Baile Govora Brochure.pdf

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BAILE GOVORA TOWN HALL 75-77, Tudor Vladimirescu Str. Baile Govora, 245200, Valcea, ROMANIA Tel: Fax:

004 0250 770 460 004 0250 770 800 004 0250 770 800

Baile Govora Town Hall [email protected]


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

R e l a x a r e si s a n a t a t e Stres, agitaŗie, poluare, ritm nebunesc…. Uitaŗi de ele, pentru cĈ, odatĈ ajunûi în staŗiunea BĈile Govora, toate acestea vor pĈrea cĈ fac parte dintr-o lume îndepĈrtatĈ. Aici veŗi gĈsi locuri unice ûi condiŗii menite sĈ vĈ ofere o relaxare totalĈ. úi tot aici vĈ puteŗi ocupa inclusiv de refacerea dumneavoastrĈ fizicĈ. Statiunea balneo-climatericĈ Govora este recomandatĈ de specialiûti pentru binefacerile apei minerale ûi ale aerului. Apa termalĈ, bogatĈ în sulf, bicarbonaŗi ûi calciu ûi concentraŗia sĈnĈtoasĈ a aerului sunt secretele unei bioterapii de excepŗie. Staŗiunea este bine-cunoscutĈ ûi pentru confort ûi servicii, precum ûi pentru frumuseŗea peisajelor care taie respiraŗia oricĈrui cĈlĈtor.

Getting relaxed and healthy Stress, agitation, pollution, the crazy rhythm of life … Forget about them, because once you get to Govora, all these will seem part of a distant world. Here, you shall find unique places and conditions intended to offer you total relaxation. And here you can focus exclusively on your physical recovery. The thermal water, rich in sulphur, bicarbonates and calcium and the healthy air

concentration are the secrets of an exceptional biotherapy. Govora is recommended by specialists for the beneficial effects of the mineral waters and for the healthy air, for its comfort and services, as well as for the beauty of the landscapes and breathtaking scenery which amaze the travellers.


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Amplasament geografic si clima Climatul este continental moderat cu influenŗĈ mediteraneanĈ, umiditatea aerului fiind relativ constantĈ , cu veri rĈcoroase ûi ierni blânde.

Temperatura aerului are media anualĈ de 11,1° C. Vântul bate moderat, iar ploile sunt moderate cantitativ (800 mm pe an). Lipsa alergogenilor din aer, prezenŗa iodului ûi a ionizĈrii negative în atmosferĈ reprezintĈ o climĈ extrem de beneficĈ pentru aparatul respirator. Staŗiunea este situatĈ la o altitudine de 360 m, în bazinul subcarpatic din nordestul Olteniei, pe valea raului Hinŗa, la 20 de kilometri de Râmnicu Vâlcea si 180 de kilometri de Bucuresti.

Geographic position and climate The climate is continental, with Mediterranean influence, with cool summers and mild winters.

characteristic for this type of climate which is most effective for the respiratory apparatus.

The annual average temperature is 11.1° C. The wind blows rarely and the rainfalls are moderate (800 mm a year).

The resort is located at 360m altitude, in the sub-Carpathian depression area of North-Eastern Oltenia, on Hinta River valley, 20km far from Râmnicu Vâlcea and 180 kilometers from Bucharest.

The absence of the allergens in the air, the presence of iodine and the atmospheric negative ionization are


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Istoricul staŗiunii BĈile Govora este legat de numele a douĈ personalitĈŗi: I.C. BrĈtianu (1821-1891), fost prim-ministru al României ûi al generalului dr. N. Popescu Zorileanu care, în urmĈ cu 120 de ani, au pus bazele acestui aûezĈmânt profilat pe tratarea afecŗiunilor cĈilor respiratorii ûi reumatismale. Numele staŗiunii BĈile Govora se leagĈ de cel al MĈnĈstirii Govora care este situatĈ în apropiere.

