Auto Story Of My Life

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  • Pages: 26
Auto story of my life. At eleven my Grandmother died in my bedroom, she loved the sun and napped in my bed in the afternoons. Our home at Granville had three tennis courts out the back with a clubhouse and a cool tree to climb. I loved animals, so I had pigeons, all fun breeds and two rabbits and the family dog. I let all my fantails go that afternoon and my feather feet pigeons. This was the only death I have experienced to date. Grandma started Freny house for boys, being a single mum with seven children in the 1800’s was a task to say the least. A devoted catholic and a widow made her a special breed of saint. I miss her buttered bread on finger toast. I was a loner at school, as my communication skills were very poor and I immersed myself in a more devotional life of fantasy and dreams of grandeur. I imagined the world a perfect paradise and me a traveler through it with God as my constant protector and me as His pet. Silly I know, and very immature but I was a kid and church on Sunday was a mystery to me, a door way to a great being who love me, this was the faith I had as long as I can remember. So I did not quite fit the mold of the average citizen. Though when I was thirteen I did sense a growing appetite for the opposite sex. My first girlfriend I kissed was Joanne H. She lived across the road in a nice home, and later in years I found out she became a dancer for the Australian ballet, she was beautiful. I remember we went into a cave at Cronullah point and played all sorts of games, our secrete place. I can still feel the way she sat above me on our lounge chair and ran her fingers through my hair. Our family lived in Cronullah, two houses from the beach between Shelley beach and Guttamata Bay. It was a huge home with us seven kids in it. Dad was a Pawnbroker in Sydney and started a successful auction company combined auctions that is now worth a fortune, he gave it away to the 40 pawnbrokers in Sydney many years later. I went to Caring bah De La Sel, school for catholic boys. I remember Brother

Dunstan the principal of that tough school and how he gave me therapy one day, and lashed my hands so badly that the blisters were severe enough to take me to the emergency ward. I would have seemed like a dreamer at school as though not paying attention, but if they only knew how much I loved their education, all my life I have been studying, and even today I do pet subjects on Anatomy and Philology. I love to feed my mind with healthy knowledge. Dad gave Brother Dunstan a tongue lashing that day; this did not help as they saw me as a problem not a blessing. I was still a bit odd at school and a bit of a pretty boy, so I got picked for a fight one afternoon (jealousy rages in the heart of the beast) and of course the kids all gathered around me, and a kid my size went to it, he gave up as he did not want to fight, just like me but the people had spoken, then a big Koori kid came in and took a few punches. I was a fit kid and had won a few tennis tournaments that year, so I ran around and laid a few right on his face He gave up and I felt pretty good, though tired. Then in a flash a young punk ran in and punched the crap out of me, I was down and out as the teachers broke it up. More lashes with the strap. Dad owned Liverpool loan office and two other shops so we always had money, as grandma taught him well. By the way he is a successful tennis coach who produced a Wimbledon champion and being 75 now, still runs laps of the oval and coaches tennis three days a week God bless his heart. He and Mum have not missed a Sunday of Mass for as long as I remember. Each to there own, I always say. Dad always treated me good for some reason and I was a bit spoilt, I think. With three sisters and three brothers all one year apart, we had a type of Brady bunch life style. All my sisters were beautiful, and as a family we pretty much stuck to ourselves. My first rebellion of the system was at thirteen, when I had a friend who showed me the way to sneak out and play pool at all hours of the night, I got pretty good at it and made a name for myself as the kid to beat, the owner who looked like Kat Stephens, used to bet on me against older players and make some cash on the side.

I got in trouble and caused a drama one night when I sneaked out. I took Mums car and broke the axle, but the drama happened the next day when the police came around and said I was at a party where a young girl died of drugs. I was framed but Dad thought I had something to do with it, because he caught me sneaking out a week before and my brother told on me that day, when I broke Mums car. So the circumstances seemed to point to me being at the party. Then on my thirteenth birthday, Dad made a big party for me, and it being a Saturday night there was a band playing at the park, so naughty me walked off and missed my own party. Dad and Mum decided to move from corrupt Sydney, so we all packed up and moved to the Gold Coast. Terranora, a ten-acre property, and wow it was fun. Thirty-five years ago the gold coast was a playground. Being now fourteen, I saw the hippy movement explode throughout the Gold Coast, and I loved there cool peace loving life style, I like many others of that era imagined this lifestyle to be the answer to our future society, although Drugs were the key to this type of life style, it made it a remedy for failure. Now I know that the lifestyle of communal living is nothing new as Jesus advocated it in the early church, now I know it works perfectly if Jesus is the focal point and not the false spirit of drugs. At fourteen and with no knowledge of Christ it did not matter to me as I was determined to be happy and reach my fantasy of heaven on earth. Tweed Heads High School was a bit of a blur to me as I was overcome with the drugs of the 70’s and psychedelic mushrooms, and fun. Dad bought me a quarter Arab horse, a white mare, Lady. She was so frisky, my mate next door had a cattle property, Geoff G. he and I rode allot, as he was more experienced in horses, a true bronco and practical joker. Geoff’s horse Shannon, an Appaloosa, was well trained. We always swapped horses when we went riding, looking for mushrooms and good times. All this time I did not seem to handle women very well. As a matter of fact the neighbor up the road, a real cutie, had a horse; I used to swap with her as she was in the pony club. We spent many hours lying around a dam, like my horse lady, all women were wild to me.

