Cockpit For Requirements Management

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  • Words: 2,716
  • Pages: 58
Active Requirements Management (RM) Example Needs Assessment and Tool Selection for a Company Producing Hardware (HW), Software (SW), and Systems

David M Cronin Cognition Corporation 781-271-9300 x241 [email protected]

General Needs Assessment    

Our RM needs include SW, HW and System/Technology development SW-centric needs focus on textual targets, test validation and traceability HW-centric and system needs similarly include textual targets, test validation and traceability HW-centric and system needs, however, are driven much deeper by the PDP and TDP  To support TDP/PDP deliverables and execution, RM tools must be able to handle:  

Quantitative storage and analysis of targets, design predictions and process capability Computational linkages and traceability throughout core PDP steps and data, including VOC/VOB/BOT/VOR, Market Reqs, Product Specs, Critical Parameters, Cost Targets, Cost Estimates and Actual Costs, Faults, Mitigations, Controls, and Validation/Verification Tests

SW Needs

TDP/PDP Needs HW and system-centric RM needs are driven by the broader goal to achieve lean execution of detailed TDP/PDP steps and deliverables

SW-centric RM Needs focus on documentation  Textual Req’s & Spec’s  Textual V&V Tests  Trace Matrices

 Market data analysis (Segmentation, KJ, etc.)  VOC/VOB/VOT/VOR assessment and prioritization  Critical Parameter identification through HOQ and Hazard Analyses  Design Concept Exploration and Selection (Pugh/Kano)  System Tree / Functional Tree / Risk Tree Creation and Linkage  Bottoms-up FMEA, Mitigation, and Control Plan Management  1st Eng. Principle Computation and Transfer Functions  Critical Parameter Flow-down and Design Prediction Flow-up  Statistical Variation Target Assessment / Scorecard Reporting  Design of Experiments and Test Management  Product Cost Estimation and Initiative Management

What are we doing to improve our Product Development Process (PDP)?

 Active Requirements Management can:     

Be the backbone for all our trace matrices Predict product performance Assure compliance deliverables Reduce Time To Market Be a Go-To web site for everyone

Revamping a Typical Product Development Process

Innovation Business Planning





Internal VOC

Innovation Voice of Customer

Business Planning

Voice of Business

Portfolio Plan - Breakthrough - Platform - Derivative


Business Case for Knowledge Capture Capturing of Product Performance Knowledge will Reduce Product Development Resources & Time to Market Initial Resource Level With Improvements

Time to Market Resources

Post Launch “Fire Fighting” Resources

Actual resource level

Resource Level by Transferring & Sharing Knowledge Time

Active Requirements Management (RM) Exposes Program Risks & Opportunities RM Facilitation Meetings Lead to Identifying Risks and Discovering Opportunities Early in the Development Cycle Radar Project

Facilitation Meetings Maintain a Product Level Perspective During Development with Constant Focus on Customer & Business Needs

Enables Cross Function Perspectives that Lead to Interaction & Constraint Discoveries

Provides a Forum for “Out of the Box” Thinking That Leads to New Idea Generation

Active Requirements Management (RM) A Disciplined Methodology to Capture the Product Performance Requirements into a Structured Repository



Active Requirements Management

Systems Engineering

Subject Matter Experts


Partners Design



Use inputs from Voice of Business (VOB) and Voice Of the Customer (VOC) to generate the best product concept and product features.

Tasks 1. Review customer Requirements to determine scope

Example Tools  House of Quality (A-B)  Business Req Analysis  KJ / Affinity Diagrams

Concept Step Outputs  List of Prioritized Features linked to VOC/VOB

 System/Technology 2. Brainstorm System/ Technology Concepts

 Mind Mapping  TRIZ

Concept(s)  Key Reqs  Measurement

3. System/Technology Concept Selection

 Pugh Concept Select  Kano Model  Preliminary Hazard Analysis

System(s) Assessment  IP Assessment  Competitive

Assessment 4. Select Product Features and Set Specs

   

Engineering 1st principles House of Quality Tests/Experiments Measurement Systems Analysis

 Preliminary Hazard Analysis

Map Market Reqs to Product Reqs The House of Quality can be Broken into Distinct Sections (sometimes called “Rooms”)


3) Product Requirements (with Target Values) to Satisfy the Market Requirements


3 2

2) Competitive Analysis of the Market Reqs


1) Market Reqs Importance Factors

5) Competitive Analysis of Prod Reqs

6) “Roof” Interactions of Product Requirements



4) Mapping Matrix of Product Requirements to the Market Reqs

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Process Constructing the Fault Tree Top Event

Passenger Injury

Intermediate Events


Air Bag does not deploy


Faulty Sensor

No seat belt worn

Signal Failure OR

Voltage Instability Canister Leak

Flying Debris

Basic Events

Closing Actions


Design system by identifying key inputs using organizational wisdom, engineering principles, Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) and other methods and tools

Tasks 5. Brainstorm Assembly/Component Option(s) 6. Select Assembly/ Component Option(s)

Example Tools  Mind Mapping  TRIZ     

Design Outputs 

FTA/FMEA Experimentation/ Prototyping Process Map Engineering first principles Pugh Concept Selection