prim ministru – a început amenajarea viitoarei staŗiuni balneo-climaterice. Incepand cu 1910, staŗiunea intrĈ in proprietate privatĈ. O serie de hoteluri ûi baze de tratament sunt acum construite: Hotel Palace, cu 240 de camere, intre anii 1911-1914, Hotel Balneara, acum numit Hotel Parc, in 1938. In acelaûi timp, diverûi intreprinzĈtori particulari si-au construit vile la Govora, mare parte dintre ele reprezentĈnd adevĈrate capodopere ahitecturale. Instituŗii publice deŗineau aici alte pavilioane de tratament ûi cazare, cum ar fi Hotelul Silva sau Vila BĈncii Naŗionale.

Printre alte beneficii, statiunea este renumitĈ pentru izvoarele de ape minerale care se gĈsesc aici. Începutul descoperirii apelor minerale a fost fĈcut de locuitori ai localitĈŗilor din zonĈ în anii 1870. Analize efectuate de renumiŗi oameni de ûtiinŗĈ – cum ar fi A. Bernard, ûeful laboratorului de chimie al UniversitĈŗii Bucureûti sau inginerul A. Saligny – au arĈtat cĈ apele minerale govorene aveau efecte terapeutice benefice datoritĈ unei concentraŗii ridicate de sare ûi iod pe litru.

Faima staŗiunii se datoreazĈ cercetĈrii medicale la care ûi-au adus contribuŗie medici ûi savanŗi de renume din ŗarĈ precum ûi din întreaga EuropĈ. DupĈ statisticile întocmite de generalul dr. Zorileanu a reieûit cĈ pânĈ în anul 1904 au urmat cura la BĈile Govora 18 900 suferinzi din care 69 % s-au vindecat. În timpul celui de-al doilea rĈzboi mondial , activitatea staŗiunii a încetat , subsolurile unor vile de aici fiind folosite pentru depozitarea unor tezaure sau alte valori ce trebuiau ferite din calea ocupanŗilor.

Scurt istoric

În 1883, datĈ fiind valoarea apelor descoperite, la iniŗiativa lui I.C. BrĈtianu –

Historical background I.C. Bratianu (ex prime minister of Romania) and general Dr. N. Popescu Zorileanu are the foundators of this resort. 120 years ago, they established Govora Spa which, at that time, was mainly reserved to treating rheumatism and respiratory diseases. The name of the resort –Govora – is given after the Govora Monastry which is located nearby. Among other benefits, the resort is well known for its mineral water springs. The first springs were discovered as early as the 1870s by local inhabitants. Analyses done by renowned scholars – like A. Bernard: Head of the Chemistry Department of the University of Bucharest, and engineer A. Saligny – showed that these mineral waters had desired therapeutic benefits due to a high concentration of salt and iodine per liter. In 1883, given the therapeutical value of the discovered mineral waters, prime minister I.C. Bratianu initiates a project aimed at developing a balneoclimateric resort in Baile Govora.

Starting in 1910, the ownership of the resort becomes private. A number of hotels and treatment pavilions were then built: Palace Hotel, with 240 rooms, between 1911 and 1914, Balneara Hotel, now called Parc Hotel, in 1938. At the same time, various private entrepreneurs built a number of villas, many of which representing architectural masterpices. Public institutions owned there other accommodation and treatment pavilions, like the Silva Hotel or the Villa of the National Bank. Baile Govora has become famous mainly due to the medical research carried out there by renowned physicians and scholars, from Romania or other European countries (A. Bernard, A. Saligny, Bochet). Surveys carried out by Dr. Zorileanu showed that until 1904, 18900 patients were treated in Govora, 69% of which were healed. During World War II, the therapeutical activity ceased, and the basements of some of the villas were used to deposit national treasures or other valuables in order to prevent them from being stolen.


