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Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) Programme



Table of Contents Faculty Vision: .............................................................................................................. 3 Faculty Message: ......................................................................................................... 3 Curriculum and teaching methods at the Faculty of Pharmacy:.................. 3 Degree that is currently granted by the faculty: .............................................. 3 Programme for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm): .............. 3 General and Basic modules for Pharmacy .......................................................................... 5 Department of Pharmacology Modules ............................................................................ 52 Department of Pharmacognacy Modules .......................................................................... 79 Department of Pharmaceutics Modules ............................................................................ 88 Department of Clinical Pharmacy Modules .................................................................... 112 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Modules ........................................................ 130 Elective Modules ........................................................................................................... 150 Table for B. Pharm Programme (Table-1) ...................................................................... 168


Faculty Vision: To acquire skills and achieve global standards in the field of pharmaceutical education and scientific research and development capabilities of innovation and development and to adapt to each service's goals for the pharmaceutical sector in all areas.

Faculty Message: The Faculty of Pharmacy at Umm Al-Qura University is established on the basis of an education programme which has been prepared at the highest levels for graduate pharmacists and experienced professionals, to achieve an effective role in the areas of health care and manufacturing medicines, analysis and quality control. The programme gives graduates the necessary foundations for the development of pharmaceutical information and update standards for the exercise of the profession of pharmacy achieve optimal use of medicine and use it and rationalise consumption so as to reach the best level of health of Saudi society and these can be achieved by: 1. Education, training and maintaining the specialised pharmacists graduate of a high level of skill and to transfer, innovate and deal with the modern information based on research evident in the pharmaceutical sciences, social and clinical, to improve and facilitate the form of life through good health of the community. 2. Modernise and develop pharmacy practice. 3. Establish exclusive programmes containing scientific and professional education to student who will be the efficient and effective pharmacist. 4. Granting the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy, which makes the student able to understand the basic of pharmacy education. 5. Graduate qualified students with granted intensive pharmaceutical information and sciences related to pharmacy, and giving skills in scientific research to perform their role in higher education, government services, manufacturing medicine and health care. 6. Grant programmes in the optimal use of medicine, rationalize consumption and avoid its adverse effects. 7. Establishment and development of research programmes access to recent research objectives that correspond to the strategy and meet the needs of health care in the community as a whole, and also meet the skills required for the practice pharmacists and other health disciplines. 8. Develop a sense of responsibility and professional ethics and continuing education pharmacist.

Curriculum and teaching methods at the Faculty of Pharmacy: Language of teaching is English. Teaching method at faculty of pharmacy at Umm Al-Qura University is based and applied on latest scientific techniques in teaching.

Degree that is currently granted by the faculty: Faculty of Pharmacy currently grants a bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm). Duration of study: five years. Studying system: two semesters annually.

Programme for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm): Duration of the study for programme B. Pharm is five years, two semesters annually. Total modules of the degree is 178 credit hours (Table 1), in addition to the 640-hour summer training that is applied after the third and fourth academic years.


Table-1: Total credit hours for a Pharm D. degree. Graduation requirements Number of units

Percentage (%)

University requirements



English Language









Fundamental Pharmaceutical Sciences Specialist Pharmaceutical Sciences Total

There are five departments at the faculty which provide high quality teaching at all the programme's levels. These departments provide the proper modules for B. Pharm programme at Umm Al-Qura University as will be described on the following sections. These departments are: 1. Department of Pharmacology 2. Department of Pharmacognosy 3. Department of Pharmaceutics 4. Department of Clinical Pharmacy 5. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy General and Basic modules for Pharmacy

2008 5

Approach to Medical Sciences Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level:

1000101 6+2=8 First Year

I - Biochemistry Part Description:

Chemistry is the study of composition of substances and the changes that undergo. It is the branch of science concerned with the properties, structure, and composition. and their reactions with one another. There are many divisions in chemistry such as general, analytical, physical, organic and biochemistry. I. Organic Chemistry Organic chemistry is defined as the chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Important areas of organic chemistry include polymerization, hydrogenation, summarisation, and stereochemistry. Topics to be covered include: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic. hydrocarbons, stereoisomerism, halogen compounds, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and nitrogen compounds. The role of active groups of compounds will be pointed out to demonstrate their clinical importance in designing drugs for diseases. II General Chemistry Chemistry is one of the fundamental physical sciences dealing with the structure and properties of matter, along with changes that matter undergoes. The course will cover the basic principles of chemistry. Topics will include measurements, units, atoms, moles, Density, specific gravity and their relations to urine analysis. Atomic weight and molecular formulas and their relations to the calculation of drugs dose. III Analytical Chemistry It is a collection of techniques that allows exact laboratory determination of the composition of a given sample of material. In qualitative analysis all the atoms and molecules present are identified, with particular attention to trace elements. In quantitative analysis the exact weight of each constituent is obtained as well. Types of solutions will be studied and their clinical use as intravenous solution will be highlighted such as normal saline and dextrose. IV Physical Chemistry This branch deals with qualitative (observational) information in quantitative terms. The most important concepts of physical chemistry include: the interpretation of atomic and molecular structure, the study of fundamental particles of matter, application of thermodynamics and the various energy demands in diseases such as cystic fibrosis and hypothyroidism. V Biochemistry Biochemistry is the study of the molecules and. their chemistry in 6

reactions that facilitate the processes in a living system. Biochemists study the elements, compounds and chemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes and take place in all living organisms. It is focused on the structure and function of cellular components of bimolecular, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Health depends on. a harmonious balance of biochemical reactions occurring in the body, and disease reflects abnormalities in bimolecules (e.g. diabetes, atherosclerosis , Gout). The role of enzymes will also be thought in diagnosis of diseases such as that of liver, cardiac and muscle. Objectives:

To gain an understanding of the principles of chemistry as they apply to living organisms. -To understand the scientific method as it pertains to biochemistry -To understand the roles of biomolecules in living organisms. -To understand the role of biochemistry in modem biotechnology, molecular genetics, health and disease (medicine). -To develop basic laboratory skills and techniques for the study of biochemistry and laboratory medicine.


I. Organic Chemistry Lecture 1: Introduction to the course Lecture 2: - Definition, Classification of Organic Compounds; Functional Groups; Rules for Naming the Organic Compounds Lecture 3: - Principles of Organic Chemical Reactions Lecture 4: - Chiral Compounds, Optical Activity, Difference between Chirality and Optical Activity, Types of Stereoisomers. Lecture 5: - Chemical Reactivity, Types of Chemical Transformations in cells. The role of active groups in drugs. II- General Chemistry Lecture 6 : - International System of Units (metric system), Significant figures, precision and accuracy. Lecture 7 :- The Mole - Avogadro’s number. Lecture 8 - Atomic number, Atomic weight. Empirical and Molecular formulas and their relations to the calculation of drugs dose. Ill- Analytical Chemistry Lecture 9: Classification of Particles, Types of Solution, Solubility and Expressions of Concentration, Percentage Composition. Lecture 10: Molarity, Normality, Molality, Osmolarity, Parts per million, Parts per billion, Mole Fractions, Ionic Strength and their relations to blood chemistry e.g. blood bicarbonate Lecture 11: -Arrhenius, Bronsted and Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases. Self- ionization of water, pH concept, pH of biological fluids as blood plasma, interstitial fluid, saliva and urine. Acid and Base ionization constants, pKa and pKb 7

Lecture 13 : Buffer Solutions ( e.g. phosphate buffer, acetate buffer, bicarbonate buffer). Blood Buffers and the major roles of the kidneys in blood buffering; sodium bicarbonate reabsorption, acid. excretion and ammonia secretion. Acidosis and Alkalosis (respiratory and metabolic). III- Physical Chemistry Lecture 14: - Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy, Concept of first and second law of hermodynamics. Lecture 15: - The Gibbs free energy, the standard free energy, energy and maximum work, The various energy demand e.g Cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism. IV- Biochemistry 1- Lipids of Physiological Significance: Lecture 16: Definition, Biomedical importance, Classification of Fatty Acids. Physical and Chemical Properties of Fatty Acids, Isomerism of Fatty Acids. Prostaglandins. Lecture 17: Structures, Physical and Chemical Properties of triacylglycerols, and Waxes. Lecture 18: Compound Lipids, Structure and Functions of Phospholipids. Lecture 19: Structure and Functions of Glycolipids, Structure and Functions of Lipoproteins. Steroids and Sterols, lipid Peroxidation. Clinical Correlations: Lysosomal storage diseases, Lipid storage disease. 2- Carbohydrates of Physiological Significance: Lecture 20 : Definition, Biomedical Importance. Classification of carbohydrates - Structures, Physical and Chemical properties of Monosaccharides. Lecture 21: Isomerism in glucose. Lecture 22 : Structures of Disaccharides, Functions of Disaccharides Lecture 23 : Structare of Polysaccharicles, Functions of polysaccharides. Clinical Aspects: Glycogen storage diseases, Lysosomal storage diseases. Lecture 24: Properties and structure of amino acids, Ionization of the basic structure, pKa values for amino and carboxylic acid groups attached to central carbon, Classification of amino acids, isoelectric point of amino acids and peptide bonds. Lecture 25: The composition of protein. The size of proteins, differences in size, form basis of separation by gel filtration. The charge of proteins ,determined by their amino acid composition and exploited as a basis of their separation e.g., ion-exchange, electrophoresis. Denaturation. Classification of proteins according to biological functions. Lecture 26: Amino acid sequence of polypeptide chains can be 8

determined. Large proteins must be sequenced in smaller segments. Cleaving the polypeptide chain. Sequencing of peptides. Ordering peptide fragments. Lecture 27: Amino acid sequence is primary structure of a peptide or protein, secondary structure (alpha helix , beta-sheet and beta-turn), tertiary structure, quaternary structure, globular protein and fibrous protein. Clinical correlation of amino acids: Aminoacidurias,Tyrosinemias alcaptonuria and Maple syrup urine disease. Albumin, urea, creatinine, uric acid to assess kidney function. 4- Enzymes: Lecture 28 : General featuies of enzymes, mechanism of enzyme action. Classes of enzymes. Introduction to Coenzymes. Lecture 29: Enzyme kinetics, Micbaelis - Menten Equation, Lineweaver-Burk Plot. Factors-affecting rate of reaction. Calculation of Km and Vmax for one substrate and two substrate reactions are related to clinical analysis of enzymes in body fluids. Lecture 30: Enzyme inhibitors. Reversible Inhibitors and irreversible inhibitors. Competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors. Regulation enzyme activity. Allosteric enzyme regulation. Covalent modification by phosphorylation. Enzymes in clinical diagnosis: Liver function tests, Cardiac enzymes. Practical:

1. Introduction to the Biochemistry Lab; Eva fuation methods; Lab conduct, Safety precautions. 2. Introduction to the commonly used instruments in the laboratory. 3. Containers: Glassware, Plastics, Metals, Disposables 4. Identification of organic compounds (Alcohols, ,Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters). 5. Identification of organic compounds (Phenol ,Ethers, Halides). 6. Preparation of solutions (Weighing of solids, Measuring liquid volumes). 7. Preparation of solutions (Expression of Concentrations: Molar, Norma!, Percent solutions). 8. Acid — Base Titration - (I). 9. Acid — Base Titration - (II). 10. Properties of Buffers. 11. Preparation of Buffers 12. Qualitative analysis of lipids (Grease Stain, Copper acetate, Unsaturation, Cholesterol). 13. Mechanistic Principles of Qualitative Identification of Carbohydrates-1. 14. Mechanistic Principles of Qualitative Identification of Carbohydrates-2. 15. Ionic properties of amino acids. 9

16. Protein size and separation (Gel Chromatography). 17. Enzyme activity. References:

1. Biochemical Methods: A concise guide for students and researchers. Pingoud, C. Urbanke, J. Hoggett, A. Jeitsch. Wily-VCH VertagG.mbH, Wernhe 2002 ISBN: 3-527-30299-9 2. Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Keith Wilson, John Walker (2005). Cambridge University Press 3. Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Procedures Correlations (5th edition, 2004) ML. Bishop, MT(ASCP), CLS(NCA), E. P. Fody, L.E. Schoeff, MT(ASCP ISBN: 0781746116 4. Biochemistry Extended Chapters 1-34 Lubert Stryer, John L. Tymoczko, Jeremy Mark Berg, 2002 5. Biochemistry Laboratory: Modern Theory and Techniques Rodney F. Bayer, 2005

II - Physiology Part Objectives:

At the completion of these physiology courses, students are expected to be able to: 1. Recognize the role and basic underlying principles of the different body systems in regulating the internal environment. 2. Explain how different body systems achieve their functions and how these functions are regulated and interrelated. 3. List the normal values of important physiological parameters and interpret such values when given. 4. Predict the e of disease processes on the normal functions and how the body responds & compensates for such disturbances. 5. Acquire preliminary skills in using laboratories and bedside techniques commonly encountered in clinical practice.


Lecture NO.1: •

Introductory lecture Definition of physiology.

The relationship between Man & his environment so as to identify the place of human physiology in the study of medicine as a health & social science.

The functional organization of the organ systems of the human body in order to develop a holistic approach to the study of medicine.

Lecture NO.2: 10

The structure & function of the animal (human) cell.

Lecture NO.3: •

The specialized organdies in eukaryotic cells and their physiology.

Lecture NO.4: •

Physiological review of cyto skeleton.

Lecture NO.5: •

The cell junctions and their role in transport. desmosomes, tight and gap junctions.

Lecture NO.6: •

The membrane concept.

The biological membranes as lipid bilayers , & the membrane proteins and their function.

Lecture NO.7: •

De of the control systems & their properties.

The components of the control systems.

Definition of homeostasis.

The concepts of the internal environment & its constancy as an important condition for normal health.

Lecture NO.8: •

The regulation of body temperature.

The thermal balance, & the related abnormalities such as fever, heat stroke, & heat exhaustion.

Lecture NO.9: •

The normal composition of the human subject including , water, proteins ,lipids, & minerals.

Abnormal conditions in relation to disturbances of body fluid & electrolytes i.e.in disease processes, such as dehydration, edema, hyper- & hypo-osmolarity & acid base balance.

Lecture NO.10: •

The basic principles of forces for movements of fluids & electrolytes across the biological membranes.

Lecture NO.11: •

Define the pH & identify the normal range of pH of the body & how it is regulated.

The role and the basic underlying of principles of different body systems in regulating the internal environment.

Lecture NO.12: •

The role of buffers, respiratory, & renal systems in acid - base 11

balance. Lecture NO.13: •

The relationships between the body electrolytes & acid base disturbances.

Lecture NO.14: •

Definition of metabolism (catabolism& anabolism)& the mechanisms. involved in energy consumption.

Lecture NO.15: •

Definition of the basal metabolic rate (BTVfR) & the factors that (affect) or regulate it.

Lecture NO.16: •

Nutrition: Digestion & absorption f lipids

Lecture NO.17: •

Definition and basic properties of the cell receptors.

The regulation of receptor activity.

The receptor organs

The second messenger system.

Lecture NO.18: •

The basic properties of cell membranes which underlie the process of excitation.

Lecture NO.19: •

Ionic basis of the resting membrane & action potentials of the cell membranes, particularly that of the nerve & muscle.

The electrocardiography (ECG), the electromyography (EMG) & the electroencephalography (EEG).

Lecture NO.20: •

Nutrition: Digestion & absorption of carbohydrates.

Lecture NO.21: •

General organization of the nervous system, the motor versus sensory , the autonomic versus somatic & the central versus peripheral nervous systems.

Synaptic transmission.

Lecture NO.22: •

Organization of autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic,& the enteric nervous systems.

Lecture NO.23: •

The sympathetic nervous system ,out flow, neurotransmitters, blockers & its functions. 12

Lecture NO.24: •

The parasympathetic nervous system. out flow , neurotransmitters, blockers & its function.

Lecture NO.25: •

Nutrition: Digestion & absorption of protein.

Lecture NO.26: •

Types of muscles.

The molecular basis of contraction & relaxation of muscle fibers in order to explain the links between the electrical & mechanical events.

Lecture NO.27: •

The microscopic anatomy of the skin & their functional significance.

Lecture NO.28: •

The major physiological functions of the skin including secretory ,protective, sensory absorptive functions & regulation of body temperature.

Lecture NO.29: •

Disorders of the cells & tissues : common causes of tumors, causes of death in malignant disease, compare & contrast the effects of benign & malignant tumors.

Lecture NO.30: • Practical:

Non specific defense mechanisms, cell mediated & acquired immunity, hyper sensitivity & autoimmune diseases.

1. To study the different parts of a compound microscope. 2. To prepare and study a temporary wet mount. 3. To prepare and study a temporary dry mount. 4. To measure macroscopic objects. 5. To measure microscopic objects using stage and oculomicrometer. 6. To measure diameter of different blood cells. 7. To study the structure of a human cell (cheek cell). 8. To study the structure of a plant cell (onion cell). 9. To study the different staining techniques. 10. To study the effect of iso, hypo and hypertonic solutions on the size. of the cells (RBCs) as an example. 11. 11 study the process and rate of diffusion. 12. To observe pupillary light reflexes. 13. To measure the body temperature. 14. To measure the basal metabolic rate. 13

15. Nutrition: Digestion of lipids. 16. To study the different parts of a kymograph. 17. To prepare a nerve muscle, preparation using frog, s sciatic nerve & gastronemius muscle. 18. To record skeletal muscle contraction with the help of a kymograph. 19. Nutrition: Digestion of carbohydrates. 20. To study the effects of stimulation of the autonomic nervous system by determination of the heart rate and pulse rate during rest and after exercise. 21. Nutrition : Digestion of proteins. References:

1. Concise Human Physiology by M.Y. Sukkar et.al. 2. Textbook of Physiology by Elaine & Marieb. 3. Biology by Solomon, Berg, Martin, Villee. 4. Anatomy & Physiology in Health &Illness by Ross & Wilson

III – Human Genetic Part Contents:


Lecture - 1: o The cell. o DNA: the hereditary material composition, structure, replication. o Chromosome structure.

Lecture 2-4: o Types of DNA sequences: Nuclear genes, Extragenic DNA, Mitochondrial DNA. o Transcription: Post-Transcriptional processing. o Translation: transfer RNA, Post-Translational Modeification. o The genetic code: Triplet codons. o Regulation of gene expression: control of transcription, transcriptional factors, post-transcriptional control of gene expression. o RNA-directed DNA synthesis.

Lecture 5-7: o Mutations: Types of mutation, structural effects of mutations on the protein, functional effects of mutations on the protein, genotype-phenotype correlation. o Mutagens and mutagenesis: Mutagens, DNA repair. 14

LECTURES 8-15: CHROMOSOMES AND CELL DIVISION: o Human chromosomes: morphology, classification, the sex chromosomes. o Cell division: Mitosis, the cell cycle, meiosis. o Gameto genesis: Oogenesis, spermatogenesis. o Chromosome abnormalities: Numerical abnormalities, structural o abnormalities, o Mosaicism and chimerism (Mixoploidy).


Approach to Professional Pharmaceutical Sciences Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Description:

1801246 1 Second Year, First Semester The practice Pharmacy is a vital part of a complete health care system. The number of people requiring health care services has steadily increased, and this trend will likely continue. Due to many of society’s changing social and health issues, men and women in pharmacy will face new challenges, expanded responsibilities, and ever increasing growth in opportunities. Some of these issues include increases in average life span and the increased incidence of chronic diseases, the increased complexity number, and sophistication of medication and related products and devices; the increased emphasis on primary and preventive health services, home health care, and long-term care; and concerns about improving patient’s access to health care, controlling its cost, and assuring its quality. Because of the large role that medications and their proper use play throughout these issues, pharmacist will have an important role in the future of health care. As student pass through the years of undergraduate education in faculty of Pharmacy, they are presented with the opinion and viewpoints of dozens of faculty members, the past, the perspective and outlooks of hundreds of article journals, textbooks and the intricacies of thousands- some would say millions- of facts. Sometimes, amidst the cadence f all this information, the student never understands the bigger picture of how all the pieces fit together. The purpose of this course “Approach to Pharmacy profession” is to provide a simple framework, in advance, so that the student will know better what a certain term means or what an issue is all about. During the Pharmacy study program, the student is expected to undergo a process known as professionalization. This can begin only when the student has developed an accurate view of the profession he or she is entering and has come to understand the basic tenets of the profession and critical issues it is now facing. The present course provides basis for the budding pharmacy student. Orientation to pharmacy course is performed; followed by overview on past development including global contribution to pharmacy, present status and prospective tasks. The demand for prescription and nonprescription medications- and for the pharmacists who provide them- has never been greater, but a number of threats to the profession are now clear including: 1- High prices for Pharmaceuticals and wild spreading of life threatening illness created burden for low-level income population to provide required medicine for health care. 2- Medication errors and drug related problems are well documented as massive crises involving the loss of thousands of lives and high compensation paid by medical insurance and pharmacist theoretical could prevent a sizable fraction of these. However conventional pharmacy is not designed, organized, or staffed in such a way that pharmacists can routinely apply themselves to the prevention of medication errors and misadventures. Health official generally do not 16

realize yet that pharmacists could help with such problems, and many physicians discount this possibility. 3- Internet is a very efficient ways to get medication to peoples and it is increasing as service to substitute conventional ways with variable rate and depending on high tech application. This new service reduces the personal, face-to-face contact people have with their pharmacist. Some critics believe this makes medications seem like any other commodity and reduces people’s perceptions of pharmacy as a professional service. Consequently, pharmacists will have to prove beyond any doubt that their services are needed, valued and efficient from cost prospective. This course addressed these challenges in an effort to achieve the ultimate role of the pharmacist in society by assuring appropriate, and the safe use of medication for the prevention, cure, or treatment of disease. In addition the course emphasized possible professional career of Pharmacists including managed care health service, the pharmaceutical industry, academic activities, drug information units and poisonous centers by explaining task and responsibilities. Objectives:

The Pharmacy profession course is designed to acquaint students with the basic principles of pharmacy development as profession over the time. The primary focus of this course is to familiarize students with prototypes for the major Pharmacy major syllabus subjects, goal and developments of pharmaceutical care. This course addressed challenges in an effort to achieve the ultimate role of the pharmacist in society by assuring appropriate, and the safe use of medication for the prevention, cure, or treatment of disease. In addition the course emphasized possible professional career of Pharmacists including managed care health service, the pharmaceutical industry, academic activities, drug information units and poisonous centers by explaining task and responsibilities. The managed care pharmacists often work directly with physician and other care providers to determine which medical treatments, including which drug therapies, are most effective in enhancing patient outcomes. In addition, managed care pharmacist review drug utilization to determine which patients and prescribers are using particular medications. Over all care programs involve disease managements based on pharmacists, physicians and health staff working as team with full coordination for effective achievements. The course covers these aspects by illustrative case presentation and student integrative response.


Lecture – 1: •

Introduction to Pharmaceutical sciences.

Source of Pharmacy knowledge from early days of man existence on globe.

Four sources have been presented with examples.

Lecture – 2: •

Ashorian contribution- Iraq peninsula 3500 BC.



tools 17





pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. •

Egyptian contribution 2200 BC

Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. Egyptian Payrus — Kahun, E. Smith, G. Ebers, Hearst, Erman and Chester Betly.

Lecture – 3: •

Jewish contribution — their accumulated experiences in Ashorian and Egyptian areas. Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations.

Chinese contribution 2900 BC.

Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. Pen Tsao Kang 1578 a Pharmaceutical encyclopedia containing 365 drugs including Ephedra, Gensung etc.

Lecture – 4: •

Indian Contribution 2500 —1500 BC. Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. Samhita Pharmaceutical encyclopedia containing 700 drugs including Rawolfia Serpentina.

Persian contribution 521 to 486 BC. Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. Avesta Pharmaceutical encyclopedia.

Lecture – 5: •

Greek- Latin contribution- Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. Hippocrate, Platon, Aristote, Theophraste, Dicles de Carystos.

Roman contribution- Concept and tools of treatment, implementation of pharmaceutical agents and its formulations. DeRemedica a drug book by Celsus, Materia media of Galinus.

Lecture – 6: •

Arab before Islam- Ibn Hazeim, AiHareth Bin Kelda and others.

Arab in early Islam Women role in ware casualty treatment

Islamic era and Pharmaceutical contribution.

Eastern Muslim term — Umaid Term, abbasaid Term — Uhana Bin Masawai 777 — 857G, Hanian Bin Ishak 809 — 877G, Sabour bin Sahal Al-Kosag 869G, Al-Kiandy 800 —871G. Thabat Bin Qura 859 —90 1G.

Lecture – 7: •

Muslim Golden Term

Ali Bin Sahal Rabin Al-Tabari 775 — 869G, Abu Baker AlRazi 865 932G., Ali Ibn Abbas 360H, Ibn Sina 1037G. 18

Lecture – 8: •

Western Islamic Term contribution to Pharmacy.

Ibn Al-Jazar 920 - 1 005G, Ibn Jalal 976 - 1 009G, Abu Quasses Al-Zahrawy, 936 - 1013G, Overview of Golden achievements by Muslim in Pharmaceutical field including AlHesba.

Lecture – 9: •

Pharmacy requirement of 19 century.

Lecture – 10: •

Pharmacy requirements of the twentieth century- Charles helper declaration for change in Pharmacy profession, Pharmaceutical care as reprofessionalization.

Lecture – 11: •

Criteria for successful professional Pharmacists Pharmacist and drug preparation.

Lecture – 12: •

Pharmacist new responsibilities and skill requirements

Lecture – 13:


Pharmacist New services, Pharmaceutical planning for change.

Opportunities in Pharmacy careers: by Fred B. gable. National textebook Co, Lincoinwood.

Employment outlook for Pharmacist: Us governmental publication, Washington, DC.

Pharmacy Career planning and professional opportunities; edited by Donald Rucker.

Pharmacy career opportunities: communications Inc.

Online Resources:




• http : comletsu This monthly publication provides current drug information in a newsletter format with access to related articles. • http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/pharmacy.html • http ://atsdr.edc. gov/toxfag.html • http://pharminfo. corn


Learning Skills Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Description:

1000112 2 First Year It’s a course designed for first year medical students as well as health sciences students. It is established by Dr.Hani Al-Moallim on 2005. This course is accredited by the college & has a credits hours of (2) units. There will be (8-9) lectures & workshops in the course (2 hours per week) which will be given by INTERNS & SENIOR STUDENTS. The Assessment Methods: 1. Students project (Seminar) : The subject of the presentation is selected by the students and approved by their supervisors. Any scientific topic can be chosen (preferably related to medicine and learning). v The project consists of 3 parts: ü Attendance: Each student must visit the supervising doctor 3 times during the course (in his office or any appropriate place).The time and place of each visit will be determined by the supervisor and his group according to what is appropriate for them. ü Assessment during the course: Each student must be evaluated separately. This evaluation will be carried out during the whole course. ü Assessment of the presentation: Each student must take a part in presenting the material (individual assessment). 2. Exams: There will be one final exam in a form of 40 multiple choice questions (MCQs) at the end of the course (the duration of the exam will be 1 hour). The exam will be open book exam v Marks Distribution: o 60 marks on student project (seminar) during the course. o 40 marks on the final MCQs exam. 3. Attendance : You should attend all the lectures. In Case of being absent more than 20 % (2 lectures), you will not be allowed to attend the final written exam. 4. The References : 20

A lecture-note will be prepared for you to help you answering the MCQs, otherwise : your understanding, participation and interaction with the tutors will be enough.


By the end of this course, first year student should be able: 1. 2. 3. 4.

To adopt the concept of continuous and lifelong learning. To develop independent and deep approach to learning. To know how to study and how to prepare for examinations. To develop and improve his/her skills in notes taking, listening, speed reading, problem solving etc. 5. To acquire basic skills in research and presentations. 6. To know the importance of developing higher mental functions in sensing like: logical thinking ,problem solving, data interpretation, and creativity. 7. To acquire the concept of group work & leadership. 8. To get used to dealing with the teaching staff & senior students.


General Physics (for medical students) Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Description:

403104 2+1=3 First Year, second semester This course is aimed for medical students who have just completed high school. The course is designed to provide basic principles of physics with direct relation to medical applications. The course is based upon (Three teaching units) specified as follows: 1- Two teaching units represented as two lectures per week, each lecture is 50 minutes long. 2- A laboratory unit, composed of ten practical sessions, the duration of each is 3 hours.


The distribution of the course contents on the lectures is shown below: I- Mechanics 1-4 Newton’s laws of motion: force, weight, density, Newton’s first law, Newton’s third law, Newton’s, second law, effective weight, friction. 5-8 Static’s: torque, equilibrium of rigid body, the center of gravity, stability and balance, levers and mechanical advantage, muscles and levers in the body. 9-11 Work, energy and power: work, kinetic and potential energies, dissipative forces, power, scaling laws in physiology 12-14 Fluid mechanics: the manometer, the role of gravity in the circulation, blood pressure measurements using the sphygmomanometer, viscosity, flow in the circulatory system. II Sound: 15-17 sound waves and intensities, the human voice, sound detectors and the human ear, ultrasound principle, limitations and its destructive effects. III Light and Optics: 18-19 wave properties of light: reflection of light, refraction of light and the refractive index, total internal reflection, diffraction and polarization. 20-23 mirrors, lenses and optical systems: mirrors, lenses, image formation, the power of a lens, the simple magnifier, the microscope, the human eye, optical defects of the eye. IV Modern physic: 22

24-28 particle and wave properties of matter: the photon, the wave -particle duality, atomic and nuclear structure, ionizing radiation, X-rays, gamma rays and radioactivity, radiation in medicine; diagnosis and therapy. Practicals:

Experiments associated with the course: 1- Graphs 2- Fine measurements 3- Vectors 4- Levers and pivots 5- Fluid pressure measurements 6- Frequency measurement of a tuning fork using the sonometer. 7- Refraction of light and the prism 8- Thin lenses measurements 9- Detection of ionizing radiation 10- Transmission of radiation


PHYSICS, J WKane & MM Sternhei,n, Wiley, 1988.


Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1805229 2+1=3 Second Year, First Semester 1. Understanding of the basic biochemistry of body constituents including structure, function and classification of the major biomolecules; roles of receptors and hormones; the principle metabolic pathways and the basis of their regulation and connections; the nature of information transfer methods; 2. Abilities in the areas of observation and measurement of biochemical compounds and processes; assessment and integration of biochemical information as it relates to desired and unwanted effects produced by therapeutic drugs 3. An appreciation of integrated biochemical and physiological functions,






perturbations as they affect bodily functions; the underlying foundation of biochemistry in the treatment of individual diseases. Description:

The course examining nucleic acid, amino acid/protein, carbohydrate and lipid structure and function in the normal and pathophysiological states. Other topics include: chemical functional groups important in metabolism, hormones, protein structure/function, enzyme catalysis and inhibition, and carbohydrate and lipid metabolic pathways.


1. Course Introduction/Protein Structure and Function 2. Protein Structure and Function 3. Enzyme Cofactors and Minerals 4. Enzyme Structure, Function and Regulation 5. Carbohydrate Structure and Function 6. Carbohydrates Metabolism and Energetics 7. Lipids and Membranes 8. Lipid Metabolism 9. Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Metabolism 10. Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis and Function 11. Nucleic Acid Biochemistry 12. Amino Acid Metabolism 24



Experiments devised for identifying and estimating components of different food materials.


Detection and identification of proteins. Amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids.


Analysis of normal and abnormal constituents of Blood and Urine






triglycerides, alkaline phosphatatase, acid phosphatase, Bilirubin, SGPT, SGOT, calcium, Diastase, Lipase). 4.

Estimation of free and titrable acidity in urine


Estimation of chloride and magnesium in serum and urine


Practice in injecting drugs by intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous routes, withdrawal of blood samples.


1. A Textbook of Practical Biochemistry, by Joshi A. Rashmi – 2004. Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry, by Keith Wilson, John M. Walker – 2000.


Computer Sciences Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1000113 1+1=2 First Year 1. Train students to use computers in their studies. 2. Definition of the components of the PC and definition of some techniques that can help in using computer applications. 3. Definition Windows operating system (windows xp) and focus on organizing files, data protection and control panel. 4. Train students how to use Microsoft Word. 5. Scanner use and the long texts entering using scanner. 6. To understand the benefit from Microsoft Excel. 7. Train students on power point presentation programme to use it in providing short lectures and also to be used for the work of graphs and multimedia. 8. Definition and the use of the Internet browser and programmes added and search engines and some sites of scientific seriousness. One of the most important programmes that identified is Adobe Acrobat. 9. Using scientific and medical database searching programmes. 10. Using bibliography programs such as Endnote and Reference Manager.


Math for Pharmacy Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Description:

1803238 2 Second Year, First Semester A one semester (14 weeks) of two-h ours a week course. Materials covered are as follows without going into abstractions or requiring reproduction of proofs when given: 1. general review of basic mathematics, 2. Calculus : a quick, review of function and graphs, differentiation and integration of algebraic functions covering all relevant rules, 3. Trigonometric functions, exponential functions, exponential models, logarithmic functions, 4. Differentiation and integration of the above mentioned transcendental functions, 5. Examples and applications from medical and pharmaceutical sciences, 6. Definitions and examples of differential equations, 7. Solving first order differential equations using variable separable method with applications from medical sciences subjects.


Pharmaceutical Microbiology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803239 2+1=3 Second, first semester To enable the student to: 1- Achieve fundamentals knowledge about medically important microorganisms, with emphasis on mechanisms of diseases, morphology, physiology, and immunology techniques used in laboratory diagnosis. 2- Reinforce the practical skills in the safe handling of microorganisms, including exercises in antibiotic susceptibility, disinfection, and sterility. 3- Understand methods of preventing and reducing contamination by microorganisms. 4- Understand the major diseases caused by microorganisms and the best ways for save pharmaceutical practice.


This course is offered to 2nd year pharmacy) students throughout the second semester. It has 3 credit hours (2 hours lecture and 1 hour practical per week) and completes in approximately 14 weeks. This course consists of medical bacteriology, virology and mycology.


Lectures: 1. Introduction to bacterial cell morphology and structure. 2. Culture and identification of common infectious agents. 3. Bacterial nutrition, growth and metabolism. 4. Sterilization and disinfection. 5. Antibiotics (I): action against bacterial cell envelope. 6. Antibiotics (II). -

Protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis and metabolism.


Antibiotic resistance mechanisms.

7. Bacterial genetics; exchange of genetic information. 8. Bacterial pathogenesis and diseases. 9. Introduction to mycology; the study of fungi. 10. Introduction to virology; terms, viral structure and replication. 11. Infectious diseases transmitted primarily by airborne route. 12. Infectious diseases transmitted primarily by contaminated 28

water or food. 13. Infectious diseases transmitted primarily by direct contact. 14. Infectious diseases transmitted primarily by arthropods and through wounds. Practical 1. Safety in microbiology laboratories. 2. Sterilization and disinfection. 3. Microscopical examination of microbes and Gram staining. 4. Culturing of bacterial pathogens. 5. Antibiotic sensitivity tests (I) 6. Antibiotics sensitivity tests (II) 7. ELISA test. 8. Diseases transmitted by airborne route. 9. Diseases transmitted primarily by contaminated water or food. 10. Diseases transmitted primarily by direct contact. 11. Diseases transmitted primarily by arthropods and through wounds. References:

1) Medical Microbiology 5th Edition by Murray.

2) Clinical Microbiology made ridiculously simple by Gladwin.


Pharmaceutical Immunology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803331 1+1=2 Third Year, Second Semester 1. Accurately describe the cellular and molecular components of the human innate and adaptive immune systems 2. Describe the interactions between the innate and adaptive responses and between the humoral and cellular arms of the adaptive immune system. 3. Accurately describe strategies used by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and eukaryotes to establish human infections. 4. Accurately describe the immunopathology of HIV/AIDS and other acquired and inherited immunodeficiencies. 5. Demonstrate proficiency in immunological laboratory techniques and analysis of experimental results. 6. Visit clinical and research immunology labs and write a brief paper relating the observations to classroom material.


Introduction to the structure, development and function of the immune system. The course focuses on the cellular and molecular regulation of the immune system in health and disease. Topics include recognition of antigen, development of lymphocyte repertoires, innate and adaptive immune responses, and pathogenic strategies of common human infectious agents. Laboratory sessions will include diagnostic bacteriology, analysis of immune system function, and biotechnology uses of immunoglobulins.


1. Basic Principles & Overview of Immunity, Antigens & Antibody Production 2. Cellular Interactions in the Immune System 3. Innate Immunity, Complement 4. Antibody Structure & Antigen Recognition, Antigen Recognition by T Cells 5. Transmembrane Signaling, Antigen Receptor Signaling 6. Hematopoiesis & B Lymphocyte Development, B Cell Tolerance 7. Central T Cell Tolerance, Peripheral T Cell Tolerance 8. APC Regulation of the Immune Response 30

9. Production of Effector T Cells, Cytotoxic T Cell Effector Mechanisms 10. Humoral Immune Response & Ab Function Revisited 11. Mucosal Immunity, Immunological Memory 12. Introduction to Infectious Disease 13. Innate Immunity to Infection, Adaptive Immunity to Infection 14. Evasion of the Immune Response by Pathogens 15. Inherited Immunodeficiency Diseases 16. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 17. IgE and Allergic Reactions; Hypersensitivity Diseases 18. Transplant Rejection: Responses to Alloantigens 19. Autoimmunity: Responses to Self Antigens 20. Tolerance and Response to Self & Non-Self 21. Tumor Immunology 22. Manipulation of Immune Responses 23. Vaccines 24. Evolution of the Immune System Practical:

1. Immunoglobulins, specific antibodies (against infectious and other antigens), acute phase proteins, paraproteins 2. Methods






immunofluorescence, ELISA, Western Blott (WB) 3. Complement tests, tests of the complement function (including complement inhibitors) 4. Theoretical agglutination,








radio/enzymoimmunoanalysis, turbidimetry and nephelometry. References:

Lab manual: Immunology Investigations. Batina. Star Publishing Company, 2000.


Pharmaceutical Anatomy and Histology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1804250 2+1=3 Second Year, First Semester 1. Comprehend the normal disposition, inter-relationships, gross, functional and applied anatomy of the various structures in the body. 2. Identify the microscopic structures of various tissues, and organs in the human body and correlate the structure with the functions as a prerequisite for understanding the altered state in various disease processes. 3. Comprehend the basic structure and connections between the various parts of the central nervous system so as to analyze the integrative and regulative functions on the organs and systems. He/She should be able to locate the site of gross lesions according to the deficits encountered. 4. To understand the basic principles of embryology including genetic inheritance and stages involved in development of the organs and systems from the time of conception till birth. The student should recognize the critical stages of normal development and the effects of common teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards on it. He/She should be able to explain the developmental basis of the occurrence of major variations, abnormalities and congenital anomalies.


The course is an integrated study of the function, structure and interrelationships of the various organs and systems of the human body. Considerable emphasis is placed on dissection. Coursework is designed to meet the diversified needs of those interested in health sciences as well as physical education and biological science majors. The subject of anatomy

is taught under the following heads : 1. Gross anatomy 2. Microanatomy and histology Contents:

Gross Anatomy Introduction to Anatomy, nomenclature, anatomical position, planes, tissues and movements. 32

1. Osteology a. Names of the bones of the body and their position; classification of the bones with examples; general features of the bone and normal development; ossification of the bones of the limbs for age determination. X-rays of bones. 2. Muscular System a. Classification and identification of the muscles of the body: main attachments, nerve supply and action(s). b. Details of attachments of the muscles; mechanism of the movement caused by the muscle/muscles and various forces exerted by them and their action(s). 3. Arthrology a. Definition and classification of joints, general features of different types of joints; detailed study of major joints of the limbs and movements performed at various joints in the body. b. Anatomy of articular cartilage; maintenance of articular cartilages; blood supply and nerve supply of the joints. 4. Cardio Vascular System a. Normal position, external features and parts of the heart; internal features of the chambers of heart, names of the blood vessels and venous drainage of the organs, structures and body as a whole, conducting system of heart. 5. Respiratory System a. Position, parts, relations, blood supply of upper and lower respiratory tract. Pleura, its reflection, nerve supply, pleural recesses and their significance, bronchopulmonary segments, their importance. 6. Digestive System a. Position, extent, parts, relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage and sphincters of the gastrointestinal system. 7. Genito-Urinary System a. Parts, position, relations, blood supply, nerve supply and lymphatic drainage of uterus, cervix, vagina, ovary, ovarian duct, testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle, ductus deferens, prostate, kidney, 33

ureter, urinary bladder and urethra. 8. Endocrine System and Individual Endocrine Glands a. Various endocrine glands, their location, relations, blood supply, nerve supply and lymphatic drainage. 9. Nervous System and its components a. Parts of nervous system, neuron meninges, nerve terminals, neuroglia, myelination, degeneration and regeneration, ventricles, CSF, spinal cord and its blood supply. Motor and sensory pathways, cranial nerves, thalamus, cerebellum, limbic and autonomic pathways. Functional cortical areas, motor and sensory cortex and their blood supply. 10. Lymphatic System a. Location of the major groups of the lymphnodes of the body and their drainage areas. Gross anatomy of the major lymphatics specially thoracic duct and its tributaries. 11. Surface Anatomy a. Surface features of the body and projection of the outline of heart, its borders, surfaces and valves, lungs, their borders, fissures and hila, pleura, liver, kidneys and various abdominal and pelvic organs and important vessels and nerves 12. Cross Sectional Anatomy a. Cross sections of thorax, abdomen and pelvis to understand the interrelationship of organs and structures.

General Histology Cell : detailed structure of cell and its components and their functional mechanisms.

Course Contents: Four primary tissues: Example given from each type: 1- Epithelium : Microscopic characteristics, types, functions, distribution, basal lamina, cell junctions, specialization of the cell surface and their structural details and functions; metaplasia. 2- Connective tissue : Cells, fibers and their structural features and functions. Intercellular substances, amorphous ground substance, types of connective tissue (loose areolar tissue, dense connective 34

tissue) and their distribution. Specialized connective tissue : different types of cartilages and their functions and distribution. Bone : Cells, bone matrix, structural features of compact and cancellous bone, their distribution and functions, ossification, blood supply of a long bone. 3- Muscle : General features, detailed structure of : skeletal muscle, and molecular mechanisms of contraction, innvervation of skeletal muscle, neuromuscular junction, morphological and histochemical basis of classification into type I and type II muscle fibers and their significance, structural and functional characteristics of cardiac and smooth muscle; innvervation of cardiac and smooth muscle. 4- Nervous tissue : Structural characteristics of a neuron, axon and dendrties. Different types of neurons and their specific structural and functional features and distribution. Axonal transport, synapse, morphological and functional characteristics of different types of synapses. Neuroglia : types, structure and functions, blood brain barrier. Brief cytoarchitecture of the central nervous system, regeneration in CNS with particular emphasis on stem cells. Sensory and autonomic ganglia, peripheral nerves, myelin and myelination, degeneration and regeneration in peripheral nerves. Practical:

Gross Anatomy 1. Upper Limb: Dissection: Pectoral and scapular, axillary and shoulder region, arm, forearm. Prosected parts: Joints, Palm and dorsum of hand. 2. Thorax : Dissection: Chest wall, mediastinum, pleura, lungs, heart. 3. Abdomen: Dissection: Anterior abdominal wall and inguinal region, external genitalia. Viscera and Posterior Abdominal wall and nerve plexus. 4. Pelvis: Dissection : Pelvic viscera, blood vessels and nerves. Prosected Parts: Perineum including ischio-rectal fossa. 5. Lower Limb: Dissection: Gluteal region, front and back of thigh popliteal fossa, front back and lateral side of leg and dorsum of foot. Prosected Parts: Sole of the foot and joints 6. Head & Neck: Dissection: Superficial and deep dissection of face 35

and neck, orbit and eye ball. Submandibular region temporal and infratemporal fossa, cranial cavity, naso and oropharyngeal regions. Histology – Routine and special stained slides of all the tissues and organs of body. References:

A. Anatomy 1. Moore KL & Agur AMR. 3rd ed, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 2007. (The first or second editions may also be used). 2. Clinical Anatomy for Medical Student, 6th Edition R.S. Snell (2000) Little, Brown & Co. 3.

Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy G.L.Romanes Vols.I, II & III Oxford University Press, 15th edition (1996) •

The following atlas is recommended for use in the Lab:

4. Atlas of Human Anatomy, Netter FH, 4th ed, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2006 B. Histology 1. Atlas of Histology with functional correlation. Di Fiore’s International Edition 9th (2000). 2. Textbook of Human Histology (4th Edition) Inderbir Singh Jaypee Brother, 2002.


Pharmaceutical Physiology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1804251 4+2=6 Second Year Knowledge - At the end of the course the student will be able to: 1. Explain the normal functioning of all the organ systems of the body and their interactions. 2. Narrate the contribution of each organ system to the maintenance of homeostasis. 3. Elucidate the physiological aspects of normal growth and development. 4. Describe the physiological response and adaptations to environmental stresses. 5. List the physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and treatment of disease. Skills - At the end of the course the student will be able to: 1. Perform experiments designed either primarily for the study of physiological phenomena or for assessment of function. 1. Analyze and interpret experimental/investigative data critically. 2. Distinguish between normal and abnormal data derived as a result of tests which he/she has performed and observed in the laboratory.


Physiology is the study of functions and mechanisms of living organisms. Human Physiology is a course that addresses the processes and mechanisms that are characteristic of human life with an emphasis on several important systems and how these systems interact with each other for maintenance of homeostasis of the organism as a whole. The objectives of this course are to provide students with fundamental concepts of how normal systems work, upon which an understanding of consequences in disease states can be built. The material will be presented under several major topic areas: general physiology



biological cardiovascular,

molecules, respiratory,

muscle, renal

endocrine, and


physiology. These units will be integrated as the course progresses. 37

The study of intrinsic and extrinsic control systems and how they help maintain homeostasis is of prime importance in physiology.


attempt will be made to emphasize understanding the fundamental processes and on problem solving rather than on memorization and recalling excessive amounts of ‘facts’. Contents:

Introduction, homeostasis, -ve feedback Plasma Membrane structure and function Membrane transport: Passive diffusion, osmosis and mediated transport Electrical signaling: Action potential Graded Action potential, conduction of Action potential Synaptic transmission: chemical synapses Factors affecting synaptic transmission Nervous system: Classes of neurons, Levels of CNS function The brain: Cerebral cortex, Basal ganglia, Thalamus The brain: Hypothalamus, Brain stem, Cerebellum Blood Brain Barrier, Cerebrospinal fluid Spinal cord: Composition, function, reflexes Physiology of Pain Autonomic Nervous System: Introduction, regulation of ANS activity Efferent pathway of ANS Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system Neurotransmitters: synthesis, function and termination of activity Functions of ANS Adrenal Medulla Skeletal muscles: structure Skeletal muscles: Neuromuscular junction and transmission Mechanism of contraction Types of muscle fibers, Muscle Mechanics Smooth Muscles: structure and mechanism of contraction Factors influencing contractility. Length tension relationship Revision Cardiac Physiology: Functional anatomy of the heart Electrical activity of the heart 38

ECG Cardiac cycle Cardiac Output: Control of Heart rate Control of Stroke Volume Circulatory system: Blood vessels, blood pressure, blood flow Regulation of ABP, ANS, vasoactive substances Venous return, Capillary exchange Blood: Plasma, Erythrocytes, blood typing and Rh Leukocytes, Platelets, and homeostasis Physiology of respiration and ventilation Respiration Mechanics, Regulation Pulmonary function tests Blood Gases Physiology of digestion Regulation of GIT functions Stomach and Gastric secretions Liver Physiology Renal Physiology: Nephron Glomerular filtration Tubular reabsorption Fluid and acid base balance Hormones: Biochemical classification, Functional classification Mechanism of action of hormones. Pituitary gland and Hypothalamus relationship -ve feedback control of hormone release Pituitary, Thyroid and Parathyroid hormones Adrenal and Pancreatic hormones Practical:

1. Recording and analysis of 12 lead ECG and to measure the mean electrical axis of heart. 2. Measurement of blood flow in the forearm by venous occlusion plethysmography and to demonstrate the effect of (a) Exercise, (b) Arterial occlusion, and (c) Temperature 3. Study of the factors controlling inotropic and chronotropic functions in isolated perfused frog’s heart. 39

4. Determination of total red blood cell count 5. Determination of total leucocyte count 6. Determination of ABO and Rh blood groups 7. Determination of bleeding time, clotting time and plasma prothrombin time 8. Demonstration of compound action potential in a frog’s sciatic nerve 9. Determination of strength-duration curve in frog’s nerve and muscle 10.

Study of the movements of isolated segment of mammalian

small intestine and the effects of: 11. 12.

ions, (ii) neurotransmitters, and (iii) cold in vitro The investigation of the renal function. The physical properties

of urine. The test of urine dilution and concentration. Urea and creatinine clearance 13.

Respiratory gases. The dosage of the oxygen and carbon

dioxide in the expired and alveolar air (Orsat’s device). Arterial blood pressure testing. References:

Outlines of Practical Physiology, Being a Manual for the Physiological Laboratory, By William Stirling. Published 1895 P. Blakiston's Son & Co.Original from Stanford University. Digitized Mar 3, 2006.


Pathology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1804352 2+1=3 Third Year, First Semester This course is designed to provide an overview of most aspects of general pathology. The topics include abnormal cell function, hematology, inflammation and repair, molecular pathology, immunology, infectious diseases, genetics, disturbances of flow and nutritional pathology. At first glance many topics appear distinct and unrelated, but you should become aware of their interrelationships during the course. An example is the pathology of coronary heart disease that includes the topics of inflammation, flow, nutrition (cholesterol and fat), and genetics. This course is designed to explain the mechanisms of disease processes, vital background for understanding the actions of drugs. 1. Course Intro; Cell Function and Adaptation 2. Injury, Necrosis, Apoptosis & Cellular Accumulations 3. Hematopoiesis and Hemostasis 4. Hematopoiesis and Hemostasis 5. Acute Inflammation 6. Chronic Inflammation 7. Mediators of Inflammation 8. Mechanisms of Inflammatory Tissue Injury 9. Tissue Healing & Review 10. Immune System Cells & Functions 11. Histocompatibility Complex & Cytokines 12. Tissue Transplantation & Immunodeficiencies 13. Hypersensitivity and Immunology 14. Neoplasia, Classification and Features 15. Mechanisms of Neoplasia 16. Molecular Pathology I 17. Molecular Pathology II 18. Infectious Diseases-General 19. Infectious Diseases-Bacteria, Fungi, etc. 20. Infectious Diseases-Virology 21. Causes & Results of Flow Disturbances 22. CV Diseases Associated with Obstruction of Blood Flow 23. Disease Associated with Flow Disturbance of Other Fluids 24. Pathology of Nutritional Excesses 25. Pathology of Nutritional Deficiencies 26. Environmental Pathology Basic Pathology, 7th edition, by Vinay Kumar et al., 2003.


Biostatistics Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Description:

1801447 2+1=3 Fifth year, second semester


The student will be able to: 1. Define biostatistics and its types. 2. Define a variable and identify different types of variables. 3. Define population and sample, and identify some types of samples. 4. Describe the basic concepts and some methods of the tabular presentation of data. 5. Describe the basic concepts and some methods of the graphical presentation of data. 6. Define and determine the various measures of central tendency. 7. Define and determine the various measures of dispersion. 8. Define normal distribution and describe the characteristics. 9. Outline the basic concepts of hypothesis testing. 10. Describe the meaning and uses of hypothesis testing of arithmetic means. 11. Describe the meaning and uses of hypothesis testing of proportion. 12. Usage of the statistical program “SPSS”. 13. Practical application of Descriptive Biostatistics using the “SPSS”. 14. Practical application of Analytic Biostatistics using the “SPSS”. Lectures:


The course introduces the student to the general description and understanding of some aspects of BASIC BIOSTATISTICS including basic concepts in presentation of raw data and different methods of data analysis. Emphasis will be paid to some important topics such as the meaning and use of frequency distribution, measures of location, measures of dispersion, and some procedures for hypothesis testing, so that the student understands their relevance to the biomedical research. Moreover, emphasis will also be paid to some important practical application of biostatistics using the SPSS.

1. Definition and types of biostatistics 2. Definition and types of variables 3. Population and samples 4. Description and summarization of data 5. Frequency distribution 6. Tabular presentation of data 7. Graphical presentation of data 8. Measures of central tendency 9. Measures of dispersion 10. Normal distribution curve 11. Hypothesis testing 12. Tests of significance for continuous data 13. Tests of significance for categorical data Practical 1. Introduction to the program “SPSS” 2. Way of usage of the “SPSS” 42



3. Entry the raw data into the “SPSS” 4. Save the raw data into the “SPSS” 5. Recall the raw data using the “SPSS” 6. Change part of the raw data and resave at the “SPSS” 7. Practical application of Descriptive Biostatistics at the “SPSS” 8. Practical application of Analytic Biostatistics at the SPSS” BIOSTATISTICS: The Bare Essentials. G. F. Norman & D. L. Strainer. BIOSTATISTICS: A Foundation for Analysis in Health Sciences. W. W. Daniel. GENERAL BIOSTATISTICS. W. Chase & F. Bown. All other textbooks covering the course content.


Medical Genetics Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803332 2+1=3 Third Year, Second Semester At the end of your undergraduate teaching you will be expected to be able to: 1. Recognise patterns of inheritance. 2. Have knowledge of several Mendelian and chromosomal conditions. 3. Recognise the genetic and environmental contribution to multifactorial conditions. 4. Learned approaches which can be used for the diagnosis of genetic disease and carrier detection. 5. Learned different forms of DNA testing: prenatal diagnosis, predictive testing, and diagnostic testing. 6. Be able to write a DNA report and chromosome report. 7. Be familiar with the practice of the genetic counseling clinic. 8. Know when and where to get genetic advice and information. 9. Be familiar with the major ethical issues.


I. Principles of Human Genetics: fifteen lectures • LECTURES 1-6: THE CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BASIS OF INHERITANCE: Lecture 1: The cell. DNA: the hereditary material composition, structure, replication. Chromosome structure. Lecture 2-4: Types of DNA sequences: Nuclear genes, Extragenic DNA, Mitochondrial DNA. Transcription: Post-Transcriptional processing. Translation: transfer RNA, Post-Translational Modification. The genetic code: Triplet codons. Regulation of gene expression: control of transcription, transcriptional factors, post-transcriptional control of gene expression. RNA-directed DNA synthesis. Lecture 5-7: Mutations: Types of mutation, structural effects of mutations on the protein, functional effects of mutations on the protein, genotypephenotype correlation. Mutagens and mutagenesis: Mutagens, DNA repair. • LECTURES 8-15 CHROMOSOMES AND CELL DIVISION: LECTURES 8-15: Human chromosomes: morphology, classification, the sex chromosomes. Cell division: Mitosis, the cell cycle, meiosis. Gametogenesis: Oogenesis, spermatogenesis. Chromosome abnormalities: Numerical abnormalities, structural abnormalities, Mosaicism and chimerism (Mixoploidy). 44

II. Molecular Diagnostic of inherited disease: • LECTURE 1-8: DNA TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS: Lecture 1-2: Methods of chromosome analysis: Chromosome preparation, chromosome banding, Karyotype analysis. Molecular cytogenetics: Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), flow cytometry. Chromosome nomenclature. Lecture 3-4: Principles of DNA technology: DNA cloning. Lecture 5-7: Techniques of DNA analysis: Nucleic acid probes, Nucleic acid hybridization, restriction mapping, DNA sequencing, mutation screening techniques. Lecture 8: Applications of the techniques of DNA analysis: analysis of gene structure, mutational analysis of single gene disorders. Molecular pathology, diagnosis in non-genetic disease. • LECTURE 9-10: PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE: Family studies: Pedigree drawing and terminology. Mendelian inheritance: autosomal dominant inheritance, autosomal recessive inheritance, six-linked inheritance, establishing the mode of inheritance of a genetic disorder, multiple alleles. Non-Mendelian inheritance: Anticipation, Mosaicism, uniparental disomy, genomic imprinting, mitochondrial inheritance. • LECTURE 11-12: THE GENETIC OF CANCER: Differentiating between genetic and environmental factors in cancer: epidemiological studies, family studies, twin studies, disease associations, biochemical factors, animal studies, and viral studies. Oncogenes: relationship between C-ONC and V-ONC, identification of oncogenes function of oncogenes, type of oncogenes. Tumour suppressor genes: Retinoblastoma, p53. Genetics of common cancers: Colorectal cancer, Breast Cancer, Ovarian cancer, Prostate cancer. Genetic counseling in familial cancer: inherited cancer=predisposing syndromes, inherited susceptibility for the common cancers Screening for familial cancer. • LECTURE 13: GENETIC FACTORS IN COMMON DISEASES: Genetic susceptibility to common disease: types and mechanisms of genetic susceptibility, approaches to demonstrate genetic susceptibility to common diseases. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease. • LECTURE 14: GENETICS AND CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES: Incidence: Spontaneous first-trimester pregnancy loss, congenital abnormalities and perinatal mortality, newborn infants, childhood 45

mortality. Definitions and classification of birth defects: single abnormalities, multiple abnormalities. Genetic causes of malformations: Chromosome abnormalities, single gene defects, multifactorial inheritance, and genetic heterogeneity. Environmental agents (teratogens): drugs and chemicals, maternal infections, physical agents, maternal illness. Malformations of unknown cause. • LECTURE 15-16: CHROMOSOME DISORDERS: Incidence of chromosome abnormalities. Disorders of the autosomes. Disorders of the sex chromosomes. Disorders of sexual differentiation. Chromosome breakage syndromes. Indications for chromosome analysis. • LECTURE 17: SINGLE GENE DISORDERS: Sickle cell anemia, Haemophilia. Huntington’s disease. Cystic fibrosis. Myotonic dystrophy. Spinal muscular atrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. Neurofibromatosis. Human prion diseases. • LECTURE 18: PHARMACOGENETICS: Definition. Drug metabolism. Genetic variations revealed solely by the effects of drugs. Hereditary disorders with altered drug response. Evolutionary origin of variation in drug responses. • LECTURE 19: BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS: The inborn errors of metabolism. Disorders of amino acid metabolism. Disorders of branched chain amino acid metabolism. Urea cycle disorders. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Disorders of steroid metabolism. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Lysosomal storage disorders. Disorders of purine/pyrimidine metabolism. Disorders of prophyrin metabolism. Organic acid disorders prenatal diagnosis of the inborn errors of metabolism. • LECTURE 20: CARRIER DETECTION AND PRESYMPTOMATIC DIAGNOSIS: Carrier testing for autosomal recessive and X-linked disorders. Presymptomatic diagnosis of autosomal dominant disorders. Ethical considerations in carrier detection and predictive testing. • LECTURE 21: RISK CALCULATION: Probability theory. Autosomal dominant inheritance. Autosomal recessive inheritance. Sex-linked recessive inheritance. The use of linked markers. Bayes theorem prenatal screening. Empiric risks. • LECTURE 22: DNA DIAGNOSIS Mutational analysis of single gene disorders. Molecular pathology, diagnosis in non-genetic disease. Diagnosis of multiple gene disorders. • LECTURE 23: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF GENETIC DISEASE: Techniques used in prenatal diagnosis. New prenatal diagnosis techniques under development. Indications for prenatal diagnosis, special problems in prenatal diagnosis. Termination of pregnancy. Prenatal treatment. • LECTURE 24: POPULATION SCREENING AND COMMUNITY GENETICS: 46

Criteria for a screening program. Prenatal screening. Neonatal screening, population carrier screening. Genetic registers. • LECTURE 25: GENETIC COUNSELLING, THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT, TREATMENT OF GENETIC DISEASE AND GENE THERAPY: Definition, establishing the diagnosis, calculating and presenting the risk, discussing the options, communication and support, genetic counseling-directive or non-directive, outcomes in genetic counseling, special problems in genetic counseling. The human genome project, treatment of genetic disease, gene therapy. Practical:


PRACTICAL 1-5: Genotypes & Phenotypes: in these practical students will learn: PCR technique, gel electrophoresis, RFLPs analysis, and risk calculation. • PRACTICAL 6-9: DNA Cloning: students will learn different techniques fro DNA cloning and its usefulness in identifying the gene sequence. • PRACTICAL 10: Molecular diagnosis of inherited diseases: after the students become familiar with different molecular diagnostic techniques they will start to learn how they can use this method in diagnosis of different inherited diseases. • PRACTICAL 11-13: Human cytogenetics: chromosomal preparation, chromosomal banding (G banding, Quinacrine, reverse, centromeric banding): students will introduced to learning different types of chromosomal staining and how they can use it in identifying chromosome and chromosomal abnormalities. • PRACTICAL 14: Visiting DNA diagnostic Labs in our faculty to demonstrate for the students the advanced instrument that can be used for DNA diagnosis of inherited diseases. Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics, by Mueller RF and Young ID, 11th edition


Medical Professions and its Behaviors Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1000111 2 First Year 1) General Objectives:

This course aims at preparing students of medicine and medical sciences to understand the behavior of the medical profession which comes from Islamic principles and values, in order to guide their practice to achieve the best level of medical care for those who are involved in the medical field as doctors, specialists, technicians and nurses, and who have direct or indirect relationship with the patient or their families. 2)

Specific Objectives: To identify the Islamic history in medical care, and the basic medical behaviors in Islam. To identify the Islamic guidelines and the basic knowledge from which we get the profession behavior and attitude in the medical field. To identify the characteristic of the muslim doctor, and profession practice behavior in Islam. To identify the group work in the medical team. To identify rights and duties for the patient and his family, and society during practicing medical professions. To identify behaviors and attitudes of learning, and learning control on the patient during and after the study. To identify the basic behaviors for the scientific research in the medical field. Lecture no 1 : An introduction to the medical professions course and its moral behavior. -


§ § §

Presenting the course objectives and the contents of the course. Identifying the different medical organizations. Different medical professions.

