B-gear Guide

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,875
  • Pages: 13
Ultimate/Complete B-gear Guide Written by Rockman1x Version

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Why is the B-gear so different than others? B-gear builds B-gear skills Bombing Handling wars Grinding a B-gear Using Skills and the Power of GBM Mr. Shotgun: Codename Air Bombing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 Coming Soon Coming Soon


Ultimate Skill: Big Boom

Coming Soon

Theory and Knowledge of the gear Important To Know/Gear Techniques Advanced Gear Techniques Unique Skill Some words from me

Foreword After some grinding to level 70 and got Big Boom, I did read the forum. Obviously, there was a ton of questions about a B-gear. I don’t know every aspect of the B-gear, so be advised. My thanks goes to the BCU players, whose they answered my questions about builds and weapons. And of course SoulCharger, when I read his guide, I understood anything what is written in it. And inspires me to make a guide too. Lol.

Introduction B-gear stands for a Bomber Gear (codenamed brandy Burg), what means that the B-gear a powerful gear with enormous attack power and ability to attack AND defense on the same time. As the only gear, the B-gear can have Chaffs, whose they absorb damage before the gear itself will be damaged. The B-gear is often said that it is overpowered compared to the I-gear and the A-gear, but the truth is than only I-gears are underpowered in my opinion. A-gears often fears B-gears and B-gears fears A-gears and I-Gears. And the fact that A-gears have the Barrier skill, you'll have to flee from them. People use B-gears in wars and camping with their powerful Ground Bombing Mode (from hereon known as GBM) and can take a hit from another B-gear. Standard B-gear specifications: (Gray: static, green: customizable) Official Name Type No.

Brandy Burg NGT-BB-1-BG

Player Function Method

Decaian Pilot Gear and Cable, Board Minimum Output Ordinary Output


Maximum Output

Attack, Defense, Ambush, Guard Gas Optical Molecular Form 1,170hp 2,850hp 3,550 HP (Equipped with After Generator for Chip Creep)

Basic Weapon Strategic Weapons Height Length Width Airframe Mass Weapon Mass 1st Armor 2nd Armor

All weapons that can use the Auto Contact system Chip Creep Launcher 4.048m 13.650m 8.15cm 4,885Kg Basic 3,121Kg + Chip Creep 1,565Kg 101.74mm 82.35mm

Main Weapon

Manufacturer Serial No.

Next Generation Co. Ltd NGT-B1-EXR

Purpose of Usage Source of Energy

Armor, Resources Armor Material Pilot Computer Engine Max. Speed Mach Back Max. Gravity

Parallel Acrylic Steel, Strong Moissanite, Carbon Steel 1 person (Associated with only controlling the motion related to Gear's attack, defense, etc.) H.E.E Co. Ltd brand of Model 6-Tenpole Line No. II 4.15Thz, 0.960k TM Memory Freeway Co. Ltd brand of Mr. F Series No. III Fr 4,620km/H 1,200km/2.43sec 13.37G

Why is the B-gear so different than others? B-gears are NOT just ordinary airplanes that fire missles to the ground and air, but you can fully customize your gear to your taste. For example: most M-gears go for a Spirit-Defense built and the most I-gears go for an Attack-Agility built. The statpoints are distributed evenly (3 per bonus stat), so you can go for an Evasion, Defense or Attack built, roughly. And as the only gear, B-gear has some powerful skills and attacks. • Ground Bombing Mode • Air Bombing Mode • Chaffs • Big Boom If you look at the skills, you'll see that a B-gear more an attack gear than a defense gear.

B-gear builds If you read the previous sections, you should know what build a B-gear can be. But everyone have an own taste and skills, so let's begin.

Basic build Nothing special. This is the stat for the level 27 engine. Attack 27 Defense 27 Fuel 27 Spirit 62 Agility 27 Shield 3

Attack build Most B-gears are attack build, to increase the damage and pierce probability to void defense builds. Every attack build has the potential to One-Hit-Knock-Out anything that dares to engage them. But you can easily pick Attack gears down, by just shooting 2-3 volleys on it. This is most used in wars. Attack Rest Defense 27 Fuel 27 Spirit 40-70 Agility 27 Shield 3

Defense build Defense build are harder to kill than attack builds, but have a bit weaker attack than the attack build. Defense builds can One-Hit-Knock-Out certain gears, especially mobs. Attack 50-150 Defense Rest Fuel 27 Spirit 40-70 Agility 27 Shield 3

Agility build This build is a special one. Agility build is one of the hardest to war with and can be very hard to kill. Because there is a decent amount of agility builds, most weapons are now enchanted to 120% probability. For grinding too is the Agility build not the perfect build, because all mobs have base probability. Attack 120 Defense 3 Fuel 27 Spirit 62 Agility Rest Shield 3

Want to go full on a build? (Not recommended by most players. From level 86 is this possible.) 300 Attack: +70.3% total damage, +45.05% piece, +4.54% probability. 300 Defense: +50.15% defense. 300 Evasion: +50.33% evasion. 300 Spirit: 2400sp in total. Choose a build and let's take a look on the skills.

