Avid Newsletter Final 2

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JUNE 12, 2009

AVID NEWSLETTER Congratulations Seniors! Seniors have been accepted to their co!ege of choice...

Teacher Spotlight

MRS. DAISY RACE After 34 years teaching, Mrs. Daisy Race has decided to retire & enjoy time with her family & friends. She has taught at every grade level except 3rd grade. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology & teaching credential from the CSU Los Angeles. She later added to her credential an authorization for mathematics from Whittier College. But Mrs. Race did not stop there...she continued in her education & received her Masters of Education degree at Azusa Pacific University.

Seniors working diligently with Mrs. Race are reaping the rewards of their tenacity & efforts. On May 28th, some Seniors were honored

during awards night. The following Seniors received AVID scholarships: Linda Tu, April Rios, Alberto Perez, & Nelson Guevara.

What was her most satisfying teaching experience? “Being involved with the AVID program.” Thank you Mrs. Race for your dedication to your students!

Seniors looking forward to 2009-2010 77% of AVID Seniors have been accepted to a 4-year college. Next y e a r, t h e f o l l o w i n g S e n i o r s a r e expected to attend the following colleges & universities: Raul Aguilar, Mt. SAC; Steven Alamazan, Central Wa s h i n g to n Un i v e r s i t y ; C e c i l a Barrios, UC Riverside; Kaprice Booker, Cerritos College; Vanesa Brown, Citr us College; Jasmine Burgos, Cal Poly; Jose Cabello, Cal Poly; Jenny Chittham, Cal Poly; Karen Cornejo, Cal Poly; Sergio Correas, Cal Poly; Luis Cruz, Cal Poly; Roxana De La Rosa, Chaffey College; Max Garcia, Mt. SAC; Nancy

Garcia, Citrus College; Javier Grijalva, Mt. SAC; Jose Grijalva, Mt. SAC; Lizbeth Guevara, CSU Northridge; Nelson Guevara, UC Riverside; D a n i e l Gu t i e r r e z , M t . S AC ; Christopher Heredia, CSU Fullerton; Shaquinta Hill, CSU San Bernardino; Celina Huerta, Chaffey College; Jesenia Lopez, CSU San Bernardino; Romero Martinez, Mt. SAC; Amanda McClary, Woodbury University; Sara Mendoza, University of La Verne; Lauren Peck-Lewis, San Jose State; Alberto Perez, UC San Diego; Andy P h a m , C S U Fu l l e r t o n ; Ro n a l d Piccirillo, Cal Poly; Jacob Ponce,

Citrus College; Alejandro Quezada, CSU Fullerton; Ilse Ramirez, Citrus College; April Rios, University of La Verne; Jasmine Rios, CSU San Bernardino; Ricardo Rivera, Mt. SAC; Daniel Rocha, Citr us College; Jaqueline Rodriguez, CSU Sacramento; Monica Soto, Chaffey College; Karla Talamantes, Cal Poly; Dimitri Tillett, CSU Bakersfield; Nataly Torres, UC Riverside; Linda Tu, UC Davis; Erika Vega, DeVry University; Crystal Valencia, Chaffey College; Regina Vela, University of La Verne.



Dear AVID students,

JUNE 12, 2009

I Believe in You

I want to tell you that I believe in you; I believe in your mind & all the dreams, intelligence, & determination within you. You can accomplish anything. You have so much open to you, So please don’t give on what you want from life or from yourself.

Please don’t put away the dreams inside of you. You have the power to make them real. You have the power to make yourself exactly what you want to be. Believe in yourself the way I do, & nothing will be beyond your reach. - Author unknown

Sincerely, Mrs. Race

AVID SCHOLARSHIP ESSAYS I have been in AVID since the beginning of my high school years. As a freshman I came into AVID not knowing anything about the program and considering it a fallacy that I was part of this program which ultimately was a constant help and a probable reason for my smoother transitions from grade to grade through out high school. Today as AVID Senior and looking back at my high school years I am grateful to have had AVID as a guide and a helpful resource for the changes and the challenges that will happen upon my entrance in to the University of California Riverside. From freshmen year in class with Mrs. Barbee AVID is a helpful program upon which goals are not just expected but AVID helps you reach these goals. My freshmen year was fairly simple and provided a smooth transition into AVID. Sophomore year began the

Since the first day I attended high school I knew college was at the end of the road. I am now in my senior year and the road is rising from the obscurity and becoming clearer everyday. Over the years I have been praise for my scholarship, receiving high marks, certificates, and awards. Among all these recognitions, one

preparation for the CAHSEE, an exam set simple and which I passed with ease. Perhaps the most valuable and productive year in which AVID became greatly important to me was my junior year where SAT, Subject Tests, ACT, Personal Statement and more where taken care of all which are a large part of the college preparatory steps. Senior year was based mostly on applications and AVID was a great help in preparing us for this so preparation through out all four year was a constant theme. Personally I am involved with AVID Club so my interactions do not end in the classroom. I have been able to be part of the club as a member, vicepresident and this final year as President. AVID ideals will stay with me long after graduation and I am ultimately glad to be a member of the AVID Class of ’09. - Nelson Guevara

always caught my attention, engraved in one my award was the phrase, “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the effort.” Perplexed once, I was now fully aware that I played the role of an ordinary student but I also realized AVID being extra conscientious over its students manifested itself in a sort of contagious manner, so that one too became extra. Thus by providing its students with tutors (the AVID Program); I was benefitted by receiving assistance with homework during and after school hours. Using this as a resource I was able to bring out my full potential, so that I was no longer in the middle but at the top of the ladder. Nevertheless AVID inspire me to become independent for though it provide its students with resources not available to

other students, it also had another criteria encode in its acronym, A d v a n c e m e n t Vi a I n d i v i d u a l Determination. This to me meant AVID would open many doors to its students but we, the students, had to enter by ourselves. Inevitably this lead to perceiving my work loads in a different way, so that I had to work extensively, in the attempt to improve my skills. Such that not always being dependent I learn plentiful from my mistakes so that in future situations these mistakes were not perceived again. Basically all I want to impart is that because of AVID, I was able to take honors and AP courses, become involved in extracurricular activities, and most importantly have the opportunity to attend a four-year college. - Alberto Perez



