balancing Cost And Performance

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,419
  • Pages: 31
Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Take Corrective Action To Improve The Development Process The Solution: – Weave Best Practices of cost management into the development process – Implement Critical Parameter Management (CPM) techniques – Merge cost management with CPM throughout development – Share cost and performance information in a near real time environment

Merging cost and performance information with near real time feedback results in improved performance, reduced (or at least better understood cost), better adherence to schedule, fewer failures, and reduced total ownership cost.

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

What We Want To See During Development Example Of Using CAIV* & CPM** On A Program To Improve Affordability 35

Planned Cost Reduction Actual Cost Reduction Project Cost Goal Project Cost Stretch Goal




GNG Make / Start Buy Design

Critical Design Review (Gate)


System Development Time © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

*CAIV = Cost As Independent Variable **CPM=Critical Parameter Management 2 of 33

Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

We Need To Impact Cost During Early Program Phases 70




% 30



0 TOC Spent $ Impact on O&S Costs


Full Dev


O& S









The Majority of the Customer’s Cost is in the “O&S Phase” but that cost is mainly defined in the “Concept Phase”. © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Start By Weaving Cost Management Into The Product Development Process

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Implement Best Practices Of Cost Management


Manage WBS Structure With Multiple Configurations “On The Fly”

₪ Estimate Costs With Multiple Methods And Fidelities

Manage Multiple Cost Estimates Over Time For Each Element


Roll Up Multiple Cost-Configuration Scenarios


Flag And Trace Cost Drivers With Detailed Reports


Define Cost Estimating Relationships At All System Levels

Identify, Implement, And Track Cost Reduction Initiatives

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

First Create and Manage The WBS/BOM Import WBS/BOM From Various Sources (Spreadsheet, Corporate Database, PLM), Or Create Structures On The Fly Import and manipulate existing structures

Trace History Of Configuration Changes With Variants

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

There Are Many Methods For Successful Cost Modeling In A Near Real Time Environment € AdHoc € Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) € Cost by Analogy, with complexity (“similar to”) € Individual spreadsheets € Parametric - based on industry standards (“out of the box”) € Parametric - with product line calibration € Historical Data € Engineering Buildup-Actuals € Cost Factors and Rates € Supplier Quotes: Materials € COTS detailed and budget estimating tools © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Over Time We Will Reduce The Cost Model Uncertainty

Cost Uncertainty

Estimated Cost

Actual cost of New Technology

Uncertainty Range

Very Good Estimating Tools (Based on Some System Design)

TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION No System Design To Base Estimate


POST RELEASE Actual Costs Make up Majority of Estimates

Cost Modeling is only as good as the Technical Design Input © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Now Attach All Cost Information To The WBS/BOM Structures Existing Estimates, New Estimates, Or Link To Data In Legacy Systems


Process Times

Raw Material Data

Cost Centre Rates

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin


Suppliers Cost, Qty Associated Cost Effectivity Sub Con, Make/Buy, etc


Rates Burdens Exchange Rates

Foreign Overhead Factor 9 of 33

Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Then Create And Manage Cost Reduction Initiatives

Initiatives Are Important: They Help Us Keep Track Of Potential Cost Drivers And Our Specific Future Actions To Effect The System Cost © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

It Is Critical That Cost Management Results Output To Engineers As Well As To Cost Professionals Navigate And Search By Configuration, Estimate, Initiative, Cost Drivers

Multiple Outputs For Different Users Of Cost Data © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

We Then Create Cost Management Trade Scenarios B e lu g a C o c k p it

W in g ( P )

W in g ( S )

F u s e la g e

L a n d in g G e a r

“Make v Buy” B e lu g a

“What If”

C o c k p it


in g

C o c k p it

W in g ( P )

W in g ( S )

F u s e la g e


L a n d in g G e a r

B e lu g a ( P )


in g

( S )

F u s e la g e

L a n d in g

G e a r

B e lu g a C o c k p it

W in g

(P )

W in g

(S )

F u s e la g e

L a n d in g

G e a r

I Would Love To Have Performance Related Input To Help Drive These Scenarios ! © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Now, Implement Critical Parameter Management Early In The Development Process

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

What Is Critical Parameter Management (CPM)? CPM Is A Disciplined Methodology Used To Capture System Performance In A Structured Repository



Critical Parameter Management (CPM)

Systems Engineering

Subject Matter Experts

Partners Design

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin


Standards 14 of 33

Cost – Performance Trade Flow Studies Of During ProductParameter Development Snapshot Process Critical Management

Voice of the  Customer Needs


Component CTF  Specs….

y &C ap ab ilit

Subassembly  CTQs..…




Flo w

nts me

ire qu Re of

Component ‘Critical  to Function’ (CTF)  Requirements


Subsystem Level  CTQs…..

na l



Subassembly  Level  Requirements 


om i

w Flo

Subsystem Level  Requirements

System Level  CTQs…..