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Indicatii terapeutice Staŗiunea este recomandatĈ în tratamentul: x

bolilor respiratorii (astm bronûic, bronûite cronice, enfizem pulmonar, pneumopatii microbiene sau virale, rinite, sinuzite, faringite etc.);


bolilor degenerative (spondiloze, artroze, poliartroze);


bolilor reumatice articulare (tendonite, periatrite scapulohumerale);


disfuncŗiilor neurologice periferice ûi centrale (pareze uûoare, sechele dupĈ poliomelite etc.);


disfuncŗionalitĈŗi posttraumatice ûi boli asociate (ginecologice, endocrinologice, cardiovasculare, digestive, urinare etc.).

Complexele balneologice moderne sunt utilitate cu facilitĈŗi pentru bĈi cu ape minerale iodate ûi sulfuroase, pneumoterapii, electroterapii, kinetoterapii, tratamente cu produse apicole etc.

Therapeutic prescriptions The resort is recommended for the treatment of: x

respiratory diseases (bronchial asthama, chronic bronchitis, lung emphysema, microbial or viral pneumopathies, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.);


degenerative diseases (spondylosis, arthrosis, polyarthrosis);


articular rheumatic diseases (tendonitis, tendomyositis, scapulohumeral periarthritis);


peripheral and central neurological disorders (light pareses, sequels after poliomyelitis, etc.);


post-traumatic disorders and certain associated diseases (gynecological, endocrinological, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, etc.).

The modern balneologic establishments are endowed with facilities for baths of warm iodinated and sulphuruos mineral water, pneumotherapy, electrotherapy, kinetotherapy, treatments with apiarian products, etc.


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Factori naturali Staŗiunea Govora prezintĈ o îmbinare fericitĈ a apelor tĈmĈduitoare cu un cadru natural deosebit, cu soare nu tocmai fierbinte, pĈdurea ce curĈŗĈ ûi ozonificĈ aerul, bĈile de aer ûi soare sunt condiŗii minunate pentru recreerea ûi tratarea celor care vin în staŗiune .

Printre calitĈŗile apelor de aici putem enumera: Ape termominerale ûi pe jumatate termale de adâncime (1000 m) clorosodice, bromoiodurate, sulfuroase, de foarte mare concentraŗie (150 gr/l) de utilizat în cure externe;


Ape minerale din izvoare naturale, sulfuroase, bicarbonatate hipotonice de concentratie scĈzutĈ (1.7-2.5 gr/l), de utilizat în cure interne ûi inhalaŗii aerosoli. x

BĈile Govora este singura staŗiune din România unde raportul dintre aeroionii negativi ûi cei pozitivi este egal cu 1. Acest raport confirmĈ faptul cĈ aerul atmosferic, alĈturi de tratamentul medical, contribuie la vindecarea afecŗiunilor respiratorii, situând, din acest punct de vedere, pe locul întâi pe ŗarĈ acest aûezĈmânt balnear.

Natural factors Baile Govora presents a desired blend of healing waters, sun and clean air – mainly due to the neighbouring forest. These natural conditions are ideal for both the treatment and recreation of the visitors of the resort. Moreover, it is the only resort in Romania where the ratio of negative to positive aero ions equals 1. Once again, this particular atmospheric conditions together with adequate medical treatment contribute to the healing of various respiratory diseases, establishing Govora as the top balneoclimateric resort in Romania for treating these diseases.

Some of the features of the local waters: Thermal-mineral waters and halfthermal springs, 1000 m in depth, sodic chlorided, iodine bromided, sulphurous, with high concentrations (150g/l), used in external cures;


Hypotonic mineral waters from natural springs, sulphurous, bicarbonate and with low concentration (1.7 -2.5 g/l), to be used both in internal cures and in aerosols inhalations.