7. Identify requirements for Assembly /Component

 Measurement Systems  Process Map  Requirements Map

8. Identify Potential key inputs (design, process, material)

   

Process Map Stability Studies DOE Planning Sheet Measurement Systems

   

 

9. Determine key inputs for Each requirement

 Statistical Tests  Screening DOE  Characterization DOE

System Defined:  Design  Process  Materials  Capable Measurement Systems Updated Risk Management Process Flowchart System Doc. Pkg. Prioritized list of critical inputs linked to System Requirements. Make vs buy decision for components/sub assy’s IP Assessement

RM Tools Support the RM Business Process Proposal

Definition Market Req

Validation & Ramp-up

Development Product Req

Design Freeze

Design Verification

RM Business Process - Risk Management SOPs RM Tools For:

Market Req Product Req Assembly Req Component Req Process Req

Flowing-down customer requirements to product & process design requirements Active RM allows flowingup process capability & predicted performance to customer requirements

Market Req Product Performance Assembly Performance Component Performance Process Capability

Drawing Tree DESIGN

Eng first principles assessment of what impacts Requirements

Critical Parameter Management (CPM): Flow Down and Flow Up of Requirements and Capabilities © 2001 by Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc.

Critical Parameter Management (CPM) Flow Down DESIGN

Product Reqt’s Market Reqt’s

    

Requirements Tree (i.e. functional) Drawing Tree (i.e. physical) Process Flow Chart (i.e. process map) FTA DOE Planning Sheet

Key Inputs for each Output Req

Mapping the Performance to the Physical EDS




Production Drawing Critical Params Are a Subset of the Total Specs

Muffler Housing

Material Spec Sheet

Exhaust Diameter Overall Length Intake Diameter 316 Stainless Steel

Block Diagram – Active Requirements Management Regardless of Which Flow Down Method is used, the Critical Parameter Hierarchy Map Overlays the Physical Block Diagram Hierarchy where the Critical Parameters (Reqs) “Reside” Product Specs

Assembly Specs

Component Specs

Material & Process Specs


Refine key relationships Y=f(x) Optimize performance and business requirements


Example Tools

10. Determine optimum settings for Reqs based on all Y= f(x) models

 Optimization DOE’s  Robust Design Concepts  Cognition Cockpit

11. Check stability and capability of critical Reqs

 Control Charts  Capability Study

12. Set tolerances for key Reqs & complete the control plan

 RDTA  Worst Case  Statistical Tolerancing

Optimize Outputs  Optimized Nominal Settings and Tolerances for Reqs  System Performance Analysis (flow down and up) and Capability of Reqs  Control Plan

Transfer Function Scorecards Individual Y (Req) Scorecard Format, Which Actually Depicts the Transfer Function


Requirement Capability Growth Requirement Capability Grows during the Product Development Process





Reqs Set in The 1st HoQ What We Want

Two Distinct Flow Ups During the Development Process



Predictions via Predictions via Design Reqs Process Cap. What We Think We Can Do

Verify/ Validate

What We Think We Can Make

Verification Test Data What We Have

Transfer Functions


Design Specs

Estimated Process Cap.

Verification Test Data

What We Need

What We Might Get

What We Have

Verify/ Validate

Verify that Req is within specification when all key input requirements are within spec and validate that Req falling within specification satisfies the customer.

Tasks 13. Qualify equipment and conduct prevalidation runs

14. Verify Reqs meet key product specs for challenge conditions for key Reqs

15. Validate product meets customer needs

16. Finalize Control Plan and Transfer

Example Tools  Qualification studies  Mistake proofing  Confirmation runs

 Validation studies  Sampling plans  Hands-on-stats

 Clinical Trials  Prototype Test Drives

 Control Charts  Control Plans  Sampling Plans

Validate Outputs  System consistently meets customer needs Validation plan/reports Qualification plan/reports Control/Transfer Plan Scorecard

RM Tool Assessment: our technical needs   

According to the INCOSE SW-centric assessment, no major differences are revealed Even if all metrics were perfect, it does not translate to our success Instead, an assessment of our actual TDP/PDP needs follows: Imp.




Textual Requirement/Specification Definition





Textual Validation Tests





Complete PDP Trace Matrices





Market data analysis (Segmentation, KJ, etc.)





VOC/VOB/VOT/VOR assessment and prioritization





Critical Parameter identification through HOQ & Hazard Analyses





Design Concept Exploration and Selection (Pugh/Kano)





System Tree / Functional Tree / Risk Tree Creation and Linkage





Bottoms-up FMEA, Mitigation, and Control Plan Management





1st Eng. Principle Computation and Transfer Functions





Critical Parameter Flow-down and Design Prediction Flow-up





Statistical Variation Target Assessment / Scorecard Reporting





Design of Experiments and Test Management





Product Cost Estimation and Initiative Management








* function not supported

Details of the INCOSE Tools Vendor Survey

You can download the INCOSE Excel sheet with vendor responses at:

RM Tool Assessment: will our engineers use it? 

Ease of use, ease of adoption, ease of support, etc. are vital to a successful deployment of RM. Here are the key metrics reviewed: Imp.