Some how I got through to year ten, with the help of psychedelic drugs I think? By this time I had a girlfriend Tessa Townsend for nearly two years with no sex relationship. She was a hot surfer chick, her brother Peter Townsend became a world-class surfer, and is still famous I think? I loved the romance and the companionship but she wanted more. Naturally. I became under sixteen swimming champion of my school, (big deal) I could swim thirty-two laps of the Olympic pool and seemed to love the water. I had a lot of energy. All this was good but my mind was focused on the fact that there had to be something better, my eyes were opened and only Jesus could now satisfy me. The drama begins in search of “The Almighty”. One day Geoff and I went riding, I took Shannon and he raged with wild Lady, we collected about forty gold top mushrooms and Tessa came around for a Saturday night of fun. We made a soup as there was so many this time and we had half a bowl each. Geoff and me were so used to the psilocybin drug by now we were permanently stoned, Tessa in her madness wanted to try them too so we gave her two spoonfuls, thinking that half a bowl hardly even effected both of us. Wow, were we wrong. Tessa ran all over the paddocks saying she saw God and after twenty minuets of that, she collapsed in our car, we panicked as she was overdosing. We snapped out of it and started to slap her to keep her awake and poured coffee down her throat to keep her awake. Six hours later she snapped out of it and Geoff and I from that day stayed away from the magic mushroom. Tessa found a new life and a new guy, in one night she got what she wanted. So much for love. I immersed myself in the drug life and being sixteen and a long blond hair surfer, my life was hectic! The drug scene was the focal point of my life and being a loner this in it self had its fair share of troubles, I would go to all sorts of dingy homes and freaky places and sit around and have cones, back in the 70’s the drug marijuana was everywhere, I could drop into any number of flats and places and always catch a session. The next day it would start all over again. Dad bought a house in Tweed Heads and my sister, cousin and I lived in it this

became just another drug den. My sister Vona, now there is a character; she is now married to a construction manager who builds hi-rise buildings, a very prestigious job. She still looks great at 45. But in the 70’s she was the hottest girl in town and attracted so many of the big drug dealers that compacted with the house we lived in (that I painted with 20 different colors and had beads as doors) Vona became their instrument to take over Tweed heads. I was a distraction to them and they gave Vona some heroin to give me to hook me into their world so they could control it. They even went so far as to make out that they were going to kill me if I did not become one of them. This brings me to the point I must discuss about my drug life: because of my spirit and my belief and possibly future destiny with Jesus my Lord, I did not fit into the drug world. I became more alone and would sit for hours alone not speaking a word sometimes days at a time, just observing the spirits and personalities of people. It was like watching a television show of characters, only they were not very pleasant and most of the time they were just plain evil. So I recluse even more, so when these drug heads threatened my life, I took this threat very seriously, and as I said being a loner in drugs just do not work. I smoked it and I must say it was a beautiful drug. My mind cleared up and I did not notice all the chatter of personalities that seemed to clutter up my entire life, I ignored people, and felt content. I knew deep down this feeling would not last but like the drug would wear off and I would end up in the same loop with personalities crowding out my life and my self esteem sinking lower as I could never catch up to their fast and furious life’s. So that night I had to make a decision for life, to become a drug addict or not! I cried out to God inside of me, the only help I could imagine and I saw a vision of the Devil and his life of luxury he offered me, everything. He owned it all he told me and it was in his power to give me the desires of my heart. Somehow I knew this to be true, he was not lying. I saw it all in a moment of time, a book was opened all I had to do was sign. X. The signature had to be physically done by a homosexual act to prove my acceptance of his contract. This was my X factor and still is today! My instincts took over and I cried out to God for help and I saw A HAND reach down out of the ceiling it offered me nothing, but such love came from that hand

like something I have searched for all my life, that this whole world and everything in it seemed to vanish into oblivion, and I reached up and tried to take it. That’s all I remember no more, to this day 35 years later I have seen nothing since, but believe even more in my King. I believe I was born again that day as I received Jesus my eternal King and savior. Some time at the age of sixteen. All glory to Jesus. Well it may have been the drugs and it may have been my faith but my life took a 360° turn. I was talking about God to all my friends and witnessing all over the place. I had traded Drugs for the most high. I had known nothing of born again Christians and faiths like that and felt like I was the most blessed person in the world, spared by the mercy of Jesus himself. Like I was the blessed son of God saved from the fire, unique. Being a catholic I was so ignorant of the word that when I got my hands on a bible it blew my mind, literally. I had found the most high and this only accelerated my zeal to tell everyone about my Jesus and how awesome he is. Although my father was a good man he could not see the miraculous change that had taken place in my life and his answer to my situation was to get me into a clinic to come down off drugs and get me into a steady job. Yes now I see that at the time this would seem like the right thing to do (Phically) but to me who had just escaped death and found that Jesus was real and the bible not just a poet book, the idea of slotting into a normal existence in the era of flower power and the 70’s was just not right. So after a month in Lismore clinic and bad drugs (remember in the 70’s drug rehab was in its infancy and a lot was experimentation) I spat the dummy and their bad downer drugs, and threw them down the toilet. I decided to trust the only source I knew that could save me, and that was the Word. I had never been a study person before, so this new world of reading became an obsession to me, it was fabulous. My mind was becoming free from the oppressive demons of other peoples thoughts and their uninspiring actions. I read my first book that year Don Quixote the Man of La Macho by an author Cervantes. Later in life I realized how a person in prison could write such beauty. At the clinic I witnessed to everyone I could and met some beautiful people there, also some true nuts too. Ha. No brother, I am laughing with you not at you. I met a friend two years later on the streets of Sydney that went through with their

