Back To School Newsletter 06

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  • Words: 903
  • Pages: 2
Eldon R-I School District September, 2006 Volume 1, Issue 1


Jodi Tompkins, PD4ETS [email protected]

Eldon teaching, reaching (recognizing, recruiting), educating all technological students Eldon Technology Reaching Educators And Teaching Students

Start of a New Year Inside this issue:

Technology Integration/ Inquiry Based Learning


Evaluating Websites


eTips and tricks




Welcome Back! I just wanted to introduce myself as the new lead technology instructor. My name is Jodi Tompkins; I am married to Dennis Tompkins and I have a 6 year old daughter named Libby Cochran. I have a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Arts Technology and Management from Central Missouri State University. I am certified in business education and have a master’s degree in secondary school administration. I come to Eldon from Jefferson City Public Schools. While in that capacity, I was the Instructional Technology Coordinator. I concentrated on as-

sisting teachers and staff in developing inquiry based teaching strategies and technology integration. Last year I joined the PD4ETS program (Professional Development for Educational Technology Specialists), which is a program offered by eMINTS. Basically the program is a train-thetrainer in instructional technology. Prior to working in Jefferson City, I taught 7th and 8th graders at Sedalia School District #200 as well as being an adjunct instructor for State Fair Community College. My final year in Sedalia, I was the Assistant Technology Coordinator.

I am very excited about returning to my hometown of Eldon to help instill a valuable learning experience in the lives of our students and teachers through the use of technology.

• Are you looking for

ways to integrate the technology you have into your classroom practices? This publication will provide educators with ideas and best practices to integrate technology into their curriculum. Any suggestions, please email those to Jodi Tompkins.

Technology Integration/Inquiry Based Learning In future issues of this newsletter, this section will spotlight technology integration and/or inquiry based learning strategies. Topics could include, but not limited to, current research, teaching tips, helpful websites, management ideas, or lesson planning.

Many teachers are faced with the challenges of integrating technology using only one or two computers. The following websites include ideas on how to maximize the effectiveness of the one computer classroom.

101 Activities for the OneComputer Classroom The One-Computer Classroom One Computer Classroom The One Computer Classroom

Page 2


Volume 1, Issue 1

Evaluating Websites Many of us don’t have the time or desire to sit in front of a computer for hours upon end just to find a good website to use with our students. Well this section is for you. In each newsletter, I will highlight websites of interest that have been used or proven to be an effective tool within the classroom. You will also receive tidbits of information in regards to determining which websites are considered valid and ones that you should steer clear from.

As we all know, anyone at anytime can post information on the web. That is why it is vital to evaluate those sites prior to letting students visit them. It is also wise to limit students from doing random searches. Sometimes it is difficult to determine which sites are valid and which are being used to promote someone’s agenda. For example: If you were to have your students type in a google search of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the results returned

several websites including: they would actually be exposed to a websited dedicated to hatred toward MLK. Another example is This takes you to Dihydrogen Monoide Research page. What exactly is Dihydrogen Momoxide? It is water. This page is a hoax. So over the course of the year, look for this section to provide you with safe sites to visit and use.

eTips and Tricks “This section will give you tips and tricks to help save you time.”

Have you ever wondered how someone can take an idea and recreate it on the computer in a matter of minutes. Well, they are probably using keyboard shortcuts. By using a combination of keys while typing, you can cut, copy, paste, and select text without ever touching your mouse.

This section will give you tips and tricks to help save you time and make you more efficient. Using the keyboard to select all text at once, you would use the command Ctrl + A. This means your hold the control key down while tapping the A. To copy the text you have just

selected, you would use the combination of Ctrl + C. To cut the text, you would use Ctrl + X. To paste the selection, you would use Ctrl + V. These are just a few of the tips and tricks you will learn in this section.

eStars Wonder what others are doing in their classrooms? In this section I will be highlighting teachers who are integrating technology into their curriculum as well as displaying student work. Please feel free to contact me to let me know what great things are happening in your classrooms. You

Eldon R-I School District

may email me at: Jodi [email protected]

by using technology in the classroom. This is a great way to get the word out to others and share our ideas.

Feel free to let me know what you are doing as well as those around you. Let’s not forget our students and the wonderful things they are accomplishing

We’re on the web at:

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