B-gear skills Attack Skills: Ground Bombing Mode (GBM) (Gear Skill) It shoots you missiles downwards to engage and kill anything what on is/was on the ground. The power behind GBM is the amount of missiles shot when turning GBM on. Toggle GBM immediately off when something's got hit: it’s a rather expensive skill and a uses many skill points.

Air Bombing Mode (ABM) (Gear Skill) This time, the missiles are shot forwards and kill anything what is/was blocking your view. Toggle ABM immediately off when something's got hit: it’s a rather expensive skill and a uses many skill points. Do note that ABM not always hit and the opponent just roll out your ABM.

Charging Shot (Gear Skill) When activated, it will gather power from your standards and shoot the power off to a locked and aimed opponent. A charged shot rarely miss if used properly, but an evasion I-gear (remember full statted gears) can roll them when it's visible.

Multitarget (Gear Skill) You can lock on more target than one, and you will gain a big amount on valid angle. Once locked, you don’t have to aim to shoot a missile to a target. Do note that Multitarget not is recommend in open fields, but only in tight spaces (Den Tunnels, Bark Undercity, Mesos floor tunnels).

Big Boom (requires Finishing Move Skill Opening Card (RARE) to unlock) (Unique Skill) Some B-gears managed to get a Finishing Move Skill Opening Card and unlock a very, very powerful skill. This skill, or more a suicide skill, is used to break gate camps and gate rushes effectively with the gears energy points (or what's left of them). There are two ways to avoid a Big Boom: • Flee • A M-gear purify the B-gear Note: Big Boom uses a charge time (roughly 3+4 seconds), so you can be detected and shoot you down, and it voids stats.

Movement Skills Turn Around (B/I gear skill) See name.

Back Move Mach (B/I gear skill) See name.

Invisible (requires Special Skill Opening Card (RARE) to unlock) (Unique Skill) Be invisible until your Skill points are depleted or until you have been scanned.

Buffs: Chaffs (Gear Skill) Absorb the damage until all chaffs are all gone. This is used as extra shields/hp in every situation. Do note that Chaffs is a rather expensive skill.

Concentration/Evasion/Defense Up: (Standard buffs) Respectively: Add more prob, add more evasion, add more defense.

Reduce Damage: (Standard buff) It will reduce the damage on your shield GREATLY.

Bombing B-gears are known as bombers. You get GBM on level 20 and get a good pair of Bawoos. This is GBM in Islands Dream, but the technique is the same. Turn on GBM.

Aim with you reticule. (That white thing is a reticule)

(I had to turn)

Say boom!

Enjoy the carnage (or lag).

Turn off GBM. Rinse and repeat. Do note that a single GBM has a few phases. 1. Missiles shot. 2. Missiles go 50m forward. 3. Shot missiles go down with 23 degrees 4. Flying 5. Missiles reach the ground and explode.

Handling wars Most wars rely on B-gears in every aspect: camps, rushes, clearing camps, hunts, eliminate "Rape Carpets" etc. etc. Every war (especially SP) is filled with tons of B-gears, bombing everything that they see. Yes, the Bgear plays a crucial role in a war. More important is, that B-gears can play the lone wolf OR work with a M-gear, an I-gear and some other B-gear in a formation. Actually, working together decides how the war will result. Of course you can work better with that and that player, but you should work with all your comrades, how much you hating them. Your B-gear wont stand when you just only paying attention on your lock, and as in the description of the game: "As your setting is one of vast 3D space shooter, you need to be alert for enemies, missiles and other dangers coming at you at any time and from any direction!" "Ok… What should I do then" I can hear you ask. I use my self-engineered thumb rule ;-) RLTE: Radar Lock Turn Engage -orCLIE: Check Lock Intercept Engage You don’t have to follow this rule (I admit I don’t do it either), but check your radar often. Lock on the gear (you can track then easily). Turn, find the best route to intercept and then engage. Most B-gears are ready for war when they have Ground Bombing for Den Wars and camps in theory, and when you get ABM (level 50) you're ready past the Dens (enemy maps).

Grinding a B-gear For the first levels on the FreeSKA (undecided), do the missions and grind a bit on the low mobs. They are good for 1-8% exp. When you reach level 11 you'll have to decide to join which fleet. Because the grindline of both nations/fleet are fairly even, I will stick on the BCU pathway. (Cuz I am BCU) DO the missions! I can't stress enough on this point when you're under level 60. When you're level 20, get a pair of woos DIRECTLY and start grinding on *malls, and don't bother about the flying ones. This is not valid for missions of course. When you do a mission, I recommend grabbing a fair pair of Arrows. On a point when you reaching Redline (Violence), thing will get a bit strange and dicey. For ANI, go to Relic, for BCU go to Sunken. BCU, stay on Sunken till you level 60-66 and/or go to Islands Dream (ANI/BCU). ANI advance a map when the mobs getting blue. When you're reaching level 67,68,69, go to Chaos and dare to conquer the stronger Egma's and Schill Interceptors. It will be worth dying and reloading. Once level 70, grab a FMSOC and take Big Boom (if you can have it) or grind to level 74 and literate the turrets on G-ARK MK-III with GBM. Past that point, I can't explain anymore (Hey! I am just 70!), so you'll have to ask an experienced player like SoulCharger.

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