shock treatment program in Lismore clinic, he was very much like me all excited about the concept that drugs had shown him a world bigger than the planet we live on and how our minds and spirits are so beautiful, I loved him he was so very precious. I could not believe it was the same human, his brother had to lead him along like a dog he could not even recognize me. My heart broke and at the same time I was so thankful that I trusted my God instead of their bad treatment and drugs. His brother told me after he received the shock treatment, he had been like this. I was due for that therapy the next day! Thank you Jesus for your protection. Saved again. Also my father tried to slot me into three apprenticeships but after two weeks at accountancy, plumbing, electrician, he gave up, God bless him. Oh! I also spent a while at Murwillumbah TAFE doing a builder’s course. Funny that, as right now I am doing the same course 35 years later. So I can do drawing plans to sell my property. I had a little car and turned the back seat into a confessional box where I used to hear people’s problems and I would sincerely pray for them, to know the Jesus I began to know and love. Being a male I loved some women too, one of whom was Kerry who I knew from school, I was not in love with her and she was not in love with me, and so I went along on my life. This became an issue eight years later when I came back from India, as subsequently she said I was the father to her baby, now according to my father she tried to say the child was mine and Kerry took Dad to court and lost. Kerry adopted the boy out and Dad thought it best not to tell me about it. Until I somehow mentioned something to him years later and Mum slipped it out. He would be 34 now and I met Kerry two years ago at the Melbourne cup on the gold coast, and I talked to her sincerely and she definitely said he was my son. Don’t ask me why but I will not see him till I get to the Kingdom, end of that story.

My witnessing went on in Tweed heads for five months and the people got sick of me so I began to branch out to other parts of the Gold Coast and one day I met a guy in Mermaid Beach who I started witnessing to (if you would call it witnessing). He was a surfer-looking guy who had come out of drugs and believed in Jesus to. OMG my world had just hit a new level as I discovered that day that Jesus had saved other people out of drugs. Till that date I was going to churches and trying to be normal, those poor church people I can imagine how uncomfortable they must have felt with me beaming so brightly in their pews. Weeping and so on. They had Bibles and showed me how to be born again and to be baptized which I did that Sunday at a Pentecostal church, the first time I ever steeped into a born again church. I saw hundreds of people who loved Jesus and all of them were so happy. I thought this was my answer to paradise on Earth, so I then went to people I had witnesses to that week and told them about this great church I found. I bought a young street girl, a pure sheep that wanted to find out about Jesus, to that church the following week. What a shattering experience that was, I drove up in my little confessional car with the girl I brought and the pastor of the church who baptized me the following week came to my car saw the young hippy type girl and cursed her to the ground, he said she was going to hell and I cant remember it all but she broke down in the car park crying so pitifully. I became enraged a fire burned inside of me at that heartless man, and from that day I stayed away from Church people. I minded my own business and witnessed to people preaching the Jesus I grew to know and love. A Christ that loved all people even sinners like me. After three months of telling people daily about Jesus, I picked up two hitchhikers, Manassas and Zion! By this time I realized I was not the only person saved out of drugs, as I meet all sorts of Christians in my witnessing. So when they told me they loved My Jesus I felt a joy inside, but unlike the Church Christians they were dressed like hippies and had a guitar and were witnessing just like me. They told me of their journey to Lismore and how they

distributed 500 pamphlets about Jesus and won so many souls to His kingdom. You could imagine my mind went a racing and I wanted to know all about their life and everything.

Manassas told me they lived together communally and devoted their lives 100% to Jesus as disciples. WOW, these people sounded like the people I was reading about in the bible, I was so fond of reading. So I went that night to their meeting thinking it was some kind of formal church. I was desperate for fellowship and still am I will only be satisfied when I finally pass from this shell into my best friend arms. My Husband and God. Double shock, they were people just like me, we all sat around in a circle played music on guitars and read the word together and prayed together and lived together. At the end of the fellowship Peter Fish turned to me and looked me right in the eye and said forsake your life and follow Jesus. He then slammed a cupboard door that was ajar that I was staring into and gave me a look, I will not soon forget. The Holy Spirit convicted me that week as I gather all my stuff together and my new motorbike and went to the main home in Brisbane to forsake all to follow Jesus, and serve Him with the Children of God. (COG) For four years I learned of the COG and their leader Mosses David the prophet. I traveled a lot and hardly stayed in a town more than 1 month. Distributing COG literature called MO letters. They were the foundation for the movement to grow, and become a Christian force, his teachings were widely known and the message simple and pure, forsake all and follow Jesus and to hell with the devil and his system. We were an army ready to die for Jesus and Moses David the leader kept our fire burning with letters after letters that we as a body ate up with zeal. This alone caused a lot of problems with the society of the day as they saw our blind faith, as a bit of a threat to the ordered system, and at the time there were cults around like Jim Jones of Jones town and Manson and the Krishna’s and the orange people. Oh yes lots and lots of nuts on a Hugh tree. Not to forget the hippy movement and the flower power people. So the established order of the day had a job to tone down all these rising freedom fighters for love and peace and lets face it when it comes to sheep following a path of happiness and spiritual enlighten,

