Aww09 Sched

  • December 2019
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ART 582 MFA Graduate Seminar II: Writing & Research/Artists Who Write

Schedule • F09 • [email protected] (YR 1 assignments; YR 2 assignments; all) 1/11

date w1 1/7

topic Introduction & syllabus Writing as exploration Monograph Project

class activities Image/web pres Resources Readers’ discussion

reading Barthes, “From Work to Text” Perec, “The Page” Smthson, “Language to Be Looked At and/or Things to Be Read”

work for next class for 1/14 Research 2 Phaidon CAS (all) Laundry List (Y2)

w2 1/14

The Limitis of Legibility Asking questions

Readers’ discussion Phaidon summaries

Blanchot, “The Most Profound Question” Byars, “Talk at NSCAD: World Question Center” Raqs Media Collective, Stammer, Mumble, Sweat, Scrawl, and Tic”

for 1/21 MFA Statement Outline (Y2) Monograph Project: draft plan Research interview models (all)

w3 1/21

Infinite Conversation

Readers’ discussion MP round robin MP work session

Weiss, “Language in the Vicinity of Art” Cattelan/Chan Interview, “Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind” Temporary Services, "Do-It-Yourself Interview"

w4 1/28

“Ask Somebody Else Something Else”

Readers’ discussion MP round robin Image/Sound pres

Allen, “Against Criticism: The Artist Interview in Avalanche” Griffin, “Method Acting: The Artist-Interviewer Conversation” Anastas, “A Response”

for 1/28 1st Draft interview Q&A (all) MP Select Related Text; work on Statement 1st Draft (Y2) for 2/4 MP Focus Essay Draft (Y10 MFA Statement 1st Draft (Y2)

w5 2/4

Artists on artists

Readers’ discussion Editing workshop

Gillick, “Now I See: One Work by Anri Sala” Gillick/Tirivanijah, “From a Truncated Correspondence (Simile: Belly Laugh)” Chan, “Fearless Symmetry” Thomas Hirschhorn, “Eternal Flame” Humphrey, “Amy Sillman” Kushner, “William Eggleston”

for 2/11 Your Manifesto, Questionnaire, FAQ or Lexicon (all)

w6 2/11

Language as material I: manifestos, polemics, FAQs

Readers’ discussion Share Manifestos

Situationist International, “Response to Questionnaire” Navarro, “Geometric Retroabstraction” Raqs Media Collective, “A Concise Lexicon of/for The Digital Commons”

for 2/18 MP Draft Layout w/images (all) Interview Draft (all)

w7 2/18

Language as material II: Something Else Press Great Bear Pamphlets

Readers’ discussion Image examples Small group review

Kaprow, “Untitled Essay and Other Works” Knowles, “by Alison Knowles” Higgins, “A Book About Love & Death”

for 2/25 Prose piece: anecdote or autobio (all)

w8 2/25

Telling stories Everyone’s Autobiography

Readers’ discussion Share writing

Dean, “Fernsehturm” Antin, “The Man without a World” (excerpt) Nauman, “Good Boy Bad Boy” Mullican, “Untitled” Mir, ““Living & Loving #2—The Biography of Zoe Stillpass”

for 3/4 MP Layout Final MP Focus Essay Draft (Y1) MFA Project Statement Draft (Y2)

w9 3/4 w10 3/11 wk11 TBA

Small group review MP Final Presentations MP Final Presentations

Due: Monograph Project pdf Research Packets/bilbiography MFA Project Stmt Drafts

ART 582 Course Reading List • Boas W09 Roland Barthes, “From Work to Text,” Image, Music, Text 155-164 pdf (e-reserve) Georges Perec, “The Page,” Species of Spaces on Other Pieces, 9-15 pdf (e-reserve) Robert Smthson, “Language to Be Looked At and/or Things to Be Read,” Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings, 61 pdf (e-reserve) Maurice Blanchot, “The Most Profound Question,” The Infinite Conversation 11-24 pdf (e-reserve) James Lee Byars, “Talk at NSCAD: World Question Center,” Six Years: The Dematerialization… 163-4 pdf (e-reserve) Raqs Media Collective, “Stammer, Mumble, Sweat, Scrawl, and Tic” Weiss, Jeffrey, “Language in the vicinity of art: artists writings 1960-1975,” Artforum 2004 pdf (e-reserve) Temporary Services, "Do-It-Yourself Interview" pdf (e-reserve) Adrian Piper Interview, Funky Lessons, 89-91 pdf (e-reserve) Allen, “Against Criticism: The Artist Interview in Avalanche,” Art Journal 64 no3 F2005 pdf (e-reserve) Griffin, “Method Acting: The Artist-Interviewer Conversation,” Art Journal 64 no3 F2005 pdf (e-reserve) Anastas, “A Response,” Art Journal 64 no3 F2005 pdf (e-reserve) Gillick, “Now I See: One Work by Anri Sala” Liam Gillick Proxemics: Selected Writings (1988-2006), 271-6 pdf (e-reserve) Gillick & Tirivanijah, “From a Truncated Correspondence (Simile: Belly Laugh),” 181-5 pdf (e-reserve) Chan, “Fearless Symmetry,” Artforum March 2007 260-1 pdf (e-reserve) Thomas Hirschhorn, “Eternal Flame” Artforum March 2007 268 pdf (e-reserve) David Humphrey, “Amy Sillman” Artists on Artists, BOMB Rachel Kushner, “William Eggleston” Artists on Artists BOMB from Art & Social Change: A Critical Reader 2007, pdf (e-reserve) Situationist International, “Response to Questionnaire From the Center for Socio-Experimental Art,” 125-9 Navarro, “Geometric Retroabstraction,” 260-9 Raqs Media Collective, “A Concise Lexicon of/for The Digital Commons,” 340-9 from Great Bear Pamphlets: Something Else Press, Kaprow, “Untitled Essay and Other Works” Knowles, “by Alison Knowles” Higgins, “A Book About Love & Death” Tacita Dean, “Fernsehturm (Backwards into the Future),” Filmworks, 90-1 pdf (e-reserve) Antin, excerpt from screenplay, The Man without a World pdf (e-reserve) Nauman, “Good Boy Bad Boy,” Please Pay Attention Please, 94-95 pdf (e-reserve) Mullican, “Untitled” Blasted Allegories pdf (e-reserve) Aleksandra Mir, “Living & Loving #2—The Biography of Zoe Stillpass”

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