11th grade news The 2008-2009 school year has indeed been a quite eventful year for PHS students, especially from the AVID Junior class. Throughout the entire school year, our AVID juniors have contributed enormously to the image of the AVID program. Many of these students, aside from also being active students in the AVID elective class have also been fully involved in the AVID Club, which has recruited a record amount of students this school year. Nelson Guevara, president of the AVID club and a graduating AVID senior, expresses his deep optimism for the upcoming AVID class as ambitious students such as Evelyn Godinez, Luis Valenzuela and Alejandra Murillo have taken the lead in becoming future AVID Club leaders. The AV I D program not only has grown significantly, it has also improved from the inside out. Since Pomona High School’s AVID program has entered demo status in early 2009, its students more than ever, have represented the AVID program as a whole. First, AVID juniors have been actively involved in spreading the word about college admission requirements to non-AVID students, (of those being core classes, SAT/ACT scores, and extracurricular activities) through PowerPoint presentations. Our junior students have been adequately prepared for the presentations displaying the highest levels of professionalism and poise. The effort of our juniors has also extended to the middle school level as they presented to students in Ralph Waldo Emerson Middle School and Palomares Middle School. AVID juniors were also a c t i v e l y i n v o l v e d o rg a n i z i n g recruitment workshops for students and parents that are interested in the program. The result was phenomenal! The amount of middle school students that applied into the AVID program has

surpassed the amount of students that have ever applied prior to the 2009 school year. Aside from contributing to the growth of the AVID program our juniors have played a key role in contributing to students throughout the community. This year, AVID students played a key role in tutoring the 10th grade class in preparation for the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). The results proved to surpass all expectations as the class of 2011 shattered an all-time record as more student than ever have passed the

JUNE 12, 2009

Calendar June 4, 2009 End-of-Year Celebration June 8-9, 2009 Senior Final Exams June 15-17, 2009 Final Exams June 22, 2009 Summer School Begins September 8, 2009 New School Year Begins

SUMMER to do list: - Summer Readings for AVID & AP classes - Assignments for AP courses.

In the Pomona Community exam, a true morale boost to Pomona High School. Also, AVID students have been actively involved in contributing to the schools outside of the gates of Pomona High School. 11th grade AVID students have tutored Emerson Middle School’s eighth graders in preparation for the STAR/CST tests, which are a requirement for all California grade school students. As the year comes into the close, the rising AVID seniors are looking forward to a phenomenally eventful year for the 2009-2010 school year. In full throttle, the soon-to-be seniors are placing their vast efforts in preparation for their college and scholarship applications for the upcoming year. However, this will not slow down our juniors from contributing to Pomona High School as many are looking forward for an incredibly eventful and spirited year.

With the recession, all AVID students decided to collect much needed m a t e r i a l s f o r Fo o t h i l l Famil y Shelter. Items collected were: nonperishable foods, cleaning supplies, diapers, & laundry soap/softener. Mrs. Mitchell’s 10th grade AVID students went the extra mile & supported March of Dimes which is a non-profit health national voluntary organization for pregnancy & baby health. If you would like to donate: www.marchofdimes.com or call 800-658-6674.

- Ruby Lopez, c/o 2010



JUNE 12, 2009

10th grade CAHSEE surpasses expectations

The Top “10s”:

Last year, 85% of 10th graders who took the CAHSEE for the first time passed both the English Language Arts & Math sections. This year, 96% passed ELA & 94% passed Math.

GPAs: 4.0s - Teresa Picirillio Ruffina Porras, & Michael Sanchez 3.9s - Analia Cabral, Tracey Akugue 3.8s - Giovanni Velasquez, Jackie Tu 3.6 - Itzel Solis

What did we do differently this year? Many of our 10th students participated in Saturday Scholars where they worked in small groups with tutors to work out sample problems or they took sample exams to monitor their progress. All their hard work & determination paid off. CAHSEE high scores: Math Shaylyn Swartz Giovanni Velasquez Marissa Romero Michael Sanchez Eunice Chavarin Parker Ross Gabriela Gomez


Our Top Athletes: Giovanni Rodriguez - Football, wrestling, & baseball Darren Hayes - Basketball & Volleyball Michael Sanchez - Soccer

Our “AVID” readers:

450 & 448 450 & 433 436 & 423 406 & 450 419 & 414 414 & 414 402 & 400

AR books

Ruffina Porras


Alexis Venegas


Daniela Arredondo


Michael Sanchez


April 1, 2009: 9th & 10th grade AVID students visited UC Irvine. While on campus, students took a guided tour & experienced college-life.

POMONA HIGH SCHOOL’S AVID PROGRAM GROWS In 2009-2010 academic year, the AVID program is excited to see the growth of the program. Next year, more sections of the AVID elective course will be added to the master schedule. There will be three sections of 9th grade, three sections of 10th grade, two sections of 11th grade, & two sections of 12th grade. And lastly, but not least...our AVID will be applying for Demonstration Status, which only a select few have this privilege.


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