Satan and his crew will sure have a thing to do about it and create his own version of the enlightened truth his way. He is the great imitator. I loved the work to the max; I was 100% at home with the revolutionary way the COG proclaimed the gospel. The discipline and the devotion to our leader and each other it seemed like I was living a chapter of the book of acts in the bible, with all sorts of little miracles of supply and praise and worship and of course the fellowship I was starving for. One thing that the COG taught me through the word was the fact that once saved always saved, and no matter what I did I would eventually go to the Kingdom. If I did not make it there: than Jesus failed and salvation was by my works and I may as well eat drink and be merry as we are all doomed to die in our own sins, see my eyes were opened and still are brother. You and I on this Earth are putrid sinners in Jesus eyes, if you don’t see that you are blinder than I can imagine, for this is the first principle of eternity. We are damned without Jesus, no matter how holy we pretend to be. This fundamental doctrine became the cornerstone for my life, and with this truth I went headlong into any situation expecting to come out the other end of the tunnel unscathed, saved. I was immortal always able to enter the presence of the Father and thereby be cleansed and helped. This I have proved without a shadow of a doubt all through my life, even if I ascend up to the riches of heaven He is there to guide and love me, and if I made my bed in the very bowels of hell itself He was there to love and correct me. Every sin became a learning curb and every failure a bend in the road; death itself could not stop me. This was my life now and I dove into it head first, I began to memorize Scriptures like the end of the world was coming, and yes that was a favorite doctrine of the COG, but it served it’s purpose. I studied the bible at every spare minuit I had, on buses while going out pampheting, on the toilet, everywhere and anywhere. To waste three minuets without having a verse flow through my mind was a terrible sin to me, and a crime against Jesus. I could at the end of four years recite eight hours of verses and chapters and Mo letters off by heart. What a way to spend a day. Today I can hardly remember much a few chapters and so on, I must say that the Lord directed me that way then and I am thankful, but I should not have been so intense, maybe I would still be in a Christian church if I slowed down a bit and began to smell the roses a

bit, I would memories chapters on it and study it profusely but do you think I could just go out there and do it? Yes I memorized three complete MO letters two pages each one, and over fifteen chapters and psalms and twenty sets of bible verses in sets of ten to fifteen. This combined, with the five to eight hours of bible study I did each day. I became living word recourse, and I loved it, this became my comfort my drug. By this time the COG members had become more and more sexual and me less and less. They learn to smell the roses; I think I destroyed that sense with the bad drugs I took when I was thirteen. Oh Jesus. I went to India in 1974 there we had a ministry of feeding the drug addicts that found themselves in a Deli jail, westerners just couldn’t cope in these situations so we would bring them fruit and encourage them and pray with them. I got sick (typhoid) there, and after three months of witnessing I gave up (sorry Jesus). I became miserable, as I couldn’t get into the family of the COG and they tried so hard to help me to smell the roses, they even left me alone one weekend with a gorgeous sister to help me overcome my problem with shyness, but nothing. I spent it in reading and prayer with her. I was a dud, I missed that boat! The Australian Embassy flew me home I stayed with Mum and Dad till I got well and Dad got me into a business, to settle me down. I was depressed with the fact that the people I loved so much did not want me in their homes. I started a furniture factory, we made outdoor pine settings for Vados furniture in Lismore, and I also opened a shop front, in my Dad’s fruit shop as a display for my furniture. It was all so boring compared to witnessing that I could not put my heart into it, so I built a boat on the side in our Terranora home beside the tennis court. It was 30’ x 15’ it looked like Noah ark. Made of hard wood and second hand timber flooring, with two coats of fiberglass. Nine months later and $8,000 in cash the boat was ready to launch. By this time I had started another business in town called Huddo’s Cafe, selling hamburgers and hot food. The furniture dwindled away and the houseboat with two bedrooms was ready to

be craned onto the low loader. Hannah and Edmund lifted the ship with straps and broke the fiberglass. It sunk, and two months later I demolished it down the Tweed River, just another shattered dream. This I have had all my life and am used to them now, my dream now is to be in my Jesus arms and that can’t be shattered, only archived no matter what. I married the girl who worked for me at Huddo’s cafe. Dianne W. She was a good girl and for the first time in my life I had a real relationship and a love life. After preaching all about love and the kingdom I was finally ready to create my own paradise on earth at 22 years of age. We worked hard in our cafe and Dianne’s little sister Roslyn, worked with us on weekends to help out. Dianne and I were happy together, but I was still lustful in my life, so it got a little uncomfortable sometimes. Ten years went by in our marriage . We bought a ten-acer property in Gatton three hours from Tweed and traveled to work back and forward trying to manage a shop and build a dream. The sleeping over at our parent’s places and traveling to Gatton every three days got too much for us so we built a temporary shed on the property there and moved in. I worked for the local builder there Ron, He married a Metcalfe and they were the heads of that town so he liked me as he felt like a visitor too, see 30 years ago if you were not born in a small country town you were a import. We built five homes and I worked on the Metcalfe potato and small crop farm during the times the houses were slow. I built a besser block three-bedroom home on our property and I manicured the hobby farm so beautifully. All was paradise, I joined the local Judo club and the instructor enjoyed throwing me around and I like the challenge too.

