T he Trea tment Treatment – A one or two page document that clearly outlines all aspects of a proposed production. Used to pitch and obtain backing from investors. Should be: Relatively Brief Specifically Detailed Concise Effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Co ncept Who is the artist/network you are working for? What kind of product have you chosen to develop? (brief outline)
Au dience
Who is your target audience? What do you know about them? (Reference Research) How will you appeal to them?
Th e Ar tis t/St yle and Form Discuss the artists image and how you will represent them.
Mise en Scene Cinematography/Editing Magazine/DVD/Film Synergy? Genre Conventions
Justify all choices in relation to band and audience. Will you be endorsing a traditional reading or challenge the established approach to the artist/genre? Why/why not?
Te chnolo gy Use What kind of technology will you be using
Filming Editing Magazine/DVD production?
How will you exploit the technology available to you to your advantage? (What clever things do you have planned?)
Logist ics Specifically Where/When/Who will you film? What kind of permissions, planning, organisation will you need to consider to make sure your production is successful?