Awa Strategy

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 329
  • Pages: 1
Analysis of issue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Digest the points make notes of the point against the issue and for the issue take position write beside the points which one weaken or strengthen the issue group the points if possible in to major heads use the key words such as therefore, hence to signal conclusion. First, second to number the paras 7. Paras should be of at least 4-5 lines 8. 5 – 6 paras one introduction and one conclusion skip line between paras 9. Organization of essay 1. In one line summarize the issue that has been given or make a general statement as to the issue with one line each for and against the issue. 2. second line state the position with the phrases such as – “closed examination of the issue revels that”, “it is unreasonable to say that” etc 3. Change para. From here each para to be used to cover one idea or group of ideas that can be grouped under one hat such as inter – personnel relations, productivity, etc. or at the same time it can also cover the topics against the issue but also stating the reason why we donot agree with it. Conclude the reasoning after each para 4. last para to summarize all the major arguments that have been advanced for the issue and then state the position Analysis of argument 1. Read the argument. Thrash out al the assumptions, and incoherent reasoning i.e. where one to one correlation given the question does not agree 2. The first para should start with stating the conclusion and also the arguments that have been put forward to support it. Such as writer concludes that …… because ….. the conclusion relies on the assumption for which there is no clear evidence. Or the arguments is based on unsubstantiated assumptions, poor reasoning. 3. Each para then should cover the assumption or the faulty correlation that has been drawn between the variables.

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