Dianne worked on a flower farm part time down the road and we were fairly financial at this stage. Rebecca was born and David was just turning two, the W. were proud grandparents, so the future looked very inspiring in so many ways. Until, I was out the shed one day, the shed had a toilet in it as we lived in it before I built our home, so I would spend a lot of time in the shed and outdoors. My day comprised of milking the cow feeding the chooks and pigs, moving the three potty calves to a day paddocks and let the four goats mow the front paddock. Then I would go to work, I consumed my days in work and never gave a thought to Jesus and the Kingdom, and I was a true backslider in the sense of the word. There in the shed I had three MO books I read one of the letters, now I had not touched the word or letters for ten years now and Dianne knew about my past Christian life but she being a catholic didn’t see the need to involve God in our almost perfect lives. I felt the same until I noticed how perfect my life was and I had neglected to invite Jesus into it. I felt greedy and ashamed. I saw my life and it was good, stress free and I would lie around the damn some days and just enjoy my children and the good life. I felt bad and wanted to put something back into the world that had blessed me so much, so I did what I knew to be the only way to bless the world. I asked my wife Dianne to let me go out the back (2000 hectares of cattle forest) for a few weeks to fast and pray to find guidance in our lives, to me this seemed normal and the way to go. She did not take this gesture as an attempt to become a better person and put something back into our world but she took it as a threat, to disrupt our ideal existence and told me so. She went to the extent to say that if I went to pray she would take the kids away and leave me, I see now she saw a radical turning point in my life, she saw better than I could. If only she could have trusted Jesus or even Jesus in Me. I did not believe her and thought she was being a foolish woman, so the next day I went for a walk out the back forest as I did sometimes and when I got back she had left to go to her parents place in Kingscliff. I was devastated and begged her to come home with the kids and we could work it out. I believed in till death do us part, like my parents who have celebrated

over 50 years of marriage. I knew every mountain was only a molehill when time gets a hold of it and I could not understand how she could not see as I did. I made a list of all the things I wanted and told her to write a list on the other side of the page of all the things she wanted. She came back to Gatton one day and I got the list for her. On my list was witnessing among other things and we sat together in the car as she did not want to come in the house, I did not think this strange at the time. I begged her to make an agreement the only thing I asked is that I could witness again, she said no, and left. She waited for me to leave for the Gold Coast that day and Dianne and her father emptied the whole house, she had come up with a furniture truck and was not interested in any negotiating but had come up to get the stuff and go. I came back to an empty home not even a toilet roll. This was my first wife and I have not spoken to her for eighteen years she cut me off in her life. Two weeks later she asked to see me again and I met her at my Dad’s home she had a solicitor there and I signed the custody papers and house and car over to her, her parents gave her $5000. To give to me to piss me off, they were such good church going people. They helped her to take everything, even my children, and the door was shut. I called around to see the kids a few times; she had moved into a house with a gay woman and was living a bizarre life style. After a few visits she told me at the door one day that she did not want me to see her children anymore, that I was too unstable for them. I had given her the property and of course I was a vagabond. I agreed as the Lord spoke to me through my temple time and told me with a voice that thundered “you will have them in Heaven, I promise”. OK Jesus you did it again, I was alone again and robbed of my life. All over the word, so I looked at it like a blessing in disguise. I knew I could not waste his precious time that I had lost, those last ten years. So I immersed my self into the Bible again and prayer. I did what had cost me so dearly I fasted and asked for direction; with strong tears I faced my future. All I had was a backpack and about $3000 as I paid a few debts off. I needed to find the COG again so I went to Brisbane regularly (wittnessing) to

find them witnessing in the parks or wherever I could. I tried for a month and could not see them till one day I met a guy on the street, he had a poster and was selling it WOW it was the COG, but now they were called “The Family”. I was ecstatic as the posters were so cool and they seemed so professional now, I asked to come to a home to see them. I met them in a home and they were a little reluctant to treat me as one of there own or even as a prodigal son. I was an outcast and although some of the original members remembered me as the wild Jesse James (that was my bible name back then, we all took other named to symbolize our commitment to be separate from the world) and had some respect for me, as I was a pioneer in the filed of personal witnessing. Still the fact that I left the COG ten years ago made me a Judas and one not to be fully trusted. I was of course shattered again but only momentarily as I quickly jumped to my long lost old friend again Jesus, the word. I had just forsaken my life again to serve Jesus again and the fact that I left the army of the Lord was not as important to me as the Fact that I need to make up for lost time. So I started my memory course again and the Family used to give me literature and posters to witness with although I did not live in a home at the time. It did not matter, I was home on the streets every day witnessing and loving the sheep. I lived wherever I could, bus shelters, anywhere, sometimes I would not even go away from town I would stay in the mall all night witnessing and come four am as the last sheep would come out of the bars I would go somewhere to rest, or just hitchhike to the gold coast every three days see Mum and Dad and have a rest and go again. This I did for many months. I had to beg the family for the posters to distribute every time, they were getting more reluctant to give them to me as I was saturating the city with them, they were now large families with an average of five children per couple. Their distribution rate was very slow compared to a single male with no

