Bab 7

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 606
  • Pages: 3
Bab 7 Review (Tinjaun Singkat) Bab ini menggunakan sebuah tes pendek untuk menguji sejumlah hal yang telah kamu pelajari. Jika kamu masih membuat kesalahan, pelajarilah buku ini sekali lagi dan amatilah kunci jawaban pada halaman lampiran. Bab ini akan diakhiri dengan perjalanan ke restoran dan belajar bagaimana memesan makanan. Cobalah isi titik-titik di bawah ini dengan pilihan jawaban yang tertera. Jika kamu tidak yakin, cocokkan jawaban kamu dengan kunci jawaban. •

The children in that class ____ nine years old. is have are has

How ____ you go to work? do does are is

________ people live in your city? How more How many How much Where

He doesn't have ______ money. many some a lot any

_____________ to go to a film tonight? Would you like Do you like Like you Are you want

We have our English lesson ____ Tuesday. at in on to

Let’s meet ____ four o'clock. in on at to

He is married. The name of _____ wife is Maria. he him her his

They live in ______ apartment in Semarang. a the an one

Yes, I would like ________ chocolates over there. theses this those that

Unit 1 Ordering Food in a Restaurant (Memesan Makanan di Restoran) Salah satu tugas paling penting dalam bahasa Inggris adalah memesan makanan ketika kamu pergi ke restoran. Ada bentuk-bentuk dasar dan pertanyaan mendasar, demikian juga kosa-kata makanan yang dapat kamu gunakan di tempat di mana orang-orang berbicara bahasa Inggris. Lihatlah Menu ini. Starters Chicken Soup Salad

$2.50 $3.25

Sandwiches - Main Course Ham and cheese Tuna Vegetarian Grilled Cheese Piece of Pizza Cheeseburger Hamburger deluxe Spaghetti

$3.50 $3.00 $4.00 $2.50 $2.50 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50

Drinks Coffee Tea Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, etc.

$1.25 $1.25 $1.75

Bacalah dialog di bawah ini. Waiter : Hello, Can I help you? Kim : Yes, I’d like to have some lunch. Waiter : Would you like a starter? Kim : Yes, I’d like a bowl of chicken soup, please. Waiter : And what would you like for a main course? Kim : I’d like a grilled cheese sandwich. Waiter : Would you like anything to drink? Kim : Yes, I’d like a glass of Coke, please. Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.: Can I bring you anything else? Kim : No thank you. Just the bill.

Waiter : Certainly. Kim :I don’t have my glasses. How much is the lunch? Waiter : That's $6.75. Kim : Here you are. Thank you very much. Waiter : You're welcome. Have a good day. Kim : Thank you, the same to you. (lihatlah terjemahan dialogini pada halaman lampiran) Perhatikan bagaimana pelayan (waiter) bertanya: What would you like? Dan Kim menjawab: I'd like ... “Would like” adalah bentuk sopan ketika bertanya dan memesan. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini. Waiter : Hello, Can I ask _____ you? Kim : Yes, _______ to have some lunch. Waiter : ______ a starter? Kim : Yes, I’d like a bowl of chicken soup, ______ Waiter : And what ______ for a main course? Kim : I’d like a grilled cheese sandwich. Waiter : Would you like ______ to drink? Kim : Yes, I’d like a glass of Coke, please. Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.: Can I bring you anything else? Kim : No thank you. Just the _____ Waiter : Certainly. Kim :I don’t have my glasses. _____ is the lunch? Waiter : That’s $6.75. Kim : _________ Thank you very much. Waiter : You’re _____ Have a good day. Kim : Thank you, the _______ (cocokkan jawabanmu dengan kunci jawabanmu pada halaman lampiran)

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