Bab Ipendahuluan Bahasa Ingg.docx

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  • Words: 1,359
  • Pages: 4
BAB IPENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Oil palm (elaesis) is an important plantation crop producing food oil, industrial oil, and biofuels. To increase palm oil production activities are carried out by expansion of plantations, rehabilitation of existing gardens and intensification. Oil palm farming companies in Indonesia consist of private plantation companies, State plantations and smallholder plantations (kemenpan, 2008). Their plantations produce large profits so that many forests and old plantations are converted into oil palm plantations. Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world. In Indonesia the distribution is in the Aceh region, the east coast of Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi (Andrew, 2012). According to the Ministry of Industry (2007), the Palm oil plantation industry and the palm oil industry are one of the strategic industries, because they are related to the agricultural sector ( agro-based-industry ) which is widely developed in tropical countries like Indonesia. The presence of oil palm plantations economically has given great hope to the owners of capital. The expansion of sawitterus coconut plantations is increasing. Unbridled expansion where forests, agricultural land, and even beaches are exploited into oil palm plantations. To date, North Sumatra has recorded oil palm plantations of around 600,000 ha with a total labor of 132,000 workers. The general development of oil palm plantations has always been accompanied by the construction of palm oil mills located in plantations as well as strategic areas of oil palm plantations. The stages of development of oil palm plantations begin with land preparation (feasibility studies), land clearing, breeding, planting and harvesting (Kemenlh, 2007). While oil palm oil mills generally consist of transporting fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from factory gardens, weighing parts, loading ramps, cooking / boiling and sterilization parts, fruit release from bunches and pulverization, digestion parts, press section to squeeze palm oil, part of palm oil settlement (clarifitation), palm kernel section (Kemenlh, 2007). Industrial competition including the increasingly strict oil palm plantation industry requires companies to optimize all sources power possessed in producing high quality products. The quality of products produced is inseparable from the role of human resources (HR) owned by the company. Production factors in the company such as capital, machinery, and materials can be useful if it has been processed by HRDM. HR as a workforce can not be separated from problems related to safety and health while working. Safety and health of workers depends on interactive relationships that affect performance

namely work capacity, workload and additional burden from the work environment. Oil palm plantation workers are generally low educated and are closed because they live in homes provided by plantation companies. Plantations living in rural areas are difficult to access health services (KPS, 2009). Plantation can be considered as a closed community, so that health efforts must be carried out must be adjusted with the characteristics of such communities, in the sense of organizing themselves to meet their own needs. These businesses include preventive and curative fields regarding general illness, accidents and workrelated illnesses. To prevent work-related illnesses, ways of prevention that are tailored to the types of hazards must be taken according to his work. For this reason, the best prevention program has been prepared (Suma'mur, 1996). B. Problem Formulation The industry of oil palm plantations and the sawitterus coconut oil industry is developing in Indonesia. The development of this industry can absorb plantation labor, which in turn can reduce unemployment in Indonesia. The quality and quantity of products produced from industry cannot be separated from the role of the human resources (HR) that the company has. Good human resources are healthy human resources that will eventually become productive workers. Based on the background above, the problem is formulated in this paper as follows; What is the process and role of occupational health in the oil palm plantation industry and palm oil industry? C. Purpose of Writing a. To find out work processes and potential hazards in field work in the oil palm plantation industry. B. To find out the work processes and potential hazards of factory work in the palm oil industry. c. To find out the role of occupational health in the plantation and industrial industries of palm oil. D. Benefits of Writing a. Provide information about work processes and the potential dangers of field work in the oil palm plantation industry. B. Provide information about potential processes and hazards in factory work in the palm oil industry. C. Providing information about the role of occupational health in the palm oil industry and industry.

Formulation of the problem 1. Based on the background above, there are several things which formulate the problem, namely as follows. What is the Occupational Safety and Health System at a Palm Oil Mill, 2. How to implement the Occupational Safety and Health System at the Palm Oil Mill, 3. What work equipment is used to create a safe and healthy workplace, 4. How a work accident can occur, 5. How are efforts to deal with accidents that occur on the spot . 4 work, and 6. how company policies and supervision in the K3 field.

BAB II FILL IN Occupational safety and accident problems are generally the same as old people. Likewise work safety begins since humans work. Early humans experienced work accidents, and from it developed knowledge about how to prevent recurrence of accidents Safety and occupational health systems called SMK3 are part of the overall management system which includes: organizational structure, planning, responsibility answers, implementation, procedures, processes and resources needed for the development, implementation, achievement, assessment, and maintenance of OSH policies in order to control risks related to work in order to create safe, efficient and productive workplaces. The philosophy of occupational safety and health (K3 ) is a thought and effort to ensure the integrity and perfection of both physical and spiritual labor force in particular and humans in general, the results of work safety are salvation related to the machine work and culture towards a society that is fair and prosperous. aircraft, work tools, materials and processing, the foundation of workplaces and their environment and ways of doing work. Where the target work safety is all workplaces, whether on land, in the ground, on the surface of the water, in the water, or in the air. Work accidents are accidents related to work relations, including diseases arising from work relationships, as well as accidents that occur on the way depart from home to work and go home through ordinary or normal roads. work optimally, including health services to prevent occupational diseases. It is stated that health work is carried out to realize productivity The maximum implementation of work productivity is needed by supporting factors, including the health of workers. The objectives of the implementation of occupational health efforts in an industry include for the welfare of life and increasing production and productivity with the main goal being: 6 Protect workers for their safety rights in carrying out work Ensure the safety of every other person in the workplace Maintain and use

production sources safely and efficiently. Juridical aspects of occupational safety and health are work efforts and protect the safety of everyone who enters the workplace, as well as protection for the safety of workers in carrying out work on the premises Judging from the legal aspects of K3 is a safeguard for safety. safety and occupational health (K3) is the science and application of preventing workrelated accidents and diseases. The implementation of K3 is translated into a work safety and health management system called SMK3 in relation to conditions and situations in Indonesia, work safety is the main means of disease prevention. disability and death caused by illness due to work relationships. Good work safety is the gateway to labor security. Safety and health policy is a basic component of management policy that will give direction to every consideration concerning the operational aspects of the quality, labor and labor relations in carrying out work in the workplace and protecting safety used safely and efficiently, when viewed from the technical effects of K3 is everyone's knowledge who entered the workplace, and so source of production can be knowledge and application to prevent work accidents and work-related diseases

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