responsibilities. Now I can see how they were right in stopping me, but then I felt like I had to witness or my life was a waste. So I went to there printer who did there mass ordering and pretended to be a leader of the family (actually I stumbled across this printer, I was going there to copy the posters, when I discovered he was the printer for the family, I played the game and pretended to be a family rep.) and asked for a print run to be done of 10,000 posters. The gentleman said ‘well that’s a particularly small order but OK I’ll do it’, he said. Three days later I picked up the pallet of posters and paid cash for them. When the Family found out they were going to excommunicate me but could not get permission from Peter Fish who now ran or had influence on the southern hemisphere family sector. He knew my zeal and left it in Jesus hands. Though one time he had a meeting and kicked me out of a home, because I did not cry when I was asked to show remorse. Oh well. Besides I hardly visited except to help around the house sometimes and pay my tithes and offerings and the fellowships. I then became an associate member. Yahoo. (Tithing is good cement that bonds the church together) For two years I traveled all around Australia and even had a cute girlfriend until the family recruited her, I was upset about that, as I was not allowed to see her. But never the less I was a devout member of the Family and would do my best at all times to maintain the standard that Father David put in practice. I was and still am convinced that the Family is the most politically correct Christian religion on the face of this planet to date. And I have been in and associated with over 20 groups/churches My unusual witnessing adventures took me to all sorts of places around Australia to all the sordid spots like Kings Cross, Saint Kilda and all the hot spots. This I did daily and continued with my memory program, except I changed it as the times allowed for. Different chapters and different sets, this was my life again for the next four years from the age of 27 to 31.

I spent most my time on the road, I probably met you if you were alive around that time, I must have personally witnessed to over 100,000 people. Daily in the streets and on every corner of so many towns. My witnessing took me to Singapore this time and the Family there heard of my freelance attitude and set up a meeting with me at one of the cafe’s there and told me point blank I could not associate with them, I knew this would be the case so I sent my tithe to a family in India. I saw the tapes they produced and they were good so I spent the only money I had left $500 to re produce the two tapes I had. The quality was low but it got me something to sell over there and also a chance to witness with the music tapes, they were a great tool to use, besides that was my last dollar and I need the money to survive. The Lord gave me a good deal as a Christian was at the help desk in a Hugh recording studio and he winked at me and pointed to a couple gentlemen walking up some steps they looked like rappers or something, he said I will put your run on the back of their order. I did not understand but I did get a great deal, I pray you bless that young pioneer in Jesus name. I sold the Christian tapes and posters all over Singapore and Malaysia for a year Straight. It was very hectic, as the officials were only one step behind me. I cant count how many times I prayed for Jesus to change my life, as I had no one and spent my days trying to convince people that Jesus would make there life better. Now I realize that He made me this way and who am I to speak against the master potter, I may not be a great example of a successful life here on Earth, even a Christian existence. Jesus knows what He is doing so I just testify anyhow, who am I to judge what is His design in this complexed Galaxy that He governs. It was all too much; I had no respect for the law and the officials as I often tried to escape there many forces from customs to Ignorant Christian groups, to Muslim extremists. To me the system was a vile beast that has to be destroyed and the sooner the better. Now I am older and wiser and know the system has many faults, but it is blessed of God and ordained to keep the people in order, it has fabulous help advantages and Jesus would curse me if I cursed it. Only the Lord has the authority to take over this world.

Jesus will return to take back His planet and this is my great hope and dream. So I obeyed the bible, in the spirit in which it was written, and continued on my witnessing adventures, with the whole world against me it seemed sometimes, but I continued nevertheless. I met Tina my next wife in a flat in Penang. She looked like an 18 year old, but she was 27 at the time and there were two children with her a boy six and girl eleven. I thought they were her brother and sister and when I said to her to come with me and become a missionary, she did. I never imagined she was actually in a defacto mirage and these two children were hers, she mentioned it to me but I thought she was just lying and just wanted a ticket to Australia. I was in Singapore and she rang me and said she was coming there, I was so excited and we had a ball in Singapore for two weeks. Then I went back to Penang and talked with her brother Simon, he convinced me that she was defacto and the kids were hers. It was too late I was in love and was not going to let her go no matter what. We got married in Joho Baru and I came back to Australia with my new wife a gorgeous young Indian woman that looked like a supermodel. I quickly settled into the married life again and set up a little home for us in Terranora, my father’s property. I turned a caravan into a livable two bedroom flat and had rabbits and a great fishpond. I started again. At the time my little brother was running a shop for my Dad in Southport, N. Street Pawnbrokers. Brian Junior was inexperienced in the business world and had lost a lot of money in the shop so Dad asked me to run it for him, and gave me a 50% share in the shop. Aha! What an amazing six years of trading it was, with loaning money and buying and selling second hand goods. The poor would come and ask for such

