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  • Words: 610
  • Pages: 2
AUTOBIOGRAPHY I was born on a sunny and beautiful day in May in the spring in Mexico City. I have lived in Iztapalapa district during 30 years old. I live with my parents, two brothers, two sister in law, a niece and my son. I go to school at Azcapotzalco district: the Escuela Normal Superior de México. When I was born my oldest brother was five years old and he was going to kindergarten. Javier is yonger than Cesar and older than me and he has been the best son between us. Don´t omit to mention to my mother has been my best friend, guide, confident, everything. I love them. Always they have helped me. Who I am in life My name is Emma and in the present days my classmates calls me “prefecta”. I started school when I was five years old. I went to Kindergarten during three years during three years. After that I went to Elementary school during six years. I wasn´t accepted to the escor. Then I attended the secondary school, where I won an award for honor roll but I wasn´t accepted to the escor either. Then I went to senior high school during three years, there I met to my best friends, and in the present days I´ve been talking to them yet. I am now at the College school and I´m planning on finishing school. My purpose is to study very hard and to finish my career. What life means to me? The life is a gift full of different things such as: knowledges, experiences, joys, sadness, triumphs, challenges, etc. Furthermore I consider that the life is an school where everybody learns, trough experiences of the daily life, and is a rice where we have a lot of competitors, but also the same opportunities, the difference lies in how the waste it or take advantage. I have some friends but unfortunately in other states even so we keep in touch. I think when you lose the reason to do something, just do it for you it becomes boring and tedious, so my days at school are niece and interesting because it´s something I do and I´m enjoying my self despite the

setbacks that I ever have. I have a boyfriend and the most of time we go to the movies even tough I prefer to go to dancing. We took eleven months going out together and I´m totally convinced that nothing is forever. What is you out look on the future? The year 2016 will make three years since I graduate from college. I think I will probably be still living here in Mexico but only with my son in our house not with my parents at home. I will be quite comfortable with my financial situation, which means that I will be working in different schools as an English teacher. My kid will be twelve year of age, are now ready to enter high school. We will live together happily for a long time. Conclusion As I mentioned at the beginning I was born here in Mexico City and have lived in the district Iztapalapa all my life. I would like to see and know more than England, but for now unfortunately I don´t have money to go there, but not rest until get to visit it. I hope you enjoy reading my life story, much as I enjoy writing for you. My advice is try to get most of the school know when you are a student, and in my case which has come to be a teacher to transmit this knowledge to my future students and give them my best.

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