      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Compozitia apelor minerale Govora este una din cele mai bogate staŗiuni în ape iodurate ûi bromurate din Europa. Este unica staŗiune din ŗarĈ în care se aflĈ ape minerale cu o compoziŗie chimicĈ atat de variatĈ. Apele din Govora conŗin pânĈ la 38,3 mg ‰ brom ûi pânĈ la 41,8 mg ‰ iod . Apele concentrate sĈrate sulfuroase sunt ape cu mineralizare mare ajungând pânĈ la 160 g ‰, conŗinând hidrogen sulfurat în concentraŗie mare, pânĈ la 0,350 g ‰. Apele izvoarelor de curĈ internĈ slab mineralizate sunt caracterizate printr-o concentraŗie micĈ de hidrogen sulfurat ûi clor, dar bogate în bicarbonaŗi.

Tipuri de proceduri BĈi calde cu ape minerale iodurate ûi sulfuroase, bĈi cu esenŗĈ de brad, bĈi cu bioxid de carbon, pneumoterapie, aerosoli, electroterapie, hidroelectroterapie, kinetoterapie, masaj, masaj subacval, cure interne cu apa minerala, cura de teren.

Mineral Water Content

Types of Treatment

Govora is among the richest places in iodated and brominated waters in Europe. The resort is also unique in Romania as far as the the variety of the chemical content of the mineral waters is concerned. x The mineral waters contain 38.3‰ mg bromine, and 41.8‰ mg iodine.

Warm baths with mineral waters containing iodine and sulphur, fir essence baths, pneumonia-therapy, mineral waters internal cure, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, Kinetic-therapy, massage, aerosols, rehabilitation gymnastics. There is a welness center where everybody can relax and entertain. The watering and climatic treatments can be used for everybody from children to old people. From over 130 years children with respiratory diseases come here and improve their health and life because this resort has a very long practice supervised by good doctors specialized in pediatrics.


The sulphurous salty waters concentration is 160 g‰ and they contain 0.350g‰ sulphurous hydrogen.


The mineral waters for internal cure have a low concentration of sulphurous hydrogen and chlorine but they are rich in bicarbonates


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Atractii turistice MânĈstirea Govora — (la 3 km de BĈile Govora ûi la 20 de kilometri de Rm. Vâlcea), menŗionatĈ într-un document încĈ din 1488. A fost reziditĈ de Vlad CĈlugarul ûi de Radu cel Mare, iar în sec. XVII, Matei Basarab o restaureazĈ ûi aduce aici o tiparniŗĈ la care s-a imprimat (în 1640) 'Pravila de la Govora', cea mai veche culegere de legi tiparitĈ în Ŗara RomâneascĈ. În timpul lui Constantin Brâncoveanu, complexul monastic a fost amplificat ûi s-a construit biserica actualĈ, care pĈstreazĈ o picturĈ interioarĈ de mare valoare (1711). Are un mic muzeu unde se aflĈ expuse obiecte de arta feudalĈ, vechi manuscrise ûi tipĈrituri, obiecte de cult. MânĈstirea Horezu — Romanii de Jos (la 6 km de Horezu), cel mai important ansamblu de arhitecturĈ religioasĈ din epoca brâncoveneascĈ, un punct culminant al artelor din Ŗara RomâneascĈ în sec. XVII. A fost ridicatĈ de Constantin Brâncoveanu între 1690-1697. Biserica mare este decoratĈ în exterior cu sculpturi în piatrĈ (cu motive

Mânăstirea Horezu / Horezu Monastery

florale), iar pictura interioarĈ are o mare valoare deoarece, pe langĈ scenele religioase, pictorii au realizat ûi o galerie de portrete ale Brâncovenilor, Basarabilor ûi Cantacuzinilor. Legenda spune cĈ, pentru a nu fi surprinûi de turci, constructorii au zidit biserica numai noaptea, când cantau huhurezii (de aici ûi numele). În jurul bisericii au fost ridicate chiliile, casa domneascĈ, turnul-clopotniŗĈ. .