Lecture no. 2 : System and behavior of the medical professions: § § §

Identifying the medical section and its part. The difference between the law and behavior of practicing medical professions. Identifying profession mistakes.

Lecture no 3 : Characteristic of the profession’s behavior in Islam. §

An introduction to the history of medicine and the morality of the profession among Muslims. 48

§ § §

Treatment and its rules. Islamic rules in profession practice. Rules of death and death struggle.

Lecture no. 4 : Characteristic of the profession’s behavior in Islam. § § §

Origins of muslim doctor’s knowledge. The nature of the Muslim doctor. Rule of payments in the medical field.

Lecture no. 5 : Rules of some of the patient’s worshipment: § § § §

Rules of the patient’s cleanness. Rules of the patient’s prayers. Rules of the patient’s fasting. Other rules has to be known by the patient’s relatives.

Lecture no. 6 : Practical application (1) – Group work: § § §

Students are divided into small groups under the supervision of one of the teachers to discuss different matters which relate to what they had taken in the first half of the class. A representative of each group presents his group’s topic and their opinions. Every teacher evaluate student’s participation in his group.

Lecture no. 7 : Behavior and moralities of the profession in learning. § § § § §

Continuous learning in a particular major during practicing. General behavior in learning and in dealing with practitioners, teachers, technicians, and others. Behavior of dealing with equals. Preserving opinion rights. Fighting cheating.

Lecture no. 8 : Patient’s rights and duties (1): § § § § §

His right in taking or rejecting the medicine. His right in good treatment. His right in preserving his secrets and in covering his private parts. His right in telling his true information concerning his disease, the results of the medical test, the plan for his treatment, the side effects, and the dangers he probably go through, in order to take the appropriate decisions.

Lecture no. 9 : Patient’s rights and duties (2): § §

Taking care of the rights and circumstances for the old patients, children and special need patients. Patient’s duty towards medical practitioners and the medical organizations: truthfulness in giving information to the medical team, necessity of appointments and implementing medicine instructions, diet and taking medicine. 49

Lecture no. 10 : Medical practitioner rights: § § §

Their rights on the single, the society and the medical organization which they belong to trust them, respect them and protect them and preserve their rights and dignities. Provide them with an appropriate culture. Provide them with all requirements to practice their professions.

Lecture no. 11 :Duties of medical profession’s practitioners: § § § § § § §

To watch Allah in secret and in Public. To preserve all patient’s rights. Not to differentiate between patients. To work with a Muslim doctor behavior which shows honesty and truthfulness. To respect members of the medical team. To teach and evaluate students under his supervision with honesty and truthfulness. To be good examples in their manners.

Lecture no. 12 :Practical applications (2) – Group work: § § §

Students are divided into small groups under the supervision of on of the teacher to discuss different matters which relate to what they had taken in the first half of the class. A retrospective of each group represents his group’s topic and their opinions. Every teacher evaluates student’s participation in his group.

Lecture 13 :Rights and duties of the society: § § § § § §

To take care of the single’s heath, the society, and the culture by medical advisement and protectoral program. To work on improving the standards of medical services. To follow updated matters in particular majors, to improve the level of implementation. Honesty and truthfulness in exchanging information and in giving reports and certificates. To write the correct and complete information in the medical file. To prepare the medical organization with all needed systems, preparation and employees.

Lecture no. 14 :Attitudes of learning on the patient: § § § §

The necessity of learning on the patient during and after the study. Control of learning on the patient. To preserve the patients rights and ask him permission or whose in charge. Control of confirming, registering and describing the patient’s case. 50

Lecture no. 15 :Attitude of researches in the medical field.


§ § §

Controls of researches and experiments on animals. Controls of researches and experiments on human being. To persevere thoughtful ownership for its owners.

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Ibn Al-Qayyem, ‫اﻟﻄﺐ اﻟﻨﺒﻮي‬ Dr. Muhammad Ali- Al-Bar, ‫اﻟﻤﺴﺌﻮﻟﯿﺔ اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺔ‬ Dr. Ahmed Sharaf Al-Abedeen, ‫اﻻﺣﻜﺎم اﻟﺸﺮﻋﯿﺔ ﻟﻼﻋﻤﺎل اﻟﻄﯿﺒﺔ‬ Dr. Wajeeh Zain-Al-Abedeen, ‫اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺐ اﻟﻤﺴﻠﻢ‬ Dr. Ziyad Darweesh, ‫أداب اﻟﻄﺐ‬ Dr. Abdullah M. Al-Abd, ‫ ﻟﻠﺮازي‬-‫اﺧﻼق اﻟﻄﯿﯿﺐ‬ Dr. Ali Al-Defa’a, ‫ﻟﻤﺤﺎت ﻣﻦ ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ اﻟﻄﺐ ﻋﻨﺪ اﻟﻤﺴﻠﻤﯿﻦ اﻻواﺋﻞ‬ ‫ﻧﻈﺎم ﻣﺰاوﻟﺔ اﻟﻤﮭﻦ اﻟﺼﺤﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﯿﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﯾﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﺠﻠﺔ اﻟﺒﺤﻮت اﻟﻔﻘﮭﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﻌﺎﺻﺮة‬ Dr. Merizen S. Assiry, ‫ﻻﺳﺤﺎق ﺑﻦ ﻋﻠﻲ اﻟﺮھﺎوي‬- ‫اداب اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺐ‬ Dr. Abdul Rahman H. Al-Nafeesa ‫ﻣﺬﻛﺮة ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﯿﺔ اﻷﻃﺒﺎء‬ The committee of Muslim doctor, ‫ﺳﻠﺴﻠﺔ اﻟﻔﺘﺎوي اﻟﻔﻘﮭﯿﺔ اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ‬ Dr. Al-Ahmed Abu Al-Noor, ‫ﺣﻘﻮق و واﺟﺒﺎت اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺐ‬ ‫ﻣﺠﻠﺔ اﻟﺒﺤﻮث اﻻﺳﻼﻣﯿﺔ‬ ‫ﻧﺸﺮات اﻟﻤﻨﻈﻤﺔ اﻻﺳﻼﻣﯿﺔ ﻟﻠﻌﻠﻮم اﻟﻄﺒﯿﮫ‬ Articles for Dr. H. Hathoot in gynecology in Islam. Islamic perspective in Obstetric & Gynaecology. Hassan Hathout. Principles of Medical Ethics. In current Options. By: American Medical Association. Prepared by the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. Chicago, AMA, a989, P ix. Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Bioetheics line, National Liberary of Medicine, Washington DC. Encyclopedia of Bioethics 4 Vol., New York, Fee Press, 1978.

§ § §


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacology Modules



Pharmacology Pharmacology is defined as “that branch of medical science which relates to drugs, their preparation, uses and effects”. It is not just “what effect does this extract have?”, but “how does it do it, what is the active ingredient and how can we harness the therapeutic effect. Pharmacology is also concerned with the search for new drugs and how they can best be used in the treatment of diseases in both man and animals.

Course overview A. Introduction to the syllabus The syllabus is a guide to the course of Pharmacology for the 3rd and 4th year. It provides a study programme which aims to help students to acquire the basic knowledge and skills in pharmacology essential for the study of the mechanisms of action and use of drugs and links biochemistry, morphology, physiology, pathology and infections diseases with an understanding of disease at the molecular level. It also aims to continue to introduce the students to some desirable independent learning habits and attitudes necessary to pursue further training in the Pharmacy practice. B. Course description and organization The course consists of 168 hours 140 lectures and 28 hours of practical classes. The course of practical pharmacology is designed to supplement and enforce the basic knowledge of how drugs act and introduce the students to the methods and tools used by pharmacist to acquire new information about existing drugs or how to find new ones. The course of clinical pharmacology is designed to train students on rational clinical thinking and to be able to integrate facts and concepts of basic pharmacology so as to solve clinical problems and allow them to be a part of the health team providers. C- Major course objectives The General objectives of the programme are as follows: On completion of the course in Pharmacology the student will: In order to achieve adequate knowledge and competence in pharmacology which can later be used as a basis for rational drug therapy in pharmacy practice the student shall: 1. Understand the principles of drug action that is site and mechanism of action of drugs at the molecular as well as physiological levels and knowledge of the consequent effects on the different systems, both desirable and adverse. 2. Understand the principles of drug absorption, bioavailability, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Also he should be able to apply the pharmacokinetic principles in therapeutic practice. 3. Appreciate the possible interactions of drugs with other drug as well as with diet. 4. Be aware of the different mechanisms of drug toxicity, namely overdose, Allergic (immunologic) reaction, pharmacogenetic reaction, predictable extension of inherent pharmacological properties, and the appropriate measures to counteract these toxicities. 5. Describe possible factors which might increase hazards of drug administration or modify drug action e.g. impaired renal function, impaired hepatic function, age and weight, history of drug sensitivity, drug-drug interaction, pregnancy, co-existent disease states, drug dependence potential .. .etc. 6. Recognize that drugs that have action on all systems and he shall be able to group 53

together those drugs with common pharmacological properties and at the same time appreciate that drug classification are for convenience and not absolute. 7. Be able to know one or two prototype drugs of each pharmacological group, particularly those of clinical importance and know the site and mechanism of each prototype drug. 8. To equip himself with a comprehensive description of drug or group of drugs as applied to the practice of medicine so that he is sufficiently trained to acquire information on other therapeutic agents by self instruction. 9. Know the common or serious side effects and contraindications of each prototype drug especially those which can be deduced from its pharmacological properties. 10. Know at this early stage, the general principles involved in the management of acute drug poisoning by some drugs as well as basic knowledge about adverse interactions. 11. Know the underlying principle and pathophysiology of disease and basic facts of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy which must be interdigitated in order to select drugs and establish therapeutic objectives. D. Teaching methods Teaching methods used in the courses include lectures, practical classes, seminars and assignments. Video recorded case presentation as well as experimental demonstration on video tapes are used in selected parts of the syllabus where possible. The approach adopted in teaching the course of basic and pharmacology is to place a premium on comprehensive understanding and to reduce the role of memorization to minimum. E. Teaching materials and resources Audiovisual aids including video tapes, slides, transparencies and films will be used frequently during lectures and discussions to facilitate learning. a. Lectures This form of instruction is used to deliver factual knowledge, explain and clarify difficult points, pose pertinent questions and directs students to the more salient points. b. Seminars and Conferences: Selected topics may be chosen for further study and students or student groups assigned to present and discuss them. These periods can be used to review covered material and further clarify lecture or reading assignments, or to informally test the level of learning of the students by selective questions and problems. c. Practical Classes: The laboratory course is designed to supplement the lecture course and run in parallel with it. F- Required texts and resources The main textbooks are: 1. Rang H.P., Dale M.M.: Pharmacology. Ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2. B. Katzung : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Prentice Hall; Inc. 3. Goodman and Gilman´s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Ed. Alfred Goodman Gilman, Pergamon Press. Other readings: 54

4. Modern Pharmacology , C.R. Craig and R.E. Stitzel Little Brown and Co.Boston. 5. Clinical Pharmacology D.R. Lawrence , P.N. Bennett Churchill Livingstone. - In addition the following Pharmacology:

journals are recommended for special readings in

a. British J. Pharmacology: b. British J. of Clinical Pharmacology c. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutic d. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences e. J. Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Practical The main purposes of the practical course are: 1. To reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained by reading and attending lectures through selected laboratory experiments in various areas of pharmacology; 2. To familiarize students with some instruments and equipment used in clinical practice; and tutorial . 3. To develop in students the ability to observe, do some measurements, collect data and draw conclusions based on his findings. This in essence is an introduction to the scientific method. To prepare for practical classes students are urged to: 1. Read their practical worksheets so as to familiarize themselves with the objective of the practical session and to look up terms new to them; 2. The practical time is also advisably used for clarifying aspects of the topic with instructors; 3. A record of the practical should be kept according t the instructions. 4. Wherever necessary students should consult their textbooks on the theoretical aspects of the practical.

Seminars The seminars are used for developing the ability of students to: 1. Integrate knowledge; 2. Express themselves in scientific language; 3. Participate in discussions. 4. Learn the process of problem-solving. 5. seminars are also useful for receiving additional in depth information. Students are expected to: 1. Read seminars topics 2. Prepare for discussing their knowledge, and 3. Ask questions on points which require clarification.


Pharmacology I 1801341 3+1=4 Third Year, First Semester Objectives and Contents 1. Introduction and Definitions: (2 CU) Objectives: 1. At the end of this course the student will, understand that pharmacology is the study of mechanism of action and use of drugs in health and diseases. 2. Get acquainted with the different sub-division of pharmacology. 3. Appreciate the importance of pharmacology in the practice of pharmacy 4. Be aware of some basic notions and definitions of pharmacology. 5. Know the different nomenclatures of drugs. 6. Know sources of drugs, development of new drugs and be able to gather information about drugs. 1. Definition of drug and of pharmacology, Contents: 2. Sub-divisions of pharmacology 3. Importance of pharmacology in the practice of pharmacy 4. Drug nomenclature 6. Sources of drugs and development of new drugs 7. Sources of information about drugs 8. Classification of drugs and prototype drugs 9. Dosage forms of drugs 10. Routs of drug administration 2. Basic principles (12 CU): 2.1 Pharmacokinetics (2 CU): Objectives: 1. Be aware of the dose response curves and the pharmacokinetic parameters such as half-life, volume of distribution, elimination constants the clearance, bioavailability, area under the curve, peak and minimum therapeutic concentration, first pass effect and extraction. 2. Appreciate the clinical importance of applying the knowledge of these pharmacokinetic parameters in designing drug doseregimens to achieve drug effectiveness and safety. 3. Recognize that these parameters can be modified in certain disease states such hepatic, renal or cardiac failure which necessitate dose adjustment to avoid drug toxicity. 1. Transport of drugs across body membranes Contents: 2. Absorption of drugs 3. Drug distribution 4. Drug biotransformation 5. Excretion of drugs Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level:


6. Bioavailability and bioequivalence of drug products 7. Pharmacokinetic parameters and clinical applications 8. Kinetic processes and the calculations with appropriate formulas 2.2 Pharmacodynamics (5 CU): Objectives: 1. Understand the concept of receptors and their importance for explaining drug actions. 2. Be aware of the graded dose-response curve, coupling protein, effector mechanisms receptor agonist, spare receptor, signaling mechanisms, therapeutic index. 3. Acquire knowledge on quantitative aspects of drug potency, efficacy and drug antagonism 1. Concept of receptors, signaling mechanisms, coupling proteins Contents: 2. Receptor theory, agonist, partial agonists, dose response curves 3. Quantitative aspects of drug potency, efficacy and antagonism 4. Variation in drug responsiveness 2.3 Factors affecting drug response (3 CU): 1. Be aware of the general phenomenon of biological variation. Objectives: 2. Be acquainted with the concept of individualization of drug therapy. 3. Know the important variables which can influence drug action. 4. Be aware of the dosage of drugs in relation to age and weight and the special formulas for calculation of dose for children. 1. Biological variation Contents: 2. Body weight and volume of distribution 3. Age and sex. Special formulas for calculating dosage for children. 4. Medication errors and compliance 5. Drug interactions and its results (synergism) 6. Pharamacognetics 2.4 Unwanted effects of drugs (2 CU): Objectives: 1. Be aware of the fact that all drugs are toxic to individuals if large enough doses have toxic effects which often occur after therapeutic doses. 2. Be acquainted with the mechanisms involved and important examples in each case. 3. Be able to recognize such adverse effects of drugs and how to prevent or minimize such unwanted effects. 1. Dose dependent toxicity Contents: 2. Drug allergies 3. Drug idiosyncrasies 4. Benefit to Risk Ratio 5. The concept of over extension of the pharmacological response 6. Organ directed toxicity 7. The four major classes of drug allergies 8. Drug idiosyncratic responses 57

3. Autonomic nervous system: (14 CU): 3.1 Introduction to pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system: (2 CU): Objectives: 1. Describe the steps in the synthesis and the termination of action of the major autonomic transmitters. 2. Describe the organ system effects of stimulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. 3. Predict the inhibitors of the function of the major organ systems. 4. List the major types of receptors found on autonomic effector tissues. 5. Describe the action of several toxins that affect nerve function. 1. Introduction Contents: 2. Neurotransmitter Chemistry of the Autonomic Nervous System 3. Autonomic Receptors 4. Functional Organization of Autonomic Activity 5. Pharmacological Modification of Autonomic Function 3.2 Cholinergic drugs: (2 CU) Objectives: 1. Recognize the autonomic sites at which acetylcholine acts as a chemical transmitter. 2. Know the synthesis and enzymatic degrade acetylcholine and recognize the physiologic of the released transmitter. 3. Be aware of the pharmacology of cholinergic drugs (direct and indirect). 1. Spectrum of Action of Cholinomimetics Drugs Contents: 2. Mode of Action of Cholinomimetic Drugs 3. Direct-Acting Cholinomimetics A. Basic Pharmacology B. Clinical Uses C. Adverse Effects D. Contraindications 4. Indirect-acting Cholinomimetics 3.3 Antagonists at muscarinic receptor sites: (2 CU): 1. List the antimuscarinic drugs used in clinical practice Objectives: 2. Describe the pharmacological action and indication 3. Recognize the adverse effects and contraindications of this group of drug 1. Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists Contents: A. Basic Pharmacology B. Clinical Pharmacology C. Adverse effects D. Contraindications 3.4 Ganglion blocking agents: (1 CU): 1. Know prototype ganglion blockers and their mechanism of action. Objectives: 58

2. Know the pharmacological actions of these drugs and appreciate their limited use due to their specific actions Contents: 1. The selectivity of ganglion-blocking drugs for sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous systems 2. Nicotinic vs. muscarinic receptors 3. Autonomic ganglia vs. neuromuscular junction 4. Uses 5. Pharmacology of Nicotin 3.5 Antagonists at nicotinic receptor sites in the skeletal neuromuscular junction (1 CU): Objectives: 1. Differentiate between centrally and peripherally acting muscle relaxants 2. Be aware of the pharmacology of the group of drugs 3. Recognize their clinical use and hazards 1. Introduction Contents: 2. Basic Pharmacology of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs 3. Mechanism of Action 4. Clinical Pharmacology of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents 5. Other Uses of Neuromuscular Blockers 6. Spasmolytic Drugs 3.6 Adrenoceptor - activating drugs (3 CU): Objectives: 1. Gain insight about types, distribution and classification as well as the physiological function of the adrenergic receptors 2. Know the biosynthesis and metabolism of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine 3. Recognize the pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses and potential hazards involved in the use of these drugs and other related sympathomimetic agents 1. . Basic Pharmacology of Adrenoceptor Agonists Contents: 2. the classification of adrenoceptors (alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2 and D1), molecular consequences of their activation, and their important locations. 3. norepinephrine and the other catecholamines are removed from the biophase. 4. the pharmacologic effects of the sympathomimetics. 3. Clinical Pharmacology of Adrenoceptor Agonists 5. Therapeutic use of alpha-adrenoceptor agonists. 6. Adverse effects of alpha-adrenoceptor agonists. 7. Therapeutic use of beta-adrenoceptor agonists 8. Adverse effects of alpha-adrenoceptor agonists. 9. Therapeutic uses of dopamine. 3.7 Adrenoceptor blocking agents:(3 CU): 1. Appreciate the concept of selective adrenoceptor blocking agents. Objectives: 2. Acquire knowledge of the basic pharmacological actions 59

underlying the therapeutic indications of both alpha and beta adrenoceptor blockers. 3. Anticipate the precautions and the possible hazards of using these drugs. Contents: 1. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of alpha-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 3. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of the beta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 5. Adverse Effects of alpha and beta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 6. Clinical Pharmacology of Reserpine 4. Autacoids: (6 CU): Objectives: 1. Appreciate the grouping of the various substances under the heading of autacoids although of widely different structures and pharmacological action, because they share in common a natural occurrence in the body. 2. Know the significance of these group of autacoids, their role in the body, their possible value as drugs, the availability of antagonists and potential place in therapeutics. 4.1 Histamine and antihistamines: (2 CU): Objectives: 1. Recognize the pharmacological effects of histamine on various histamine receptors 2. Know the drugs which can inhibit histamine release and the drugs which can antagonize the effects of released histamine 3. Describe the pharmacological effects, side effects and toxicity and indications of H1 and H2 receptor antagonists 1. Histamine ant it pharmacology Contents: 2. The basic pharmacology of H1-receptor antagonists 3. The clinical uses and toxicity of H1-receptor blockers, including the newer "non-sedating" H1 receptor blockers 4. The clinical uses and toxicity of H2-receptor blockers, including drug interactions. 4.2 Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and antagonists (2 CU): 1. Be able to outline the biosynthesis and metabolism of 5-HT. Objectives: 2. Describe the pharmacological effects of 5-HT on different organs and subclassification of different 5-HT receptors. 3. List the names of some compounds which antagonize the effects of 5-HT and their therapeutic uses. 1. The pharmacology of serotonin Contents: The clinical use of serotonin receptor agonists and antagonists 4.3 Prostaglandins and other Eicosanoids: (1 CU): Objectives: 1. Recognize the main classes of prostaglandins and the basis of this classification 2. Describe the pharmacological effects and therapeutic potentials of each class 3. Recognize the drugs which inhibit the synthesis and actions of 60

prostaglandins 1. Pharmacology of prostaglandins and leukotriens. Contents: 2. Synthesis and factors affecting it. 3. Drugs affecting the synthesis and receptors. The main clinical uses of eicosanoids and inhibitors of eicosanoid synthesis. 5. Adverse effects 4.4 Polypeptides(1 CU): Objectives: 1. Know the natural source of ergot alkaloids and the clinical conditions associated with ergot poisoning and uses. 2. Recognize the site of formation/ degradation and physiological role of angiotensin and factors controlling the plasma renin activity (PRA)/ atrial natriuretic factor/ kallikrein/ kininogen 3. Understand the possible usefulness of angiotensin antagonists 1. Ergot Alkaloids Contents: 2. Angiotensin II 3. Kinins 4. Other Peptides a. Vasopressin b. Oxytocin 5. Drug acting on the respiratory tract: (4 CU): Objectives: 1. Have an idea about the proper use and contraindications of the most commonly used drugs in management of pulmonary diseases. 2. Appreciate that certain drugs can result or exacerbate certain pulmonary diseases. 5.1 The Bronchodilators: (2 CU): Objectives: 1. Be acquainted with the different groups of drugs used in both acute and chronic Asthma 2. Be familiar with the methods of administration of these drugs according to the Clinical indications 3. Recognize the side effects and the limitations of the different drugs 1. Types of bronchodilators Contents: 2. Basic and clinical pharmacology of bronchodilators 3. The bases for selecting therapeutic agents in bronchial asthma, depending on the severity and duration of the symptoms. 4. The approach to treatment of different grades of asthma. 5.1 Antitussives and expectorants: (2 CU): 1. By the end of this part the student will: Objectives: 2. Understand the various mechanism by which antitussive drugs suppress cough 3. Know when to use various antitussive drugs in clinical practice and when to use expectorants instead 4. Appreciate the unwanted effects, toxicity and interactions of these antitussive drugs with other drugs 61

1. Mechanism of cough suppression 2. Cough suppression 3. Expectorants 4. Mucolytics 6. Renal pharmacology: (4 CU): Objectives: 1. Understand the renal handling of sodium, water an< other electrolytes 2. Know the classification of the different diuretic: according to their major site of action 3. Appreciate the possible changes in plasma electrolytes and pH of blood 4. Know the therapeutic uses, adverse effects of each class of the diuretics 1. Pharmacology of diuretics. Contents: 2. Know the Classification of Agents Acting on Renal Function - Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - Loop agents - Thiazides - Potassium-sparing diuretics 6. Rang H.P., Dale M.M.: Pharmacology. Ed. Churchill Livingstone, Refrencess: 7. B. Katzung : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Prentice Hall; Inc. 8. Goodman and Gilman´s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Ed. Alfred Goodman Gilman, Pergamon Press. Contents:


Pharmacology II 1801342 Course Code: 2 +1 = 3 Credit Hours: Academic Level: Third Year, Second Semester. 7. Drugs acting on the Central Nervous System: (14 CU): 7.1 Introduction(1CU): 1. The brain has a multitude of functions and drugs affect these Objectives: functions either by non-specifically modifying neuronal functions or by interfering with neurochemical transmission. 2. At the end of this series of lectures the student will: 3. Become aware of the relative inaccessibility of some brain areas and the properties of drugs which control the crossing of blood brain barrier. 4. Appreciate the difficulty of interpretation and understanding the mechanisms of Drug action on the central nervous system acknowledging that there are at least 20 transmitters in the brain, each may be excitatory or inhibitory dependent on location. 5. Know the drug interaction with presynaptic receptors which then modulate the release of transmitters is a more frequent explanation of drug action in the brain than in the autonomic nervous system. 6. Be aware of the possible links between chemical transmission and nervous and mental disease, thus explaining drug action in the CNS on a rational basis. CNS neurotransmitters and relations to different CNS diseases. Contents: 7.2 Anxiolytics, Sedatives and Hypnotics: (2 CU): 1. To understand the stages of central nervous system depression as Objectives: they pertain to the actions of these agents. 2. To understand the classification of central nervous system depressants. 3. To understand the theories relating to the biochemical mechanism of action of anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, with particular emphasis on the barbiturates and benzodiazepines. 4. To understand the effects of these agents on the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems. 5. To know the advantages and disadvantages of each class relative to the others. 6. To appreciate why new drugs are being developed in this area. 1. Introduction and Definitions Contents: 2. Ethanol 3. Barbiturates 4. Benzodiazepines 5. Other Agents: the rationale, advantages and disadvantages of the following as hypnotics or anxiolytics: - chloral hydrates, paraldehyde - zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone, ramelteon - antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihistamines - beta-blockers - buspirone 7.3 Antiepileptic drugs: (1CU): 1. To understand the different types of seizures and the drug classes Objectives 63

most effective in their management. 2. To understand the proposed mechanisms of actions of antiepileptics. 3. To appreciate the more common adverse effects and toxicities with antiepileptic therapy. 1. Introduction and Definitions Contents: 2. Mechanisms of Action 3. Drugs Used to Treat Grand Mal, Status Epilepticus, and Partial Seizures 4. Drugs Used to Treat Petit Mal (Absence) Seizures 7.4 Antiparkinsonian drugs(1 CU): 1. Understand the underlying mechanism of parkinsonism and the Objectives: relation between The cholinergic and dopaminergic mechanism in its etiology 2. List the different drugs used for the treatment of parkinsonism, their mechanism Of action, pharmacokinetics, side effects and doses 3. Recognize that some cases of parkinsonism can be drug- induced and be able to Select the appropriate therapy of such cases. Major anti-parkinsonian agents: L-dopa, L-dopa plus peripheral Contents: decarboxylase inhibitors bromocriptine, amantadine clorgylin, synthetic anticholinergic agents, antihistamines. 7.5 Antidepressants: (1 CU): 1. Know the 3 classes of antidepressants and examples of each Objectives: (TCA's, MAO-I's, Miscellaneous agents). 2. Know the indications for the antidepressants. 3. Understand proposed mechanisms of action for therapeutic effects and adverse effects for each of the 3 classes of antidepressants 4. Know the adverse effects, mild and severe, for each class. 5. Understand the pharmacological data that implicate neurotransmitter abnormalities as associated with/causal of the mood disorders. 6. Understand the advantages of the serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRI's). 7. Understand the criteria for selecting one drug or class over another. 8. Know about the most important drug-food and drug-drug interactions of these drugs. 9. Know the symptoms of overdose and the treatments. Outline of Antidepressants Contents: 1. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA's) 2. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO-I's) 3. Micellaneous antidepressants 4. SSRI's 7.6 General anesthetics: (1 CU): 1. To understand the characteristics which determine the potency of Objectives: general anesthetics and rate of induction. 2. To understand the relationship between minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) and the Ostwald coefficient. 3. To understand the signs and stages of general anesthesia. 4. To appreciate the pharmacological and clinical differences among the inhalational anesthetics and between these agents and fixed 64

anesthetics. 5. To understand the rationale for preanesthetic medications. 1. Introduction and Definitions Contents: 2. Absorption and Elimination of General Anesthetics 3. Anesthetic Potency 4. Signs and Stages of General Anesthesia 5. Comparison of Inhalational Anesthetics 6. Preanesthetic Medications 7. Fixed Anesthetics 7.7 Opioid analgesics and antagonists: (2 CU): 1. Understand the mechanism by which narcotic drugs relieve pain in Objectives: the light of the discovery of the new brain peptide endorphins and enkephalins. 2. Know the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, unwanted effects, uses and Interactions with other drugs. 1. Basic Pharmacology of Opioid Analgesics: Contents: 2. Clinical Pharmacology 3. Drug Abuse - Introduction: Define psychic dependence, physical dependence, addiction, tolerance, metabolic tolerance, and functional tolerance. - Opiates and Opioids - Barbiturates and Other Sedatives - Stimulants - Hallucinogens - Inhalants 7.8 Antipyretic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs: (2 CU): 1. Discuss the pharmacology of several mild analgesics Objectives: 2. Recognize the situations in which these drugs can be applied with advantage 3. List the important side effects which limit the use of these drugs 1. Mechanisms of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects Contents: of aspirin 2. Factors that influence absorption and elimination 3. Hepatic metabolism 4. Dose-dependent pharmacokinetics 5. Contraindications 6. Adverse effects and consequences of irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase inhibition 7. Toxicity and treatment of overdose 8. Adverse interactions with other drugs (e.g., anti-coagulants, hypoglycemic drugs, alcohol) 9. The basic pharmacology and toxicology of NSAIDs (particularly ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, naproxen and piroxicam) 7.9 Drugs used in gout: (1 CU) 1. By the end of the course the student will: Objectives: 2. Recognize the importance of drugs used in prophylaxis and treatment of gout 3. Appreciate the adverse effects and limitation of there drugs 1. Colchicine and acute gout Contents: 2. NSAIDs in gout 65

3. Uricosuric agents 4. Allpurinol 7.10 Psychopharmacology: (1 CU): 1. Understand the indications for these drugs. Objectives: 2. Understand the dopamine theory of schizophrenia; data supporting and refuting. 3. Understand mechanisms and sites of action proposed for therapeutic effectiveness and for adverse effects. 4. Know side effects. 1. Introduction to Antipsychotics Contents: 2. Major Classes of Antipsychotics - “typical” antipsychotics: - “atypical” antipsychotic agents. 3. Therapeutic Effects and Adverse Effects 4. Lithium (Li) 7.11 Local anesthetics: (1 CU): 1. know the classification of the local anesthetics with prototype Objectives: examples 2. understand mechanism of action, methods of application of the local anesthetics 3. Be able to select the proper local anesthetic to meet the requirement of clinical Needs 4. Appreciate the adverse effects of local anesthetic 1. Introduction Contents: 2. Basic Pharmacology of LA 3. Clinical Pharmacology of LA 4. Toxicology 8. Cardiovascular drug: (11 CU) 8.1 Antihypertensive drugs: (3 CU): 1. Appreciate that because of lack of knowledge about the exact Objectives: etiology of essential hypertension/ antihypertensive drugs with quite diverse mechanism of action are used 2. Know the different classes of antihypertensive drugs and realize that treatment of hypertension involves the use of a combination therapy in a good number of patients 3. Appreciate why the thiazide diuretic are common components in most antihypertensive combined therapy 4. Know the possible involvement of the renin angiotensin system and the effect of the anti hypertensive drugs on plasma renin activity 5. Be aware of the adverse effects, contraindications and the proper selection of the antihypertensive drugs 1. Current views on etiology of hypertension Contents: 2. Basic and clinical pharmacology of antihypertensive drugs: - Diuretics - Sympatholytics - Vasodilators - Calcium channel blockers - Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors 3. Outpatient treatment of hypertension 4. Management of hypertensive emergencies 66

8.2 Drugs in treatment of angina:(2 CU): 1. Recapitulate the physiology of coronary circulation and the factors Objectives: which increases oxygen demands 2. Appreciate the problem of angina as resulting from an imbalance between oxygen demand and supply in ischemic areas of the myocardium 3. Recognize that the use of propranolol, a beta adrenergic blocker, is a new approach to angina that emphasizes the importance of reduction of cardiac work in relief of angina 1. Nitrates and nitrites Contents: 2. Calcium channel blockers 3. ß-Adrenergic blockers 8.3 The cardiac glycosides and other drugs used in the treatment of congestive heart failure: (3 CU): 1. Appreciate the importance of knowing the electrophysiology of the Objectives: heart to help in understanding effects of cardiac glycosides 2. Know the cardiovascular properties of digoxin, prototype glycoside and its differences digitoxin and other glycosides 3. Recognize the therapeutic uses of the cardiac glycosides and know the pharmacological basis for such uses in heart failure and some cardiac arrhythmias 4. Appreciate that digoxin and other glycosides are capable of causing any type of cardiac arrhythmias including those for which they may be prescribed 5. Recognize the poor therapeutic index of cardiac glycosides and be well acquainted with factors and conditions which may increase or decrease potency of these drugs 6. Appreciate that toxicity due to cardiac glycosides is common and know the different manifestations of this toxicity and its treatment 7. Recognize the importance of the newer inotropic drugs and VD in the management of CHF. 1. Digoxin Contents: 2. Other positive inotropic drugs 8.4 Antiarrhythmic drugs(2 CU): 1. Appreciate that in order to understand the effects of the Objectives: antiarrhythmic drugs it is necessary to get acquainted with physiology of normal rhythm and the possible mechanisms involved in the genesis of dysrhythmias 2. Know the classification of the antiarrhythmic drugs according to their effects of the cardiac physiology and their clinical uses 3. Recognize the therapeutic application, the adverse effects and precautions in the use of each class and possible drug interactions 1. Sodium channel blockers (Class I) Contents: 2. ß-Adrenergic blockers (Class II) 3. Potassium channel blockers (Class III) 4. Calcium channel blockers (Class IV) 5. Miscellaneous 8.5 Drug treatment of shock: (1 CU): 1. Understand the management of various types of she Objectives: 2. Appreciate that not every type of shock requires treatment 3. Know the classes of drugs used in the treatment of shock, their 67


adverse effects and interactions 1. Anaphylactic shock, septic shock, cardiogenic shock, and hypovolemic shock 2. Drug treatment of shock

9. Drugs affecting blood: (3 CU): 9.1 Hypolipidemic agents (1 CU): 1. Know the different types of drugs the plasma lipoproteins level and Objectives: be aware of possible mechanisms of action and their prophylaxis and treatment of atherosclerosis 2. Appreciate the limitation of the useful drugs in treatment and prophylaxis 3. Know the adverse effects, this class of drugs and drug in 1. Niacin (nicotinic acid) Contents: 2. Fibrate 3. Gemfibrozil 4. Bile acid-binding resins 5. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. 6. Ezetimibe 9.2 Drugs used in disorders of coagulation: (1 CU): 1. Acquire knowledge of the site and basic action of drugs modifying Objectives: the coagulation 2. Appreciate the importance of these management of certain disease state 3. Be aware of the methods for control and avoid the possible hazards of these drug 4. Be aware of the potential interaction of coagulants with other drugs 1. Pharmacology of antiplatelet drugs. Contents: 2. Pharmacology of heparin. 3. Pharmacology of oral anticoagulants 4. Pharmacology of fibrinolytic and antithrombotic drugs. 9.3 Antianemic drugs(1 CU): 1. Understand the use of ion salts in iron deficiency Objectives: 2. Appreciate the toxicity of ion particularly in small children and its management. 3. Understand the rationale in using vitamin B12 in anemia and the use of folic acid in megaloblastic and their interrelatioship in different bi reactions. 1. Pharmacology of Iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, Contents: 2. The potential uses of erythropoietin and other hematopoietic factors in treating anemia


Pharmacology III 1801443 Course Code: 3+0=3 Credit Hours: Academic Level: Fourth Year, First Semester. 10. Drugs used in gastro-intestinal diseases: (6 CU): 1. Recognize the role of histamine in mediating acid secretion and the Objectives: presence of H2 receptors. 2. Be aware that drug treatment of peptic ulcer can provide symptomatic relief or Promote ulcer healing or both. 3. Be aware that some drugs can aggravate peptic ulceration and should be avoided In such cases. 4. Know the classification of drugs used in treatment constipation and know their Special uses in certain situations. 5. Know the different drugs used in the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea. 6. Know the different causes of nausea and vomiting ( the different antiemetics and Their special uses 7. Get acquainted with some miscellaneous drugs affecting the gastrointestinal tract indirectly as anorectic drugs, appetite stimulators, contrast media and chenodexoycholic acid 1. Drugs Used in Acid-Peptic Disease Contents: Proton pump (PP) inhibitors Histamine H2 antagonists Antacids Mucosal protective agents Antibacterial drugs 2. Drugs Promoting Gastrointestinal Motility 3. Antiemetic Drugs 4. Laxatives 5. Antidiarrheal Drugs 11. Hormones and drugs used in some endocrine disorders: (14 CU): 11.1 Hypothalamic and pituitary hormones: (2 CU): 1. Be aware of the major endocrine disorders related to pituitary Objectives: hormones and the preparations available for replacement therapy or diagnosis 2. Recognize that some drugs can influence the rate of secretions of the pituitary hormones 1. Introduction Contents: 2. Growth Hormone (Somatotropin, GH) 3. Thyrotropin (Thyroid-stimulating Hormone, TSH) 4. Adrenocorticotropin (Corticotropin, ACTH) 5. Gonadotropins (Follicle-stimulating Hormone, FSH and Luteinizing Hormone, LH) 6. Prolactin 7. Posterior Pituitary Hormones 11.2 Thiyroid hormones: (and antithyroid drugs): (2 CU): 1. Describe the pathway of the thyroid hormone biosynthesis and the Objectives: site of action of the different antithyroid drugs 2. Know the different thyroid hormones preparations and their main differences and indications 69

3. Know the pharmacology of antithyroid drugs 1. Use of THs in deficiency states Contents: 2. Drug treatments of hyperthyroidism: - Thionamides, mechanism of action, therapeutic use, toxicity - Anion inhibitors, mechanism, diagnostic use - Iodide, mechanism, clinical use, toxicity - how contrast dyes are used to treat hyperthyroidism - Radioactive iodine, mechanism, side effects, contraindications 11.3 Pancreatic hormones and antidiabetic drugs: (4 CU): 1. Know the different insulin preparations and the merits of each Objectives: preparation which will help in the proper selection in any given situation, and the route of administration. 2. Be aware of the reactions to insulin and particula1 the seriousness of 3. hypoglycemia. 4. Know the different classes of the oral hypoglycemic agents, their place in 5. therapy and side effects. 1. Pharmacology Contents: - Insulin. - Oral antidiabetics. 2. Treatment of different types of DM 11.4 Adrenocorticosteroids and adrenocortical antagonists: (2 CU): 1. Be aware of the natural and synthetic corticosteroids and Objectives: classification of the steroids 2. Know the different preparations available for systemic and topical applications 3. Be aware of the adverse effects of the corticosteroids and how to minimize these adverse effects 4. Be aware that withdrawal of systemic corticosteroid therapy should be gradual and realize the danger of sudden withdrawal 5. Recognize the use of adrenocorticol antagonists for tumor treatment Pharmacology of corticosteroids (glucocorticoids and Contents: mineralocorticoids): 1. Actions 2. Types 3. Potency 4. Uses 5. Adverse effects of GCs and contraindications 11.5 Gonadal hormones and inhibitors: (2 CU): 1. Know the main actions of androgens and the androgenic substances Objectives: used in replacement therapy and as anabolic agents 2. Know natural and synthetic oestrogenic and progrestational hormones and therapeutic uses 3. Know the composition, mechanism of action and types of oral contraceptive pills, and the side effects and contraindications for the use of these pills. 4. Know some drugs used as ovulation inducers 1. Pharmacology of estrogens and progestin Contents: 2. Pharmacology of oral contraceptives 70

3. The use of clomiphene for treatment of infertility 4. Pharmacology of testosterone and synthetic androgens 11.6 Agents that affect bone mineral homeostasis: (2 CU): 1. Understand the role of both calcium and phosphorous in bone Objectives: metabolism 2. Know the role of the principal hormonal regulators of bone mineral homoestasis. 3. Recognize the role of secondary hormonal regulators of bone mineral homeostasis as well as the role of nonhormonal agents. 1. Pharmacology parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin and Contents: vitamin D in calcium homeostasis 2. Contrast treatment of hypoparathyroidism and hyperparathyroidism 12. Chemotherapy: (18 CU): 12 .1 Antimicrobial drugs: (8 CU): 1. Be aware of some general concepts in antimicrobial therapy which Objectives: would ensure effectiveness to therapy 2. Be aware of the different classes of antimicrobial agents 3. Know the mechanism of action of antimicrobial 4. Recognize the development of resistance to antimicrobial agents and how to minimize, this resistance 5. Know how to select the proper drug and administration 6. Be aware of the combined antimicrobial its indications and its disadvantages 7. Be aware of the causes of treatment failure 8. Be acquainted with the adverse effects antimicrobial agents 1. General Principles of Chemotherapy Contents: 2. Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis (ICWS) - Penicillins - Cephalosporins - Other beta-lactams - Other ICWS 3. Inhibitors of protein synthesis (IPS) - 1.Aminoglycosides - Tetracyclines, erythromycins, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, spectinomycin 4. Inhibitors of folate-dependent pathways - Sulfonamides - Trimethoprim 5. DNA gyrase inhibitors 6. Urinary tract antiseptics 7. Antimycobacterial agents 12.2 Antituberculous drugs: (2 CU): 1. Recognize the classification of antituberculous drugs as first line Objectives: and second line Drugs 2. Know that antituberculous therapy more than one agent in order to minimize Drug resistant and toxicity is initiated with continued double drug 1. Pharmacology of first line antituberculous drugs Contents: 2. Drugs for leprosy 12.3 Antifungal agents: (2 CU): 1. Describe the probable mechanisms of action of the polyene Objectives: 71

antifungal Antibiotics, azoles, griseofulv and fluocytosine. 2. Describe the clinical uses and pharmacokinetics of amphotericin B, fluocytosine, Ketoconazole, fluoconazole, griseovulfvin. 3. Indicate the major toxic effects of systemic antifungal drugs and Griseofulvin. 4. Identify the main topical antifungal agents. Pharmacology of: Contents: 1. Antifungal azoles 2. Membrane-active agents 3. Antimetabolites 4. Griseofulvin 5. Terbinafine 12.4 Antiviral chemotherapy and prophylaxis: (2 CU): 1. 1. Know the different antiviral agents used in both treatment and Objectives: prophylaxin of viral infections. 2. Recognize their adverse effects and the limitations drugs used in viral infections. 1. Gamma globulins, amantadine, zidovudine pyrimidine Contents: 2. Purine analogues, other inhibitors of nucleic c synthesis, interferons, inhibitors of late protein synthesis inhibitors of assembly or release of viral particles. 12.5 Anthelmintics and antiprotozoal agents: (2 CU): 1. Know the different drugs used for the treatment of helminthiasis Objectives: and protozoa Indigenous to region 2. Apply the knowledge to the prophylaxis, eradication or treatment of Helminthiasis and protozal infections 1. Basic Principles of Antiparasitic Chemotherapy Contents: 2. Antiprotozoal Chemotherapy 3. Anthelminthic Agents 12.6 Cancer chemotherapy and immunosuppressive: (2 CU): 1. Be acquainted with the different types of drugs used in cancer Objectives: chemotherapy and their biochemical mechanisms 2. Be aware of the possible hazards of using these agents and the characteristic signs of toxicity resulting from the administration of antineoplastic agents 3. Be familiar with the clinical uses of immunosuppressive agents in certain autoimmune diseases or organs transplantation 1. Pharmacology of Anticancer drugs. Contents: 2. Pharmacology of immunosuppressive drugs. 13. Miscellaneous Topics: (4 CU): 1. Be aware that all drugs, without exception, are potentially harmful Objectives: specially when The rational use of drugs is lacking and when the proper knowledge of drug pharmacology is inadequate. 2. Recognize that drug use may lead to different types of adverse reactions. Some of these reactions are predictable as they are extension of the intrinsic Pharmacological actions of drugs, while others are unpredictable as they occur only in certain susceptible individuals such as drug allergy and idiosyncrasy. 3. To be aware of the different factors which may predispose the patient to adverse drug reaction and drug toxicity. 4. Recognize that drugs that affect the fetus during pregnancy or baby 72

5. 6. 7.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

during lactation. Categorize the drugs according to safety during pregnancy and lactation. Be aware about the effect of different categories of drugs on old patients. Be acquainted with the meaning of different subjects in pharmacology as drug development, Therapeutic drug monitoring, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoeconomics, & Pharmacogenetics. Terminology, definition and types of adverse drug effects. Factors which may predispose patients to adverse drug reactions. Risks of pharmacotherapy in pregnancy and lactation. Risks of pharmacotherapy in geriatrics. Drug development process. Therapeutic drug monitoring. Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacogenetics and Drug Information.


Clinical Pharmacology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

Contents(28 CU):


1801444 2 + 0 =2 Fourth, Second semester. 1. Upon completion of this course, the student will be ale to: 2. Recognize the underlying principle of the pathophysiology of disease and basic facts of pharmacotherapy that must be interdigitated in order to select drugs and establish therapeutic objectives. 3. Foster an attitude of advising the physician based on basic knowledge of therapeutics. 4. Identify major classes of drugs used in the clinical setting. 5. Identify side effects necessary to monitor during drug therapy and describe symptoms of toxicity of drugs. 6. Describe the rationale for choosing certain drugs to treat individual patients and diseases. 7. Act as a knowledgeable member of the health care team in the area of pharmacology. 1. Migraine and glaucoma 2. Hypertension 3. Congestive heart failure 4. Ischemic heart diseases 5. Bronchial asthma 6. Peptic ulcer. 7. Anemia and dyslipidemia. 8. Seizures 9. Depression 10. Pain and inflammation 11. Anxiety an schizophrenia 12. Upper and lower respiratory tract infection. 13. Urinary tract infection 14. Pulmonary TB. 1. James Ritter, Lionel Lewis, Timothy Mant A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology, 4Ed 2. Grahame-Smith & Aronson: Oxford Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. 3. Hardman, Limbird & Gilman: Goodman & Gilman;s the Pharmacological basis of therapeutics,. McGraw-Hill. 4. Rang, Dale. Ritter & Moore: Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone. 5. Katzung: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Appleton & Lange.


Toxicology Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Pre-requisites: Objectives:



1801545 2+1=3 Fifth, First semester. Organic chemistry, Pharmacology, and Pharmaceutics. 1. Understand the basic principles and applications within the science of toxicology. 2. Know toxicology and its subdivisions. 3. Understand toxicology terms and definitions such as toxicity, hazard, risk, routes of exposure, duration of exposure, LD50, side effect, toxic effects, phytotoxicity, photoallergy, chemical allergies, idiosyncrasy, iatrogenic toxicity. 4. Classify the different routes of toxic exposure, metabolic pathways, mechanisms of distribution within the body, and elimination processes. 5. Understand the effects of different toxicants and stressors in terms of target effect on the cellular-, organ system- and whole body-levels. 6. Understand the diagnosis and management of poisoned patient. 7. Recognize the antidotes of different toxins. 8. Understand the environmental considerations of chemicals. 9. Know the incidence of acute poisoning. 10. Know major sources of information in toxicology. 11. Know deposition and absorption of toxicants by the lung. 12. Know the types and sources and health effects of environmental pollutants. 13. Relate applied toxicology principles and community health practices; 14. Review current concepts in risk communication and provide practical outreach experience. Toxicology is a science which studies toxicological aspects of pharmacology, pharmacognosy and drug development, botanical and chemical sciences, and ecology. The discipline is focused on toxicological aspects of all factors affecting the human organisms. Special attention is paid to toxic substances which are present in the air, water, food, plants, and environment, and as well as industrial toxins. Basic analytical methods for measuring concentrations of toxic substances in the air, water, food and in biological materials and the procedures in estimating drug toxicity are of primary importance and are taught in practical training settings which were created recently as an independent and obligatory subject followed by an examination. 1. Introduction to Toxicology: (2 CU): 1. Introduction, Toxicological Evidence, Common household poisons, 2. description of sub disciplines of toxicology, qualitative and quantitative 3. aspects of toxic effects. 4. Biotransformation : detoxication and bioactivation. 5. Absorption, distribution and elimination of xenobiotics. 6. Toxicokinetics ; quantitative aspect. 7. Dose time – effect relationships. 2. Air Pollutants:(1 CU) 1. The mechanism of action, clinical effects and treatment of important toxicants. 2. Formaldehyde toxicity 3. Particulate matter toxicity: silica dust and asbestosis. 4. Some important toxicants carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, ozone 75

3. Solvents:(2 CU) - The mechanism of action, clinical effects and treatment for intoxication with the following solvents: 1.Aliphatic hydrocarbons 2.Ethanol 3.Methanol 4.Isopropanol 5.Glycols 6.Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons 7.Benzene 8.Toluene 4. Methemoglobin-forming Chemicals: :(1 CU) - The mechanism of action, clinical effects and treatment of methemoglobinforming chemicals 1. Direct nitrites 2. Indirect p-aminophenol, aniline, nitrobenzene, p-aminopropiophenone 5. Insecticides: (4 CU) - The mechanism of action, clinical effects and treatment of: 1. Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides:DDT, lindane, toxaphene, mirex, kepone, benzene, hexachlorides, cyclodienes, toxaphenes 2. Organophosphorus Insecticides azinophos-methyl, chlorfenvinphos, diazinon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, fenitrothion, leptophos, malathion, parathion, parathion-methyl, trichlorfon 3. Carbamate Insecticides: aldicarb, aminocarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, dimetan, dimetilan, isolan, methomyl, propoxur, pyramat, pyrolan, zectran 4. Botanical Insecticides nicotine, rotenone, pyrethrum 5. Ectoparasiticides lindane, malathion, pyrethrins 6. Fumigants: cyanide, methylbromide, ethylene dibromide, dibromochlorpropane, phosphine 7. Rodenticides wafarin, red squill, sodium fluoracetate, phosphorus, zinc phosphide, alpha-naphthyl thiourea, thallium, strychnine 6. Herbicides and Fungicides: (1 CU) - The mechanism of action, clinical effects and treatment of: 1. Chlorophenoxy Herbicides 2. Bipyridyl Herbicides 3. Dinitrophenol Herbicides 7.Chelators and Heavy Metals: (2 CU) - The mechanism of action, clinical effects and treatment of: 1. Inorganic lead, organic lead, arsenic, arsine, mercury vapor, organic mercury, inorganic mercury 2. Cadmium, fluoride, aluminum, cobalt, copper. Manganese, selenium, silver, thallium, zinc 3. Dimercaprol, penicillamine, edetate calcium disodium, succimer, deferoxamine 8. Management of Poisoned Patient: (2 CU) 1. The clinical features and key interventions for toxicity produced different drugs or classes of drugs. 2. The laboratory and X-ray procedures that are useful in clinical toxicology, including anion gap, osmolar gap, etc. 3. Poisons can be treated with hemodialysis or hemoperfusion 4. The various methods the gastrointestinal tract can be decontaminated, as 76



well as advantages, disadvantages and cautions of each 5. The mechanism of action of ipecac and apomorphine 6. The urinary excretion of chemicals can be enhanced 7. Antidote 9. Drug Toxicity: (4 CU) 1.Analgesics and Anti-inflammatory drugs 2.Opioids 3.CNS stimulants and depressants, antidepressants, hallucinogens 4.Anticholinergics 5.Cardiovascular drugs 10. Reproductive Toxicity (1 CU) 11. Organ Toxicity – Liver and Kidney, Nervous System, Respiratory System (2 CU) 12. Organ Toxicity - Endocrine System, Immune System (1 CU) 13. Toxicity Testing (1 CU) 14 Therapeutic drug monitoring (2 CU) 15. Forensic Toxicology: (2CU) 1. Medical-legal aspects of poisonings. 2. Identification and quantification of poisons. 3. Establish relationship between tissue residual level and probable cause of death 1. Orientation, methods of evaluation and preparations. 2. Awareness of the health and welfare requirements of common laboratory animals; their handling, dosing procedures, humane killing, regulatory control of animal experimentation. 3. Clinical observations, and clinical signs in treated and control animals. Weight change, apparent signs of toxicity, including functional observations. 4. Sampling, anesthetic procedures and humane killing procedures. 5. Post-mortem methods. 6. Macroscopic identification of major organs and recognition of pathological abnormalities. 7. Fetal and neonatal examinations: recognition of gross teratological abnormalities. 8. Standard analytical methods for the test chemicals. 9. Determination of acute, subacute, and chronic toxicity. The distinction between measures of acute and chronic exposure, and between spot samples and integrated measures. 10. Methods for the collection, handling and storage of blood and urine samples. 11. Principal techniques of exposure assessment, including urinary levels of compounds or a metabolite, adducts in urine, with blood or tissue proteins or DNA. 12. Reproductive toxicology study: multigeneration studies, general fertility and reproductive functions in males and females, teratology, pre-natal and post-natal development and in vitro methods. 13. Developmental neurotoxicity tests: behavioral patterns in experimental animals. 14. Preparations of lab reports. 1. Hodgson; A Textbook of Modern Toxicology; 3rd edition; 2004. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. hoboken, NJ 77

2. Introduction to Toxicology, 3rd Edition. 2002. John Timbrell. Taylor and Francis Publishing 3. Klaassen: Casarett and Doull. Toxicology: the basic sciences of Poisons. , MacGraw-Hill. 4. Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning,. M.J. Ellenhorn. Williams and Wilkins, 5. Basics of Toxicology: Preserving the Legacy. C. Kent (J. Wiley & Sons,). 6. Experimental Toxicology: The Basic Issues by Diana Anderson, Conning D. M. 7. A Guide to Practical Toxicology: Evaluation, Prediction and Risk by Adam Woolley. 8. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology: A Practical Approach, Second Edition by Ronald D. Hood.