Up of N

System Level  Requirements

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Critical Parameter Relationships The System Functional Paths Determine The Critical Parameter Architecture The Critical Parameter Architecture Crosses ALL Boundaries Of The Physical Architecture (WBS) This Is The Primary Difference Between Systems Requirements Management And Critical Parameter Management

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Establish The Critical Performance Parameters

Flow Down Critical Parameter Tree

Create System Performance Hierarchy & Relationships There Are Many Ways To Create This Tree Including QFD, Direct Flowdown, And Functional Path

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

Radar Project

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Transfer Functions Enable Feedback Throughout The System σ Transfer Functions are Required for Predictive Engineering  Calculates nominal output value given a set of inputs y = f(x1, x2, … xn)  Calculates variations of the output value & input sensitivities σ y = sqrt(s1*σ 12+s2*σ 22 …. +sn*σ n2)

σ Popular Methods for Developing Transfer Functions  Explicit Engineering Equations  Experiments; DOE & Monte Carlo (Virtual & Physical)  Testing: Regression Analysis (Physical Only)  “Black Box” Application Software Tools  Company “Tribal Knowledge” © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Transfer Functions Make The CPM Tree “Come Alive”

CTQ Design Intent “Flow Up” based on Design Spec’s of Inputs (X’s) Performance

s De n ig

Post Analysis Sigma Shift

In nt te s es oc Pr


pa Ca

CTQ Process Capability “Flow Up” based on Estimated/Actual Process Capability (Short & Long Term)


lit bi

Static Shift © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

Dynamic Drift 19 of 33

Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

We Can Now Predict System Performance Roll Up The Tree With Sensitivities For Each Critical Performance Parameter While Tracking Sensitivity For Each Parameter And Notify The Affected Owners Of the System Radar Project

ria ti

on s











wU pN


ina l&



© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Now Merge The Best Practices Of Cost Management And Critical Parameter Management For Near Real Time Feedback Of Cost And Performance

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

The Goal Is To Have A Trade Space For Cost And Performance

Cost Management

Critical Parameter Management

A New System Design Trade Space Use Best Practices From Each Discipline To Optimize System Cost And Performance


© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

WBS/BOM Trees (Cost) And CPM Trees (Performance) Can Now Work Together Form


Bill of Material Hierarchy

Defines:  Physical/Geometric Relationships  Material Specifications  Manufacturing Procedures

Does NOT Define:  Functional Characteristics  Performance Capabilities © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin


Critical Parameter Hierarchy

WBS….. Defines Fit Configuration

CPM Tree… Analyzes Fit Capability

Defines:  Functional Parameter Relationships  System Performance Capabilities  Direction/Focus for Engineering

Does NOT Define:  Assembly Characteristics  System “Packaging” 23 of 33

Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

WBS/BOM Elements Are Bi-Directionally Associated With Critical Performance Parameters

We Can Also See What Particular Performance Parameters Are Driving My Cost As A Part Number We Can See What Specific Part Numbers Are Associated With My Critical Performance Parameters

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Cost Roll Ups Become Transfer Functions In The Performance (CPM) Structure

If Any Aspect Of A WBS/BOM Part Changes, Flag The Effected Performance Parameter(s) And Notify Appropriate Users Of The Change

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Performance Parameter Interactions Trigger Cost Studies

If Any Aspect Of A Performance Parameter Changes, Flag The Associated WBS/BOM Part And Notify Appropriate Users Of The Change

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Trace History Of Performance Changes And Their Cost Impact On Each Part Number

Wow, I Was Just Informed That A Performance Specification Changed; Better Check This Part Number’s Current Estimate And Update If Necessary

© 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

Of Course, If I Have Defined A Transfer Function For Cost, The System Will Update The Cost For Me Automatically And Keep A History Of The Changes

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

Design Trade Space For Balancing Cost And Performance We can now do real trades with rapid feedback Unaffordable

The Knee

Target: “Best Value”

Performance Objective

Performance (y)

Cost / Performance / Schedule Trade Space

Performance Threshold Cost




Unacceptable Performance



Cost (x) © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

An Ideal Cost And Performance Optimization Cycle Metrics: Unit Cost, Score Card, CRI Status, Watch List, Mitigation Plan

Identity Risk & Opportunity Performance Model

Prioritize Risk & Opportunity

Critical Parameter Management

Optimize Design For Six Sigma System Performance System Cost

Customer Requirements & Concerns

Trade Studies

Affordability Model

Optimize Cost vs. Performance

Cost as An Independent Variable

•Assess and Prioritize •Track and Report Risks

Performance (y)

•Develop and Implement Mitigation

Business Strategy & Goals


Optimal Area

Performance Objective

Cost / Performance / Schedule Trade Space Performance



Threshold Cost


Unacceptable Performance



Cost (x)

Tools: QFD, CAIV, CPM, DOE R&O, FMEA, PCAT, SDM, DFMA, and MSA © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

The Call To Action Implement An Effective Cost Management Process – We All Have Some Process For This Now: Good – Must Formalize The Data Structures For Cost Management – You Need A Flexible Open System To Manage The Cost Information – Begin Creating Cost Relationship Equations Based On Performance – Improve The Process For Sharing Cost Information Across Departments Implement Critical Parameter Management (CPM) – Start In Small Steps: One Part Of One Program At A Time – Weave CPM Into Your Development Process – Just In Time Training To Engineers – Start CPM As A Separate “Silo” From Cost Management – As You Progress With CPM, Add The Cost Connections – You Need a Flexible Open System To Manage CPM Information – Feedback The CPM Information To The Cost Management System

Combine The Two Processes After You Have Experience With Each © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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Cost – Performance Trade Studies During Product Development

How Can You Get Started Doing This? – Many Companies In Multiple Industries Are Active In This Effort – There Is Not Currently One Venue For Bringing Together Both Processes – Attend Conferences: Cost Management And Critical Parameter Management – Create An Informal Multi-Industry Consortium To Share Best Practices – I Can Put You In Touch With People Doing This Work – I Can Visit You And Provide An Assessment Of Your Processes – I Can Provide You With Lists Of Appropriate Conferences, Papers, And Suppliers Who Can Help You With This Process Improvement Work © 2008 Cognition Corporation and David M Cronin

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