To u r i s t i c A t t ra c t i o n s Govora Monastery — (3 km from Baile Govora and 20 km from Rm. Vâlcea), it was mentioned in a document in 1488. The monastery was rebuilt by Vlad the Monk and by Radu the Great, and in the 17th century, Matei Basarab restored it and brought here a printing press which gave us the 1640 "Pravila de la Govora", the oldest law book printed in Wallachia. Under the rule of Constantin Brancoveanu, the monastery expanded and the present church was built, which preserves a valuable wall painting (1711). The monastery has a small museum with objects of feudal art, old manuscripts and prints, religious objects;

Horezu Monastery — Romanii de Jos (6 km from Horezu), the most important complex of Brâncovenesque religious architecture, apex of 17th century, Wallachian art. It was built by Constantin Brâncoveanu between 1690 and 1697. The big church is decorated on the outside with stone sculptures (with floral motifs), and the internal paintings are very valuable as, along the religious scenes, the painters realised portraits of the Brâncoveanus, the Basarabs and the Cantacuzinos. The legend says that, for fear of the Turks, the craftsmen built only during the night when the owls were hooting (hence the name of the monastery, owl = huhurez). The cells, the voivodal residence and the belfry have been built around the main church.


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Atractii turistice MânĈstirea Cozia — (la 2 km de CĈlimaneûti ûi la 20 km de Rm. Vâlcea), unul dintre cele mai valoroase monumente de arhitecturĈ din sec. XIV ûi un punct de plecare pentru arhitectura de influenŗĈ bizantinĈ în Ŗara RomâneascĈ. Biserica mare a fost ziditĈ între 1386-1388 de Mircea cel BĈtrân ûi atrage atenŗia prin eleganŗĈ ûi armonia proporŗiilor, bogĈŗia de ornamentaŗii ûi excepŗionala valoare a picturii. Aici se aflĈ mormântul lui Mircea cel BĈtrân, unul dintre cei mai glorioûi

voievozi din istoria poporului român, precum ûi mormântul Teofanei, mama lui Mihai Viteazul. Bisericuŗa bolniŗei (în stânga ûoûelei), denumitĈ ûi « giuvaier al veacului XVI» (datoritĈ personalitĈŗii ûi execuŗiei) a fost ridicatĈ de Radu Paisie în 1543. Deŗine un valoros muzeu de artĈ religioasĈ, ce include ûi vechi tipĈrituri ûi manuscrise, obiecte de podoabĈ.

MânĈstirea «Dintr-un lemn» —

Frânceûti (la 10 km de BĈile Govora ûi la 27 km de Rm. Vâlcea), întemeiatĈ la sfârsitul sec. XVI ûi începutul sec. XVII. Conform legendei, biserica a fost realizatĈ dintr-un singur trunchi de stejar, de Preda Brâncoveanu, între 1634-1635. Pereŗii interiori ai bisericii au fost pictati între 1714-1716, picturi care se pastreazĈ ûi astĈzi. .

Mânăstirea Dintr-un Lemn / Dintr-un Lemn Monastery

To u r i s t i c A t t ra c t i o n s Cozia Monastery — (2 km away from Calimanesti and 20 km from Rm. Vâlcea), one of the most valuable architectural monuments of the 14th century and a starting point for the Byzantine style in Wallachia. The main church was built between 1386-1388 by Mircea the Older and draws attention with the harmony of proportions, rich ornamentation and exceptionally valuable paintings. It hosts the grave of Mircea the Elder, one of the most glorious voivodes in history of the Romanians, as well as the grave of Teofana, Michael the Brave's mother. The smaller church (on the left side of the road), also called « jewel of the 16th century» (due to the proportions and fine execution) was built by Radu Paisie in

1543. The monastery has an valuable museum of religious art, old prints, manuscripts, jewelry.

7KH:RRGHQMonastery  Frânceûti (10 km from Baile Govora and 27 km from Rm. Vâlcea), was founded at the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century. According to the legend, the church was made of only one oak by Preda Brancoveanu between 1634-1635. The church internal walls were painted between 1714-1716; the paintings still exist today. The Salt Mine - 18 km far from Baile Govora. In the salina there are special places you can visit and entertain: church, museum, bars, restaurant, souvenir shops, different sport fields: football, ping-pong and basketball.