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacognacy Modules

2008 79

Pharmacognosy I Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Introduction:



1802311 2+1=3 Third Year, First Semester. The Pharmacognosy course introduces students to botanical aspects, nomenclature, classification, cultivation and processing of medicinal plants. I. Theoretical: 1. Know botanical aspects, nomenclature, classification, and processing of medicinal plants. 2. Provided with general information on cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants. 3. Further, students will study both official and locally made crude drugs, which are in current use. 4. Representative drugs from different morphological sources will be discussed in detail, involving the description of their macro- and microscopical characteristics. 5. The geographical distribution, cultivation, collection, chemical constituents and their uses will be emphasized, which will be made even clearer when students go for field work to appreciate medicinal plants in their natural environment. 6. Describe and utilize the methods used for selection of potential medicinal plants for biological screening 7. Describe and select appropriate biological assay methods for the screening of a given product and bio-guided isolation. 8. Describe appropriate examples of bioactive compounds from natural sources 9. Describe types of culture techniques, their applications, advantages and disadvantages 10. Design a culture system laboratory 11. Show the role played by growth substances in plant breeding. 12. Show the importance of alternative systems of medicine, with emphasis on traditional medicine practice. 13. Show the contribution of traditional medicine to modern medicine. 14. Advise the community on the importance of conservation of biodiversity. 15. Apply the principles of chemotaxonomy to solve taxonomical problems. 1. Introductory Pharmacognosy § Historical development, modern concept and scope of Pharmacognosy. Significance of Pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine viz; Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathic, Siddha and Allopathic systems practiced in India. 2. Classification of crude drugs § Based on alphabetical, morphological, pharmacological, chemical and taxonomical methods, official and unofficial drugs, organized and unorganized drugs. 3. Definition of drug § Sources of crude drugs viz; Herbs, Animals, inorganic matter, plant 80

tissue culture and marine sources. Role of herbal drugs in national economy. 4. Cultivation of herbal drugs. § Factors influencing variability in drug activity, type of soils, fertilizers, plant hormones and their applications, polyploidy, mutation and hybridization in medicinal plants. 5. Production Factors § Factors involved in the preparation of herbal drugs for market from cultivated and wild sources including collection, drying, storage and transport methods. 6. Study of morphological and histological characters of crude drugs § Ergastic cell inclusions, anatomical structures of bark, fruits, seeds and monocot and dicot stems, leaves and roots. 7. Phytoconstituents of medicinal importance § Introduction, classification and chemical tests of: Carbohydrates, polysaccharides, mono-, di- and tri-terpenes, steroids, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, tannins, carotenoides, alkaloids, iridoides and amino acids. 8. Principles of plant classification § Diagnostic features and medicinal significance of important plants with special reference to: i) Algae: Rhodophyceae (Agar, Alginic acid, Diatoms, Carrageenan and Cetraria). ii) Fungi: Eumycetes (Ergot, Yeast, Mushrooms, Antibiotics, and Lycopodium). iii) Gymnosperm: Pinaceae (Turpentine, Colophony), Gnetaceae (Ephedra). iv) Angiosperm: Apocynaceae, Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Lamiaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Apiaceae, Leguminosae (Caesalpinaceae, Mimosaceae, Papilionaceae), Papaveraceae, Acanthaceae and Euphorbiaceae. v) Pteridophytes: Male fern. 9. Techniques in microscopy § Details of mountants, clearing agents, chemomicroscopic reagents. II. Practical: 1. Microscopic preparation. Staining and surface preparation. 2. Microscopical studies of basic tissues, bark, stem (Dicot, Monocot), Root (Dicot, Monocot), seed, leaf, fruits, trichomes, stomata, calcium oxalate crystals, starch, phloem fibres. 3. General chemical tests for alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, resins and proteins. 4. Study of diagnostic characters of families mentioned in the theory.


Pharmacognosy II Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Introduction:



1802312 2+1=3 Third Year, Second Semester. § Study both official and locally made crude drugs, which are in current use. § Representative drugs from different morphological sources will be discussed in detail, involving the description of their macro- and microscopical characteristics. § Study of toxic drugs, drugs of animal origin, natural pesticides and insectisides regarding the geographical distribution, cultivation, collection, chemical constituents, methods of separation, structures activity relationship and their uses will be emphasized, which will be made even clearer when students go for field work to appreciate medicinal plants in their natural environment. § Evaluation of contents by the use of analytical chromatography. 1. Know botanical aspects, nomenclature, classification, and processing of medicinal plants. 2. Provided with general information on cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants. 3. Further, students will study both official and locally made crude drugs, which are in current use. 4. Representative drugs from different morphological sources will be discussed in detail, involving the description of their macro- and microscopical characteristics. 5. The geographical distribution, cultivation, collection, chemical constituents and their uses will be emphasized, which will be made even clearer when students go for field work to appreciate medicinal plants in their natural environment. 6. Describe and utilize the methods used for selection of potential medicinal plants for biological screening 7. Describe and select appropriate biological assay methods for the screening of a given product and bio-guided isolation. 8. Describe appropriate examples of bioactive compounds from natural sources 9. Describe types of culture techniques, their applications, advantages and disadvantages 10. Design a culture system laboratory 11. Show the role played by growth substances in plant breeding. 12. Show the importance of alternative systems of medicine, with emphasis on traditional medicine practice. 13. Show the contribution of traditional medicine to modern medicine. 14. Advise the community on the importance of conservation of biodiversity. 15. Apply the principles of chemotaxonomy to solve taxonomical problems. 1. Biosynthesis § Formation of primary and secondary metabolites. Study of Calvin cycle, TCA cycle, Shikimic acid pathway, Embden-Maerhoef 82


pathway, acetate hypothesis, isoprenoid pathway. Biosynthesis of carbohydrates, lipids and volatile oils. 2. Toxic Drugs § Study of Allergens, hallucinogens, narcotics, mycotoxins, toxic mushrooms and toxic plants. 3. Plant Products § Introduction to plant bitters, sweeteners, health food, cosmetic and photosensitising agents. 4. Quantitative microscopy § Determination of stomatal index, stomatal number, palisade ratio, vein islet number, vein termination number, Lycopodium spore method. Micrometers and measurement of microscopic characters. 5. Herbarium § Preparation of herbarium sheets and their importance in authentication of plants. 6. Pharmaceutical aids § Biological sources, chemical test and microscopy of: Cotton, silk, wool regenerated fibres, asbestos, kaolin, prepared chalk, and kieselghur. 7. Drugs of Animal origins § Shellac, cochineal, cantherides, spermaceti, woolfat, lard, beeswax, honey, musk, lanolin, gelatin. 8. Enzymes § Biological sources, preparation, characters and uses of Diastase, Papain Bromalain, Ficin, Yeast, Pancreatin, Urokinase, Pepsin, Trypsin, Pencillinase, Hyaluronidase and Stryptokinase. 9. Natural pesticides and Insecticides § Tobacco, Pyrethrum, Cevadilla, Neem, Ryania. Introduction to herbicides, fungicides, fumigants and rodenticides. 1. Identification through morphological, sensory and chemical characteristic of shellac, cochineal, cantharides, spermaceti, woolfat, lard, beeswax, honey, lanolin, gelatin, Yeast, Diastase, Papain, Bromalain, Cotton, Silk and Wool. 2. Quantitative microscopy of Vinca, Datura and Senna leaves. 3. Microscopic and chemical tests of the following powdered drugs: i) Leaf: Senna, Datura.ii) Stem: Ephedra iii) Root: Rauwolfia, Glycyrrhiza iv) Seed: Nux vomica, Plantago v) Bark: Cinchona, Cinnamon vi) Fruits: Fennel, Coriander vii) Wood: Quassia, viii) Rhizome: Ginger, Turmeric ix) Flowers: Clove.


Pharmacognosy III Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Introduction:



1802311 2+1=3 Fourth, first semester. § Study both official and locally made crude drugs, which are in current use. § Study of Carbohydrates, lipids and volatile oils tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, regarding the geographical distribution, cultivation, collection, chemical constituents, methods of separation, structures activity relationship and their uses will be emphasized, which will be made even clearer when students go for field work to appreciate medicinal plants in their natural environment. § Evaluation of contents by the use of analytical chromatography. 1. Know botanical aspects, nomenclature, classification, and processing of medicinal plants. 2. Provided with general information on cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants. 3. Further, students will study both official and locally made crude drugs, which are in current use. 4. Representative drugs from different morphological sources will be discussed in detail, involving the description of their macro- and microscopical characteristics. 5. The geographical distribution, cultivation, collection, chemical constituents and their uses will be emphasized, which will be made even clearer when students go for field work to appreciate medicinal plants in their natural environment. 6. Describe and utilize the methods used for selection of potential medicinal plants for biological screening 7. Describe and select appropriate biological assay methods for the screening of a given product and bio-guided isolation. 8. Describe appropriate examples of bioactive compounds from natural sources 9. Describe types of culture techniques, their applications, advantages and disadvantages 10. Design a culture system laboratory 11. Show the role played by growth substances in plant breeding. 12. Show the importance of alternative systems of medicine, with emphasis on traditional medicine practice. 13. Show the contribution of traditional medicine to modern medicine. 14. Advise the community on the importance of conservation of bio-diversity. 15. Apply the principles of chemotaxonomy to solve taxonomical problems. 1. Carbohydrates § Biological sources, chemical constituents, adulterants and uses of: Starches, Acacia gum, Tragacanth, Sterculia, Guar gum, Plantago, Pectin, Sodium alginate, Agar, Bael, Honey. 2. Lipids § Biological sources, chemical constituents, adulterants & uses of: Arachis oil, castor oil, sesame oil, cotton seed oil, olive oil, chalmooogra oil, shark liver oil, cod liver oil, neem oil, kokum bitter, rice bran oil, guggul lipids. 3. Tannins 84


§ Biological sources, chemical constituents, chemical test and uses of: pale catechu, black catechu, Nutgalls, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia arjuna. 4. Volatile oils § Biological sources, chemical constituents, adulterants and uses of: Black pepper, Turpentine, Mentha, Coriander, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cassia, Lemon peel, Orange peel, Lemon grass, Citronella, Cumin, Caraway, Dill, Spearmint, Clove, Anise, Star anise, Fennel, Nutmeg, Eucalyptus, Chenopodium, Ajowan, Sandal wood, Palmarosa, Gaultheria. 5. Resinous drugs § Classification, formation and chemical nature. Biological sources, chemical constituents, identification test, adulterants and uses of: Benzoin, Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, Colophony, Myrrh, Asafoetida, Jalap, Colocynth, Ginger, Turmeric, Capsicum, Cannabis, Podophyllum. 6. Glycosides § Nature and classification. Biological sources, chemical constituents, adulterants and uses of: Digitalis, strophanthus, squill, thevetia, oleander, cascara, aloe, rhubarb, senna, quassia, dioscorea, quillaia, glycyrrhiza, ginseng, gentian, senega, ruta, wild cherry, withania, Bitter almond. Biosynthesis of Cardiac and Anthraquinone glycoside. 7. Alkaloids § Biological sources, chemical constituents, adulterants and uses of: Areca nut, Belladonna, Hyoscymus, Stramonium, Duboisia, Lobelia, Coca, Coffee, Tea, Cinchona, Opium, Ipecac, Nux vomica, Ergot, Rauwolfia, Physostigma, Vinca, Kurchi, Veratrum, Ephedra, Colchicum, Vasaca, Pilocarpus, Aconite, Solanum xanthocarpum. Biosynthesis of tropane, cinchona and opium alkaloids. 1. Identification of organised drugs studied in theory on the basis of morphological and sensory characters. 2. Microscopy of: Datura, Thevatia, Quassia,, Cinchona, Ipecac, Nux vomica, Rauwolfia, Cinnamon, Caraway, Clove, Fennel, Aconite. 3. Chemical tests of: Starches, Acacia gum, Tragacanth, Sterculia, Guargum, Agar, Plantago, Sesame oil, Cotton seed oil, Pale catechu, Black catechu, Tannic acid, Clove, Cinnamon, Benzoin, Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, Colophony, Asafoetida, Aloe, Thevetia, Cinchona, Ipecac, Nux vomica, Ephedra, Colchicum. 4. Pharmacognosy tour for field collection of medicinal and aromatic plants. (2 Weeks) 5. Preparation of herbarium sheets and monograph on one of the collected plant during tour.


Pharmacognosy VI Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


1802414 3+1=4 Fourth, second semester. 1. Know botanical aspects, nomenclature, classification, and processing of medicinal plants. 2. Provided with general information on cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants. 3. Further, students will study both official and locally made crude drugs, which are in current use. 4. Representative drugs from different morphological sources will be discussed in detail, involving the description of their macro- and microscopical characteristics. 5. The geographical distribution, cultivation, collection, chemical constituents and their uses will be emphasized, which will be made even clearer when students go for field work to appreciate medicinal plants in their natural environment. 6. Describe and utilize the methods used for selection of potential medicinal plants for biological screening 7. Describe and select appropriate biological assay methods for the screening of a given product and bio-guided isolation. 8. Describe appropriate examples of bioactive compounds from natural sources 9. Describe types of culture techniques, their applications, advantages and disadvantages 10. Design a culture system laboratory 11. Show the role played by growth substances in plant breeding. 12. Show the importance of alternative systems of medicine, with emphasis on traditional medicine practice. 13. Show the contribution of traditional medicine to modern medicine. 14. Advise the community on the importance of conservation of bio-diversity. 15. Apply the principles of chemotaxonomy to solve taxonomical problems. 1. Isolation Techniques § General methods used for the isolation and characterisation of alkaloids, lipids, glycosides, proteins, volatile oils, bioflavonoids, steroids, terpenoids and resins. Application of column, paper and thin layer chromatographic techniques for the isolation of phytopharmaceuticals. 2. Phytopharmaceuticals § Isolation, characterisation and estimation of: Caffeine, Eugenol, Pectin, Solanine, Piperine, Tannic acid, Diosgenin, Hesperidine, Berberine, Calcium sennosides, Rutin, Glycyrrhizin, Menthol, Ephedrine, Quinine, Andrographolides, Gu ggul lipids and Katha industry in India. 3. Plant Biotechnology § Tissue culture, Nutritional requirements, Callus and suspension culture, production of secondary metabolites, viz. Shikonin and Taxol. Biotransformation, immobilisation of cells and enzymes. Gene transfer in plants, application of plant biotechnology. 4. Methods of adulteration § Deterioration of herbal drugs by insect. Evaluation of drugs by organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical and biological methods. WHO guidelines. 86


5. Quality control and Standardization of herbal drugs § Extractive values, ash values, chromatographic techniques (TLC, HPTLC and HPLC) for determination of chromatographic markers, spectroscopic techniques and assay methods. § Determination of heavy metals in herbal preparation and alcohol contents in Aristas and bhasams. § Quality control and rational use of herbal drugs as per WHO guidelines. 6. Herbal formulations § Principles involved in Ayurveda, Sidha, Unani, Chinese and Homeopathic systems of medicines, preparation of Ayurvedic formulations like Aristas, Asava, Ghutika, Tailia, Churna, Avaleha, Ghrita and Bhasms; Unani formulations like Majooms, Safoofs. 7. Herbal cosmetics § Shampoos (soapnut), Conditioners, (Amla, Henna, Hibiscus, Tea), Hair darkeners (Amla, Henna), Skin care (Aloe, Turmeric). 8. Traditional herbal drugs § Common names, sources, active constituents and uses of: Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus microphylla), Lehsun (Allium sativum), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Kalmegh (Andrographis peniculata), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Valerian (Valerian officinalis), Artemisia (Artemisia annua), Chirata (Swertia chirata), Asoka (Saraca indica), Saffron (Crocus sativa), Shilajit, Brahmi ( Bacopa monnieri and Centella asiatica), Salai (Boswellia serrata), Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia). 9. Worldwide trade of crude drugs and volatile oils § Plants based industries and research institutes. Intellectual Property Rights with special reference to phytoconstituents. Regulation pertaining to trade drugs. 1. Isolation and TLC profile of volatile oils of: Eucalyptus, Cumin and Lemon grass. 2. Isolation of Starch, Lipids, Resins, Tannic acids, Sennosides and Quinine. 3. Isolation and TLC profile of Total alkaloids: Nu x vomica, Rauwolfia, Cinchona, Tea, and Vinca. 4. Herbal formulation of Shampoos. 5. Preparation and evaluation of herbal drugs. 6. Morphology of traditional herbal drugs..7. Determination of Moisture content, Ash value, Swelling factor, Extractive values and foreign organic matters in herbal formulations. 8. Estimation of Citral, Carvone, Cineole, Balsamic acid, Quinine and Anthraquinone glycosides.


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutics Modules



Pharmaceutics I Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1803231 2+1=3 Second Year, First Semester I. Theoretical: 1. Understand of the weights, measures and calculations used in pharmacy practice; the principles of drug administration. 2. Perform pharmaceutical calculations; the preparation of certain pharmaceutical dose forms. 3. Appreciate the need for accuracy and thoroughness in manufacture of pharmaceutical products; the factors which influence the design of pharmaceutical dose forms. 4. Use pharmacopeias and other sources of information. 5. Define a solution and describe all types of solution. 6. Define solubility and know its various expression 7. Formulate liquid, mixture and powder pharmaceutical products. 8. Calculate isotonicity and osmolarity of pharmaceutical preparations. 9. Apply problem-solving skills for the needs of an individual patient within the practice of pharmacy. This course includes an introduction to the history of pharmacy, prescription terminology, systems of measurement and pharmacy calculations. Students will apply appropriate mathematical concepts found within the practice of pharmacy, including prescription compounding and patient specific determinations. Preparation of some dosage forms, such as solution, mixtures and powder, will be involved. Emphasis will be placed on improving and applying problem-solving skills for the needs of an individual prescription. 1. Types dosage forms (2CU): The oral, rectal, parenteral and topical routes of drug administration. Bulk powders, individual powders, capsules, pills, tablets, ointments, creams, emulsions, solutions, suspensions, drops (eye, ear and nose), suppositories and pessaries. 2. Introduction to Pharmaceutical calculations (2 CU): - Sources of pharmaceutical information, pharmacopeias and formularies. - The prescription, main parts of prescription. - Different types of prescriptions. - Posology and dosage regimen. 3. Introduction to Pharmaceutical calculations (continue) (2 CU): - Some fundamentals of measurements and calculations. - the metric system of weights and measures, other common systems, - conversions. - calculation of doses for children. - reducing and enlarging formulae. 4. Introduction to Pharmaceutical calculations (continue) (2 CU): - density, specific gravity and specific volume. 89

- percentage solutions and allegation. - Water and spirit. 2. Solution formulation (2CU). - Principles of formulation. -

pharmaceutical solvents; solutes, mechanisms of solution, concentration. Factors effecting solubility, including temperature, pH, complexation, solubilization and co-solvency. Vehicles for solutions.

1. Solutions (continue) (2CU). -

Solutions as oral dosage forms; e.g. elixirs, linctuses, mixtures… Solutions installed into body cavities. Solutions for external use.

2. Mixtures (2CU). -

Simple mixture. Mixtures containing insoluble diffusible solids. Mixtures containing insoluble indiffusible solids. Mixture containing slightly miscible liquids. Mixture containing prescipitable forming liquids. Miscellaneous mixture.

3. Incompatibilities (2CU). -

Types of pharmaceutical incompatibilities.


Physical and Chemical incompatibilities. Manifestations, correction and prevention with reference to typical examples. 9. Isotonic solutions and electrolyte solution(2CU). 10. Powders (2CU). - Bulk and divided powder - Powder mixing - Dividing of powder - Powder with special problems; e.g. deliquescent, efflorescent….. 11. Powders (continue) (2CU). - Effervescent powder - Dusting powder 12. Galinical preparations Infusion, decoction, fluid extracts, tinctures. 1. Galinical preparations (continue) Extraction processes. Maceration; purpose and process, 90


Percolation; purpose and process, liquid-liquid extraction. II. Practical: 1. Introduction to laboratory equipment ands procedures. 2. Weighing techniques. 3. Measuring techniques. 4. Problems based on how to manipulate the prescription 5. Preparation of Waters; e.g. aromatic water. 6. Compounding of selected examples of solutions. 7. Compounding of selected examples of simple mixture. 8. Compounding of selected examples of mixtures containing insoluble diffusible solid. 9. Compounding of selected examples of mixtures containing insoluble in-diffusible solid. 10. Compounding of elixirs, gargles, aromatic waters, spirits, ear drops. 11. Preparation of buffer solutions and isotonic solution. 12. compounding of divided and bulk powder, effervescent powder and effervescent granules. 13. Galinical preparation 1. Pharmaceutical Calculations (2005), Ed., Howard C. Ansel and Mitchell J. Stoklosa, Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins 2. Martindale: The complete drug reference, Sweetman, S. C., Ed., Kathleen Parfitt; The Pharmaceutical Press, London, UK. 3. Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery System. Ed., Allen, Popovich and Ansel (2005). Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 4. British Pharmacopoeia. 5. US Pharmacopoeia.


Pharmaceutics II Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1803232 3 + 1 =4 Second Year, Second Semester I. Theoretical: 1. Differentiate surface and interfacial tension; describe methods of determination of surface/interfacial laws; describe the solibilization phenomenon. 2. Understand the physical and physicochemical behavior of drug molecules, dosage forms, and drug delivery systems and formulation and preparation of certain dosage forms. 3. Understand the principles of drug administration; the principles of dosage form design. 4. Differentiate various routes of drug administration and peculiarities of drug delivery systems designed for each specific route. 5. Understand the production, formulation and use of suspensions and emulsions; the formulation, properties and uses of aerosols. 6. Describe the different types of radioisotopes used to make pharmaceuticals; explain the use of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear pharmacy/medicine. 7. Perform pharmaceutical calculations; the preparation of pharmaceutical dose forms. This course involves the study of the physical and physicochemical behavior of drug molecules, dosage forms, and drug delivery systems and their composition. This includes the study of interfacial phenomenon and viscosity The course also includes the study of the pharmaceutical principles for disperse systems; suspension, emulsion, aerosols. Also studied are the mechanisms of drug release. The preparation and characterization of liposomes will also involved. Part I; Physical Pharmacy: 1. Rheology (3CU) - Difinition and fundamental concepts - properties contributing to rheological behavior, Shear stress, strain and strain rate. - Newtonian system. - Non-Newtonian systems; plastic, pseudoplastic and dilatant flow. Thixotropy, - Rheograms. 2. Rheology (continue) (3CU). - Determination of rheologic properties; capillary viscometer, falling-sphere viscometer, Cup-and-Bob viscometer and Cone-and-Plate viscometer. - Factors affecting rheological properties. - Applications. 3. Surface properties (3CU). 92


Surface and interfacial tensions. Surface free energy. Measurement of surface and interfacial tensions, adhesion, cohesion, friction. - Spreading coefficient and wetting. - Adsorption at liquid and at solid interfaces. 4. Surface properties (continue) (3CU). - Types of isotherms, factors influencing, non-adsorption techniques. - Applications in pharmacy and medicine. - Surface active agents; classifications. - Micellization and solubilization. - Systems of hydrophile-lipophile classification. Part II: Disperse systems: 5. Colloids (3CU). - Types of colloidal systems. - kinetic, optical, electrical properties, stability of colloids. - Applications in pharmacy. 6. Coarse dispersion; Suspensions (3CU). - The design and evaluation of suspension. - Electrical and steric stabilization of solid-liquid dispersions. - Flocculated and deflocculated systems. - Suspending agents, their classification and stability. - Physical Stability of suspensions. 7. Coarse dispersion; Emulsions (3CU). - Theories of emulsification; emulsion type. - Emulsifying agents and their classification; HydrophilicLipophilic Balance (HLB). - Adsorption; monomolecular, multimolecular and solidparticle adsorption. - Physical stability of emulsion and their evaluation. - Multiple emulsion and Microemulsions. 8. Pharmaceutical Aerosols (3CU). - Physicochemical principles of aerosol science and technology. - Aerosol propellants, containers, valve and actuator systems. - Product development, manufacturing, stability testing and performance evaluations of all types of aerosol products. - Non-pressure pack aerosols, atomizers, packaging, containers. 9. Liposomes (3CU). - Introduction. - Classifications and structure. - Physical and chemical properties of lipids. - Applications in drug delivery. 10. Complexation (3CU) - Complexation and Protein Binding. - Metal complexes, Organic molecular complexes, inclusion compounds. 93


Methods of analysis, complexation and drug action, crystalline structure of complexes, thermodynamic treatment of stability constants. 11. Polymer Science (3CU) -

Pharmaceutical applications of polymers. Polymers as thickening agents, Preparing polymer solutions, Phase separation. - Gel formation, Mechanical properties of polymeric films. - Future trends in pharmaceutical and other biomedical uses of polymers. 12. Preformulation studies (3CU). - Concept of preformulation. - Study of physical properties of drug like physical form, particle size, shape, - density, wetting, dielectric constant, solubility, dissolution and organoleptic properties and their effect on formulation, stability and bioavailability. - Study of chemical character of drug molecule like hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, recemization, polymerization, etc. and their influence on stability of products. - Factors affecting dissolution rate, theory of dissolution, Noyes-Whitney equation. 13. Drug Delivery Systems (3CU). - Introduction. - Pro-drug approaches. - Routes of drug administration; - gastrointestinal route (oral route) - Parenteral administration - Mucosal drug delivery; oral mucosal route, pulmonary mucosa, nasal mucosa. - Pulmonary administration - Intrauterine, rectal and vaginal administration. - Ocular Administration. - Dermal and trans-dermal delivery systems. 14. Rate and order of reactions (2CU).Practical: II. Practical: 1. Determination of the effect of glycerol concentrations on the viscosity. 2. Determination of the Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of Surfactant(s). 3. Determination of the Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Balance (HLB) of surfactant(s). 4. Study of Flocculation and deflocculation of Kaolin Suspensions. 5. Determination of the sedimentation volume of suspensions; effect of electrolytes on the sedimentation volume, effect of viscosity on the sedimentation volume. 94


6. Construction of caking diagram. 7. Determination of the stability of a hydrophobic colloidal sol. By determination of the Critical Coagulation Concentration (CCC). 8. Preparation of different types of emulsions (o/w and w/o types) using different methods. 9. The effect of change in volume and nature of the disperse phase on the stability of emulsion. 10. Determination of emulsion systems. 11. Preparation and characterization of liposomes. 12. Drug dissolution; study of the effect of dissolution medium on the drug dissolution. 13. Determination of the apparent partition coefficient of some drugs. 1. Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Ed. Patrick J. Sinko (2006). Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2. Physical Pharmacy, Ed., Alfred martin 4Th edition, Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and wilkinsons 3. Pharmaceutics; the Science of Dosage Form Design. Ed., Michael E. Aulton (2006). Publisher: Thomson Learning. st 4. Remington; the Science and Practice of Pharmacy (21 edition). Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


Pharmaceutics III Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803333 2 + 1 =3 Third Year, First Semester 1. Understand of the formulation of specified dose forms. 2. Understand the concept of particle size, shape and density of a powder and its impact on pharmaceutical processing/formulation. 3. Explain the science of solid and semisolid dosage forms. 4. Point out the factors affecting formulation design. 5. Discuss the role of formulation design and additives in modifying the drug bioavailability. 6. Define and describe specified types of solid dosage forms. 7. Explain the methods and factors, which affect the formulation and production of solid dosage forms. 8. Discuss the role of formulation design and additives in modifying the drug bioavailability. 9. Explain the science of modified release dosage forms. 10. Identify dermal and transdermal delivery system. 11. Define the methods and factors affecting the formulation of suppositories. 12. Support the in-vitro and in-vivo characteristics of various dosage forms and their impact on the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug product. 13. Perform pharmaceutical calculations; the preparation of pharmaceutical dose forms (tablets, ointments, creams and suppositories). 14. Appreciate the need for accuracy and throughness in the preparation of pharmaceutical products; the factors which influence the design of pharmaceutical dosage form.


This course introduces the student to the basic science of solid and semisolid dosage forms. The course will cover the formulation of different types of tablets, granules, capsules, microcapsules, ointments and suppositories. Drug release and quality control studies of each dose form will be discuss. Sustained release formulation will also be addressed. 1. Micromeritics (2CU).



Particle size and size distribution. Methods for determining particle size. Particle shape and surface area.

2. Micromeritics (continue); drived properties of powder (2CU). -

Porosity. Densities of particles. Methods used for determination of powder density, with practical examples Flow properties. 96



3. Tablets (2CU). -

Introduction to unit solid dosage forms Tablet excepients Formulation of tablets; tablet machines (single punch and rotary press machine). Granulation techniques; wet and dry granulation. Tablets prepared by direct compression.

4. Tablets (continue) (2CU). -

Tablet coating. Type of tablet coat (sugar, film and compression coat). Methods of coating. Functional coat.

5. Tablets (Continue) (2CU). -

Tablet standers. Problems associated with tablet manufacture (e.g Lamination, Capping, sticking, picking) Quality control tests for tablets (weight variation, disintegration, dissolution, thickness and diameter, friability).

6. Capsules (2CU). -

Advantage and disadvantages of capsule dosage form, material for production of hard geletin capsules, size of capsules. - Methods of capsule production, soft gelatin capsule shell and capsule content, importance of base absorption and minim/gm factors in soft capsules. - Quality control, stability testing and storage of capsule dosage forms. 7. Microcapsulation (2CU). - Types of microcapsules; importance of microencapsulation in pharmacy. - Microcapsulation by phase seperation co-acervation multiorifice, spray drying, spray congealing, polymerization, complex emulsion, air suspension technique, coating pan and other techniques. 8. Sustained and Controlled Drug Delivery (2CU). - Design and development, Physico chemical, biological and pharmacokinetic properties. - Influencing design and performance of controlled release products. - Materials and methods used in their formulation, dose 97


designing. In vitro and In vivo evaluation. Novel Drug Delivery Systems :Introduction to novel drug delivery systems, their merits and demerits, drug targeting.

9. Semisolid Dosage Forms (2CU). -

Introduction and anatomy of the skin. Definitions, types, mechanism of drug penetration through skin. factors influencing penetration, semisolid bases and their selection. General formulation of semisolids (ointment and gel), manufacturing procedure, evaluation and packaging.

10. Transdermal delivery system (2CU). -

Transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS); types and preparation. Novel mechanisms and devices to enhance skin delivery; Penetration enhancers, types and mechanism of action; Liposomes and other vesicles; Electrically assisted transdermal delivery system (iontophoresis and electroporation).Sonophoresis, high velocity particles and stratum corneum bypass.

11. Suppositories. -

Anatomy of the rectum and vagina.


Factors affecting drug release from suppositories; physiological and physicochemical considerations. Ideal requirements, bases, manufacturing procedure, packaging and evaluation.