little money for their goods, some were sincere some were just evil. Like a giant commercial washing machine I saw merchandise get recycled into the system again. I set up a repair section in my business and hired a repairman. Then started to make jewelry and produce new rings at an amazing low cost of $14.50 per ring plus materials. Life was good. When I was 34 I had acquired a large five-bedroom home I renovated in Coombabah, Gold Coast near the river, and put in a nice swimming pool. Business was good but I was getting too cocky so I made a mistake, and it cost me my business, home, wife and former life. Oh Jesus. I remember praying desperately around that time for help from Jesus to get me out of the Pawnshop and free me from the corrupt life I was involved in, I guess He did answer my prayer but not as I expected He would, it was all my fault I received some stolen goods in my pawnshop and the system wanted to make an example of me. Soon I was in Jail and sold my share of the shop. Six months passed and I was released on home detention to spend three months confined to my big home. My wife had spent her time enjoying other guys company; she was as sexy as ever and had lots of boyfriends, one in particular Peter S. He had a shopping center to his corrupt credit and acted like a big man. Tina on the fifteenth of December 1997 left me for Peter and lived in his hi rise apartment in Surfers Paradise. Nine years of marriage gone I could not believe it was happening again, I fought desperately to get her back, I met this Peter in a mall in Southport and told him to get lost we shaped up to fight Tina yelled out and I turned around and Peter hit me from behind I spun around and laid into him, then all I could hear is Tina in the background calling out to Peter. I even contemplated suicide at this time in my life as I was sick of it all and the people I loved always seem to betray me. I drove for ages out west to the town I had a home in many years earlier, there in the dry desert wilderness, I decided to fight once again. Now I do not believe in divorce and neither does Jesus, Moses wrote the bill of divorce only because the so-called elders of the day pestered him for it. The Almighty has a statute in eternity to stick together at no matter what the price to

self, and people like my parents that have lived over fifty years of married life will testify that though it had it’s fiery trials, they never gave up to self but put the sanctity of marriage before themselves and the respect of the vow, to death do us part. All others are liars who break their word. I would still be married today if the sanctity of that word were kept. Don’t listen to the pathetic teachers of this world who disrespect the meaning of a handshake or the holiness of a vow. I acted quick and put all my time and energy to keeping H. our daughter, from that lifestyle so I got a settlement document together to pay Tina $30,000 cash plus $20,000 in jewelers and stuff, and with it came a family court order to have custody of H. Tina wanted the money and knew I was a great father and in her heart did not trust Peter. So she signed it and I lived in our family home and raised H. Some nights she would cry herself to sleep and so would I. My world was shattered again but I was determined to make the most of it. I had asked my brother in law Michael C. to get me a job in his construction company B. He put me in a laboring position for two weeks and as I showed myself to be excellent, he moved me to the new building in the Park Royal to oversee defects in the newly completed 23-story hotel. I had to get the 2.7 million retainers back to B. within a year. To do this I became very friendly with David the man in charge of engineering in the acquired hotel and he would give me weekly lists to do, and I would see that they got done. It’s whom you know! B. received their retainer back and during the year I worked there I also helped Ron H. build the games room in the building. A beautiful one million-dollar project, I’m so proud of, if you ever visit the broad beach Park Royal you will see the games room and the Karaoke room, I think the building has another name now? During this period I met a girl in housekeeping, as the hotel was fully functional and she later became my live in girl friend, Carmen L, a Filipino. Very sexy 26 years old. I finished up there about a year later and took care of H. full time.

Myles L. had become a good friend to me in prison and we had formed a business together a few months after He was released in 1998. ‘Marine detailing and anti fouling’, we had fun in this work. I then sold my home and bought a property in Tweed heads for $50,000 with a broken down old house on it. I lived with Carmen in Mermaid Waters and we had a cool life. She worked at the Park Royal and I continued with my business. I was living a defacto relationship. Carmen and H. and I went to The Philippines in 1999 to visit her relatives, the two-week experience was good for us. In 2000 I was busy doing up my old house in Tweed and Carmen was busy gambling and being a playgirl; we went out a lot and had a fairly exciting life. Tina was still in our life and she always made Carmen feel uncomfortable. Tina was always on the rocks with Peter as he was a playboy and wanted more than Tina could offer. So she would use me to get to him and one day (when Peter and her were on the rocks again) I asked her to get back with me and become a family again, she agreed and I told Carmen to leave as Tina was moving back in with me (stupid me). Tina went back to Peter and Carmen found a new guy to love some dealer at the casino. I think she was seeing him on the side? Poor Carmen she ended up with a broken man and she deserved better than that, I saw her life and she was too good for my burnt out love. Carmen left and moved in to a unit that I paid for, and all the furniture. She saw a solicitor and found out she could sue me for half of my land at Tweed. We had a pre martial agreement made up but it was useless after a period of time, so I begged her to have mercy on H. and me and accept the money I offered. I paid $8,000 all up and she lived happily with her dealer guy. I moved to the house at Tweed with H. in 2001 and started to renovate it more as we lived there, building a large bedroom off the garage and making it a happy home.

I went on the pension when Carmen left as the business was slow sometimes as I was full time looking after H. dropping her off to school and picking her up so we could spend the evenings together. I now decided to devote my life to H. and kept to myself a lot. I enrolled H. in High school in 2002 and started to look for a better life. After considering all the possibilities I decided in a Real Estate Business with my little brother Tony as the principle and half partner. I put in all the money and set up the shop and Tony had the license and ran the management. This worked well for a while and I had a good friend and business associate that worked in our shop ‘O. Real Estate’, Brett R. We spent all our spare time together and he even encouraged me to go to Brazil in 2003 when my other brother Brian Jr. went to visit his in-laws. I had a wonderful time and had plans to open a restaurant in a town, two hours outside of Rio, a town called called; Bouzios. Brett wanted to be apart of my venture and make business there also, maybe even another branch of O. Real Estate. All a vision to shoot for and it could have been a reality as we were only months from the reality then disaster hit and the police came to my door one night. While I was in the real estate business I committed another crime, another serious one. (No I wont discuss my sins, my crime) I have fully paid for this crime now. Three years and ten months sentance. I guess I didnt care about my life. The shock of going to prison hit me hard as I was 46 years old and I did not want to die here in Jail so I attempted suicide the next day. OK I’m weak! Knowing I was going to go home to Heaven with little or no reward, my mind was made up, as I still believed Jesus could not lie and He has to full fill His promises.