      Str.Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 75-77 Baile Govora, Jud. Vâlcea Tel.: +40 250-770460 Fax: +40 250-770800 [email protected]

Sarbatori folclorice si etnografie i„Cocoûul de Hurez”- târg al olarilor care se organizeazĈ anual în prima duminicĈ din luna iunie – include ûi „Memorialul Vicûoreanu”;

i„Învârtita Dorului”- nedee pĈstoreascĈ - se organizeazĈ anual în a treia duminicĈ a lunii iunie , la Vaideeni;

i„SĈrbĈtoarea CĈpûunilor”- se organizeazĈ anual la Buneûti în luna iunie;

i„Florile Govorei” – festival de muzicĈ ce se organizeazĈ în ultima sĈptĈmânĈ din luna iulie în oraûul BĈile Govora;

i„Cântecele Oltului” – festival de muzicĈ popularĈ ce se organizeazĈ anual în prima sĈptĈmânĈ a lunii august la CĈlimĈneûti ûi Rm. Vâlcea. În acest festival se integreazĈ ûi târgul de artĈ popularĈ „ Lada de zestre”;

iFestivalul Naŗional de Creaŗie ûi

Interpretare: „Chitara de Argint” 15 – 17 mai, Rm. Vâlcea;

iFestivalul „La Izvorul Fermecat”, dialog al artei culte cu tradiŗia popularĈ, anual, în ultima duminicĈ din august, la BĈbeni. Principalul centru etnografic al judeŗului este Horezu (la 35 km de Rm. Valcea), cunoscut ca unul dintre cele mai reprezentative centre de ceramicĈ din România, cu expoziŗie etnograficĈ permanentĈ ûi târguri tradiŗionale. Meûterii locali produc ceramicĈ de calitate superioarĈ, cu o frumoasĈ decoraŗie. Ei lucreazĈ în special strachini ûi farfurii ûi folosesc o gamĈ largĈ de culori ûi de motive decorative. Alte centre: Vaideeni (renumit pentru ŗesĈturi ûi port tradiŗional popular), BĈrbĈteûti (cusut, ŗesut, cojocĈrit).

Folk festivals and ethnography i "The Cock from Horezu" annual pottery fair, in Horezu, on the first Sunday of June;

i "Invartita Dorului" Romanian Round Dance Festival, in Vaideeni village, on the third week of June;

i "Govora`s Flowers" Folklore Festival, in Govora, every July;

i "The Strawberry` Celebration

Festival" in Bunesti, every June;

i “The River Olt Songs”, folk music festival on the first week of August, at CĈlimĈneûti and Rm Vâlcea; the “Dowry drawer”, a traditional art fair, is also part of this festival;

i "The Silver Guitar" National Festival of music composition and interpretation, 15-17 May in Râmnicu Vâlcea;

i “The Wonder Spring” Festival, a combination of cultured and popular art and tradition, on the last Sunday of August, in Babeni. The main ethnographical centre of the county is Horezu (35 km from Rm. Valcea), place known as one of the most representative pottery centre in Romania, hosting a permanent ethnographical exhibition and traditional fairs. The local craftsmen produce pottery of high quality, beautifully adorned. You can make yourself pots and plates because local craftsmen organize workshops and they learn you how to decorate them using their pottery tools. They mainly create pots and plates and use a large range of decorations and colours. Other centres: Vaideeni (famous for textures and traditional folk costume); Barbatesti (sewing, weaving, sheepskin coats).






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