12. Suppositories (cont.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Formulation Quality control tests Packaging and storage

Grinding and communition of powders. Powder flowability studies using angle of repose method. Particle size analysis of powders. Methods of tablet manufacture; wet granulation. Methods of tablet manufacture; dry granulation. Methods of tablet manufacture; direct compression. Quality control tests for tablets; Disintegration testing, Dissolution testing, Uniformity of weight and content testing and Friability 98

testing. 8. Quality control tests for tablets (continue). 9. Formulation and characterization of ointments. 10. Formulation of emulsion type (o/w and w/o) ointment bases. 11. Drug release from ointment. 12. Formulation and characterization of suppositories using the displacement value method. References:

1. Pharmaceutics; the Science of Dosage Form Design. Ed., Michael E. Aulton (2006). Publisher: Thomson Learning. 2. Remington; the Science and Practice of Pharmacy (21st edition). Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 3. Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery System. Ed., Allen, Popovich and Ansel (2005). Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


Pharmaceutics IV Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


1803434 2+1 = 3 Fourth, first semester. 1. Formulate the various types of sterile products. 2. Describe and apply different methods of packaging and labelling of sterile products. 3. Explain the importance of closures. 4. Describe the different types of radioisotopes used to make pharmaceuticals. Explain the use of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear pharmacy/medicine. 5. Use and explain the terminology in Radiopharmacy i.e. radioimaging, radioimmunoassay. 6. Apply the various methods of designing drug delivery systems. 7. Define GMP, quality assurance and quality control 8. Apply the guidelines of GMP to improve the quality of pharmaceutical products. 9. Design a prototype pharmaceutical industry and standard operating procedures for pharmaceutical industrial processes This course will provide the fundamental principles used to formulate, manufacture and control sterile products, primarily injectables. Topics to be covered will include formulation criteria, steam, dry heat and ethylene oxide sterilization, sterile filtration, aseptic filling, process validation and packaging selection and evaluation. Demonstrations and experiments will provide firsthand experience in the use of equipment and procedures employed to manufacture sterile products. The course will provide the students with knowledge of the applications of Radiopharmaceuticals, measurement of radioactivity and formulation of radiopharmaceuticals. The course also presents the novel techniques adopted to enhance drug delivery through different delivery systems. This course also provides an overview of FDA guidelines and cGMP’s. The course imparts to the student the principles of drug development and production and equips the student with basic skills in the good manufacture of pharmaceuticals. 1. Sterile Products (2CU). -

Introduction Types of sterile products Sterilization techniques; moist heat and dry heat sterilization, radiation, gaseous, filtration, etc.

2. Sterile Products (continue) (2CU). -

Parentrals. Advantages and disadvantages. Total parenteral nutrition - (TPN) Powders for injection. Containers and closures 100


Pyrogens Vehicles. Added substances (preservatives, antioxidants, solubilizer. suspending agents, buffers, stabilizers etc.)

3. Sterile preparation (continue) (2CU). -

Requirements and manufacturing of: § implants § ophthalmic products; ophthalmic ointments Quality assurance

4. Sterile preparation (continue) (2CU). -

Design of Sterile Area. Sterile area and its classification; building and equipment Complete sterility (aseptic area) Air control, (Laminar flow etc). Air locks, environmental monitoring methods. Added substances (preservatives, antioxidants, solubilizer. suspending agents, buffers, stabilizers etc.)

5. Sterile preparation (continue) (2CU). -

Filling/ packaging (plastic and glass containers). Validation of equipment; e.g autoclave filters, etc. Validation of filling and packing machines.

6. Radiopharmaceutics (2CU). -

Introduction. Measurement of radioactivity. Interaction of radiation with biological system. Formulation, quality control. Radiopharmacology/therapy

7. Advanced drug Delivery System (2CU). - Transdermal drug delivery system. - Mucosal drug delivery system. - Nasal drug delivery system. - Ocular drug delivery system, intrauterine drug delivery system. 8. 7. Advanced drug Delivery System (2CU). - Liposomes and nanoparticles drug delivery system. - Biodegradable drug delivery system. - Hydrogel based drug delivery system. 101

- Drug delivery to the lungs, metered dose inhalers and dry powder inhalers. 9. Good Manufacture Practice (GMP) (2CU). -

Introduction. Role of drug product and drug product quality. Drug development and production. Provisions for GMP; building and facilities.

10. Current Good Manufacture Practice (cGMP) (2CU). -

Introduction to FDA’s provisions for cGMP. Personnel and training: principles, training and hygiene. Premises and equipment. Principles; storage areas and equipment.

11. Good Manufacture Practice (cGMP) (2CU). -

Documentation: principles, specification, records and batch. Master-formula.

12. Good Manufacture Practice (cGMP) (2CU). -

Quality, principles, quality assurance, GMP and quality control. In process control.

13. Good Manufacture Practice (cGMP) (2CU). -

Manufacture: principles, validation, contamination, starting and intermediate materials, packaging material and packing. Recovered materials, complaints procedures and product recall. Good laboratory practices.

14. Study toure


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

- A visit tour to a pharmaceutical manufacture is an integrated part of this course. Preparation of calcium gluconate injections. Ampoule filling, sealing and sterilization. Quality control for ampoule sealing. Quality control tests for glass containers; glass apparatus, crush glass and ampoules. Quality control tests for plastic containers for injection. Quality control tests for rubber closures. Flow chart for the production of all dosage forms (tablets, 102

capsules, ointments, suppositories, sterile products, syrup, emulsion, suspension), including in process control and quality control. Reference:

1. Pharmaceutical dosage forms: Parenteral medications vol. 1,

2nd edn, Dekker, 1992 Dosage Forms: Their preparation and clinical application. Ed., Salvatore Turco, Publisher:Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 3. Good pharmaceutical manufacture practice, rational and compliance, by Jhon Sharp. 4. Pharmaceutics; the Science of Dosage Form Design. Ed., Michael E. Aulton (2006). Publisher: Thomson Learning. 2. Sterile


Biopharmaceutics Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803335 2+0=2 Third Year, Second Semester 1. Define biopharmaceutics, bioequivalence, bioavailability and the parameters involved. 2. Describe the mechanisms and factors involved in drug absorption. 3. Explain how drugs are distributed, metabolised excreted and factors affecting them. 4. Review the role of formulation design in modifying the drug absorption, distribution and elimination. 5. Explain how drug absorption can be optimized. 6. Support the characteristics of various drug delivery systems and their impact on the drug pharmacokinetics. 7. Understand the influence of different physicochemical, physiological and dosage form design on the drug bioavailability. 8. Design bioavailability and bioequivalent studies.


This course includes the factors influencing the absorption of drugs; the factors influencing the distribution and disposition of drugs in the body; the principles of drug metabolism and elimination; drug absorption processes, bioavailability and bioequivalence determination and interpretation will be included The principals of this course underlie the preparation, stability, liberation, absorption, distribution and action of drug from modified release and targeted dosage forms 1. Introduction to biopharmaceutics (2CU). - Concepts and definitions; biopharmaceutics, bioavailability, pharmacokinetics. - LADME (liberation, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) system. - Nature of cell membrane. 2. Drug absorption (2CU). - Absorption mechanisms - Factors affecting passive diffusion; concentration gradient, partition coefficient, degree of ionization. - Fick’s law and pressure diffusion. - pH-partition theory. - Active transport. - Facilitated diffusion. - Vesicular transport. - Ion-pair formation. - Combined absorption model. 104

3. Gastrointestinal absorption of drugs (2CU). - Rate-limiting steps in drug absorption. - Physicochemical factors affecting drug absorption from GIT. - Factors affecting drug dissolution rate in the GIT; Physiological factors; viscosity of GI fluids, degree of agitation, volume of GIT fluids, rate of absorption. 4. Physicochemical factors affecting drug dissolution in the GIT (2CU). -

Effect of particle size. Solid dispersions. Crystal form. Salt form. Complexation.

5. In-vitro dissolution testing (2CU). -

Noyes Whitney equation. Compendial methods of dissolution. Compendial methods for testing entric-coated products. Unofficial methods of dissolution testing.

6. Physiological factors influencing drug absorption from gastrointestinal tract (2CU). -

Surface area of the gastrointestinal absorption sites. pH of the gastro intestinal fluid. Gastric emptying rate. Intestinal motality. Drug stability in the gastrointestinal tract. Hepatic metabolism. Influence of food and diet. Miscellaneous factors.

7. Dosage form factors influencing drug absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (2CU). - Influence of excipients; diluents, surfactants, viscosity enhancing agents - Influence of the type of dose form. 8. Multiple IV bolus dose administration (2CU). -

Single dose review Multiple dose. Drug accumulation. Development of general equation. 105

9. Drug distribution and protein binding (2CU). - Physiological factors affecting drug distribution; body fluids, diffusion and hydrostatic pressure, tissue perfusion and initial drug distribution, drug accumulation, permeability of cell and capillary membranes, Apparent volume of distribution and plasma drug-protein binding. 10.

Drug elimination (2CU).

- Drug excretion and biotransformation. - Renal excretion of drugs; anatomic consideration of the kidney, glomerular filtration, active renal secretion, tubular reabsorption. - Hepatic elimination of drugs; enzyme kinetics, kinetics of enzyme inhibition. - Factors affecting biotransformation. 11. Other routes of drug excretion (2CU). - Hemodialysis, biliary excretion, pulmonary excretion, salivary excretion, renal disease considerations. 12. Metabolism (2CU). - Metabolic reaction, induction and inhibition, hepatic clearance, systemic availability. 13. Bioavailability consideration of modified release drug products and targeted drug delivery (2CU). - Oral dosage forms; modified release and delayed release - Intramuscular dosage forms; depot injection, water-immscible injection (e.g. oil). - Subcutaneous dosage forms; implants. - Transdermal delivery systems; e.g. patches - Targeted delivery systems. Reference:

1. Comprehensive pharmacy review, 3rd edn., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2. Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics (3rd edn.). Shargel, L. and Yu, A.B.C. 3. Pharmaceutics; the Science of Dosage Form Design. Ed., Michael E. Aulton (2006). Publisher: Thomson Learning.


Dispensing of Medications Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803436 3+1=4 Third Year, Second Semester. 1. Determine the identity, purity and strength of medications. 2. Weigh, measure and mix drugs and other medicinal compounds. 3. Provide information to the prescribers, clients and others. 4. development and practice of the patient counseling skills necessary for proper use of the compounded product. 5. Keep comprehensive records of all medications dispensed in order to satisfy the provision of law. 6. Order and maintain a supply of drugs, chemicals and pharmaceutical stock. 7. Become proficient in the expression of quantitative relationships and can perform the needed mathematical operations to infer their consequences. 8. Define communication and explain the goals. 9. Understand and describe the basics of communication 10. Define the fidelity of communication and factors affecting it. 11. Communicate with various audiences by written, verbal and electronic media for a variety of purposes 12. Know and describe the types of communication. 13. Know and explain the pharmacist-patient communication process.


This course involves processing a prescription or medication order, the preparation and dispensing of pharmaceutical solution, emulsion, suspension, semi-solid and solid dosage forms and development and practice of the patient counseling skills necessary for proper use of the compounded product. During the laboratory session, emphasis will be placed on the selection of proper excipients, based on physico-chemical principles, for use in the extemporaneous compounding preparation. The course also provides the students with knowledge on the communication process and skills to enable them to communicate effectively. 1. Introduction to institutional practice, including order processing, medication administration records (3 CU). 2. Extemporaneous dispensing of some formulations; solid, semi-solid and liquid preparations (3CU). 3. Problems associated with extemporaneously prepared formulae (3CU). 4. Introduction to institutional practice, including order processing, medication administration records (3CU). 5. Dispensing of radio pharmaceuticals (3CU). 6. Dispensing of I. V. admixtures (3CU). 7. Aseptic Dispensing (continue) (3CU). TPN, cytotoxic dispensing, semi-sterile dispensing (eye drops, ear drops),hypcralimentation. 8. Dispensing to ambulatory patients, distribution of control 107




substances, dispensing during off-hours, manufacturing bulk and sterile, the Pharma cycentral sterile supply room (3CU). 9. Definitions and background of community pharmacy (3CU). 10. Patient assessment (3CU). 11. Basics of patient-pharmacist communication: process models; types; fidelity; skills; listening and meaning and communications (3CU). 12. Non-verbal communication (3CU). 13. Patient education and counseling (3CU). 14. Role of pharmacist as Public Health Educator in the community for drug monitoring and drug information (3CU). -The practical course will focus on Compounding of selected examples of: solutions, mixtures, elixirs, linctuses, Gargles, aromatic waters, spirits and ear drops as well as practical simulation of how to dispense drug product to the patient. - During the laboratory session, emphasis will be placed on the selection of proper excipients, based on physico-chemical principles, for use in the extemporaneous compounding preparation. 1. Pharmaceutical Practice, ed., Diane M. Collett and M.E.Aulton, Publisher: Churchel Livingstone. 2. The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and National Formulary (NF) 3. The British Pharmacopoeia 4. Pharmaceutical Codex. 5. Martindale: The complete drug reference, Sweetman, S. C., Ed., Kathleen Parfitt; The Pharmaceutical Press, London, UK. 6. Communication skills for pharmacist.


Industrial Pharmacy Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



3+0 = 3 Fifth, first semester. 1. Outline the design and mechanism of action of the instruments included in the unite operation in pharmaceutical practice. 2. Point out the principles of each unite operation in pharmaceutical processes. 3. Support the equipment used for each unite operation in relation to its advantages, disadvantages and mechanism of action. 4. Define the physical principle of each unite operation in industrial pharmacy. 5. Understand the concepts of pharmaceutical operations. 6. Review the use and application of each operation in relation to its advantages, disadvantages and mechanism of action. 7. Rationalize the use of the equipment for a specific application in pharmaceutical industry. 8. Predict the relationship between the equipment design and product characteristics. 9. Explain and discuss the use of different equipment to achieve certain operation in pharmaceutical industry. 10. Diagrammatically design the studied equipments for each operation. An introduction to basic engineering principles that are involved in the commercial manufacture of pharmaceutical dosage forms. Discussions will focus on the design and operation of equipment used for each unite operation in the factory; and how such principles as blending, mixing, heat and mass transfer are utilized to design and specify equipment used in producing powders, tablets, capsules and other dosage forms. 1. Pharmaceutical Lay Out and Plant Designing (3CU). - General layout and plant designing of the Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutical plant construction, nature and properties of important materials employed in construction and erection of plant, convenience and storage of raw materials, semi finished and finished product. 2. Heat transfer (3CU). - Classification of heat flow process. - Overall coefficient of heat transfer. - Mechanisms of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation. 3. Flow of heat (3CU). - Design of heating equipment. - Steam as a heating medium. - Tubular heaters; heat transfer by radiation and convection. - Tubular heaters; heat interchangers, inductive heating. 109

4. Drying (3CU). - Classification of dryers - dryers for dilute solutions and suspensions. - Dryers for solid materials. - Convectional and conduction dryers. - Theory of drying loss on drying and moisture content, equilibrium moisture content. - Principles of freeze drying, freeze dryers. 5. Evaporation (3CU). - General principals of evaporation. - Types of evaporators, jacketed kettles, tube evaporators, forced circulation evaporators and evaporator accessories. - Evaporation under reduced pressure. - Multiple effect evaporation. 6. Filtration (3CU). - Theory of filtration and filtration media. - Darcy’s equation. - Filter aids. - Classification of filtration filters (e.g. plate and frame filter, leaf filter, filter press, rotary filter…..). 7. Centrifugal filtration (3CU). - Theoretical consideration. - Laboratory equipment. - Large scale equipment; continuous conical centrifuge, semicontinuous centrifuge. 8. Size reduction (communition) (3CU). - Theory and reasons of size reduction - Factors influencing size reduction. - Pharmaceutical applications. - Energy requirments - Mechanisms and equipments used for size reduction; e.g. roller mill, ball mill, hammer mill, fluid energy mill, colloid mill. 9. Size separation (3CU). - Standard screens. - Oscillating tray sitter grating sifters, cyclone separators. - Sedimentation and elutriation. - Handling of powders. 10. Size enlargement (2CU). - Methods and mechanisms of granule formation. - Reasons for size enlargement. - Pharmaceutical granulation equipments; high speed mixer granulator, oscillating granulator, extruder. 11. Mixing (1CU). 110

- Fundamentals and mechanism. - Mixing equipments used in liquid/liquid, liquid/solid and solid/solid mixing. 12. Distillation (3CU). - Theory of distillation of mixtures (a) binary mixtures of miscible liquids, (b) binary mixtures of immiscible liquids, (c) Rectification rectifying columns fractionating column and simple calculations. - Industrial equipment for vacuum, steam, reflux and molecular distillation. 13. Crystallization (3CU). - Classification, batch crystallizers, simple vacuum crystallizers. - Nucleation and crystal growth - critical humidity prevention of caking, material and energy balances. 14. Packaging Technology (2CU). Influence of packaging materials, stability, packaging lines, packaging area, packaging equipment. 15. Study tour.


A visit to pharmaceutical industries will be an integrated part of the syllabi. 1. Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy-Lachman,Lieberman and Kanig. 2. Tutorial Pharmacy - Cooper and Gunn. 3. Bentley's TextBook of Pharmaceutics - Rowlin. 4. An introduction to Chemical Engineering - Badger and Banchero.


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Clinical Pharmacy Modules

2008 112

First aid Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


Contents (14 CU):


1804551 0+1=1 Fifth Year, Second Semester 1. Aware of first aid guidelines and "good practices" 2. Able to properly treat injuries and respond to emergencies. 3. Be a part of health care providers team. This course is structured to provide the necessary knowledge and hands-on experience on Standard First Aid and CPR. It deals with general rules applied in conditions where first aid is required. The first aid care includes prevention of further injury, restoration of circulation and respiration, controlling of bleeding and removing of poisons 1. Primary survey. Secondary survey, Recovery position 2. Use of triangular bandage - introduction to bandaging, folding, storing, tying, and uses (as slings, splint, ring pad and pressure pad) 3. Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrust) for choking casualty. Rescue breathing for non breathing casualty 4. CPR technique for one-man and two men first aider. 5. Shock from blood and fluid loss - first aid treatment. Arrest of bleeding - direct and indirect pressure 6. Bandaging of wounds - various parts of body, cut in the palm. Use of bandage as pressure pad, ring pad and slings for wounds and bleeding 7. First aid to scalp and face wounds. Use of triangular bandages, ring pads and slings for fractures 8. First aid to chest injury. 9. First aid to abdomen injury 10. Fractures in specific sites - immobilization 11. Lift, carry and move casualty. Principles of lifting and carrying 12. Unconscious casualty. Conscious casualty 13. Fracture or dislocation. 14. Burns. 1. American Red Cross First Aid Textbook. By American National Red Cross.

2. First Aid, CPR, and AED (Academic Version), Fifth Edition. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).


Principles of Drug Information Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


Contents (14 CU):


1804452 1 + 0 =1 Forth Year, First Semester 1. Locate drug information using a personal computer with internet access 2. Evaluate sources of online drug information 3. Understand the different sources and types of drug information and determine the place each hold in drug information 4. Understand the necessity of a basic knowledge of biostatistics in the provision of pharmaceutical care 5. Perform the following when evaluating a research report in the medical literature 6. Identify the purpose of the study, null and alternate hypotheses 7. Understand the rationale for the use of each statistical test used in the study 8. Evaluate and interpret the statistical and clinical (non-) significance of the results that are reported 9. Appropriately incorporate the information gained from the report into your clinical practice This course is designed to help students understand the types of drug information available and what sources of information are appropriate to use in a variety of situations. It uses examples to help students learn to use the Internet to obtain drug information and determine the strengths and weaknesses of various types of drug information. The biostatistics teach students to evaluate studies based upon the quality of the data reported and not solely on the opinion of the researchers. 1. Introduction to Drug Information 2. Untangling the Web: A Primer on Using the Internet for Drug Information 3. ADR Reporting and Monitoring 4. Evaluation of Medical Literature 5. Drug distribution systems 6. Disease State Knowledge 7. Drug therapy evaluation and development 8. Patient Case Presentations 9. Monitoring for Endpoints 10. Patient Education/Counseling 11. Formal Oral Presentations 12. Formal Written Presentations 13. Professional team interaction 14. Biostatistics: Interpretation of Data, Basic Statistical Concepts, Common Statistical Tests. 1. Micromedex, Full text drug information databases. 2. The Use of Computers in General Practice. By John Preece. 2000. 3. Advice for the Patient: Drug Information in Lay Language (Usp Di Vol II: Advice for the Patient) by Pdr Staff.


Basic Pharmacokinetics Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1804353 2+0=2 Third Year, First Semester. 1. Basic Mathematical skills objectives: - Given a data set containing a pair of variables, the student will properly construct various graphs of the data. i. Given various graphical representations of data, the student will calculate the slope and intercept by hand as well as using linear regression. ii. The student shall demonstrate the proper procedures of mathematical and algebraic manipulations. iii. The student shall demonstrate the proper calculus procedures of integration and differentiation. 2. Pharmacological Response objectives: i. Given patient data of the following types, the student will be able to properly construct a graph and compute the slope. 1. response (R) v. concentration (C) 2. response (R) v. time(T)) 3. concentration (C) v. time (T) ii. Given any two of the above data sets, the student will be able to compute the slope of the third. iii. Given a literature article, the student will evaluate it with respect to the tools learned. 3. IV one compartment model, plasma and urine objectives: i. The student shall define all pharmacokinetic parameters discussed in each lesson. ii. Given a pharmacokinetic profile, the student shall state the assumptions of the model used to develop the theory used to describe the profile. iii. Given patient drug concentration and/or amount v. time profiles, the student will calculate the relevant pharmacokinetic parameters available (Vd , K, km , kr , AUC, Clearance, MRT) from IV data. iv. Given a pharmacokinetic profile, the student shall demonstrate the relationship between the model and the ADME processes. v. Given a literature article, the student will evaluate it with respect to the tools learned. 4. Oral one compartment model objectives: i. The student shall define all pharmacokinetic parameters discussed in each lesson. ii. Given a pharmacokinetic profile, the student shall state the assumptions of the model used to develop the theory used to describe the profile. iii. Given patient drug concentration and/or amount v. Time profiles, the student will calculate the relevant pharmacokinetic parameters (Vd , K, km , kr , ka , AUC, Clearance, MRT, MAT) available from oral data. iv. Given a literature article, the student will evaluate it with respect to the tools learned. 115


5. Bioavailability objectives: i. The student shall define all pharmacokinetic parameters discussed in each lesson. ii. Given a pharmacokinetic profile, the student shall state the assumptions of the model used to develop the theory used to describe the profile. iii. Given sufficient data to compare an oral product with another oral product or an IV product, the student will estimate the bioavailability (compare AUCs) and judge professional acceptance of the product with regard to bioequivalence (evaluate AUC, Tp and Cpmax ). 6. Clearance objectives: i. The student shall define all pharmacokinetic parameters discussed in each lesson. ii. Given a pharmacokinetic profile, the student shall state the assumptions of the model used to develop the theory used to describe the profile. iii. Given patient information regarding organ function, the student will calculate changes in clearance and other pharmacokinetic parameters inherent in compromised patients. iv. Given patient information regarding organ function, the student will devise and justify (VI) the optimal dosage regimen for the compromised patient. v. Given a literature article, the student will evaluate it with respect to the tools learned. 7. Multiple dosing objective: i. Given population average patient data, the student will devise dosage regimens which will maintain plasma concentrations of drug within the therapeutic range. ii. Given specific patient information, the patient will justify dosage regimen recommendations. iv. Given patient information regarding organ function, the student will devise and justify (VI) dosage regimen recommendations for the compromised patient v. Given a literature article, the student will evaluate it with respect to the tools learned. Pharmacokinetics is the mathematics of the time course of Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME) of drugs in the body. The biological, physiological, and physicochemical factors which influence the transfer processes of drugs in the body thus influence the rate and extent of ADME of those drugs in the body. In many cases, pharmacological and toxicological actions are related to plasma concentration of drugs. Consequently, through the study of pharmacokinetics, the pharmacist will be able to individualize therapy for the patient. Pharmacokinetics is a necessary step toward rational, optimal drug therapy, preventing toxicity and assuring maintenance of therapeutic concentrations of active ingredient. Modification of the dosing regimen, which consists of the dose and the dosing interval, using patient specific parameters, is the method of dosing optimization. The pharmacist is the only health professional extensively educated in 116


the area of pharmacokinetics. The profession of Pharmacy has determined that there are minimum entry level abilities necessary for a pharmacist. This course deals with a specific subset of those competency statements. • Basic Math Skill: 1.Calculate slope & intercept 2.Demonstrate proper procedures of math and algebraic manipulations 3 Demonstrate proper calculus • Pharmacological Response: 1. Response Vs Concentration 2. Response Vs Time 3. Concentration Vs Time 4. Computing slope of third when given two other slopes • IV bolus dosing one compartment Model (Plasma and urine) for Parent drug and metabolite: 1. Describe PK model 2. Relationship between model and ADME 3. Define & calculate Vd 4. Define & calculate K 5. Define & calculate t1/2 6. Define & calculate AUC 7. Define & calculate MRT 8. Define & calculate CL 9. Given Patient data calculate above PK parameters 10. Calculate K 11. Calculate Kr 12. Calculate Km 13. Calculate% metabolism /excretion • IV Infusion dosing one Compartment: 1.Calculate:Vd,t1/2,Km,Kr,AUC, CL,MRT using infusion data 2.Utilize rate Vs time to calculate K and Vd 3. Calculate infusion rate for desired steady state. 4.Calculate dose for desired Cpss 5. Calculate time to reach steady state 6.Calculate conc. at end of infusion 7. Calculate conc. at any time after discontinuation of infusion. • Oral one compartment model: 1.Calculate Ka from oral data (plasma) 2. Calculate K from oral data(plasma) 3.Calculate Kr from oral data(urine) 4.Calculate Km from oral data 5. Calculate Vd from oral data 6.Calculate AUC from oral data 7. Calculate CL from oral data 8. Calculate MRT from oral data • Bioavailability: 1.Define PK parameters used in bioavailability studies 2. Describe PK model that describe profile 3. Estimate absolute Bioavailability 4. Estimate bioavailability using bioequivalence 117


• Clearance: 1.Define and show relationship to ADME 2.Describe PK model used to describe profile (modeldependent approach to estimating CL) 3.State importance of CL to clinical practice 4.Show how creatinine clearance is related to organ clearance 5. Estimate total clearance based on dose and AUC 6. Estimate clearance of an organ based on dose, AUC, and fraction eliminated by organ 7.Determine change in CL due to functional changes in an organ 8. Determine change in clearance due to change in rate of blood flow. 9.Devise and justify dosages for given organ functions 10 Devise and justify dosages for given organ functions • Multiple dosing: 1.Introduction to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring(TDM) 2.Detemining Cpmax , 3.Dtermining Cpmin 3.Determining Cp avg 4.Modifying dose using bioavailability and salt factors 5.Determining the dosing interval 6.Modifying dose based on altered CL 7.Modifying dose based on altered K 8.Modifying dose based on altered Vd 9. Modifying dose based altered protein binding 10. Devise and justify dosage regimen for given altered organ function 11. Devise and justify dosage regimen for given altered organ function • Application: Problems based application of pharmacokinetics 1. Basic Pharmacokinetics. Making the connections. Francis A. Ndemo, PharmD. MR PharmS. 2. Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, An Introduction, by Robert E. Notari, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 3. Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Leon Shargel and Andrew B.C. Yu, Fourth Edition, 1999. 4. Handbook of Basic Pharmacokinetics, Wolfgang A. Ritschel and Gregory L. Kearns.


Clinical Pharmacokinetics Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1804454 0+1=1 Forth Year, First Semester 1. Initiate drug dosing regimens individualized to specific patient demographics and organ function. 2. Interpret drug serum concentration data. 3. Calculate individual pharmacokinetic parameters. 4. Calculate appropriate dosing regimens utilizing derived pharmacokinetic parameters. 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate application and limitations of select pharmacokinetic models. 6. Prepare student to recognize sources of individual pharmacokinetic variability due to physiological and disease factors 7. Prepare student to understand the application and role of pharmacokinetic information generated for selected drugs and drug classes. 8. Through exposure to case studies, prepare student to utilize pharmacokinetic data generated from individual patients to develop appropriate therapeutic dosing regimens.