Armed with this knowledge I said everything I could to the police, that day I was arrested. I knew I would be dead the next day so I did not care that much. I took rat sack that night at Brett’s hi rise apartment, he found the pills of rat sack I made up that afternoon and called the police and I went to Southport hospital. The arsenic had kicked in severely and I was totally disorientated. I answered all the physiologist questions he gave me a pill and let me go. Today I suffer greatly for that incident, as my system will testify. Tony my traitorous brother, prepared documents for me to sign the next day (Saturday) and I trusted him as he said he would pay half the money to an account and H. would be secure. Besides all this I was in shock and tripping on arsenic poisoning at any moment I thought I would drop dead, but I could not risk the fact that I might survive so I planned a better suicide. Tony’s heart was against me and he was planning on taking the whole business, a true traitor in the sense of the word. I was running all over town telling doctors how I could not sleep, I acquired 120 sleeping tablets 40 Valium and 20 depressants. I asked Brett to help me die that night and he said he would . So we had a drink at the pub that afternoon after work, and we went back to his apartment. He later talked me into forgeting leaving this world and staying for H's sake. I bought our usual Jack Daniel’s and we went to the beach and watched the sun set. I took all the pills. Brett ran off, as he did not want to be seen with a dead body, he had lots and lots of skeletons in his closet. Let me put this straight, I am not an advocate of suicide, as it is the ultimate physical slap in the face to God, but remember I was at the end and fully engrossed in my sin (besides I am a weak human). Even being saved and knowing your going to be allowed to enter those pearly gates doesent stop your

heart from acting on emotions down here on earth, I didnt care if I lost my reward (position) in the heavenly city. The truly saved will know what I mean. The next day some lady found me on the beach, convulsing and an ambulance took me to Tweed Hospital. I don’t know how I survived it all; I study Anatomy and Philology and have done so throughout my three years in jail. I don’t know maybe the arsenic, then 24 hours later masses amounts of sere tone and depressants counteracted each other. I don’t know I don’t need to know now, all I know now is He spared me again. Tony came to the hospital and took the keys to my home from me as I lay on the hospital bed, unaware, and went in and stole all my documents to my business and anything else he wanted. He thought he now owned the business. He then told me the next day to go to hell and the business was his. I forgive him, now. It took years dont worry...I'm still a normal man. Now after I came to the realization that my death would be victory for the devil, I decided to suffer in jail and pay for my sin, so I had two months to prepare my house to put my life in order to go to Jail for a long time. I have been in Jail now for over seven month now and have three years and two months left to finish my sentence. To date 1st of October 2004, Released December 2007. This jail term and the reason why is explained in detail in my private diary. I served six months at Junee where the young gangsters run the jail and now I am in Long Bay Jail. INTERMISSION I’ve nearly finished me sentence now (been out for 6 months now) with only six months parole left to do. I am in a little unit, truly enjoying the reality of the big world. I find it hard to go out after six o’clock and find myself indoors a lot.

I spent my time in jail in the word and studding and painting and playing guitar. I produced seven songs in Jail, when I was in maximum, and an array of paintings. The songs came to me all in three days. I have not received any songs since. Oh well. But I love playing them, I weep inside when I hear them. I also got the whole vision for my Z7 web site and the whole 50 posters and the design and all the talent for the art book in there. I can’t explain it I read a few art books and then inspiration took over and I was like a man empowered with a mission. Now I have a reason to complete the next few years. I don’t hold much faith in time so I plan on the next four years, then I don’t know. Hopefully He will see I have finished my mission and take me home. Amen. My vision for the future is to finish Parole in 2007. I have sold my property on the Gold Coast (money; Ha) now I can finance my future witnessing life. I live very cheap as I am spend my time doing my art book and my prayer life. My savings are dwindling, but I will finish this last mission. I will be distrubiting my art book to keep me motivated and to meet people. This is my life to date and it can only get worse before it gets better as (Long story about Satan and Jesus: you should read it). I am happy are you? Jesus is my friend is He yours. August 2007: New beginnings, I have done as much as I can now on my website and book, now the hard part. Selling Z7 to a starving world that needs the answer to life... Yea I know it... hummm amazing... simple’s all in the book every question you want to know is all hidden in the mysteries of the Z7 art book. I have sent 700 copies to many bookstores and all sorts of people. To be expected they will look at it for what it is a bazaar religious book. Hum. The fun begins. Feb. 2009: I have built a house in the South Burnett region in Queensland, and go to a great fellowship in Kingaroy. I have distributed alot more of my art book around the region and would like to get out another million coppies as the people love the concept of my own art and

expression, I rarely have a knockback maybe 1 in 30 maybe? So I am desperate to get another shipment from my printer in china. They cost me $1 per book delivered. So I would like another print run of say 7000 books. If anyone is intrested I am willing to give in exchange a: Mens 1 ct diamond ring with a 2 ct perfect blue saphire 18ct ring (valuation $7000 aprox) in exchange for you buying the 7000 books for me. Think about it if its you?

“Only one life will soon be past only what’s done for Christ will last” The End

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