Intuitive user interface for easy adoption by all project personnel





100% Browser based for easy deployment and IT support





Ease of Customization to Meet our SOP Template Deliverables





Online tutorials and ease of casual use for “non systems engineers”





Ease of integration with CAD, patent search, PLM/PDM,








Cockpit scores highest for usability by “non experts” Next, an overview of Cockpit

Active Requirements Management with Cognition Cockpit Version 5.1

 Who is Cognition  How does Cockpit support Active Requirements Management  Some details about licenses and IT

Cognition History  Cognition has been offering tools and services for

product development for 10 years  Cognition has two products: • Cognition Cockpit (covered in this slide set) • Enterprise Cost Management  Products are integrated to provide a tool for complete management of product performance and cost  We are successful is because we provide engineers with collaborative solutions to problems they face every day, without adding overhead and additional time burdens to already heavy demands.

Typical Early Stages of a Product Development Process (PDP) Typical Process

Is the PDP delivering success? 

Data still shows launch issues from missed requirements:

Engineering Budget Post Launch

“Firefighting” Product Design

Cumulative Engineering Investment

Project Hours reported per month

 Their PDP is designed to prevent problems.

Are companies meeting product requirements?  The Aberdeen Group, reports frequency of missed targets:

Are companies meeting revenue and cost targets?  Missed revenue and cost targets are also reported:

What are the implications of missed product requirements?

 The negative results of their issues are seen in the news:

What are the implications of missed product requirements?

 The negative results of their issues are seen in the news:

What are the implications of missed product requirements?  The negative results of their issues are seen in the news:

Are companies improving yet – is a good PDP helping?  Analysts report that despite investments, meeting targets is the

same or worse compared to previous years:

So, what is the problem?  Analysts are independently

forming a strong opinion:  The PDP is fine.  The problem is PDP execution.  Teams find many steps stifling, labor intensive and skip them.  Engineers often have no integrated functional model with all product requirements.

How can the Cockpit help?  Why is PDP execution a problem? 

 

Too complex Tools are too hard to use No common data framework or functional model for all product data

 How can we improve it?   

Need something engineers will want to use The engineer needs to feel the process and tools help make their job easier The tools used by the engineer need to link all parts of the product development data together into a complete functional model     

 

Customer voices Hardware requirements Software requirements Product performance modeling results for critical parameters Cost Management Failure modes and risks Verification, Validation and test data

How does the Cockpit help? The Cockpit enables collaboration for the entire product development process using a web based easy to use interface.

The Cockpit manages the total PDP The Cockpit now enables collaboration for the entire product development process using a web based easy to use interface.

All Cockpit access is through Internet Explorer

Web address for the Cockpit

1 Enter your username and password from your corporate LDAP server



Click here for browser check Confirms your IE configuration is correct for the Cockpit

Customer Customizable Interface • Customizable interface for reports, views, read-only, etc. • Custom user defined attributes at any level

Document Management • Acts as a web based corporate shared drive • Automatically generates documents based on current project data • All documents have full versioning and access control

Full version and configuration control for all project data

• Each project can have as many frozen versions as desired • Each individual item (VOC, requirement, risk) is separately versioned • Details of changes available for entire project or any item

Customizable activity templates to match your PDP • Cognition provides many sets of templates out of the box • Templates are easily modified by you to match your PDP process • Templates provide access to all Cockpit features and reports

Needs/Voice collection capabilities • Word templates for automatic interview & survey imports • Interview & Survey results summary automatically generated • KJ Analysis to organize raw voice inputs • Affinity diagrams with red and blue groupings sort inputs

Needs/Voice collection capabilities • Prioritize all of your voices for translation into requirement (Voice of Customer, Voice of Business, Voice of Regulatory, etc.)

House of Quality / QFD • Document based HOQ reports at all levels of the product structure • Organized by product subsystems, category, BOM, etc.

Requirements / Critical Parameter Management • Support all types of product requirements, use cases, features, etc. • Track actual numerical values including nominal and variation

Scorecard reports at all levels of your system

Risk Management / FMEA

V&V / Test Management

Instant traceability throughout all levels of your system

Cockpit is integrated with the following tools  Out of the box, Cockpit works with:    

     

MS Word MS Excel MS Powerpoint MS Internet Explorer Firefox (with IE Tab add on) Crystal Ball @Risk Matlab Enventive SMTP Mail Servers

More tools can be custom connected at any time  com, ole, corba, odbc, java, html, xml, api’s…

Licensing, Support, Maintenance, Training  Cockpit is a web 2.0 application so users only need Internet  

   

Explorer to log in Cockpit is available as a perpetual(permanent) license with annual maintenance or as a subscription(annual fee) license Cognition provides full customer support via phone, email, fax, live web/support sessions and in person. Cognition has offices in Boston, MA, Paris, and Birmingham, UK Annual maintenance & technical support are included with perpetual licenses and with subscription licenses Cockpit training is available at any Cognition location, at your location, and via live web session training classes. Basic user training is 2 days Advanced(lead user/admin) training is 4 days Cockpit uses the Object Store database on it server which is the database used by and many others

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