- This course is designed to enable the student to understand how various disease states alter the pharmacokinetic parameters. It provides the student with the principles for dosing patients more rationally and safely 1. Review of basic pharmacokinetic principles. Physiological states and variability in pharmacokinetics. 2. Disease states and variability in pharmacokinetics. 3. Clinical pharmacokinetics of low and high extraction ratio drugs. 4. Assessing renal and hepatic function. Clinical pharmacokinetics of renally cleared drugs and mixed renal and hepatic clearance drugs. 5. Applied problems (Aminoglycoside antibiotics and vancomycin). 6. Cyclosporine, pharmacokinetic considerations with other antiinfectives 7. Theophylline 8. Digoxin 9. Procainamide and Quinidine 10. Lidocaine and Flecainide 11. Phenytoin 12. Phenobarbital and Carbamazepine 13. Valproate, Ethosuximide and Lithium 14. Heparin and Warfarin 1. Michael E. Winters, basic clinical pharmacokinetics. Published by: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2. William E. Evans, Jerome J. Schentag and William Jusko (eds) Applied Pharmacokinetics. 3. Malcolm Rowland & Thomas N. Tozer, Clinical Pharmacokinetics Concepts and Applications. Lea & Febiger Philadelphia,

Contents (28 CU):



Hospital Pharmacy Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


Contents (28 CU):

1804555 2+0=2 Fifth Year, First Semester 1. Have direct involvement in patient care; influencing treatment choices by being involved in decision making at the point of prescribing; making a difference to the patient; a sense of contribution 2. Be a part of a number of teams; extensive social and professional networks in the pharmacy and throughout the hospital 3. Support from fellow pharmacists and colleagues is always available 4. Have the opportunity to get input from, observe, and work with, several pharmacists rather than just one role model, enabling the pharmacist to formulate the pharmacist own preferred practice 5. Have a clearly defined career structure with opportunities to develop in a range of skills which may include technical, clinical, education or management positions. 6. Recognize of expertise in whatever specialty the pharmacist choose; acknowledgement of your achievements; pharmacists and pharmacy services are highly valued by colleagues and management 7. Continue professional and career development This course provides the student with an overview of certain aspects of hospital /institutional pharmacy service. The planning, development, organizational structuring and administration of pharmaceutical services within an institutional setting are presented in a combined lecture and practical simulation laboratory format. 1. Aseptic/technical services - commonly involved in the dispensing of parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy and complex intravenous medicines (2 CU). 2. Clinical pharmacy - a whole variety of medical and surgical specialties, from general acute medicine to psychiatry. Activities include taking drug histories, participation in ward rounds, influencing treatment decisions, optimizing medicines management and monitoring outcomes, counseling patients (4 CU). 3. Community pharmacy - the RSPGB will require the pharmacist to have an awareness of community pharmacy practice, so a period in a community pharmacy will be part of the pharmacist’s training programme (2 CU). 4. Community services pharmacy - working at the interface between primary and secondary care. Involvement with community clinics, residential and nursing homes (2 CU). 5. Dispensary - screening prescriptions for appropriateness and accuracy prior to dispensing (4 CU) 6. Medicines information - answering enquiries from a wide range of healthcare professionals and patients about their medicines (4 CU). 120


7. Management - the basics of managing the pharmacist, his time, a project, and other people (2 CU). 8. Procurement and distribution - developing an understanding of how medicines are purchased and stock is managed in the most cost effective way (4 CU). 9. Quality assurance/quality control - making sure that products and services reach the required standards (2 CU). 10. Radiopharmacy and clinical trials - specialist areas, available in some hospitals (2 CU). 1. Pharmacy Practice for Technicians. v By Zachary J. Hannan, Jane M. Durgin.

2. The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine. By John Parry Griffin, John O'Grady.


Therapeutics I Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1804556 2 + 1 =3 Fifth, first semester 1. Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease states presented 2. Explain the rationale for the use of certain drugs in the therapy of a given disease 3. Identify factors that may affect drug selection in a specific patient with multiple diseases and medications 4. Recommend an appropriate drug and dosing regimen for a particular disease 5. Identify important pharmacokinetic parameters that may affect drug dosing or monitoring 6. Identify parameters that should be monitored for efficacy and safety 7. Identify potential drug interactions and recommend appropriate action 8. Identify potential drug-induced adverse effects or toxicities and recommend appropriate actions 9. Identify factors that should be included in patient counseling for a specific drug 10. Identify potential compliance problems and recommend appropriate actions This course focuses on the pharmacotherapy and the role of the pharmacist in disease state management of Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, Myocardial Infarct, Heart Failure, Stroke, Anticoagulation, Upper GI Disorders, Asthma & COPD, and Renal Disease, Variations in Drug Metabolism & Interactions, Antibiotic Overview, Laboratory Tests, Infectious Diseases, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Seizure Disorders, and Depression. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics to devise appropriate pharmacy care plans. These plans will include rationale for drug use, selection and dosing regimens, expected outcomes of drug therapy, key monitoring parameters, clinically important drug-drug or drugdisease interactions, counseling and compliance issues. The class format includes online reading assignments, study guides, and assignments, interactive Internet-based lectures and case studies. 1. Hypertension 2. Ischemic Heart Disease 3. Myocardial Infarction 4. Heart Failure 5. Thrombosis and Stroke 6. Peptic Ulcer Disease 7. Renal Function and Disease 8. Asthma and COPD 9. Clinical Significance of Variations in Drug Metabolism and Interactions 10. Antibiotic Overview 11. Alzheimer's Disease Pathology 122


12. Treatment and Parkinson's Disease 13. Seizure Disorders 14. Depression 1. Clinical Pharmacy and therapeutics, latest edition. 2. Rang H.P., Dale M.M.: Pharmacology. Ed. Churchill Livingstone, 3. B. Katzung : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Prentice Hall; Inc. 4. Goodman and Gilman´s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Ed. Alfred Goodman Gilman, Pergamon Press,. 5. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, Joseph T. Dipiro, Robert L. Talbert, and Michael Posey, fifth edition, Appleton and Lange: Norwalk, Connecticut. 6. Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management, Herfindal Eric and et al, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 7. Applied Therapeutics, The clinical Use of Drugs; Marry Anne, Coda Kimble; Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins,


Therapeutic II Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



PHCP 703 2+1=3 Fifth, second semester 2. Understand pathophysiology of disease states discussed in the modules 3. Explain the rationale for the use of certain drugs in the therapy of a given disease 4. Identify factors that may affect drug selection in a specific patient with multiple diseases and medications 5. Recommend an appropriate drug and dosing regimen for a particular disease 6. Identify important pharmacokinetic parameters that may affect drug dosing or monitoring 7. Identify parameters that should be monitored for efficacy and safety 8. Identify potential drug interactions and recommend appropriate action 9. Identify potential drug-induced adverse effects or toxicities and recommend appropriate actions 10. Identify factors that should be included in patient counseling for a specific drug 11. Identify potential compliance problems and recommend appropriate actions 12. Understand how drug therapy is used to treat or prevent diseases 13. Apply disease and drug knowledge to the design and monitoring of therapeutic treatment plans for patients This course focuses on the pharmacotherapy and the role of the pharmacist in disease state management of diseases and conditions including Hormone Replacement, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, Lipid Disorders and Diabetes, Cancer, Critical Care and Infectious Diseases. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics to devise appropriate pharmacy care plans. These plans will include rationale for drug use, selection and dosing regimens, expected outcomes of drug therapy, key monitoring parameters, clinically important drug-drug or drug-disease interactions, counseling and compliance issues. The class format includes online reading assignments, study guides, and assignments, interactive Internet-based lectures and case studies. 1. Hormone Replacement Therapy 2. Osteoporosis 3. Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis 4. Lipid Disorders 5. Coagulation Disorders 6. Diabetes Disease State (Type I and II) 7. Diabetes Treatment 8. Cancer Principles and Oncology Supportive Care 9. Solid Tumor Diseases 124


10. Hematological Malignancies 11. Valvular Heart Disease 12. Respiratory Tract Infections 13. Utilization of Hemodynamic Monitoring/Shock 14. Management of Shock/Vasoactive Pharmacotherapy 1. Clinical Pharmacy and therapeutics, latest edition. 2. Rang H.P., Dale M.M.: Pharmacology. Ed. Churchill Livingstone, 3. B. Katzung : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Prentice Hall; Inc. 4. Goodman and Gilman´s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Ed. Alfred Goodman Gilman, Pergamon Press,. 5. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, Joseph T. Dipiro, Robert L. Talbert, and Michael Posey, fifth edition, Appleton and Lange: Norwalk, Connecticut. 6. Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management, Herfindal Eric and et al, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 7. Applied Therapeutics, The clinical Use of Drugs; Marry Anne, Coda Kimble; Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins,


Pharmacy Administration Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1804558 2+0=2 Fifth Year, Second Semester 1. Know how to buy, store and dispense drugs. 2. Face the challenges present in the misuse of medicines. 3. Develop and implement a work unit supported by certain objectives. 4. Create and implement a strategic plan. 5. Create and develop a highly effective working environment. 6. Know the concept, nature, importance and function of management. 7. Effectively manage conflict situations in the workplace. 8. Acquire marketing management skills. 9. Think analytically about the problems facing a developing project. 10. Apply different techniques to measure income growth, distribution and other related concepts. 11. Make decisions based on ethical standards. 12. Acquire motivation, communication, coordination and leadership skills. The course is designed to introduce students to the principles of microeconomics including its theoretical framework and policies designed to stimulate it. Economic principles including supply and demand, household behavior and consumer choice, competition policy and regulation, income distribution and taxis are introduced. The course will also focus on developing an analytical framework for planning, forming, managing and evaluating processes. Project planning, progress assessment, solving problems, management and evaluation are also studied. Social responsibility and business ethics will be covered. 1. Principles of micro- economics: - Theoretical framework and policies 2. Economic principles: - Supply and demand, household behavior and consumer choice 3. Economic principles (cont.): - Competition policy and regulation, income distribution and taxis 4. Project planning - Environmental scanning and policy development 5. Project management - Definition, scope and importance - Function of management 6. Project management (cont.) - project life cycle 7. Project management (cont.) - Quality control, scheduling and critical path analysis 8. Project management (cont.) - Team building and problem solving 9. Project management (cont.) - Control, technical and scientific methods - Behavioral effects on control 10. Project management (cont.) - Progress assessment and project evaluation 126


11. Production management - Marketing and financial management 12. Management process - Motivation, communication, coordination and leadership 13. Management process - Public relation management 14. Management process - Social responsibility and business ethics 1. Essential System Administration, 2nd. Ed. By AEleen Frisch O'Reilly, 1995. 2. UNIX System Administration Handbook, 2nd. Ed. Evi Nemeth, et al., Prentice Hall, 1995


Pharmacy Law and Ethics Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1804459 1+0=1 Forth Year, First Semester 1. Know the Saudi pharmacy law and legal systems of medication development, production and marketing. 2. Describe Saudi regulation of medication dispensing and distribution. 3. Explain the rules relating to controlled substances prescribing, dispensing and Distribution. 4. Discuss the legal and ethical responsibilities of pharmacists. 5. Know the Saudi regulation of pharmacy practice. 6. Discuss appropriate risk management strategies for pharmacy practice. 7. Discuss special legal requirements for industrial pharmacy practice. 8. Discuss legal issues with ethical implications. 9. List the reasonable expectations that a patient, a physician and employer may have of a pharmacist. 10. Explain the concepts of duties, obligations and rights. The main task of pharmacy law and ethics is to provide the practicing pharmacist with advanced knowledge about the legal and ethical basis of pharmacy practice. This course emphasizes the pharmacist’s responsibility to care for patients and to respect patients as autonomous individuals. The course also focuses on how far the government and licensed health care professionals should go to protect people from the consequences of their own risky choices in drug use. The laws relate to subset of drugs that have the potential for abuse, and these laws seek to restrict their inappropriate use are studied. Ethical principles that correlate between the rights of patient and pharmacist duties will be presented. Opportunities for case discussions and problem solving will be integrated throughout the course. 1. The basis of pharmacy law: - The purpose and the structure of pharmacy law 2. The basis of pharmacy law (cont.): - The history of pharmacy law 3. The Saudi food, drug and cosmetics acts: - Definitions (drug, device, cosmetic, label, …………..etc.) 4. Sale and supply of medicines: - evaluation and management of risk and provision of advice 5. Licensing of medicines and consumer protection: - Product liability, unlicensed medicines - classification of medicines 6. Basic illegal acts: - Adulteration, misbranding, …………..etc. 7. Prescription exemption 8. Controlled drugs and their subclasses - Anxiolytics, tranquilizers and hypnotics 9. Controlled drugs and their subclasses (cont.) 128


- Narcotics 10. Duty of care to patient and application of professional ethics 11. values in pharmacy 12. Codes, standards and systems of governance and practice: - Risk management and personal accountability 13. Duties, obligations and rights. 14. Political and legal framework, requirements and processes relevant to pharmacy 1. Dale and Applebe's Pharmacy Law and Ethics (Paperback) by J.R. Dale (Author), G.E. Applebe (Author), Joy Wingfield (Author, Editor) 2. The pharmacy law and ethics in Saudi Arabia Kingdom


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Modules



Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805221 2 + 1 =3 Second Year, First Semester 1. Know the basics of organic chemistry. 2. Define the chemical structure of different aliphatic organic compounds. 3. Identify aliphatic organic compounds from their physical and chemical properties (reactions of functional groups). 4. Relate physical and chemical properties to structure. 5. Develop mechanistic understanding of some organic reactions 6. Understand stereoisomerism and solve stereochemical problems. 7. Solve organic problems and synthesize selected organic compounds from their simple precursors. 8. Acquire the essential safety rules of the handling and dealing with chemicals. The course focuses on the basics of organic chemistry, bonding, classification, nomenclature, chemical structure, synthesis, reactions of aliphatic organic compounds containing various functional groups (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides, carbohydrates, … etc.). The study will also include stereo-chemistry. Selected examples aliphatic organic compounds of medicinal or pharmaceutical use will be discussed. 1. Introduction, Classification: - Definition ,different organic classes, saturated hydrocarbons. nomenclature - Nomenclature, properties, preparations, reactions. 2. Unsaturated hydrocarbons (Alkenes and alkynes), Organohalogen (alkyl halides, unsaturated halogen compounds) and Organometalic compounds - Nomenclature, properties, preparations, reactions. 3. Alcohols, Ethers and Carbonyl compounds (Aldehydes & Ketones) - Nomenclature, properties, preparations and reactions. 4. Carbonyl compounds (cont.) and Amines - Nomenclature, properties, preparations and reactions. 5. Carboxylic acids and derivatives - Alkanoic acids and amino acids. - Acyl halides and carboxylic acid anhydrides 6. Carboxylic acids derivatives (cont.) - Esters - Amides and lactams 7. Carboxylic acids (cont.) - Alkanenitriles - Dibasic acids 8. Polymers - Classification 9. Stereochemistry - Isomers, tautomerism, optical activity and Chirality. 131



10. Stereochemistry (cont.) - Sequence rules. - Racemic mixtures 11. Stereochemistry (cont.) - The cyclohexane ring 12. Carbohydrates - Monosaccharides: Synthesis and reactions 13. Carbohydrates (cont.) - Cyclic structure of monosaccharides 14. Carbohydrates (cont.) -Structurally modified carbohydrates, Di- and polysaccarides 1. Introduction and Scheme of identification - Laboratory instructions, safety measures and glassware. - Physical characteristics 2. Scheme of identification - Chemical characteristics 3. Detection of elements in org. compounds - Lassaigne test. 4. Physical constants - Melting and boiling points 5. Alcohols - General and special tests 6. Aldehydes and Ketones - General and special tests 7. Carboxylic acids - General and special tests 8. Salts of carboxylic acids - General and special tests 9. Salts of carboxylic acids (cont.) - General and special tests 10. Acid anhydrides and Acid chlorides - General and special tests 11. Fatty acids and Esters - General and special tests 12. Amides and Amino acids - General and special tests 13. Carbohydrates - General and special tests 14. Carbohydrates (cont) - General and special tests 1- Organic Chemistry, 4th Ed.; G. Marc London; Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (2002). 2- Organic Chemistry Structure and Function, 4th Ed.; K. Peter C. Vollhardt, Neil E. Schore; W.H. Freeman & company, New York, USA. (2002). 3- Organic Chemistry, 5th Ed.; John McMurry Brooks; Cole Thomson Learning,CA,USA.(2000). 4- Organic Reactions Simplicity and Logic; Pierre Lazlo; John Wiley & Sons. (1995).


Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805222 2 + 1 =3 Second Year, Second Semester 1. Identify aromatic organic compounds from their physical and chemical properties (reactions of functional groups). 2. Relate physical and chemical properties to structure. 3. Develop mechanistic understanding of some organic reactions 4. Solve organic problems and synthesize selected aromatic compounds from their simple precursors. 5. Interpret spectral data correctly and apply as a guide to identify structure of Organic compounds. The course focuses on the chemistry of aromatic organic compounds. Classification, nomenclature, chemical structure, synthesis, reactions of some aromatic organic compounds containing various functional groups (benzenoid compounds, halo-, nitro-, sulpho- derivatives and aromatic amines, Phenols, aryl alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids) will be discussed. The study will also include polynuclear and heterocyclic aromatic compounds. Selected examples of aromatic organic compounds of medicinal or pharmaceutical use will be discussed. An introduction to the use of spectroscopic methods (UV, IR, NMR and MS) in the identification of organic compounds will be included. 1. Benzenoid compounds - Introduction, aromaticity, nomenclature and properties. 2. Aromatic, substitution reactions and mechanisms - Nitration, Halogenation, and Sulphonation 3. Reactivity and orientation of substituted benzenes - Classification of groups and theory of reactivity and orientation. - Arenes. 4. Reactivity and orientation of substituted benzenes (cont.). - Aromatic nitro compounds. - Aromatic amines and arenediazonium salts. 5. Reactivity and orientation of substituted benzenes (cont.). - Halogen derivatives. - Aromatic sulphonic acids. 6. Reactivity and orientation of substituted benzenes(cont.). - Phenols and aryl ethers. - Aryl alcohols. 7. Reactivity and orientation of substituted benzenes(cont.). - Aromatic aldehydes and ketones. - Aromatic carboxylic acids. 8. Polynuclear aromatic compounds - Naphthalene, Anthracene and phenanthrene. 9. Heterocyclic compounds (Six –membered derivatives) - Nomenclature - Pyridine. Quinoline and isoquinoline 10. Heterocyclic compounds (Six –membered derivatives) - Acridine, the diazines 11. Heterocyclic compounds (Five –membered derivatives) 133



- Pyrrole, furan and thiophene. - Indole. 12. Heterocyclic compounds (Five –membered derivatives) - Azoles, purines. 13. Spectroscopy - Principles - UV and IR Spectroscopy. 14. Spectroscopy (cont.) - NMR and MS Spectroscopy. 1. Laboratory safety and Scheme of identification - Laboratory instructions, safety measures and glassware. - Physical and chemical characteristics 2. Aromatic hydrocarbons - General and special tests 3. Aromatic alcohols, aldehydes and phenols - Lassaigne test. 4. Aromatic carboxylic acids and salts - General and special tests 5. Aromatic amides, acid anhydrides and acid chlorides - General and special tests 6. Aromatic esters - Aromatic halo- and nitro-compounds - General and special tests 7. Aromatic amines - General and special tests 8. Purification of organic compounds - Crystallization, Examples 9. Organic synthesis- spectroscopic identity - Nitration reaction (α-nitronaphthalene) - Oxidation reaction (toluene oxidation) 10. Organic synthesis- spectroscopic identity (cont.) - Sulphonation reaction (p-toluenesulphonic acid) - Picrate formation (naphthalene picrate) 11. Organic synthesis- spectroscopic identity (cont.) - Diazotization reaction (aniline and β-naphthol) - Acetylation of phenols (Aspirin) 12. Organic synthesis- spectroscopic identity (cont.) - Ester formation (ethyl acetate, methyl salicylate) 1- Organic Chemistry, 4th Ed.; G. Marc London; Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (2002). 2- Organic Chemistry Structure and Function, 4th Ed.; K. Peter C. Vollhardt, Neil E. Schore; W.H. Freeman & company, New York, USA. (2002). 3- Organic Chemistry, 5th Ed.; John McMurry Brooks; Cole Thomson Learning,CA,USA.(2000). 4- Organic Reactions Simplicity and Logic; Pierre Lazlo; John Wiley & Sons. (1995).


Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry I Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1805323 2+ 1 = 3 Third Year, First Semester 1. Apply different units of measurements and calculate concentration of solutions. 2. Perform different chemical equilibriums and have an idea about heat of the matter. 3. Define the atomic structure and know the electronic configuration of elements. 4. Feature the different types of bonding. 5. Analyze different groups of anions. 6. Analyze different groups of cations. 7. Qualitatively analyze a given unknown inorganic substance.


The course focuses on the basics of physical and general chemistry. The fundamental physicochemical properties of chemical compounds are administered with special emphasis to equilibrium chemistry and thermo-chemistry. Study of atomic structure, electron configuration, periodic table, types of chemical bonds and stoichiometry will be also included. The course also deals with the detection and identification of different inorganic substances. The study includes flame tests, color reactions, precipitation and filtration. Semi-micro-analytical techniques of the qualitative analysis of anions and cations will be discussed. 1. Calculations with chemical formulae and equation \ Gases - SI units and Calculations with chemical formulae - Gas laws (ideal) and deviations 2. Energy and heat of Solutions - Internal energy and heat content, relation between ΔE and ΔH. - Types of solutions, concentration and factors affecting solubility.. 3. Chemical kinetics, Chemical and ionic equilibriums - Temperature and reaction rate. - Classification of reactions. - Acid / base strength, pH value and water ionization 4. General chemistry - Atom structure, orbital and electronic distribution. - The periodic table, properties of elements 5. General chemistry - Quantum theory - Bonding, Stoichiometry 6. Qualitative analysis - Reactions and equations, balancing. - Aqueous solutions, electrolytes 7. Qualitative analysis - Law of mass action, solubility product, common ion effect, precipitation and complexation 8. Anions - Carbonate and bicarbonate - The sulphur group 9. Anions - Halides, nitrate and nitrite 135




- Phosphate, arsenate and cyanogens group 10. Cations - Group I and group II cations 11. Cations - Group III and group IV cations 12. Cations - Group V and group VI cations 13. Mixtures - Mixtures of anions and cations 14. Mixtures - Mixtures of anions and cations 1. Introduction - Laboratory instructions, safety measures and glassware. - Qualitative analysis of carbonate and bicarbonate 2. Anions - Qualitative analysis of sulphur group 3. Anions - Qualitative analysis of halides 4. Anions - Qualitative analysis of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate 5. Anions - Qualitative analysis of mixture of anions 6. Cations - Qualitative analysis of cations group I 7. Cations - Qualitative analysis of cations group II 8. Cations - Qualitative analysis of cations group III 9. Cations - Qualitative analysis of cations group VI 10. Cations - Qualitative analysis of cations group V 11. Cations - Qualitative analysis of cations group IV 12. Cations - Qualitative analysis of mixture of cations 13. Revision - Qualitative analysis of mixture of anions and cations 14. Revision - Qualitative analysis of mixture of anions and cations 1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) by Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, Publisher: Brooks Cole; 8th edition. 2. Analytical Chemistry, A Modern Approach to Analytical Science, Edited by J. M. Mermet, M. Otto, M. Valcarcel; Founding Editors: R. Kellner, H. M. Widmer; Publisher2nd edition 3. Analytical Chemistry by Gary D. Christian, Publisher: Wiley; 6th edition 4. Dean's Analytical Chemistry Handbook by Pradyot Patnaik, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional.


Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry II Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805324 2+1=3 Third Year, Second Semester 1. Quantitatively prepare standard solutions. 2. Analyze samples of acids and bases of unknown concentrations. 3. Determine the concentration of a metal ion sample. 4. Quantify samples containing halides. 5. Calculate concentration of oxidizing or reducing solutions. 6. Analyze samples applying electrochemical or instrumental methods. 7. Apply different analytical methods to water samples. The course focuses on the principles of quantitative analysis. Standard solutions and accurate measuring instruments are presented. Acid-base (neutralization) titrations, non-aqueous titrations, complex formation titrations, precipitimetry, grravimetry, reduction oxidation reactions and electrochemical methods of analysis are discussed. The course also includes instrumental methods of analysis such as spectrophotometry, spectrofluorometry and chromatography. Applied analysis is administered with special emphasis given to water analysis. 1. Introduction - Types of quantitative analysis. - Standard substances. - Volumetric analysis. 2. Acid-base titrations - pH of strong, weak acids and bases and salts - Buffer solutions and neutralization titration curves 3. Acid-base titrations - Neutralization indicators. - Applications of acid-base titrations 4. Non-aqueous titrations - Introduction. - Applications of Non-aqueous titrations 5. Complex formation titrations - Introduction - indicators. 6. Complex formation titrations - Applications of complex formation titrations. 7. Precipitimetry - Introduction - Methods and applications 8. Reduction oxidation reactions - Introduction and redox titration curves 9. Reduction oxidation reactions - Applications of redox titrations 10. Electrochemical analysis - Introduction - Conductometry and applications 11. Electrochemical analysis - Potentiometry and applications - Polarography and applications 137



12. Instrumental analysis - Spectroscopic methods (spectrophotometry, spectrofluorometry and flame spectroscopy) 13. Instrumental analysis - Chromatography (GC, HPLC and TLC 14. Water analysis - Physical characters and chemical examination - Detection and determination of impurities 1. Introduction and Standard solutions - Laboratory instructions, safety measures and glassware. - Preparation and standardization 2. Acid-base titrations - Determination of acetic acid content in vinegar - Determination of mixture of carbonate and bicarbonate 3. Acid-base titrations - Determination of ammonium chloride - Determination of mixture of borax and boric acid 4. Non-aqueous titrations - Determination of amino acids 5. Complex formation titrations - Determination of zinc sulphate - Determination of mixture of Ca and Mg 6. Precipitimetry - Determination of halides (Cl, Br and I) 7. Reduction oxidation reactions - Standards (preparation and standardization) - Determination of hydrogen peroxide 8. Reduction oxidation reactions - Determination of Zinc powder - Determination of glucose 9. Reduction oxidation reactions - Determination of glycerol - Determination of potassium iodide 10. Electrochemical analysis - Determination of pH - Potentiometric determination of Fe(II) by Ce(IV) 11. Instrumental analysis - Colorimetric determination of potassium permanganate - Colorimetric determination of cerium(IV) sulphate 12. Instrumental analysis - Determination of Na, K and Ca ions by flame emission 13. Water analysis - Physical examination of water sample - Chemical examination of water sample 14. Water analysis - Physical examination of water sample - Chemical examination of water sample 1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) by Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, Publisher:Brooks Cole; 8th edition. 2. Analytical Chemistry, A Modern Approach to Analytical Science, 138

Edited by J. M. Mermet, M. Otto, M. Valcarcel; Founding Editors: R. Kellner, H. M. Widmer; Publisher2nd edition 3. Analytical Chemistry by Gary D. Christian, Publisher: Wiley; 6th edition 4. Dean's Analytical Chemistry Handbook by Pradyot Patnaik, Publisher: McGraw- Hill Professional


Medicinal Chemistry I Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805425 2+ 1 =3 Forth Year, First Semester 1. Detect the relationship between physicochemical properties and activity of different drugs. 2. Understand how drugs function on the molecular level (mechanism of action). 3. Study the concepts of drug latentiation and pro-drug formation. 4. Know some drug classes including preparation, identity and assay procedures. 5. Qualitatively analyze some of the studied pharmaceutical substances. 6. 6. Perform different chemical limit tests according to pharmacopeial requirements. The principles of medicinal chemistry and its importance in the field of drug design and discovery are presented. The course focuses on the physicochemical properties in relation to biological action. The course includes a presentation about sources of impurities in pharmaceutical substances and limit tests stated in some pharmacopeias. The study of certain pharmaceutical classes used in drug therapy such as antiinfective agents including local anti-infective, urinary tract antiinfective, anti-tubercular, anti-amoebic agents, anti-malarials and anthelmintics will be included. Sulphonamides, antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents will be also studied. The chemical structure, selected methods of preparation, identity tests, assay procedures and mechanism of action are presented. 1. Introduction and Factors affecting drug bioactivity - Physicochemical properties (Solubility, partition coefficient and ionization) - Chemical structure parametrers - Drug development and lead modifications 2. Drug design - Structure activity relationship - Identification of the pharmacophore group 3. Drug design - Functional group modifications - Drug latentation, pro-drugs and soft drugs 4. Antibiotics - β -Lactam antibiotics 5. Antibiotics - Aminoglycsides - Tetracyclines 6. Antibiotics - Macrolides, lincomycins and polypeptides. - Miscellaneous group. 7. Anti-infective agents - Quinolones and fluoroquinolones 8. Anti-infective agents - Antibacterial sulphonamides - Antimycobacterial drugs 140



9. Anti-infective agents - Antimalarial and antiamoebic drugs 10. Anti-infective agents - Anthelmintics 11. Anti-infective agents - Antiseptics and disinfectants 12. Anti-infective agents - Antifungal drugs 13. Anti-infective agents - Antiviral drugs 14. Anti-infective agents - Antiviral drugs and antiAIDS 1. Limit test - Introduction. - For chloride in sodium sulphate sample - For chloride in potassium permanganate sample 2. Limit test - For sulphate in sodium chloride sample - For sulphate in sodium thiosulphate sample 3. Limit test - For sulphate in sodium salicylate sample - For phosphate in sodium chloride sample 4. Limit test - For iron in zinc sulphate sample - For lead in sodium chloride sample 5. Limit test - For heavy metals in absence of lead - For heavy metals in presence of lead 6. Tests of purity - Phosphoric acid sample - Sodium chloride sample 7. Tests of purity - Glycerol sample - Citric acid sample 8. Pharmaceutical analysis - Qualitative analysis of Tincture iodi 9. Pharmaceutical analysis - Qualitative analysis of of zinc content in eye drops 10. Pharmaceutical analysis - Qualitative analysis of calcium gluconate injection 11. Pharmaceutical analysis - Qualitative analysis of isonicotinic acid hydrazide 12. Pharmaceutical analysis - Qualitative colorimetric analysis of salicylic acid 13. Pharmaceutical analysis - Qualitative colorimetric analysis of tetracycline 14. Practical exam 1. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry by Graham L. Patrick, 3 rd Edition Publisher: Oxford University Press 2. Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4 :J. L. McGuire (Editor) Publisher: WILEY- VCH 3. Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry by David A. Williams and 141

4. 5. 6. 7.

Thomas L. Lemke, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 4. Wilson and Gisvold's Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, John H. Block and John M. Beale (Editors) Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Medicinal Chemistry II Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805426 1 + 0 =1 Forth, second semester 1. Understand how drugs function on the molecular level. 2. Know the chemistry of different groups of the studied drugs. 3. Relate between the chemical structure and biological activity of the drugs. 4. Know some drug classes including preparation, identity and assay procedures. 5. Demonstrate how to avoid undesirable side effects of the studied drugs. 6. 6. suggest methods of analysis for some of the studied pharmaceutical substances The course focuses on pharmaceutical classes used in the treatment of cancer. The course also discusses different drugs affecting the central nervous system including these of stimulating and those of depressant actions. Drugs of local anesthetic activity will be also studied. The chemical structure, selected methods of preparation, identity tests and assay procedures are also introduced. In addition, the mechanism of action and structure activity relationship of such group of the studied drugs will be illustrated. 1. Antineoplastic agents - Alkylating agents. 2. Antineoplastic agents - Anti metabolites. 3. Antineoplastic agents - Antibiotics 4. Antineoplastic agents - Miscellaneous compounds 5. CNS stimulants - Analyptics and methylxanthines 6. CNS stimulants - Antidepressants 7. CNS stimulants - Antidepressants 8. Mid term exam 9. CNS depressants - General anesthetics 10. CNS depressants - Sedatives and hypnotics 11. CNS depressants - Anxiolytics 12. CNS depressants - Antiepileptics 13. CNS depressants - Skeletal muscle relaxants 14. CNS depressants - Antipsychotics 15. Local anesthetics 143


- Mechanism of action, Products and structure activity relationship 1. Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4 :J. L. McGuire (Editor) Publisher: WILEY- VCH 2. Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry by David A. Williams and Thomas L.Lemke, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 3. Wilson and Gisvold's Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, John H. Block and John M. Beale (Editors) Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Medicinal Chemistry III Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805527 2 + 1 =3 Fifth, first semester 1. Predict the biological response, if any from the chemical structure.. 2. Know the chemistry of different groups of the studied drugs. 3. Relate between the chemical structure and biological activity of the drugs. 4. Know some drug classes including preparation, identity and assay procedures. 5. Demonstrate how to avoid undesirable side effects of the studied drugs. 6. Qualitatively analyze some of the studied pharmaceutical substances. 7. Perform different chemical limit tests according to pharmacopeial requirements . The course focuses on pharmaceutical classes used in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The course also discusses different drugs affecting adrenergic and cholinergic receptors and those used as diuretics. Analgesics either these having narcotic action and those of non narcotic activity as well as non steroidal antiinflammatory agents and drugs used for the treatment of gout will be studied. Moreover, the drugs acting as H1 and H2 antagonists are presented. The chemical structure, selected methods of preparation, identity tests and assay procedures are also introduced. In addition, the mechanism of action and structure activity relationship of such group of the studied drugs will be illustrated. 1. Cardiovascular drugs - Antihypertensive drugs 2. Cardiovascular drugs - Antihypertensive drugs 3. Cardiovascular drugs - Antianginal and antiarrythmic drugs - Anticoagulants, antithrombotic & thrombolytic 4. Cardiovascular drugs - Hemostatics and antifibrinolytics - Cardiotonic agents - Antihyperlipidemic agents 5. Diuretics - Osmotic and thiazide diuretics - High ceiling (Loop) diuretics - Potassium sparing diuretics 6. Adrenergic drugs - Sympathomimetics 7. Adrenergic drugs - Aliphatic amines and respiratory drugs 8. Mid term exam 9. Cholinergic drugs 145

- Cholinergic agonists 10. Cholinergic drugs - Cholinergic blocking agents 11. Analgesics - Opoid analgesics 12. Non Steroidal antiinfammatory agents - Salicylates, phenamates - Arylacetic acid derivatives 13. Non Steroidal antiinfammatory agents - Arylacetic acid derivatives - Selective COX inhibitors - Uricosuric agents 14. H1-receptor antagonists - 1st Generation antihistaminics - 2nd Generation antihistaminics 15. H2-receptor antagonists - Antiulcer drugs and proton pump inhibitors Practical: 1. Pharmaceutical analysis - Aspirin Monograph - Identity, purity tests, synthesis and assay 2. Pharmaceutical analysis - Dipyrone - Assay of ibuprofen and indomethacin 3. Pharmaceutical analysis - Paracetamol - Synthesis and assay 4. Pharmaceutical analysis - Methyldopa - Frusemide 5. Pharmaceutical analysis - Nifedipine - Chloral hydrate 6. Pharmaceutical analysis - Anticoagulant acid citrate-glucose solutions 7. Pharmaceutical analysis - Sedative mixture 8. Practical exam 9. Pharmaceutical analysis - Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) 10. Pharmaceutical analysis - Oral Rehydran salts 11. Pharmaceutical analysis - Compound sodium lactate intravenous injection 12. Pharmaceutical analysis - Hamodialysis solution 13. Pharmaceutical analysis - Drug report 14. Pharmaceutical analysis - Drug report 15. Practical exam References: 1. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry by Graham L. Patrick, 3 146

rd Edition Publisher: Oxford University Press 2. Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4 :J. L. McGuire (Editor) Publisher: WILEY-VCH 3. Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry by David A. Williams and Thomas L.Lemke, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 4. Wilson and Gisvold's Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, John H. Block and John M. Beale (Editors) Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Medicinal Chemistry and Quality Control Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1805528 2+0=2 Fifth Year, Second Semester 1. Predict the biological response, if any from the chemical structure. 2. Know the chemistry of different groups of the studied drugs. 3. Relate between the chemical structure and biological activity of the drugs. 4. Know some drug classes including preparation, identity and assay procedures. 5. Demonstrate how to avoid undesirable side effects of the studied drugs. 6. Understand the relevance between medicinal chemistry and clinical applications. 7. Know how to perform medicinal chemistry case study 8. Know different types of quality control and applications. The principles of drug metabolism, pathways and its importance in drug design and discovery are presented. The course focuses on pharmaceutical classes used in the treatment of metabolic disorders and endocrine functions including peptide and steroid hormones. Different types of vitamins and anti ageing drugs will be presented. The chemical structure, selected methods of preparation, identity tests and assay procedures are also introduced. In addition, the mechanism of action and structure activity relationship of such group of the studied drugs will be illustrated. The course also discusses the relevance between medicinal chemistry and clinical applications. Different types of quality control will be studied. 1. Drug metabolism - Pathways of drug metabolism (phase I & II). 2. Drug metabolism - Factors influencing metabolism - Drug design depending on metabolism. 3. Drugs for metabolic diseases and endocrine functions - Peptide hormones - Peptidomimetics -Thyroid hormones and antithyroid drugs 4. Steroid hormones: Female sex hormones - Estrogens 5. Steroid hormones: Female sex hormones - Estrogens - Progestin 6. Male sex hormones and Adrenocorticoids - Androgens and anabolics - Adrenocorticoids 7. Insulin and anti-diabetic drugs - Insulin prepartions - Oral anti-diabetics 8. Vitamins - Fat and water soluble vitamins 9. Vitamins 148


- Water soluble vitamins - Anti-aging drugs 10. Clinically relevant medicinal chemistry - Medicinal chemistry case study 11. Clinically relevant medicinal chemistry - Medicinal chemistry case study 12. Quality control - Physical and chemical quality control 13. Quality control - Good analytical and laboratory practice 14. Quality control - Biopharmaceutical and other types of quality control 1. Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4 :J. L. McGuire (Editor) Publisher: WILEY-VCH 2. Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry by David A. Williams and Thomas L.Lemke, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 3. Wilson and Gisvold's Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, John H. Block and John M. Beale (Editors) Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy

Elective Modules



Alternative and Herbal Medicine Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1802566 2 Fifth Year At the end of this course the student should be able to: • Understand the concept of alternative medicine • Acquire a good knowledge about the different types of alternative medicine as nutraceuticals, herbal remedies, massage therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy….etc • Understand the importance of medicinal plants to medicine development • Understand fundamental concepts of medicinal plants and different methods of classification. • Learn the principle of identifying medicinal plants and understand their medicinal uses • Understand the fundamentals of phytotherapy • Understand the relevance between medicines and poisons.


Alternative and Herbal Medicine Topics introduce the student to a variety of complementary and alternative medicine topics including nutraceuticals and herbal remedies, massage therapy, cheirology, acupuncture, using an evidence based approach. Special attention will be focused on plants that have been used for the treatment of human diseases such ac cancer, heart disease, nervous system disorders, and other disorders. The history and classification of medicinal plants are also discussed. The course will cover the different methods for quality control of medicinal plants to ensure that the highest degree of safety and effectiveness is achieved. A review of toxic plants is also included. This course will provide a broader perspective to undergraduates in certain fields including medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical science, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, ethnobotany or herbal practice.


Alternative medicine Introduction to alternative medicine • Different types of alternative medicine • Aromatherapy - Definition - Types of essential oils - Application • Ayurveda - Overview of the concept - History - Basic principals • Apitherapy -Different honeybee products - Application • Nutraceuticals - Defination - Examples -Application


Traditional Chinese medicine -Historical background and classical sources - Categories of Chinese herbs - Categories of Chinese prescription


Herbal Medicine • Introduction of Medicinal Plants • History of Medicinal Plants and Ethnobotany • Fundamentals of Phytotherapy • Classification of herbs according to their properties, uses and active constituents • Methods for quality control of medicinal plants • Toxic Plants • Fundamentals of Phyarmacognosy and Phytotherapy by Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons, and Elizabeth M. Williamson • Curtis P, Evidence-Based Medicine and Complementary and Alternative Therapies. • The Convergence of Complementary, Alternative & Conventional Health Care: Education Resources for Health


Paediatric Pharmacy Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1804563 2 Fifth Year This course is to provide the student with a strong foundation in the care of the paediatrics. Course content will augment the College of Pharmacy curriculum with regard to pathophysiology, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Lectures, a broad variety of topics, and active learning techniques will be utilized to enhance the learning experience. The student will develop an understanding and appreciation of the issues of paediatrics, which will translate into an increased sense of respect and knowledge when caring for the children in practice. The aspect of drug use in paediatrics will be given special emphasis that include the following: medication dosing for infants and children is based on their weight or body surface area, and requires individualized calculations, and its effect on the use of drug, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes, polypharmacy and drug use, risk evaluation in the use of specific drugs, the effect of drugs use on the central nervous system, cardiovascular, muscular and bone, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems. The use of many medications that do not receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration for use in the pediatric age group, although they are often necessary for treatment. The course discuss also compounding of medications as a potential source of error. Finally, growth and development influence medication usage through alterations in a given medication’s pharmacokinetics, and the ability to utilize different drug formulations, and the psychosocial aspects of responsibility for one’s health and compliance. 1. Pharmacokinetics 2. Meningitis 3. Otitis media 4. sinusitis 5. pharyngitis 6. Fluid and electrolytes 7. Congenital heart disease 8. Human immunodeficiency virus 9. Cystic fibrosis 10. Pediatric epilepsy 11. Childhood immunization 12. Prematurity 13. Respiratory Distress Syndrome 14. Bronchiolitis 15. Fever 16. Cough/Cold 17. Immunizations 18. Medication Errors 19. Pediatric Asthma 20. Growth and development 153

21. Dosing calculation 22. Counseling 23. Acetaminophen Toxicity 24. Herbal therapies 25. Attention Deficit Disorder 26. Dysplasia


Geriatric Pharmacy Elective Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:



1804564 2 Fifth Year 1. This course is to provide the student with a strong foundation in the care of the older adult. 2. Course content will augment the College of Pharmacy curriculum with regard to pathophysiology, pharmacology, and therapeutics. 3. Lectures, a broad variety of topics, and active learning techniques will be utilized to enhance the learning experience. 4. The student will develop an understanding and appreciation of the issues of aging, which will translate into an increased sense of respect and knowledge when caring for the elderly in practice. The aspect of drug use in geriatric will be given special emphasis that include the following: aging processes and its effect on the use of drug, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes, polypharmacy and drug use, risk evaluation in the use of specific drugs, the effect of drugs use on the central nervous system, cardiovascular, muscular and bone, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems. The evaluation of drug in geriatric will include the use of antibiotics, anticancer agents and health in men and women. 1. Age related alterations in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics 1. and physiology 2. Major Disease States Reviewed: - organic brain syndrome (dementias, etc.) - urinary incontinence - pressure sores (decubiti) - depression/anxiety - cardiovascular disorders (hypertension, arrhythmias, - congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, etc.) - cerebrovascular disease (strokes, TIAs, etc.) - Parkinson’s disease - infectious diseases (UTI, pneumonia, skin & soft tissue) - constipation/diarrhea - arthritis - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - diabetes mellitus - chronic renal failure - peptic ulcer disease - pain control 2. Patient Assessment - visual and hearing impairment - cognitive impairment - activities of daily living (ADLs) - independent activities of daily living (IADLs) - drug therapy evaluation 3. Communication and special counseling needs of geriatric patients - visual and hearing impairment - dysphasia, aphasia, dysarthria - cognitive impairment 155

4. Legal/ethical issues involved in the care of the elderly - regulations - advanced directives - end of life decisions


Community Pharmacy Elective Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1804565 2 Fifth Year - An understanding of the role of the community pharmacist as a primary care provider who identifies and solves drug related problems 1. Perform triage functions in discussing health related problems with patients and referring them to appropriate health care providers or recommending appropriate self-care. 2. Demonstrate the use of selected home health care products. 3. Be able to perform blood pressure and blood glucose determinations and other self-monitoring and diagnostic procedures. 4. Counsel and teach patients regarding the appropriate use of prescription medication, OTC medications, and medical supplies using both oral and written information. - Recognition of the most common drug related problems 1. Obtain an accurate medical history of past and present prescription and OTC drug therapy, illness, and drug therapy problems (e.g., allergies, etc.) 2. Evaluate a patient's drug regimen in the context of medical problems, medication compliance, and personal life situations. 3. Detect, report and follow up adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, noncompliance and other potential drug therapy problems - An understanding of the stepwise process used to identify and solve those problems 1. Collection of the information necessary to discern if the patient has a drug related problem 2. Identifying these problems 3. Developing therapeutic goals 4. Formulating realistic solutions to the problems 5. Choosing the most appropriate solution 6. Implementing the solution 7. Monitoring the implementation of the solution to achieve the set goals 8. Construct an organized comprehensive case presentation including the patient's past history, current history, overview of disease, and various treatment methods, critically evaluating each component - An understanding of the Health Care needs of a community and the individuals within that community 1. Answer with proper documentation drug related questions from the public. - An understanding of the interaction of the pharmacist with health care providers regarding drug selection, drug information, and drug therapy monitoring. 1. Communicate with health care providers verbally and in writing when necessary by appropriately seeking information, providing 157



drug information and influencing prescribing behavior in the interest of the patient. 2. Maintain a notebook compiling the answers to drug related questions answered during the course of the month - Recognition of the impact of social, psychological, and economical factors on drug therapy selection and use. - An understanding of the basic logistics behind operating a clinically active community pharmacy 1. Participate in the community pharmacy management activities as related to the delivery of patient care services. - An understanding of the topics discussed and situations encountered during the clerkship demonstrated by completing a test at the end of the month covering those items. This course provides an understanding of the theory and concept of pharmaceutical care in the contexts of primary care to the community. This course aims to provide knowledge and skills related to the use of nonprescription drugs and minor illnesses. The emphasis are in the area related to the analysis of signs and symptoms of minor illnesses, assessment of medical and medication histories, identifying and list of patient’s problems, design strategy and treatment plan, monitoring therapy, and plan for follow-up The student be prepared to discuss one topic from the list provided below. These should prepared by the students as an informal presentation of the topic. The student should be prepared to answer questions asked by the preceptor. 1. OTC Diet/Weight control 2. Nutrition/Vitamins 3. OTC Cough, Cold and Allergy 4. Ophthalmic and Contact lens preparations 5. Laxatives 6. Drugs in Pregnancy 7. Diagnostic Testing Products 8. Stomach Upset/Diarrhea 9. Bacterial/Fungal skin infections 10. Acne Medications 11. Dermatitis/Uticaria/Insect Bites 12. OTC Contraception 13. OTC Diabetes Products 14. Poison Prevention 15. Otic Preparations 16. Infant Nutrition 158

17. OTC Sports Injury Treatment 18. OTC Analgesics 19. Folk Medicine Home Remedies


Chemotherapy Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1804567 2 Fifth Year By the end of this topic, the student will be able to: 1. List the main lines in management of cancer. 2. Relate the action of cytotoxic drugs to the cell cycle. 3. Classify anticancer drugs into various groups. 4. State for each group: i. -Common mechanism (s) of action. ii. -Main adverse effects. iii. -Two chosen drugs as prototypes with reference to their therapeutic uses and adverse effects. 5. List the hormones used in cancer chemotherapy. 6. State for each hormone (or anti-hormone) mechanism of action, indications and adverse effects.

7. State the advantages of drug combination in cancer chemotherapy. Contents:

1- Introduction: Cancer therapeutic modalities, the biology of cancer, uncontrolled proliferation, the cell cycle, loss of function, invasiveness, metastasis, the genesis of a cancer cell. 2- Drugs used in cancer chemotherapy 3- Classification of Anticancer Drugs, Cytotoic Drugs and The Cell Cycle 4- Alkylating agents and related compounds 5- Individual alkylating agents 6- Antimetabolites (structural analogues) 7- Folic acid antagonists 8- Purine antagonists (purine analogues) 9- Pyrimidine antagonists (pyrimidine analogues) 10- Plant alkaloids e.g. Vinca Alkaloids 11- Cytotoxic antibiotics (antitumor antibiotics) 12- Hormonal agents 13- Miscellaneous anticancer drugs 160

14- Drug combinations References:

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (ninth edition) Katzung.


Bertram G.

Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:

1803564 2 Fifth Year 1. Understand the concepts of pharmaceutical management and marketing. 2. Discuss major items for a successful marketing plan. 3. Appreciate the importance of the management criteria; salesmen, advertisement, etc. 4. Develop a plan for marketing an idea, organization, or product. 5. To understand the problems and issues faced by pharmaceutical marketers. pharmaceutical industry. 6. To critically appraise pharmaceutical marketing studies. 7. To gain a thorough understanding of the pharmaceutical marketing literature and some research methods employed. 8. To discuss the role of marketing in the success and failure of the pharmaceutical industry. 9. To identify potential research ideas in marketing. 10. Understand the environment of marketing in pharmacy.


1. Management Nature and principles of management, types and functions of managers. 2. Plant location and lay out of an industry Various factors affecting locational aspects, lay out of building and equipment, product layout Vs. process layout, compliance of pollution control measures. Elementary knowledge of Factories Act. 3. Planning and Decision making: Definition, importance of planning, steps involved in decision making, objectives, strategies, policies and programme. 4. Planning (continue); Forms of operations control. Requirements for adequate control. Critical control points and standards. Motivation, innovation and creativity, communication. 5. Management by objective – MBO process, objectives, multiplicity. 6. Planning; Purpose and types of planning, steps in planning. Organizing, management control systems. Purpose, steps in the control process. 7. Production planning and Control Scientific purchasing, quality control, problems of productivity, stores organization, location of store, receiving, inspection and issue of materials; control of stores and stocks, stores accounting and records. 162

8. Personnel Management Selection, appointment, training, transfer, promotion and demotion, remuneration, job evaluation, human relations. 9. Pharmaceutical Marketing Functions, buying, selling, transportation, storage, finance, feedback information, channels of distribution, wholesale, retail, departmental store, multiple shop and mail order business. 10. Marketing Management Marketing channels, promotion, advertising and salesmanship. Promotion marketing. 11. Sales Management Personnel, buying, receiving and pricing, Sales promotion and customer services. Sales forecasting: Various methods, analysis, limitations and advantages 12. Salesmanship; Principles of sales promotion, advertising, Ethics of sales, merchandising, literature, detailing. 13. Finance; Principles of economics with special reference to the laws of demand and supply, demand schedule, demand curves, labour welfare, general principles of insurance and inland and foreign trade, procedure of exporting and importing goods. 14. Pharmacy Layout Design Objectives of layout design. Types of community pharmacies. Pharmaceutical centre, prescription-oriented pharmacies, traditional pharmacies, the super drug store. Consumer goods and purchases. Classes of layout designs. Principles and characteristics of layout design. Traffic flow analysis


Advanced Industrial Pharmacy Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


1803565 2 Fifth Year 1. Understand the concepts of pharmaceutical operations. 2. Understand the conversion of a drug product from the developmental stage to the batch production. 3. appreciate the concept of fluid flow. 4. Undersatnd the theory of distillation. 5. Define the conveying process in the manufacture. 6. Understand the theory of supercritical fluid technology and its application. 7. Explain the importance of water conditioning and waste water treatment. 1. Introduction. 2. Pilot Plant Scale-Up Techniques; - Primary function of the pharmaceutical pilot plant. - Factors to be considered during development. - Reporting responsibilities, personnel requirements, space requirements. - Review of the formula, raw materials. 3. Pilot Plant Scale-Up Techniques; - Relevant processing equipments. - Production rates. - Process evaluation and master manufacturing procedures. - Pilot plant design for tablet development. 4. Elements of industrial stoichiometry, material and energy balances. 5. Flow of fluids Manometers, mechanism of fluid flow, Bernoulli's theorem, friction losses, enlargement and contraction losses, measurement of flow of fluids. 6. Transportation of fluids Pipe joints, pipe fittings, pumps, transportation of gases, ejectors, compressors, blowers. 7. Distillation; Theory of distillation of mixtures (a) binary mixtures of miscible liquids, (b) binary mixtures of immiscible liquids, (c) Rectification rectifying columns fractionating column and simple calculations. McCabe Thiele method for calculation of theoretical plates, Plate efficiency. Industrial equipment for vacuum, steam, reflux and molecular distillation. 8.Humidity and air conditioning; Humidity and humidity chart, wet bulb temperature, wet bulb theory, humidification and dehumidification equipment, refrigeration. 9. Conveying: Types of conveyers, belt conveyers, chain conveyer, screw conveyer, pneumatic conveyers. Conveyance of manufactured materials. 10. Supercritical Fluid (SCF) Technology; Theory of SCF, particular drug delivery techniques using SCF, 164

rapid expansion of supercritical solution (RESS), gas antisolvent recrystallization (GAS), supercritical antisolvent recrystallization (SAS). 11. Supercritical fluid Technology (conitinue); Solution enhanced dispersioin by supercritical fluids (SEDS), supercritical fluid nucleation (SFN), precipitation with compressed antisolvent (PCA) and aerosolized supercritical extraction of solvents (ASES). 12. Industrial gases. 13. water conditioning and environmental protection.


Vitamins and Minerals Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:




1804587 2 Fifth Year 1. Define "vitamin" and "trace elements" Know whether each vitamin is classified as fat-soluble or water-soluble 2. Recognize the U.S. RDA values for individual major vitamins and minerals Know dietary sources of the various vitamins and trace elements 3. Know the major functions of individual vitamins and minerals in humans 4. Describe disease states or drugs that may cause vitamin or mineral deficiency 5. Describe the signs and symptoms of individual vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 6. Know the clinical effects of excessive administration of vitamins Know the major nutraceuticals available OTC Function, Deficiency, Disease Prevention, Disease Treatment, Sources, Safety and Recommendation for intake for each vitamin and essential mineral. 1. Minerals 2. Trace Elements 3. Fat-Soluble Vitamins 4. Water-Soluble Vitamins 5. diseases due to vitamin deficiency 6. Vitamin Therapy 7. Function, Deficiency, Disease Prevention, Disease Treatment, Sources, Safety and Recommendation for intake for each of the following: Biotin / Folic Acid / Niacin / Pantothenic Acid / Riboflavin Thiamin / Vitamin A / Vitamin B6 / Vitamin B12 / Vitamin C Vitamin D / Vitamin E / Vitamin K / Calcium / Chromium Copper / Fluoride (Fluorine) / Iodine / Iron / Magnesium Manganese / Molybdenum / Phosphorus / Potassium Selenium / Sodium Chloride / Zinc. An Evidence-Based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals: Health Implications and Intake Recommendations by Jane Higdon, 2003


Cosmetic Preparation Course Code: Credit Hours: Academic Level: Objectives:


1803568 2 Fifth Year - Understand the concept of cosmetic and dermatologic preparation. - Prepare different types of cosmetic preparations. - Appreciate the safety concept of cosmetic preparation. - Understand the new trends in cosmetic/dermatologic industry. 1. Physiological considerations: skin, hair, nail and eye. 2. Manufacturing techniques: cosmetic creams, powders, compacts, sticks 3. Manufacturing techniques (cont.): lotions, shampoos, gels, makeups. 4. Manufacturing techniques (cont.); sunscreens and pharmaceutical dermatologicals. 5. Evaluation of cosmetics: Performance, physicochemical, microbiological and psychometric evaluation of cosmetics. 6. Preservatives: Design and assessment of preservative system for cosmetics, validation of preservative in cosmetic products and factors affecting activity of preservatives. 7. Regulatory requirements: Manufacture and scale up of cosmetics. 8. herbal cosmetics: formulation and development. 9. Rheology of cosmetics: Rheological activities of cosmetics, rheology of nail products, antiperspirants, deodorants, dentifrices, hair products, creams and lotions. 10. Packaging: Package development and design for cosmetics including aerosol pack. 11. Clinical safety testing; Irritation, sensitization, photo-irritation, photo-allergy, ocular irritation and protocols for the same. 12. Advances in cosmetics: Liposomes, multiple and microemulsion, tooth past, antiperspirants and deodorants 13. Advances in cosmetics (continue): Hair planting, permanent hair coloration, cosmetic surgery and contact lenses. 14. Stability-testing and performance evaluations of modern-day cosmetic, toiletry and pharmaceutical topical products.


‫ ﻣﻜﺔ اﻟﻤﻜﺮﻣﺔ‬- ‫ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ أم اﻟﻘﺮى‬ ‫ﻛﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﺼﯿﻠﺔ‬

Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Pharmacy

T 2 2 4 3 1

16 12 Syllabus CU T Islamic Culture 101 2 2 English Language 6 4 Approach to Med Scineces 4 3 Medical Phsics 3 2 Medical Ethics 2 2 Learning Skills 2 2

Second Year P Syllabus CU T 0 Holy Quran 201 2 2 0 Islamic Culture 201 2 2 2 Mathematics 2 2 1 Physiolog y 3 2 1 Anatomy & Histology 3 2 Approach to Pharm. Profession 1 1 Pharm. Organ Chem.1 3 2 Pharmaceutics 1 3 2 4 19 15 P Syllabus CU T 0 Prophet Profile 2 2 2 Microbiology 3 2 1 Physiology 3 2 1 Biochemistry 3 2 0 Pharm. Organ Chem 2 3 2 0 Pharmaceutics 2 4 3

19 15 4 Total C.U 35 27 8 CU % University requirements21 11.9 English Language 12 6.7 Basic Sciences 46 25.8 Pharmacy Sciences 99 55.6 178

P 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 P 0 1 1 1 1 1

Third Year Syllabus CU Holy Quran 301 2 Pharmacogonosy 1 3 Analy. Ph. Chem.1 3 Pharmacology 1 4 Pathology 3 Basic Pharmacokin 2 Pharmaceutics 3 3

T 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

P 0 1 1 1 1 0 1

20 Syllabus CU Islamic Culture 301 3 Molecular Biology 3 Immunology 2 Pharmacogonosy 2 3 Biopharmaceutics 2 Pharmacology 2 3 Analy. Ph. Chem.2 3

15 T 3 1 1 2 2 2 2

5 P 0 2 1 1 0 1 1

18 13 5 37 28 9 CU T P 178 130 48

19 13 6 39 28 11

Fourth Year Syllabus CU Holy Quran 401 2 Medicinial Chem.1 3 Principles of Drug Information 1 Pharmacology 3 3 Clinical Pharmacokinetic 1 Pharmacogonosy 3 3 Pharmaceutics 4 3 Pharmacy Law & Ethics 1 17 Syllabus CU Islamic Culture 401 2 Biostatistics 3 Dispensing Med 4 Pharmacogonosy 4 4 Medicinial Chem. 2 1 Clinical Pharmacology 2

P 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 P 0 1 1 1 0 0

Fifth Year Syllabus CU Industrial Pharmacy 3 Therapeutics 1 3 Medicinial Chem 3 3 Toxicology 3 Research Project 3 Elective I 2

T 3 2 2 2 0 2

P 0 1 1 1 3 0

17 Syllabus CU Hospital Pharmacy 2 Pharm. Administration 2 Med. Chem 4 & Q.C 2 Therapeutics 2 3 First Aid 1 Elective II. 2 Elective III 2 Research Project 3

11 T 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 0

6 P 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 3

16 13 3 33 26 7 Pharmacology Pharmagonosy Pharmaceutics Clinical Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry


T 2 2 1 3 0 2 2 1 13 T 2 2 3 3 1 2

Summer Training 320 CU

First Year Syllabus CU Holy Quran 101 2 Arabic Language 101 2 English Language 6 Approach to Medical Sci 4 Computer science 2

( Programme for Bachelor of Pharmacy ( B. Pharm

Summer Training 320 CU

Second Semester

First Semester

‫اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﯿﺔ ﻟﻨﯿﻞ درﺟﺔ اﻟﺒﻜﺎﻟﻮرﯾﻮس ﻓﻲ اﻟﺼﯿﺪﻟﺔ‬

17 10 7 34 21 13 Quran & Prophet English Language Basic Siences Arabic Language Elective & Research

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